Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sky Watch: I just love clouds. I do.

You just can't get something as dramatic as this without them.

More Sky Watch here.


overtiredmum said...

Yes a very dramatic shot - but I'm sure those mountains add to the drama. If those clouds were here it would just be foggy!

EG CameraGirl said...

Lovely light in the clouds!

nonizamboni said...

Abby, love your western sky! This is an incredible capture and clouds are simply the best in my book.
Thanks for sharing your sky.
p.s. I grew up in Pocatello, Idaho

Anonymous said...

Ohhh that's a great sky!

Happy SWF! =)

Bill S. said...

Great picture. Looks like you are getting the same storms we are here in Rexburg. Have a great weekend.

Sally in WA said...

I see a rabbit in the sky. Dramatic capture!

claude said...

There is always something new and beautiful to see in the sky.

eileeninmd said...

I like watching the clouds too, Great capture. Happy skywatching!

Laura said...

gorgeous sky Abby...I love watching the clouds too!

Vinni said...

True, every cloud has a silver lining. Nice pic.

Dhemz said...

wow! this is very interesting shot....:)

Glad to be here. Hope you can check out my ENTRY too!

Kristin said...

Those are some very dramatic looking clouds. Nice skywatch.
Have a nice day. May you enjoy your weekend as well.

Míriam Luiza said...

Parece que uma tempestade se forma. A imagem está linda! Gostei também das duas fotos de céu que você tem nos dois post posteriores a esses.