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Questions tagged [dump]

In computing, a dump refers to recording the contents of the working memory of a computer program or operating system at a specific time, generally when it has terminated abnormally (crashed). Dumps are written to file and can be useful in debugging and diagnosing the crash that prompted the dump.

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How do I prevent a full memory dump created on JVM crash?

I was running a java application on Windows however it occasionally crashes every months due to peak traffic.To make things worse JVM automatically generated memory dumps everytime its crashes and ...
Amadeusz Liu's user avatar
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mount LVM2 dump or extract files

I have a dump of a filesystem. I dont know how it was created. I want to extract all the files and the filestructure. file dump.bin says it is a LVM2 PV (Linux Logical Volume Manager) file and prints ...
Vincent's user avatar
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Detecting database breach

I wonder about detecting database breach. Currently, I use auditd to detect making database dump with mysqldump. I wonder what more can I do to detect potential database breach. Thanks for any ideas!
Miłosz Ryćko-Bożeński's user avatar
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Automating GDB memory dumps [closed]

I'm trying to dump memory from a process on my Linux machine using GDB, but I'm trying to automate this using a script. So far I've been using the following commands (example): $ gdb --pid [pid] (gdb) ...
BangyStudios's user avatar
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How does the 'stop' mode in Proxmox' vzdump backup tool work?

So i'm currently using vzdump with the parameter --mode stop. In the description it says that the VM gets shut down before the actual backup starts and after the backup has been started the VM gets ...
FloatingPointOperation's user avatar
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Dump an external database in Kubernetes

I have created a Kubernetes CronJob (in AKS) to run a database dump (the database is not located inside the Kubernetes cluster). This CronJob create a Job each day which will dump the database in a ...
Alexis's user avatar
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Windows 2016 rebooting randomly bugcheck dump file

Windows 2016 server reboots randomly, about once a week. Any ideas? here is the memory dump log Bugcheck Analysis * * ...
DGlv1's user avatar
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ext4 restore backup: deleteino: out of range 0

I'm trying to use (dump) restore -command to restore linux ext4 file system from an incremental backup. I'm using a hanoi tower strategy to make the backups, and the dumps look like as follows, sorted ...'s user avatar
2 votes
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Not able to pg_dump due to permission, despite having root permissions

I am trying to run this command sudo pg_dump -U bm_clients -Z 9 -v baydb |aws s3 cp - s3:// The output is as follows: pg_dump: reading extensions pg_dump: identifying extension ...
shubhendu's user avatar
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SQL Server generating 1G dump files

I have a SQL Server generating large dump (mdmp) files, some of them are 1 GB in size, these are generated daily, sometimes 2 or 3 in a single day. This server is used heavily for PowerBI reports. ...
The One's user avatar
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Cannot back up my database

I am trying to backup my MySQL 8 database with the command line below but I got an error message. How to make the backup ? ubuntu@www-example-com ~ $ mysqldump -u root -p www_example_com > /var/www/...
20f2c98f50's user avatar
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why /var/spool/abrt/ folders not deleted

we try to delete all abrt folders as the following ( on redhat Linux machines ) find /var/spool/abrt/* -type d -exec abrt-cli rm '{}' \; rm '/var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2018-09-03-14:52:11-5653' rm '/...
shalom's user avatar
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Where are "Debug Dump Files" located in windows?

Windows has a tool called "Disk Cleanup" (German: Datenträgerbereinigung). There it lists "Debug Dump Files" which can be deleted. Unfortunately it doesn't tell me which files are meant. It can't be ...
Michael Hutter's user avatar
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Handling and making use of large .DMP file

I've been investigating an issue relating to a Citrix server being managed by ourselves, it appears to have bluescreened and rebooted itself but as such, I wanted to investigated and identify exactly ...
Matthew's user avatar
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sysctl kernel core pattern not working with ~

I'm trying to put core dumps in home directory but for whatever reason a core pattern starting with ~ does not work while using full path works just fine. Can't seem to find this rule in docs. Not ...
Andreas's user avatar
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When I take database dump from AWS RDS, it is not throwing any error but when i restore dump;found some tables are missing from it.I also tried echo $? and it showing exit status 2. Please advise.
Rocky's user avatar
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SVN repo 3 times smaller after dumping/loading

I have a repo on an old svn server running on RHL9. svn version is 1.1.4. The repo is 1.1GB large (du -sh $REPO), its full dump is 1.7GB large. I load the dump on a recent svn server running on ubuntu ...
jps's user avatar
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Modify source IP from a package dump

I have a dumped several packages udp and I am trying to tcpreplay it. The issue is that the source is from a different network and I want to modify or redump by changing the source IP. I have done ...
max246's user avatar
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Backup and Restore Centos 7 using Dump

I am very new in Linux. I have some applications installed in one of my CentOS 7 VPX. I want move my hosting to another provider, so I want create backup of my full system so I can restore it in the ...
Maitri Rathod's user avatar
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How do I get a thread dump of my Wildfly process on Amazon Linux?

We're using Wildfly 11 with JDK 8 on Amazon Linux. How do I get a thread dump of our Wildfly process? We're trying to troubleshoot why we're seeing high CPU utilization for that process. We do NOT ...
Dave's user avatar
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FreeBSD/GNU Linux: should I leave kernel crash dumps enabled or disabled on a production server?

I did a google search on kernel crash dumps, and while I found plenty of information on what they are and how to set them up, I could not seem to get a recommendation on whether they should be enabled ...
Harold Fischer's user avatar
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Any way to make an hex dump of a SAS drive behind a RAID1 (PERC H200) controller?

I have SAS drives in RAID1. The RAID1 is done by a PERC H200 card on a Dell PowerEdge T310. This card has four sockets: 0,1,2,3. The RAID1 uses slots 0 and 1. When inserting third disk in slot 2, ...
OuzoPower's user avatar
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MySQL dump is very slow on google cloud platform

I have a dump with: SET unique_checks=0; SET foreign_key_checks=0; SET autocommit=0; I import it with mysql < file.sql command and it takes a lot of time - I can't wait until it's finished. It ...
Dmitry's user avatar
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How to process core-dumps with Splunk?

We are managing an application, which some times crashes and dumps core. We have a script, which outputs the application's stack from the core -- and some other details useful for debugging. Can ...
Mikhail T.'s user avatar
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Postgres 10.1 slow on Ubuntu 16.04

Installing a single table-dump is significant slower on U16.04 (and higher) than on U14.04. The test was done on the same computer with default settings. testdb=# \d photos_searchlog ...
Barmi's user avatar
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pg_dumpall is dumping only "postgres" database, not all databases

Strangely, on one of our server, pg_dumpall, when executed by cron, only dumps "postgres" database, instead of all databases. But when executing it from command line, it works. I suspect it must be ...
db_ch's user avatar
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make a memory dump of a large w3wp instance

I have a web service that under normal conditions consume about 6-7 GB of memory. Sometimes, however, consumption spikes to 11-12 GB and I want to figure out why. For that I want to make a memory dump ...
n0rd's user avatar
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How to convert a MyISAM .sql dump into InnoDB?

Can I convert dumped .sql MyISAM database into InnoDB engine before importing it to my MySQL server? Unfortunately, importing the current .sql file takes ages to complete.
Jakub Pastuszuk's user avatar
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change the core-dump location - abrtd configuration

I'm trying to change the Linux core-dump location to a different directory using the abrtd configuration (normally it is going to the location core,but according to my research, if you enable abrtd, ...
Tharanga Abeyseela's user avatar
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Windows Error Reporting dumps VS procdump.exe

Can somebody clarify if memory dumps produced by WER are the same as those produced by procdump.exe? Can two these tools conflict when used simultaneously? What would be the right approach if my goal ...
Mike's user avatar
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Dump a tcp stream (tcpdump/tpick?) and save to file only if RST happen

I'm looking for a way to capture a whole tcp stream, but save it into the file only if 1) error happens (like RST) 2) not sure if possible - analyze the http response, store if HTTP 500 happen is a ...
sirkubax's user avatar
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abrt-ccpp ignores MaxCrashReportsSize and creates a huge dump :(

My abrt-ccpp service suddenly stopped capping the dumps at 10M and creates huge dumps - what am I missing? (I really haven't changed anything...) my dumps folder: sudo du -sh /home/tmp/abrt/* 12K ...
ihadanny's user avatar
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Does upstart wait until a core dump is written before restarting the process?

On our Ubuntu servers, core dumps are currently disabled. If we enable them, and a daemon process crashes, will that impact the time taken for upstart to restart the process? That is: if my daemon's ...
Roger Lipscombe's user avatar
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Postgres autovacuum errors while restoring a dump

Restoring a dump on a Ubuntu 16.04 system takes several hours. Autovacuum is just canceled after waiting more than 3 hours (10926330.443 ms): 2016-07-20 05:20:00 CEST [78652-2414] LOCATION: ...
Barmi's user avatar
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Postgres 9.5: Restoring dumps is very very slow

After updating server (and also the pc for additional tests) to Postgres 9.5 I tried to import PG 9.4 dumps and/or to restore 9.5 dumps: pg_dump testdb > db.sql psql -d testdb -f db.sql Restoring ...
Barmi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

debugging stuck apache/php thread on production server

I have a linux system with apache httpd and PHP which is loaded using LoadModule php5_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/ I've enabled the mod_status module of apache and I see a particular ...
cherouvim's user avatar
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Uncompress an SQL file give a binary file

I created and compressed (with bzip2) a SQL dump from a production server on Linux. I want to create a shell script to automatically import it in the database of my development environment (on Mac OS)...
Klemart3D's user avatar
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BIND cache dump file format parsing

I'm trying to analyze the contents of BIND's cache by looking into dump files, the ones generated by rndc dumpdb -cachedb. ; ; Start view _default ; ; ; Cache dump of view '_default' (cache _default) ...
André Fernandes's user avatar
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How to preform a core dump on MongoDB

I am in the process of investigating a potential memory leak within MongoDB, last night I experienced an issue where the resident memory in use, had an unexpect climb to +10GB. I am trying to preform ...
Matt Clark's user avatar
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How do you force Windows to keep memory dumps?

I'm trying to debug a sporadic problem with some Dell tablets out in the field that crash intermittently. Looking at the Event Viewer logs, it seems that Windows automatically creates a memory dump ...
soapergem's user avatar
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/sbin/dump: "Bad magic number in super-block while opening filesystem"

I'm attempting a backup of one of our servers: [root@butler /]# /sbin/dump -0uan -f - / | gzip -2 | ssh -c blowfish [email protected] dd of=/RAIDPOOL01/sysbackup/full-backup-`date '+%d-%B-%Y'`....
fredrik's user avatar
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PowerShell: export GPO to a text file

I'm new to Windows Server, and I'm curious: is there any way to dump group security settings to a text file, using PowerShell or batch files? Thank you!
user337011's user avatar
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MariaDB galera cluster fail when dumping or optimizing database

It seems that a Galera cluster deadlocks every time when I run a mysqldump or table optimize. I've ran a "mysqlcheck" and a "mysqldump" on my MariaDB 10.1 database server several times. (which runs ...
gijs007's user avatar
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Windows 2008 R2 Memory Dump [closed]

Today we have got memory dump error on our windows server 2008 R2. As per Blue Screen Viewer its "UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP" with BugCheck Code "0x0000007f". But i am not sure what does its means. ...
user205223's user avatar
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PHP5-FPM Core Dumping due to some weird Zend error

I am getting an extremely weird core dump, which refers back to "Not Having Zend" even though zend is installed and working properly. This started showing up today after I did an apt-get upgrade, and ...
Vilsol's user avatar
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What steps are required to debug a memory.dmp? (walkthrough included)

I woke up to this in my eventlog today: The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x000000ef (0xffffe0018668f080, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000). A ...
makerofthings7's user avatar
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mysql error when running script to dump all databases

I am having mysql server in centos which is running fine, i recently got a script to dump all individual databases to one folder, when i run that script to dump, i'm getting this error when ever i run ...
tech2network's user avatar
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Import outdated MySQL dump using console

I have a mysql dump file created by outdated MySQL version. I have no access to that server (console). If i use this command on my current server: mysql -u user -p dbname < dump.sql I get this ...
Croll's user avatar
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Server crashing - Error 106 and .dmp files

A server is crashing with increasing frequency. Prior to crashing there are no events in the eventlog which indicate why it is crashing. There is no bluescreen and it does not respond to pings, show ...
Abraxas's user avatar
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Subversion - svnadmin dump remote url

I have Subversion repository that contains multiple projects, and now I'm trying to separate each project into it's own repository. system: # cat /etc/redhat-release Red Hat Enterprise Linux ...
alexus's user avatar
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