That's the question I'd like you to answer to win my copy of the LHN chart of the same name.
I received the chart last year in a giveaway from Nic the Obsessive Cross Stitcher. I was so determined to stitch it that I included it in my "12 in '12" and lo and behold, here it is - completed:
Spot the tiny change? Not 100% sure of them but the Large Boy recognised them for what they are so that's good enough for me. I was going to use the cute charm Sarah-Beth sent me but it was too big.
The other change was to use the rose pink for some of the letters as I liked the colour. With hindsight I think I should have used it for my initials letters as it does stand out amongst the muted shades. Oh yes, and I satin stitched the triangle border, not cross stitched because it was sooooooo much quicker! And added little red stitches to the wreath instead of the pale green charted which wouldn't have shown up over 1. But's that's it really!
The design is stitched over 1 thread on the 28count flax linen Kaye sent me with the JBW Noah's Ark chart, that will also be framed in the same brown wood frame (£3.80 from Wilkinsons for my UK followers, available in a variety of sizes!).
I know alot of you already have this chart, either already stitched or in your stash but for those of you that don't, here's a chance to join us! All you have to do is:
1. Be a follower
2. Leave a comment on this post
3. Telling me HOW I would know I was in the "Home of a Needleworker" if I came to your house/flat/castle. What is the first thing I would see when I walk up your path/through your door/across your drawbridge?
You have until Wednesday 3rd October to answer. Make sure that if you are a "no-replier" you include some way for me to contact you. Even if you've got the chart already please feel free to answer the question just for fun. You never know, I might have something else you'd like!
I'm stitching on 28 count evenweave over 1 using the free Sullivans thread which came with JCS this month. This is one day's stitching done while the Small Boy was at preschool. I have to sit at the back of the hall so I might as well do something productive. I did join in at singing time though because the playleader was struggling to explain The Farmer's in his Den to 2 year olds!
Finally, my blog has just hit the 50,000 views mark! How incredible is that?
Finally, my blog has just hit the 50,000 views mark! How incredible is that?