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Mapping drive in Azure

My client has a virtual machine deployed in Azure. Now they want to map a drive from the virtual machine to their local machine. I remotely helped them connect to the VPN, but when I attempted to map ...
Patrick Shen's user avatar
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host not found in "$server_listen_port" of the "listen" directive

With the following nginx config excerpt: map $server_name $server_listen_port { default 443; localhost. 80; localhost 80; } server { server_name "${ENVIRONMENT_SERVER_NAME}.&...
Mr. Developerdude's user avatar
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Samba username mapping not working as desired

I have the following username mapping in Samba: master = johndoe user2 user3 regular = user5 user6 restricted = johndoe user8 user9 By default, Samba will always map johndoe to the last entry in ...
Șerban's user avatar
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Masking network behind another using Iptables MARK and NETMAP targets

Aoa, Hello I have faced similar scinario mentioned in following link during vpn tunnel implementation using Strongswan: Here it ...
MUHAMMAD KASHIF's user avatar
2 votes
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NFS4 w/o Kerberos : name mapping works, permissions don't

I simply want to "map by userNAME" between NFS4 client and NFS4 server, when each has different uid for a given user name, w/o having to setup Kerberos. The situation: my Linux machine (...
Dipr's user avatar
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How can I retrieve a specific value in nginx from the form data..?

I am a newbie in Nginx. I want to fetch a particular value "en" from this form data in Nginx ($request_body) "csrfmiddlewaretoken=...
aks's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Mapping D disk using cmd command

I tried to map disk D with the next command in Command Prompt "net use Y: \ComputerName\D$" and I get errors. Can you help me with the correct syntax? But if I want to map a folder let's say ...
Stelian's user avatar
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Why solaris doesn't see all the DIMMS installed?

This is a SPARC T4-2 Server. It has installed 128GB memory in 16 DIMMS 8GB each. The prtdiag -v output shows ======================= Physical Memory Configuration ======================== Segment ...
Tomas Delgado's user avatar
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2 answers

Why my domain doesn't map to the server address?

I have installed DNS server and network manager on my remote server as by following this instruction: as below: var/named/
user3486308's user avatar
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Create user - map network drive CMD

I have a pipeline which I want to do automatically (probably with a bat file) without the need to do all steps manually on my windows 10 machine. Pipeline steps: Create a normal user account e.g ...
Tak's user avatar
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Are "*_squash" (all_squash/no_all_squash, root_squash/no_root_squash, anon_uid/anon_gid) options in NFSv4 still rellevant?

Nowadays NFSv4 uses /etc/idmapd.conf to do the mapping of usernames between server and client machines. So I don't get the point of having these "*_squash" options, which seems very "NFSv3-flavoured" ...
Osqui's user avatar
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Mapping a remote serial port to a Debian VM

I have a Debian Stretch VM that is dynamically migrated between a few hosts. I need to connect a serial (RS-232) modem to it. Unfortunately, I cannot use the hypervisor for this. I am looking for a ...
Jakub's user avatar
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How to redirect multiple domain to same ip but different port for different services [duplicate]

In my VM, i'm running both apache2 and nginx, but apache2 is pointed to Port 8080 and nginx is Port 80. Already i pointed my domain to ip in nginx and its running properly. The same thing i need to do ...
Sakthi Panneerselvam's user avatar
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Which directories are mapped to which domain names?

In my /home directory there are a bunch of directories that each represent a website. Some of these directory names are the same name as the domain name so those are obvious. But other directory names ...
Ryan's user avatar
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Using credential name to map network folder that has identical form

We have a network share over vpn to a windows server in a different city. each person has a username to access the folder (and only that specific folder) his/her folder is same as username. user os is ...
bogga88's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to map public domains to sites hosted in Docker on Synology NAS?

This question is about managing/administering the software of a server in a business environment, so I hope it is not off-topic. We plan to migrate some of our websites to Docker running on our ...
Swisher Sweet's user avatar
4 votes
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NFSv4 mapping UID and GID on Debian Stretch

I use the following setup: NFS Server (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS) nfs-common 1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.2 nfs-kernel-server 1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.2 user: test (uid=1300) NFS Client nfs-common 1:1.3.4-2.1 user: testmf (...
Alessandro Perucchi's user avatar
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Nginx multidomain www to non-www redirect goes to wrong domain

I have setup a multilangual Wordpress multiste site on an nginx server (the current english page is not translated yet but it is coming): English version: Danish version: appscaptain....
Anders N's user avatar
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TFS 2017/2018: Migrate local to AD users

We have (evolved historically) about 50 "local" user accounts on the old server for external users. These users add Backlog Items and see work progress on subordinate elements (like tasks). Old ...
StefanK's user avatar
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Custom domain mapping feature in web application

I have a created a application where everyone can have their own stores and its hosted on e.g its exactly a not subdomain but a programming url. Now i want to ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Q: NGINX - Dynamically mapping multiple different domain names through 'map' to use as "server_name"

Looking for some advice and peer input - I'm currently trying to configure NGINX in a way so that I can configure multiple websites at the same time without having to set up individual VHost configs ...
Kārlis K.'s user avatar
3 votes
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Custom domain mapping to web application [closed]

We are creating a SAAS base application, where every company get its own subdomain. But if the company wants to configure another domain with our application, they can do that. e.g. I am a company ...
Naveen's user avatar
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usb drive persistent mapping(ubuntu 16.04)

I'd like to map an usb drive to a path under ubuntu 16.04. The idea is to use rsync to backup some folders to this usb drive whenever I plug it. Is there any way for the system to recognize the usb ...
Rani7c2's user avatar
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ID mapping with SSSD and SMB

I'm trying to get a samba share working with correct IDs on Windows (SID) and Linux (uid/gid) clients. The problem is that the uids and gids are not properly mapped back to SIDs and SIDs are not ...
Sethos II's user avatar
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Give exclusive AD access to Mapped Drive via GPO

I want to know how to provide a user with exclusive access to a folder, but not other folders. The folder root is located here: DC1\\UserFolders\%username% I use a GPO to map that user's folder. ...
billsecond's user avatar
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Setting up nginx redirect map: how to handle spaces

How can you handle spaces in the original url in a redirect map? The map I have set up seems to be working properly for other redirects. However, for urls with spaces, I tried: ‘/banner ads.htm’ /...
jamminjames's user avatar
2 votes
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Tomcat 8.5 can't load @WebServlet annotations

I want to transfer my web application from tomcat7 / java7 to tomcat 8.5 / java8. My application consists of a directory with some JSP files & WEB-INF folder which contains my application's web....
Ehsan Khodarahmi's user avatar
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How to simplify Nginx Mapping regex rules?

I don't know if this question is allowed or not. If not, forgive me :) Anyway, I have a mapping rule for nginx redirection /hotel/xyz/abc /hotel/xyz/abc-nana; /hotel/xyz/abc/ /hotel/xyz/abc-nana; ~^...
Oscar Yuandinata's user avatar
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What is SEO friendly: or is a Rails app hosted at Heroku. is a Wordpress blog hosted at WPEngine. I know I can't use the DNS (CNAME) to map to brandname....
fro_oo's user avatar
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Domain mapping without wordpress?

I recently installed wordpress and configured it to have domain mapping, following several websites to get it to work on debian. It was a pain. Recently I took down this server, I tried to back it up ...
Jacob David C. Cunningham's user avatar
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How do I add new users so the drives are mapped upon login?

In an existing Windows Server 2008 domain the users added by professional IT administrators automatically mapped drives when they logged onto any office machine. The new users I've added, however, ...
Adam Davis's user avatar
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AWS Windows Drive Letter Device Mapping and Naming

How to change assigned letter for Ephemeral drives automatically? Answers part of my question. I'm not sure how to, after assigning a drive letter in ec2config, to then rename the drive. Not re-...
Hsnopi's user avatar
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Azure drive shares

Azure drive shares, I attached storage to my main Azure server for my other servers to access via network locations as a mapped drive, since I have shutdown the servers over the weekend they are no ...
dans3rv3r's user avatar
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glusterfs uid/gid mapping on Debian Wheezy

So I setup a glusterfs volume and it works all fine, but I can't seem to figure out how to mount it with permissions other than root. Supposedly there's options like translate-uid that can be ...
Tom's user avatar
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Serve a single webpage from my IP for a particular host/domain within Windows? [closed]

I am wanting to serve a single webpage from my IP for a particular host/domain within Windows. Is this even possible? Any ideas how to achieve this? Is it possible to have something like this in "...
BlueDotRo's user avatar
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How to make nginx understand dots in cookie values?

I have Nginx configured as a simple sticky LB. One of the key parts of config is matching cookie value to server address. This works fine: map $cookie_sessionServer $http_sticky_backend { default ...
Georgii Ivankin's user avatar
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How best to enumerate a server network

What techniques do you typically use, when you start a gig at a complex environment and no one can tell you what servers are out there, and documentation doesn't exist? I typically start off with ...
sed_and_done's user avatar
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How to redirect a domain to a specific IP and port using nginx?

I have read several similar questions to this one in this forum, but not exactly the same, I tried every solution in very different ways but I am not able to manage this. I was given some data about ...
forvas's user avatar
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Explain me how to map the request URL into my filesystem using Apache

I have 2 webservices installed on my mailserver. Roundcube /var/www/roundcube Mail Admin Tool /var/www/mailAdmin (for postfix, dovecot configuration) Additionally the Apache2 of the mailserver is ...
Harrys Kavan's user avatar
4 votes
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Mapping old to new URLs with external file - configuration invalid

I'm moving an old website to a new nginx based host. To preserve the URL (which completely changed) I have a file that lists the mapping. I want to use it with map module. Inside /etc/nginx/nginx....
stwissel's user avatar
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5 votes
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NGINX: can I use a mapping of upstream servers with proxy_pass directive?

I have an NGINX server that acts as reverse proxy to a bunch of backend IIS servers. I would like to pass each incoming HTTPS request to a certain backend (upstream) server, depending on the URI ...
user202985's user avatar
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iis Client Certificate Mapping Authentication

I have been googling this for hours. I cannot get my mapping to work on certain certificate fields. Fx this sample code: <iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication enabled="true" ...
Oliver Nilsen's user avatar
-3 votes
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Map domain to local ip [closed]

I have the application running on the local server. I want to map the domain with the local server so that we can view the data online......Please it urgent? my local IP address is
Amit Sambyal's user avatar
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Unable to map ubuntu NFS shared folder on windows 7 and windows server clients

Here is my problem: The NFS shared folder was working without any problem. All the machines of a small network could use it. But something happened few months ago(I have no idea, maybe some auto-...
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-1 votes
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How to offer domain mapping to a web app [closed]

I have a web app where users setup their profiles. I would like to offer them the ability to use their own domains - like wordpress and other blog engines offer. I'm wondering how these services ...
Adam O'Connor's user avatar
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Samba/winbind to AD - the userid mapping

Guys I got issue with UID mapping from my AD. I got Centos 5.5 x64 box and AD witk 2k8 Windows Server. The problem is with username mapping. Example: getent passwd XF-DEV+prouser01:*:16777231:...
Piotr Kieszczyński's user avatar
61 votes
4 answers

Mapping UID and GID of local user to the mounted NFS share

I have a server with NFSv4. I am mounting contents of the home folder of remote user to local host. Able to read and write contents, but when I am checking ownership of files at the mounted volume ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Why doesn't NFS4's ID mapping give me write access?

I have installed an NFS server on an Ubuntu server system. The /etc/exports says /,sync,fsid=0,no_subtree_check,root_squash) /home/bronger,...
Torsten Bronger's user avatar
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Configure apache as proxy and remap one domain

For local test, I'm using Charles proxy, for those who don't know about it is a tool to debug HTTP requests. It can be configured to act as a proxy and intercept requests/responses and is able to do ...
Boris Guéry's user avatar
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Windows 8 not connected to domain network

We have several Windows XP and Windows 7 PCs connecting to Windows server 08. Each user has designated mapped drive according to their groups. Recently when we moved to Windows 8, the network drive ...
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