Such known tools like iftop/iptraf display network I/O per interface and per connection. Is there a way to see network I/O statistics per process?


2 Answers 2


nethogs looks like it will do what you want.

EDIT: I needed to install ncurses-devel, libpcap and libpcap-devel to build.

  • 1
    @yag there is no need to add "EDIT" to the post. We can already see the history of what changed.
    – tshepang
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 14:03
  • @Tshepang I reviewed your edit, I kept the updated link you did but I kept the edit text, as for me it added value, like your edit too.
    – yagmoth555
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 14:22
  • @yagmoth555 I mean why keep "EDIT" in the post? We have history to show what has been edited, so there is no need to mention that "text that follows is an edit".
    – tshepang
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 15:36
  • @Tshepang Oh, Check your edit, you removed the entire line surely by error then, that why I re-edited to keep the line
    – yagmoth555
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 15:56
  • @yagmoth555 it was deliberate, and I left the Comment that explains why
    – tshepang
    Commented May 27, 2016 at 22:32

To find what connections are associated with each process, use lsof. For example:

lsof | grep TCP

That will give you a list of connections, like this:

bash    10887 luke    3u     IPv4 44638801      0t0      TCP littleyerry.example.com:55212->barista.example.com:ldap (ESTABLISHED)
bash    10913 luke    3u     IPv4 44638905      0t0      TCP littleyerry.example.com:55216->barista.example.com:ldap (ESTABLISHED)
ssh     10935 luke    3u     IPv4 44639001      0t0      TCP littleyerry.example.com:55219->barista.example.com:ldap (ESTABLISHED)
ssh     10935 luke    4u     IPv4 44639008      0t0      TCP littleyerry.example.com:59459->launchpad.example.com:ssh (ESTABLISHED)
bash    10938 luke    3u     IPv4 44639107      0t0      TCP littleyerry.example.com:55221->barista.example.com:ldap (ESTABLISHED)

From there, you should be able to find out about each connection individually using the tools you mentioned (iftop, iptraf). You could build a small script to aggregate the specific data that you're looking for.

  • 7
    lsof -niTCP is equivalent but way faster, and lsof -niTCP -sTCP:ESTABLISHED is showing the current connections.
    – Meow
    Commented Dec 5, 2016 at 12:57

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