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2 answers

Kerberos Ticket Hand-off No Good on Chrome on macOS X

I am implementing Okta as a single-sign on provider in an enterprise environment of about 90 users. One of Okta's features is Desktop Single Sign On - the ability for users to be authenticated with ...
user490549's user avatar
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1 answer

How to prevent browser password prompts when no Active Directory single-sign-on?

We have single-sign-on working on an internal website, with Apache and mod_auth_kerb ... except users without the relevant browser config are getting password prompts instead of an error page. Users ...
Smylers's user avatar
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Configuring Google Chrome to Connect to AD Configured with Kerberos and Using ADFS

I'm trying to configure Google Chrome (and Firefox) to authenticate using Active Directory tunneled through ADFS SAML/Kerberos Endpoints and an Apache application using Shibboleth. Here are some ...
Franz Noel's user avatar
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1 answer

Company Wide Windows Auth with Chrome and Firefox

I know that we can allow Firefox to allow passing through of Windows credentials by editing the following about:config settings --If using Kerberos-- network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris network....
Cavyn VonDeylen's user avatar
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IIS, SQLServer, Google Chrome and Windows Authentication

I'm searching the internet for almost 4 days now and I'm stuck. I've created a simple ASP MVC4 Intranet website and I have deployed it to server called: iis. That computer is inside the same domain ...
Misiu's user avatar
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Google Chrome and kerberos authentication against Apache

I've managed to get kerberos authentication to work now with Apache and Likewise Open but so far, Google Chrome doesn't seem to play fair. Unless I start it with chrome.exe --auth-server-whitelist="*...
Lars's user avatar
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