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Questions tagged [iis-7.5]

IIS 7.5 is the version of IIS that ships with Windows 2008 R2, Windows Small Business Server 2011, and Windows 7. A subset of IIS 7.5 is provided by IIS Express, optionally installed by the Web Platform Installer.

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1 answer

Trying to understand a log entry in an iis log file

One of my rest services has gone offline on an older server (iis 7). And while I do need to move this to an updated server; I need to get it back online at least for the short term. I'm hitting it ...
Gratzy's user avatar
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Bad Gateway 502.3 error when using ARR in IIS

We are experiencing issues with ARR configuration when trying to proxy requests to an external web site. Our server configuration is as follows: Web server with IIS 7.5 that we control. It runs a few ...
Mooh's user avatar
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Error LPT2.280C1DID.cer when expanding IIS hosting tree

When trying to expand the web hosting as one week ago, now its not working anymore. I found not a lot related answers. I have tried sfc /scannowand restart and scandisk. All without success. Perhaps ...
Nasenbaer's user avatar
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Appcmd.exe: How to set config the virtual directory by using it parent path?

Using Appcmd.exe, I am trying to change the configuration of the virtual directory using its parent path "IIS://localhost/w3svc/5/ROOT/Site123" where, 5 - is the parent site ID, Site123 - is ...
Sarath Kumar's user avatar
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IIS Send 200 Instead of 405 when POST to a Static File

I am trying to deploy a static network speed test application. IIS need to behave like This Nginx Config. Everything working fine, but I need to send 200 instead of 405. When Running Upload Test. (...
user3642342's user avatar
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IIS7.5 How to make a binding for 2 domains, 2 IPs and 2 certificates

I am clutching at straws... hope you can help me with this old server. I want to bind to ip 123.456.7.1 and to 123.456.7.2, each with its own certificate. As longs as I ...
Diederik Slob's user avatar
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After migrating to Azure DC local IIS resource sometimes times out

So a few months back I hired our CSP to migrate our on-prem DC to Azure. Since the word go, it was a disaster so I've had to go through and fix everything piece by piece and now I'm at the last part ...
HelpDeskNewbie's user avatar
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Disable ping in Windows Server 2008 R2 [closed]

my seniors and professionals, I know this issue is already listed on serverfault but I am again asking this question as none of the provided solutions worked for me. I have tried the following options....
Shahid Amin's user avatar
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Will IIS web gardens providing high availability?

I have an ASP.NET application (.NET FW 4.5) that occasionally crashes and has a long startup time due to an in-process cache. I am considering using an IIS walled garden (multiple worker processes) so ...
Aveer28's user avatar
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IIS7.5: HTTPS->HTTP 302 redirect

I have an website running on IIS7 configured long ago. There appears to be a 302 redirection in place redirecting all requests over HTTPS to HTTP instead. I would like to remove this redirect ...
spatula5's user avatar
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Protect static file on Asp Net Classic Mode with Forms Authentication

i'm struggling to resolve this issue since yesterday. I have a site (framework 4.0), hosted in a Windows Server with IIS 7.5 in Classic Mode. Unfortunately i can't changed this to Integrated Mode. I ...
Marco's user avatar
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rewriting URL (file) extension on IIS7

My company's site in in Classic ASP (.asp extension) Is it possible to change the files to .htm (or something else), but still have IIS parse them as ASP files? Using Windows Web Server 2008 R2 and ...
kneidels's user avatar
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IIS 7 - ISAPI error "Printer selected is not valid": how configure an ISAPI pool for see the printer?

I have a isapi *.dll made with Delphi that make and return a PDF on http request. The code works if i build it in a standalone exe, but on a isapi it raise an exception: "Printer selected is not valid"...
ar099968's user avatar
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Possible reasons Distribution of durations is tri-modal

Below is the distribution graph of durations from a single page of an webforms application. As you can see there is a cluster of response times in the 250ms range, there is a cluster in the ...
Aheho's user avatar
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How do I redirect an IIS 7.5 url?

I have a client that is migrating their website from to but it's not quite as simple as an IIS 7.5 redirect - or maybe it is and I'm not certain. So as it stands, I have DNS ...
Scott Reeves's user avatar
2 votes
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How to configure IIS 7.5 to allow more than one PHP connection per browser?

On our dev server, I hit /bigreport.php, which connects to MySQL and runs a report. It takes a few minutes. In another browser tab, I navigate to /smallreport.php, which connects to MySQL and runs a ...
wtftech's user avatar
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Only 2 client IP addresses in IIS log file

I am a programmer asked to analyze IIS log files from a Windows 2008 web server. The domain is a state agency and users are from the agency's intranet, plus redirections from the web. Each log file ...
Nolo Problemo's user avatar
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Redirect in nginx port not showing up

I have the following configuration. I'm trying to redirect the http traffic to port 8443. I'm running gogs on different ports and am using some tricks to get to it. Now our main portal is guarded by ...
Tschallacka's user avatar
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Windows Server 2012 r2 firewall settings for FTP in active mode

I have created an FTP site in Windows Server 2012 R2. The server is hosted on a domain and the user is also on a domain. The FTP is configured on some random port 3586 and will work on Active Mode. ...
fox321's user avatar
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Can't access site externally using HTTPS

Similar to this question: Widows server 2008, iis7. Unable to set up SSL for public use. Possible port issue I've recently set up a SSL certificate on a website. When I tried to access the site in my ...
Rodrigo Salgado Atala's user avatar
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ERROR: The version of the .NET Framework Configuration Provider (machineConfig64) are different on the source (2.0) and destination (4.0)

First I'll start by saying that this question is similar to this question: Cannot use msdeploy to sync 2 websites - ERROR_FRAMEWORK_VERSIONS_DO_NOT_MATCH. Actually my use case is different... but ...
red-o-alf's user avatar
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IIS 7.5 Domain Restriction working but not IP

We have a web service that we are trying to impose access restrictions on in production. This web service lies on LAN based internal server. It is called from web applications sitting on the same ...
Ben's user avatar
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IIS and SQL Server Performance Issues when not on same machine

Issue: Trying to get the same (or better) performance with a separate SQL Server 2017 and IIS 7.5 server than with having both on the same machine. Trying to move toward scalability for future ...
Bob Kreitz's user avatar
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IIS can not read site configurations from UNC path

I created a site in my IIS server (Server A), and the site's physical path is located in a share folder (UNC path e.g: \\server b\mysite\). server A and B are in same domain. the site application ...
mhesabi's user avatar
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SignalR long pooling disconnecting silently on IIS 7.5 and Windows Server 2008 R2

(I asked this question on StackOverflow, and it contais code I ommited here, but I think it would be suitable to ask it here aswell, since it's a network issue I'm facing) I have an API (WebAPI) with ...
Mari Faleiros's user avatar
4 votes
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Shared Configuration and AppSettings

We use Shared Configuration for our IIS config, so the same config is used by the webservers. This works well. We like to share some server-level <AppSettings> between the servers. (in IIS ...
Julian's user avatar
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Command to get iis authentication

Is there anyway where we can get the authentication methods used in iis using any windows command or powershell command?i have used the below appcmd command but it gives me the entire config of '...
user454108's user avatar
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IIS 7.5 not able to server Javascript file, throws 500 error.

I have a site sitting on IIS 7.5. There are numerous JavaScript files that are being served from a scripts folder. Most of those files are served properly but there is one file that causes IIS to ...
John S's user avatar
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How do you stop users directly accessing files on a website in IIS

I want to stop users on the internet being able to enter this URL into a browser and access these files directly. How can I do this? for example: mysite/uploadedfiles/file1.txt is there any iis ...
Rakesh's user avatar
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How to enable two consecutive periods in URL without introducing a security vulnerability

I have a site running on IIS 7.5 which hosts some user-generated content. Recently, I came across a file with two periods in its filename. Let's call it When I attempt to access it, I ...
mm201's user avatar
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IIS Rewrite Multiple URLS to Ports

I have two processes/apps running on port 8888 & port 8890. I can access them in my windows server with http://localhost:8888 & http://localhost:8890. I am currently using IIS GUI for ...
Vijay Yellepeddi's user avatar
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IIS /.Net Allow 1 Public IP to access the website exclusively

How can I grant exclusive access to my client to a website hosted at my IIS Server? Which Firewall rule shall I add his public ip? IIS: Version 7.5.7600 Server: WS2008 R2
Terrence McGinnis's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to setup hostname to website in local IIS with HTTPS

I am using Windows 7 with IIS 7.5. I need to setup local websites on the same IP but on different ports with hostnames which I can access locally by using those hostnames. For e.g. Website name: ...
Cyr's user avatar
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How to log response from upstream server in Apache reverse proxy?

I have Apache with mod_proxy setup as a reverse proxy above IIS. Not matter what I do I get Proxy Error - Invalid response from upstream server error. I have set the timeouts to 2400 seconds still ...
Priya R's user avatar
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Why does assigning read and execute permissions to IIS_IUSRS grant access to NETWORK SERVICE?

I have a Classic ASP site I'm trying to set up with Anonymous Authentication. Below is my current setup: App pool Identity: NetworkService Anonymous Authentication User: IUSR Assigning read and ...
David's user avatar
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Slow UNC paths on virtual Windows Server 2008R2

We have a virtualized Windows Server 2008R2 running on a host Windows Server 2012R2. The 08R2 server is also running SQL Server 2008R2 SP3 (Version 10.5) and IIS 7.5. Lately we've had intermittent ...
Malil's user avatar
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How to use b.barracudacentral list to prevent website spam on IIS

Has anyone setup the Barracuda Reputation Block List (BBRL) to prevent spam from hitting a webserver? I am a software developer and I am interested in learning how to implement a check with the BRBL ...
Moojjoo's user avatar
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IIS has arithmetic overflow when viewing worker processes

Using IIS v7.5.7600 and clicking on 'Worker Processes' I get this error pop up: There was an error while performing this operation. Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow. This is on Windows ...
MerlinMags's user avatar
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IP address of bindings in IIS can they be different to server IP?

Bit of a noob question, but in IIS, can I create a binding for a site (e.g. with an IP address that isn't the server's IP? E.g. server IP Binding - IP 192.168....
GurdeepS's user avatar
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Should a user profile be generated prior to use it as IIS Application Pool identity?

When using a custom profile as identity for an IIS (7.5, 8.0) Application Pool - is one supposed to login with this account on the related server in order to create a user profile beforehand?
Joey's user avatar
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Visual WebGUI Configuration in IIS 10 still getting 404 error

I have configured Visual WebGUI with file extension *.wgx in the Handler mapping for Default website in iis 10 but still I am getting the 404 error.
Anish's user avatar
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Multi domain SSL not working with www on SAN

I am using godaddy multi domain SSL on windows server 2008 with IIS 7.5. My main website working fine with www and non www but other domain ex. DNS DNS DNS ...
Harrish Choudhary's user avatar
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iis doesnt compress content only for requests containing "/gecko/" in user-agent

Very weird behavior. My server returns gzipped response for all other requests. in the images you could see that for user agent "/gecko/" the request is not gzipped and for "/gescko/" it is. i'm ...
Yuval Perelman's user avatar
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How to make IIS 7/8 rewrite and redirect URL with DB Provider

Please, have patience if this question is long but I have never worked on this complex program which was developed by colleague of mine before I was recruited. We have this web application running ...
Lory Lory's user avatar
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What's the point of an SMTP session size limit?

As a receiving SMTP server, a maximum message size makes sense. A huge message takes up space after it is received. A full disk makes users unhappy. A maximum number of messages per sender in a fixed ...
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IIS Friendly Site Names over VPN

I have IIS 7.5 running with users connecting to sites over VPN. So far, I've been giving out links with the port number such as http://servername:8082, and under the site's bindings I've been leaving ...
jleach's user avatar
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UrlScan and Request Filtering long url

Our Windows/IIS 7.5 environment is configured with UrlScan and IIS Request Filtering. We have been facing an issue with a long url. /MyWeb/TestFW/prweb/Servelt1/ZsvSk3vV8PtgJEa4_x3fiQ[[*/!MyWebApp/...
ravi9's user avatar
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IIS https to https

I am trying to use IIS rewrite module to redirect https to another https. This is what i have tried: test 1: <rewrite> <rules> <rule name="Redirect Maps Rule" ...
Barnsley's user avatar
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IIS 7.5 Bind to IP address with shared configuration

We have two web sites hosted on IIS that we want to SSL. To do this I believe we need each site to have their own IP address. These sites are hosted on a web farm which is load balanced with a ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Prevent IIS listening on Port 443 for Single IP Address

I am running a website in IIS and am also running another piece of software which streams media over port 1935 on the same server. The streaming software also has the capability of delivering content ...
5lovak's user avatar
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