Saxion University of Applied Science and Technology
School of Health
Lectoraat AGZ: ouderenzorg en palliatieve zorg Jos J. van der Werf PhD Lectoraat Ondernemen in de Zorg
Het meten=weten adagium is dominant geworden in de verantwoording van ons handelen. Zo ook in het (hoger) onderwijs. Mede onder invloed van de politiek-economische behoefte aan kwantificering van prestaties lijken toetsing en onderwijs... more
This contribution discusses a study that aimed to generate sustainable organizational learning in a firm for podiatric services. For this interventional study, the concepts of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and Identity Marketing (IdM)... more
van der Salm A, Veltink PH, IJzerman MJ, Groothuis-Oudshoorn KC, Nene AV, Hermens HJ. Comparison of electric stimulation methods for reduction of triceps surae spasticity in spinal cord injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2006;87:222-8.
Objective. To determine the effect of electrical stimulation of hamstrings and L3/4 dermatome on the swing phase of gait.Materials and Methods. Five subjects with incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) with spasticity were included. Two... more
Study design: Prospective pilot cohort study, quasi-experimental design. Introduction: Restricted hand mobility, limitation in activities and participation, due to relative immobilization of the hemiplegic hand are frequently reported... more
In order to determine research priorities in developing mobility support systems for incomplete SCI patients, insight is required concerning the relative importance of factors that affect the gait pattern in this group of patients.
healthcare providers during the course of their disease. It was suggested that IT might help to orchestrate their care provision. We have applied the USE IT-tool to get insight in the relevant problems, solutions and constraints of the... more