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How to initialize cockpit on CentOS8?

I am trying to access my public IP of the EC2- box on port 9090 to access centOS8 cockpit but I am unable to get to my centOS8 cockpit. My security group from the server is Security group This is what ...
Nisarg Shah's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

can not mount EBS volume to centos EC2 instance

I have an ec2 instance running centos and I want to add an EBS want to it. I created and attached the volume to my instance. my volume is attached as /dev/sdf. But when I try to check if there is any ...
leauradmin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I install PHP 5.5 on a new version of CentOS or Amazon Linux or Redhat or Ubuntu?

I just joined a new company. I've been asked to build a CI/CD pipeline for a Laravel app. It is very fragile. It was built for PHP 5.5 and it breaks when they've tried to upgrade to 5.6 or 7. They don'...
charlottesville's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

EC2 server with a crond-service and full /var/spool/exim/-folder

I'm no expert in linux, apache, etc. but I have this service running on an AWS EC2-server. There is a large number of cron-jobs running on my platform (about 50K / day). Last week upgraded the EC2-...
Simon Degn's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

My Linux machine reboot everyday at 0:00 UTC but I never set that. What could cause this happen?

I have an EC2 instance and it auto reboots every day. There is a broadcast message in the terminal before rebooting, like the following: Broadcast message from root@ec2... (Sun 2021-03-28 00:01:50 UTC)...
John M.'s user avatar
  • 143
3 votes
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pip upgrade downloading every previous version until storage is full

On CentOS 7, I am trying to upgrade awscli: /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install awscli --upgrade --user Why is this downloading every single previous version, until there is finally no space left on ...
Nuno's user avatar
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1 answer

How to enable IMAP php extension on aws EC2 instance

I've tried every way to install imap php extension but I couldn't do it. I am using amazon web service EC2 instance and it has CentOS. while yum search *-imap.* I found a package from cyrus-imap.* but ...
MD Nasirul Islam's user avatar
1 vote
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(AWS) ALB with ec2 instances Amazon Linux and Nginx

I want to use Nginx in Amazon Linux intances. If I use a single instance with a public IP granted by Amazon, the configuration works. Then when I add an ALB and later add the target group the app ...
user_af's user avatar
  • 33
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0 answers

OpenOffice Can't detect JRE

I'm trying to run the latest version of open office as a service on CentOS 7.4. I downloaded the 64 bit rpm package directly from open office using wget and I'm running a 64 bit version of amazon ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 111
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1 answer

Missing package `udunits2` on CentOS

I'd like to use gganimate, but it requires the package sf. I tried to install, but I get this error. configure: error: in `/tmp/RtmpEpee0m/R.INSTALL282e663ea13f/units': configure: error: -----------...
goollan's user avatar
  • 113
1 vote
3 answers

Another EC2 ssh issue

I am having an issue with the ssh daemon not starting on one of EC2 instances. I created another instance to access the volume, mounted the volume without any issues and tried many many solutions ...
Dirar Abu Kteish's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED EC2 Instance Launch From Image

Had this EC2 instance when I got notified that it will be retired. As usual got an image and tried to launch it and assigned it to be in the same security group as the original ec2. However, when it ...
Ela Buwa's user avatar
  • 101
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Steal Time: How to interpret strange values for %st in top on an EC2 instance

I have an Amazon EC2 t2.medium instance that is showing very strange CPU Steal Time values, mostly large negative numbers and also very high idle CPU numbers. Anything that explains such strange ...
centic's user avatar
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Display plain PHP code

I am using Amazon EC2, CentOS 7 x64_86, 1GB RAM. (1) Run command php -v result PHP 7.0.24 (cli) (built: Sep 30 2017 10:10:28) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, ...
Vy Do's user avatar
  • 181
4 votes
1 answer

AWS EC2 - CentOS 7 Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

I have an EC2 Instance with CentOS 7, after rebooting and stop - start, the instance cannot run anymore. I got this error, what cause this and how to fix it, thank you: [ 1.601892] List of all ...
ostrichegret's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Amazon EC2 instance won't boot: Kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)

My instance was running for years and suddenly stopped responding Jun 1st. I tried to reboot it, but it would not boot. It gave errors in the system log: Linux version ...
Chloe's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't open port on Amazon EC2 instance

I have an API which I successfully hosted on Amazon AMI instance. I know that's for sure because I can use it locally using curl. Api hosted on port 8080. That's what I putted into cmd for open port: ...
neustart47's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot access website running on port 8888 at AWS EC2 instance

I am running an EC2 instance with AWS Linux. There is a website running there on port 8888, so if from the VM I run curl "" I receive the website. I want to access it from ...
Arturo's user avatar
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4 votes
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Server not accessible on eth1 (additional network interface) CentOS 7 on AWS EC2

I have created a CentOS 7 instance on EC2, installed my required application-ware, assigned 1 Elastic IP to default network interface (eth0) and it is all accessible. Now I created another Network ...
VPZ's user avatar
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CentOS EC2 Instance Unaccounted for Downtime

I have an EC2 instance running CentOS 7.2.1511 (Core) that went down earlier today for 7 hours without any log of an internal event to bring it down (poweroff, reboot, etc). Then, after 7 hours it ...
asdf's user avatar
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2 answers

My apache server has stopped running after ssl update on a live site

I have a standard amazon ami(The one created by amazon), which has apache installed on it. We needed to update the ssl certificate which i did by going through these steps I have done this before so ...
omer Farooq's user avatar
-1 votes
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Amazon EC2 Centos SSL installation error

Apache version : 2.4.6, OS : Centos I am trying to install SSL on my Amazon EC2 CentOS but I am having error while restarting httpd after changing httpd config file. httpd config: #craveinn <...
m1alesis's user avatar
  • 101
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1 answer

EC-2 CentOs: User is not in the sudoers file

I have an EC-2 instance where i need to edit a file through SSH. I keep getting "{user} is no in the sudoers file...". I can't log as root, and I don't know how to get the password from the AWS ...
Fausto Sanchez's user avatar
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Centos openssl vulnerability high OpenSSL Running Version Prior to 1.0.1t [duplicate]

I have run a security check and it came back with 6 high vulnerabilities. OpenSSL Running Version Prior to 1.0.1t OpenSSL Running Version Prior to 1.0.1t OpenSSL Running Version Prior to 1.0.1o ...
user1503606's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Unable to access Amazon EC2 Centos 6 web server with Elastic IP

I'm new to linux and AWS. What I've done: 1. I've setup a Centos 6 instance from the AWS store. 2. I just installed the web server and configured the web server with the basics. 3. I've setup the ...
Jonathan Williams's user avatar
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Cannot connect to remote MySQL server (RDS)

When I am trying to connect to RDS from my vps, it says connection refused. When I tried connecting it from local or other vps, it worked fine. I figured out that it must be a firewall issue on my ...
nirvair's user avatar
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Adding script to run at startup without touching rc.local

I'd like to run a script at startup without actually adding it as a command to rc.local, just by copying a script somewhere. I know in theory I can put it into /etc/init.d but that's really for ...
Jordan Reiter's user avatar
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2 answers

EC2 Server Seems to have port issues

I have installed an Elastix server on a m4.large instance,but I cannot get sound on any of my calls. The server is configured as follows: CentOS 5.9 Elastix 2.4 Using the following guide: https://...
June Lewis's user avatar
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3 answers

How to account traffic on CentOS Linux?

I have an EC2 CentOs instance on AWS with nginx that has been pumping out major outgoing traffic, which of course is pumping up my monthly cost. How can I track down what is sending so much data?
user3019562's user avatar
1 vote
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Amazon AWS with CentOS 6 HVM: password required with SSH

I am having some strange authentication issues when trying to spin up an Amazon instance using CentOS 6 HVM. For some reason, whenever I spin one up using a security group and a key / pem pair, I ...
Soatl's user avatar
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EC2 volumes & partitioning

With Amazon EC2 CentOS 7 HVM community image machine just thinking for volumes & partitioning. Would it not be good that I create default 8GB volume sda for root device for all operating system ...
Farmi's user avatar
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Update Amazon EC2 Rightscale Centos for latest GLIBC

We've run into an issue on an Amazon EC2 instance where we need a later version of glibc. I understand I need to update Centos (current version is 5.6) to acheive this, and I've tried various ...
beek's user avatar
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Can't reset permissions on amazon ec2

I've a big problem: when I try to sudo something, this is what append: sudo: /etc/sudo.conf is owned by uid 222, should be 0 sudo: /etc/sudoers is owned by uid 222, should be 0 sudo: no valid ...
fluppi's user avatar
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3 votes
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Remote port forwarding not working

I have a test app I run locally, and use remote port forwarding to give others access to it. This was working just fine, until I set up a new server instance on EC2. The EC2 server runs CentoOS 7. ...
MrSilverSnorkel's user avatar
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apache is utilizing 100% of cpu usage on m3.xlarge ec2 instance running centos - how to tune apache?

I have recently migrated to amazon. I have m3.xlarge maching with 4 cpu cores and 15 GB RAM . But my site goes down suddenly due to 100 % cpu utilization. top command says apache is utilizing almost ...
user3614818's user avatar
7 votes
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How to override the hostname that DHCP configures on a CentOS7 box in AWS? [duplicate]

The title nearly says it all. I have a VM in EC2 running CentOS 7. It uses DHCP, which seems to be a EC2 requirement. DHCP keeps overwriting the hostname on reboot, no matter what I try. I won't ...
JJC's user avatar
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SSH and HTTP connections refused from ec2 instance, but the instance is in running state

My ec2 instance (CentOS 6.3) has been in running state all time but I was unable to make SSH and HTTP request to the instance until making AMI from the instance and launching new instance. Another ...
ibedelovski's user avatar
2 votes
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upgrade CentOS from 6.5 to 7 in an EC2 Instance

How can I upgrade CentOS from 6.5 to 7.0 under Amazon Web Services EC2 instance? I have added the redhead upgrade tool to my repository and installed it, called the preupg and then imported the ...
Gasim's user avatar
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Perl compatability issues when installing Git on EC2

Can anyone help me install git on one of my EC2 boxes? When I run: sudo yum install git I get: Resolving Dependencies --> Running transaction check ---> Package git.x86_64 0: ...
twreid's user avatar
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RabbitMQ server randomly, mysteriously stopping

I installed RabbitMQ on my EC2 box following the RPM install instructions from their website. My OS is CentOS. Every now and then, the rabbitMQ server just stops running, nothing shows up in the ...
Callum Carolan's user avatar
5 votes
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Openssl hangs after client hello

I've got the following strange SSL connection error: openssl s_client -ssl3 -connect host:443 -msg CONNECTED(00000003) >>> SSL 3.0 Handshake [length 0087], ClientHello 01 00 00 83 03 ...
Andrei Mikhaltsov's user avatar
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Connection from Play Framework to Docker container

In an EC2 Amazon Linux instance(based on Centos) I am running RabbitMQ in a docker container and I have configured it to listen to 5672 and 15672 tcp ports on This container process is ...
alxbrd's user avatar
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Does EC2 use ACPI events for anything?

I'm looking at what services I can safely disable on a CentOS image on EC2. Can I disable acpid? Does EC2 use acpi events for anything?
Laizer's user avatar
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Send email through Gmail SMTP to avoid local delivery attempts?

Background We use Google Apps for email with our domain [ec2-user@example ~]$ dig MX … ;; ANSWER SECTION: 300 IN MX 1
feklee's user avatar
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When was package last updated?

How do I find out when a certain package was last updated as part of a sudo yum update run? System: Amazon Linux AMI, based on CentOS.
feklee's user avatar
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EC2 Automatic Instance Sudo Not Working

I'm using Atlassian Bamboo to setup a build server. It allows the use of "elastic images" which I can specify which of their AMI's to use (I'm using the Amazon Linux/CentOS image). It also allows you ...
Jeremy Harris's user avatar
1 vote
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Amazon EC2 instance “sudo reboot” not coming back up

I did a "sudo reboot" on my EC2 CentOS and now my instance is not coming back up! It is a web server and I know there is nothing wrong with my configs to make it not come back up! The only thing I did ...
hyperexpert's user avatar
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why rsync is not working with crontab?

when I run the following manually it runs perfectly: /usr/bin/rsync -arvth -e "ssh -i /watch/scripts/word.pem" /opt when it runs using crontab. I get: Permission denied (publickey,...
edotan's user avatar
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2 votes
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Hostname via Cloud-Init on CentOS running on EC2 do not work

I setup the cloud-config on the user-data for a CentOS 6.4's EC2 instance, and it looks like do not apply. #cloud-config manage_etc_hosts: true preserve_hostname: false hostname: myserver01.example....
PMG's user avatar
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Amazon AWS Logging in With Root?

So I am new to Amazon AWS and trying to figure out how I can manage my server. I have installed CentOS 6 64 bit and trying to find out a way to login as root via SSH. I have created a key pair and ...
user1804933's user avatar