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Amazon AWS with CentOS 6 HVM: password required with SSH

I am having some strange authentication issues when trying to spin up an Amazon instance using CentOS 6 HVM. For some reason, whenever I spin one up using a security group and a key / pem pair, I ...
Soatl's user avatar
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How can I launch a vanilla non-marketplace open CentOS ami on Amazon EC2?

A while ago I did some research and launched a Centos 6.4 image from the Amazon Marketplace. It didn't have any fees (other than usage fees). That was working fine until I messed up a config file and ...
cwd's user avatar
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How to prevent update from conflicting repo?

On EC2 / Amazon Linux AMI (Centos based), I created /etc/yum.repos.d/nginx.repo: [nginx] name=nginx repo baseurl=$basearch/ gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 Then I ...
feklee's user avatar
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Custom Centos5 AMI kernel panic

I'm trying to build a Custom Centos 5 AMI on Amazon and during boot it kernel panics. I've spent almost a week on it and I can't figure out what's wrong. I've followed the following recipe: http://...
Luis's user avatar
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Prevent Amazon EC2 Time zone from reverting back on yum update

I use an Amazon EC2 server instance that runs a distro called Amazon Linux AMI. (I've read that it is based on CentOS/Red Hat). My specific version is the 2012.09 release. Anyway, I was able to ...
D.Tate's user avatar
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Create image (EBS AMI) takes forever - possibly caused MySQL Server to break?

I'm trying to create an EBS AMI from my running EC2 instance to reuse my LAMP fully configured (for my needs). I got my website up and running yesterday on this EC2 instance my MySQL was working fine ...
ericn's user avatar
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How can I make a CentOS 6 AWS AMI from a loopback?

I am able to make a Centos 5.x AMI by following steps similar to those outlined here: and detailed here: ...
dwhere's user avatar
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CentOS, Amazon EC2, and EBS AMI

How do you go about finding the most "accepted" image for Amazon which allows you to store it as an EBS image. Specifically I'm looking for a CentOS image.
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