As in all sciences, interpersonal interactions develop new approaches. One of them is emotional i... more As in all sciences, interpersonal interactions develop new approaches. One of them is emotional intelligence (EQ), “observing and understanding capacity own and other’s emotion, definition of different type of emotion; and knowledge that you learned using to know other’s emotion and understanding. The purpose of this study is to determine EQ competence acquisition levels of senior students in secondary education system according to teacher perceptions. A survey method was used as the main research approach. Participants were 262 teachers who were selected from seven secondary schools in Adapazari that were selected randomly. Research questions were tested with ANOVA that includes Observed Power and Partial Eta analysis and t-test that includes Cohen d analysis. Results revealed that students, who have higher academic achievements, have the highest level in EQ traits as well. Science and Anatolian Secondary Schools’ students have higher EQ levels as cognitive skills.Son yıllarda, sos...
Language proficiency as the ability of an individual to perform in acquired language is considere... more Language proficiency as the ability of an individual to perform in acquired language is considered extremely important for a student's educational life as well. The aim of this study is to evaluate the international students' Turkish language proficiency whether their language proficiency has been adequate or not. This research measures out the proficiency on four common skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, of Turkish language. To evaluate this process, a mixed model research was carried out with participation of thirty international students of Sakarya University from different countries who joined an interview and filled a self-evaluation questionnaire. There are twelve quantifier items divided on four language skills in the questionnaire. The outcome of the study shows that over % 90 of the participants deliver high proficiency in listening or understanding skill and their lowest proficiency appears in writing skill that covers approximately % 65 of the parti...
Technological developments that have taken place in the 21st century have also affected higher ed... more Technological developments that have taken place in the 21st century have also affected higher education institutions. These changes have created an obligation to respond to the effects and needs of globalization. In response to these developments, the emphasis on lifelong learning and individuals who “learn how to learn” in higher education institutions has become more and more important in order to educate individuals to fulfill the needs of the century. In general, studies on topics such as the development of lifelong learning in higher education and the role of leaders are limited in Turkey. Regarding this point of view, the current study aims at examining the perceptions of sustainability leaders studying in the higher education sector in Turkey in terms of the lifelong learning provided, the strategies applied, the difficulties faced, the experiences shared, and the sustainability practiced. Therefore, the study uses a descriptive phenomenological pattern under a qualitative r...
The purpose of this study is to discover and describe the perceptions of teachers about their lev... more The purpose of this study is to discover and describe the perceptions of teachers about their level of trust in principals and shared leadership skills in schools. The study group was 1,174 teachers from randomly selected schools in Istanbul, Kocaeli and Sakarya. The research was conducted on relational survey method. Data analyzed in a packet program for social sciences. The research indicated that trust in principal was positively and significantly related to shared leadership and its sub-dimensions. The correlation analysis predicted that there was a medium level of positive correlation between trust in principal and shared leadership perceptions of the teachers. Moreover, emotional support and joint completion of task dimension of shared leadership are predictors of trust in principals in Turkish schools therefore, the researcher can claim that trust in principals is the core of organizational trust level and increasing shared leadership behavior as well.
Nowadays, due to the high development and good quality of education in Turkey the number of inter... more Nowadays, due to the high development and good quality of education in Turkey the number of international students from different countries is increasing from year to year, despite the different challenges of being in a foreign environment away from their home countries. The purpose of this paper was to investigate challenges faced by international students who study at Sakarya University in Turkey. A phenomenological model was used for this study. The data were collected using the qualitative research method. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the sample, which comprised thirty seven international students from different countries who study at Sakarya University. The response frequencies were analysed. The results show that many responses accepted to have challenges in communication, at the language center, accommodation, the environment, cultural issues, health, and social interaction activities, and that there should be an increased focus on minimizing all the challenges facing them with long and short-term strategies. * This article was presented at The International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Leadership for All (ICLEL-15), in Olomouc on October 29-31, 2015.
The purpose of this paperis to determine the levels of innovation management attained by school p... more The purpose of this paperis to determine the levels of innovation management attained by school principals' in Turkey. The participants were 1436 teachers from the cities of Istanbul, Kocaeli, and Sakarya. An 'Innovation Management Scale' was used. Its reliability level was. 97 and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of the scale .96. The research was conducted using a descriptive model to determine the levels of innovation management displayed by school principals in terms of gender, age, location, and seniority. The researcher used variance and regression analysis in this research. Based on the results, the general level of innovation management is moderate, therefore, it can be claimed that school principals in Turkey use innovative methods to help improve the school system. Significant differences in the results were observed between women and men. Moreover, school principals have more positive perceptions than teachers about the level of innovationin Turkish schools.
International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership, 2015
In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o on n L Li if fe el lo on ng g E Ed ... more In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o on n L Li if fe el lo on ng g E Ed du uc ca at ti io on n a an nd d L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip p ((2 20 01 15 5)), , 1 1((1 1))
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Self-directed Learning readines... more The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Self-directed Learning readiness and Metacognitionof undergraduate students nurses and midwifery. The research is conducted in a public university in the city center of Amasya with 398 undergraduate nursing and midwifery students in 2017-2018 academic years. A descriptive correlational design was used. A structured questionnaire consisted of two parts: Part I: Socio-demographic data, Part II: Fisher’s Self-Directed Learning Readiness scale and Part III: Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (Schraw & Dennison, 1994).Descriptive statistics of the students’ demographic attributes were presented. In order to determine whether there was a correlation between the students’ self directed learning readiness and their Metacognitive Awareness perceived, the Pearson Moment Correlation coefficient was was calculated.The results showed that (1). There is a positive moderate but significantly relationship between metacognitive awarene...
This study, conducted using a correlational method, determines the relationship between school ad... more This study, conducted using a correlational method, determines the relationship between school administrators' decision-making styles and teachers' job satisfaction levels. In total, 483 teachers and 167 administrators from primary schools in Sakarya Province, Turkey, were surveyed. The short form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and Decision-Making Styles Questionnaire were used. The results show that the job satisfaction levels of teachers and administrators who participated in the survey were high. We conclude that administrators mostly use rational decision-making style, and they rarely use avoidant decision-making style. Regression analysis results showed that teacher job satisfaction levels were predicted significantly by administrators' decision-making styles.
Bu araştırma ile öğrencilerin orta öğretim kurumu tercihlerinde etkili olan okullarla ilgili fakt... more Bu araştırma ile öğrencilerin orta öğretim kurumu tercihlerinde etkili olan okullarla ilgili faktörler incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Adapazarı'nda 21 ortaöğretim kurumundaki 9. sınıf öğrencilerinden 523 kişi ile anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Okul türüne göre demografik farklılıkları belirlemek için iki değişkenli Kay-Kare testi kullanılmıştır. Okul tercihine etki eden okullara ait faktörlerle ilgili verilerin analizi için Kruskal Wallis kullanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda okul tercihinde tüm okul türlerine göre benzer faktörlerin etkisi olduğu, en etkili faktörlerin okulun çevrede iyi eğitim veren başarılı bir okul olarak tanınmış olması, bu okuldan mezun olmanın üniversiteye girişte sağladığı kolaylık (ek puan, sınavsız geçiş hakkı gibi) ve okulun öğretmen kadrosunun deneyimli ve tanınmış öğretmenlerden oluşması olduğu saptanmıştır.
This research aims to describe Turkish primary school principals' valuation of science with r... more This research aims to describe Turkish primary school principals' valuation of science with respect to other important areas of culture. This research was conducted on a descriptive model. This study sample consisted of 151 primary school principals from Adapazari. Valuation of science was measured using the Turkish version of The Thinking about Science Survey Instrument (TSSI-Tr). Means and standard deviations were computed with SPSS 11.5, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for analyzing the data. The data indicated that primary school principals strongly value science with respect to other important aspects of culture, but there are some differences amongst principals. Female principals have a stronger view of science in support of the environment than male principals. Moreover, education level effects Turkish primary scool principals valuation of science is with respect to the categories of epistemology, environment, health and religion.
ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to analyze correlations among EQ, OJ and OCB in schools. The par... more ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to analyze correlations among EQ, OJ and OCB in schools. The participants consist of 255 teachers at primary schools in Karabuk. The data were collected by researchers through instruments of EQ (self-consciousness and emotion management), OCB, and OJ. For analysis, partial correlation was conducted for determining the level of significance among the variables via path analysis, one of the structural equation models was used. According to results, it has seen that there is an effect of EQ on OJ; OJ on OCB directly and EQ on OCB indirectly in schools. Key words: Organizational Justice (OJ), Organizational Citizenship Behaviours (OCB), EQ (selfconsciousness, emotion management)
One of the problems in improving process of the schools is "cynicism". Cynicism is an attitude in... more One of the problems in improving process of the schools is "cynicism". Cynicism is an attitude in which individual benefits are the foreground and is described as scepticism, negativism and being pessimistic about facts. In schools, what is expected from the school principals is to realize the change and mutation depending on the improvements. Leadership is a process that manages people affecting towards organizational aims. Leadership has two dimensions: to organize a structure and tolerance in organization (culture and climate). In this study, it is tried to determine correlations between teacher's organizational cynicism and leadership skills of school principals. The analysis of the data was made by using SPSS 15.0 and in order to determine whether some demographic features (e.g., sex, marital status, educational status) show a meaningful difference on the lower dimensions of organizational cynicism and leadership behaviour, Whitney-U and Kruskal Wallis-H tests were used; and a meaningful difference was not observed. Furthermore, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to measure the level of relation and being predictable between the organizational cynicism and lower dimensions of leadership behaviour. In accordance with the result of the research's findings, it was found a negatively directed and medium-level relation between cynicism and leadership behaviour.
Our changing and evolving world requires us to be individuals who are lifelong learners. Therefor... more Our changing and evolving world requires us to be individuals who are lifelong learners. Therefore, lifelong learning competencies have taken its place in the literature. The most influential institutions in the gaining of these qualifications are primary school, undoubtedly. Social Studies lesson which is basic course in primary school played an important role in gaining of these qualifications. The purpose of this study is to explain the level of lifelong learning competence in Social Studies Lesson Book taught in schools by the Ministry of Education in primary 1, 2 and 3 classes in the school year 2015-2016. Document review which is a qualitative research method was used in the research. According to study results, it was seen that while competence of "communication in the mother tongue" is given in textbooks mostly, the competence of "communication in foreign languages" is not specified in the textbooks. It was observed that the competence of "Learning t...
Bu caltsma, Duygusal Zeka Yeterliklerini Is yasa ml/1da Kullanma DUzeyi Olcegi' nin gecerlik ... more Bu caltsma, Duygusal Zeka Yeterliklerini Is yasa ml/1da Kullanma DUzeyi Olcegi' nin gecerlik ve gUve nil-lik duzeyini belirlemek amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. caltsma, 2002-2003 ogretim yiltnda bes Fen-Edebiyat FakUltesi' nde gorev yapan ogretim Uyelerinden elde edilen veriler uzerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Duygusal Zeka Yeterliklerini Is yasaminda Kullanma Duzeyi Ol cegi. bes alt olcekten olusan 72 maddelik besli likert ti pi bir olcektir. Olcegin toplam Cronbach Alpha GUve nil-lik KatsaYIS1.96'dir. Aynca her alt olcegin gecerlik ve gUvenirlik caltsmalan da yapzlmistir. Yapi gecerligi icin yapzlan faktor analizi sonuclan, her alt olceginin tek boyutlu oldugu sonucunu vermistir. Elde edilen bul gulGl~ olcegin Turkiye' de gecerli ve gUvenilir olarak kullal1llabilecegini gostermistir_
As in all sciences, interpersonal interactions develop new approaches. One of them is emotional i... more As in all sciences, interpersonal interactions develop new approaches. One of them is emotional intelligence (EQ), “observing and understanding capacity own and other’s emotion, definition of different type of emotion; and knowledge that you learned using to know other’s emotion and understanding. The purpose of this study is to determine EQ competence acquisition levels of senior students in secondary education system according to teacher perceptions. A survey method was used as the main research approach. Participants were 262 teachers who were selected from seven secondary schools in Adapazari that were selected randomly. Research questions were tested with ANOVA that includes Observed Power and Partial Eta analysis and t-test that includes Cohen d analysis. Results revealed that students, who have higher academic achievements, have the highest level in EQ traits as well. Science and Anatolian Secondary Schools’ students have higher EQ levels as cognitive skills.Son yıllarda, sos...
Language proficiency as the ability of an individual to perform in acquired language is considere... more Language proficiency as the ability of an individual to perform in acquired language is considered extremely important for a student's educational life as well. The aim of this study is to evaluate the international students' Turkish language proficiency whether their language proficiency has been adequate or not. This research measures out the proficiency on four common skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing, of Turkish language. To evaluate this process, a mixed model research was carried out with participation of thirty international students of Sakarya University from different countries who joined an interview and filled a self-evaluation questionnaire. There are twelve quantifier items divided on four language skills in the questionnaire. The outcome of the study shows that over % 90 of the participants deliver high proficiency in listening or understanding skill and their lowest proficiency appears in writing skill that covers approximately % 65 of the parti...
Technological developments that have taken place in the 21st century have also affected higher ed... more Technological developments that have taken place in the 21st century have also affected higher education institutions. These changes have created an obligation to respond to the effects and needs of globalization. In response to these developments, the emphasis on lifelong learning and individuals who “learn how to learn” in higher education institutions has become more and more important in order to educate individuals to fulfill the needs of the century. In general, studies on topics such as the development of lifelong learning in higher education and the role of leaders are limited in Turkey. Regarding this point of view, the current study aims at examining the perceptions of sustainability leaders studying in the higher education sector in Turkey in terms of the lifelong learning provided, the strategies applied, the difficulties faced, the experiences shared, and the sustainability practiced. Therefore, the study uses a descriptive phenomenological pattern under a qualitative r...
The purpose of this study is to discover and describe the perceptions of teachers about their lev... more The purpose of this study is to discover and describe the perceptions of teachers about their level of trust in principals and shared leadership skills in schools. The study group was 1,174 teachers from randomly selected schools in Istanbul, Kocaeli and Sakarya. The research was conducted on relational survey method. Data analyzed in a packet program for social sciences. The research indicated that trust in principal was positively and significantly related to shared leadership and its sub-dimensions. The correlation analysis predicted that there was a medium level of positive correlation between trust in principal and shared leadership perceptions of the teachers. Moreover, emotional support and joint completion of task dimension of shared leadership are predictors of trust in principals in Turkish schools therefore, the researcher can claim that trust in principals is the core of organizational trust level and increasing shared leadership behavior as well.
Nowadays, due to the high development and good quality of education in Turkey the number of inter... more Nowadays, due to the high development and good quality of education in Turkey the number of international students from different countries is increasing from year to year, despite the different challenges of being in a foreign environment away from their home countries. The purpose of this paper was to investigate challenges faced by international students who study at Sakarya University in Turkey. A phenomenological model was used for this study. The data were collected using the qualitative research method. A semi-structured interview was conducted with the sample, which comprised thirty seven international students from different countries who study at Sakarya University. The response frequencies were analysed. The results show that many responses accepted to have challenges in communication, at the language center, accommodation, the environment, cultural issues, health, and social interaction activities, and that there should be an increased focus on minimizing all the challenges facing them with long and short-term strategies. * This article was presented at The International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Leadership for All (ICLEL-15), in Olomouc on October 29-31, 2015.
The purpose of this paperis to determine the levels of innovation management attained by school p... more The purpose of this paperis to determine the levels of innovation management attained by school principals' in Turkey. The participants were 1436 teachers from the cities of Istanbul, Kocaeli, and Sakarya. An 'Innovation Management Scale' was used. Its reliability level was. 97 and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value of the scale .96. The research was conducted using a descriptive model to determine the levels of innovation management displayed by school principals in terms of gender, age, location, and seniority. The researcher used variance and regression analysis in this research. Based on the results, the general level of innovation management is moderate, therefore, it can be claimed that school principals in Turkey use innovative methods to help improve the school system. Significant differences in the results were observed between women and men. Moreover, school principals have more positive perceptions than teachers about the level of innovationin Turkish schools.
International Journal on Lifelong Education and Leadership, 2015
In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o on n L Li if fe el lo on ng g E Ed ... more In nt te er rn na at ti io on na al l J Jo ou ur rn na al l o on n L Li if fe el lo on ng g E Ed du uc ca at ti io on n a an nd d L Le ea ad de er rs sh hi ip p ((2 20 01 15 5)), , 1 1((1 1))
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Self-directed Learning readines... more The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Self-directed Learning readiness and Metacognitionof undergraduate students nurses and midwifery. The research is conducted in a public university in the city center of Amasya with 398 undergraduate nursing and midwifery students in 2017-2018 academic years. A descriptive correlational design was used. A structured questionnaire consisted of two parts: Part I: Socio-demographic data, Part II: Fisher’s Self-Directed Learning Readiness scale and Part III: Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (Schraw & Dennison, 1994).Descriptive statistics of the students’ demographic attributes were presented. In order to determine whether there was a correlation between the students’ self directed learning readiness and their Metacognitive Awareness perceived, the Pearson Moment Correlation coefficient was was calculated.The results showed that (1). There is a positive moderate but significantly relationship between metacognitive awarene...
This study, conducted using a correlational method, determines the relationship between school ad... more This study, conducted using a correlational method, determines the relationship between school administrators' decision-making styles and teachers' job satisfaction levels. In total, 483 teachers and 167 administrators from primary schools in Sakarya Province, Turkey, were surveyed. The short form Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire and Decision-Making Styles Questionnaire were used. The results show that the job satisfaction levels of teachers and administrators who participated in the survey were high. We conclude that administrators mostly use rational decision-making style, and they rarely use avoidant decision-making style. Regression analysis results showed that teacher job satisfaction levels were predicted significantly by administrators' decision-making styles.
Bu araştırma ile öğrencilerin orta öğretim kurumu tercihlerinde etkili olan okullarla ilgili fakt... more Bu araştırma ile öğrencilerin orta öğretim kurumu tercihlerinde etkili olan okullarla ilgili faktörler incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla Adapazarı'nda 21 ortaöğretim kurumundaki 9. sınıf öğrencilerinden 523 kişi ile anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Okul türüne göre demografik farklılıkları belirlemek için iki değişkenli Kay-Kare testi kullanılmıştır. Okul tercihine etki eden okullara ait faktörlerle ilgili verilerin analizi için Kruskal Wallis kullanılmıştır. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda okul tercihinde tüm okul türlerine göre benzer faktörlerin etkisi olduğu, en etkili faktörlerin okulun çevrede iyi eğitim veren başarılı bir okul olarak tanınmış olması, bu okuldan mezun olmanın üniversiteye girişte sağladığı kolaylık (ek puan, sınavsız geçiş hakkı gibi) ve okulun öğretmen kadrosunun deneyimli ve tanınmış öğretmenlerden oluşması olduğu saptanmıştır.
This research aims to describe Turkish primary school principals' valuation of science with r... more This research aims to describe Turkish primary school principals' valuation of science with respect to other important areas of culture. This research was conducted on a descriptive model. This study sample consisted of 151 primary school principals from Adapazari. Valuation of science was measured using the Turkish version of The Thinking about Science Survey Instrument (TSSI-Tr). Means and standard deviations were computed with SPSS 11.5, Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used for analyzing the data. The data indicated that primary school principals strongly value science with respect to other important aspects of culture, but there are some differences amongst principals. Female principals have a stronger view of science in support of the environment than male principals. Moreover, education level effects Turkish primary scool principals valuation of science is with respect to the categories of epistemology, environment, health and religion.
ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to analyze correlations among EQ, OJ and OCB in schools. The par... more ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to analyze correlations among EQ, OJ and OCB in schools. The participants consist of 255 teachers at primary schools in Karabuk. The data were collected by researchers through instruments of EQ (self-consciousness and emotion management), OCB, and OJ. For analysis, partial correlation was conducted for determining the level of significance among the variables via path analysis, one of the structural equation models was used. According to results, it has seen that there is an effect of EQ on OJ; OJ on OCB directly and EQ on OCB indirectly in schools. Key words: Organizational Justice (OJ), Organizational Citizenship Behaviours (OCB), EQ (selfconsciousness, emotion management)
One of the problems in improving process of the schools is "cynicism". Cynicism is an attitude in... more One of the problems in improving process of the schools is "cynicism". Cynicism is an attitude in which individual benefits are the foreground and is described as scepticism, negativism and being pessimistic about facts. In schools, what is expected from the school principals is to realize the change and mutation depending on the improvements. Leadership is a process that manages people affecting towards organizational aims. Leadership has two dimensions: to organize a structure and tolerance in organization (culture and climate). In this study, it is tried to determine correlations between teacher's organizational cynicism and leadership skills of school principals. The analysis of the data was made by using SPSS 15.0 and in order to determine whether some demographic features (e.g., sex, marital status, educational status) show a meaningful difference on the lower dimensions of organizational cynicism and leadership behaviour, Whitney-U and Kruskal Wallis-H tests were used; and a meaningful difference was not observed. Furthermore, Pearson correlation and regression analysis were used to measure the level of relation and being predictable between the organizational cynicism and lower dimensions of leadership behaviour. In accordance with the result of the research's findings, it was found a negatively directed and medium-level relation between cynicism and leadership behaviour.
Our changing and evolving world requires us to be individuals who are lifelong learners. Therefor... more Our changing and evolving world requires us to be individuals who are lifelong learners. Therefore, lifelong learning competencies have taken its place in the literature. The most influential institutions in the gaining of these qualifications are primary school, undoubtedly. Social Studies lesson which is basic course in primary school played an important role in gaining of these qualifications. The purpose of this study is to explain the level of lifelong learning competence in Social Studies Lesson Book taught in schools by the Ministry of Education in primary 1, 2 and 3 classes in the school year 2015-2016. Document review which is a qualitative research method was used in the research. According to study results, it was seen that while competence of "communication in the mother tongue" is given in textbooks mostly, the competence of "communication in foreign languages" is not specified in the textbooks. It was observed that the competence of "Learning t...
Bu caltsma, Duygusal Zeka Yeterliklerini Is yasa ml/1da Kullanma DUzeyi Olcegi' nin gecerlik ... more Bu caltsma, Duygusal Zeka Yeterliklerini Is yasa ml/1da Kullanma DUzeyi Olcegi' nin gecerlik ve gUve nil-lik duzeyini belirlemek amaciyla gerceklestirilmistir. caltsma, 2002-2003 ogretim yiltnda bes Fen-Edebiyat FakUltesi' nde gorev yapan ogretim Uyelerinden elde edilen veriler uzerinde gerceklestirilmistir. Duygusal Zeka Yeterliklerini Is yasaminda Kullanma Duzeyi Ol cegi. bes alt olcekten olusan 72 maddelik besli likert ti pi bir olcektir. Olcegin toplam Cronbach Alpha GUve nil-lik KatsaYIS1.96'dir. Aynca her alt olcegin gecerlik ve gUvenirlik caltsmalan da yapzlmistir. Yapi gecerligi icin yapzlan faktor analizi sonuclan, her alt olceginin tek boyutlu oldugu sonucunu vermistir. Elde edilen bul gulGl~ olcegin Turkiye' de gecerli ve gUvenilir olarak kullal1llabilecegini gostermistir_
Porto/POR... more ESCOLA SUPERİOR DE EDUCAÇÃO DO PORTO AND SAKARYA UNIVERSITY ORGANIZE ICLEL CONFERENCES Porto/PORTUGAL / 12 – 14 September, 2017 ________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on LIFELONG EDUCATION and LEADERSHIP FOR ALL-ICLEL 2017 CALL FOR PAPERS We are pleased to invite you to submit research papers to 3 rd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL - 2017 to be held during 12-14 September, 2017 organized by Escola Superior De Educação Do Porto and Sakarya University. The main aim of the ICLEL is to bring together scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in Lifelong Education and Leadership and new perceptions in Education, Business, Economic, Social Sciences and related academic fields to present their works in this academic platform. PAPER PRESENTATIONS ICLEL is supported by many universities and organizations and it has already formed a large, multi-national and friendly community of colleagues who are willing to share their ideas and research findings. ICLEL invites you to submit proposals for paper, poster and virtual presentations. IMPORTANT DATES-DEADLINES Submission of Abstracts June 30, 2017 Early Registration June 15, 2017 Full text Submission July 30, 2017 Late Registration July 25, 2017 KEYNOTES 1. Prof. Dr. John Holford Nothingam University – England 2. Prof.Dr. Danielle Smith, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA 3. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARIBIYIK-Sakarya University
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on LIFELONG EDUCATION and LEADERSHIP FOR ALL-ICLEL 2017 CONFERENCE CHAIRS 1. Prof. Dr. PAULO ALBERTO DA SILVA PEREIRA-Escola Superior De Educação Do Porto/Portugal 2. Assoc. Prof.Dr. OSMAN TİTREK Sakarya University-Turkey CONFERENCE LANGUAGE: ENGLISH ! Furthermore you can present your paper with other languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish etc... CONFERENCE PAYMENTS Early Registration Fees (June 15, 2017) Participant : 250 Euro / 275 Dolar) Audience: 150 Euro / 175 Dolar) Late Registration: Participant : 300 Euro Audience: 200 Euro
Note: If a participant would like to present more paper, 50 Euro shuold pay for each extra paper! PUBLICATIONS OPTIONS 1. SSCI & ERIC– Selected papers after blind review! 2. IJLEL 3. EBAD-JESR- 4. GLOKALDE- 5. Conference Book- indexed in ISI WEB of SCIENCE ! Abstract Deadline: June 30, 2017! Full Paper : July 30, 2017! SOCIAL EVENTS---(September 12, 2017) 1.Opening Concert 2. Conference Lunches (3 day lunches) and Dinner 3. Portuquese Cultural Night 4. International Music Concert Note: Meals will be selected based on Islamic rules for Muslim participants MORE INFOS Web:
Iclel conferences is pleased to welcome you to the "2nd International Conference on Lifelong Educ... more Iclel conferences is pleased to welcome you to the "2nd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All-ICLEL-16". This year's conference is organized with the collaboration of Sakarya University, Liepaja University and Liepaja Municipality; and, will be held at Liepaja university in Latvia between July 21st and July 24th, 2016 . ICLEL Conferences includes not only an academic but also social and cultural learning activities about Lifelong Education!!! The main aim of the conference this annual conference is to bring scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in education to present their works on the developments in educational sciences especially lifelong learning, business, economics and leadership in organizations. Lifelong education is gaining ground nowadays as the most important paradigm in education and has been influencing almost all academic fields. International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All-ICLEL -16 provides an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational fields to share their theoretical knowledge, research findings and educational practices with their colleagues and academic community from multidisciplinary percepectives. For more information about ICLEL Conference, 2016. Please check our website:
Papers by Osman Titrek
Porto/PORTUGAL / 12 – 14 September, 2017 ________________________________________
We are pleased to invite you to submit research papers to 3 rd International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for ALL-ICLEL - 2017 to be held during 12-14 September, 2017 organized by Escola Superior De Educação Do Porto and Sakarya University.
The main aim of the ICLEL is to bring together scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in Lifelong Education and Leadership and new perceptions in Education, Business, Economic, Social Sciences and related academic fields to present their works in this academic platform.
ICLEL is supported by many universities and organizations and it has already formed a large, multi-national and friendly community of colleagues who are willing to share their ideas and research findings. ICLEL invites you to submit proposals for paper, poster and virtual presentations.
Submission of Abstracts June 30, 2017
Early Registration June 15, 2017
Full text Submission July 30, 2017
Late Registration July 25, 2017
1. Prof. Dr. John Holford
Nothingam University – England
2. Prof.Dr. Danielle Smith, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA
3. Prof. Dr. Mehmet SARIBIYIK-Sakarya University
1. Prof. Dr. PAULO ALBERTO DA SILVA PEREIRA-Escola Superior De Educação Do Porto/Portugal
2. Assoc. Prof.Dr. OSMAN TİTREK
Sakarya University-Turkey
Furthermore you can present your paper with
other languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Turkish etc...
Early Registration Fees (June 15, 2017)
Participant : 250 Euro / 275 Dolar)
Audience: 150 Euro / 175 Dolar)
Late Registration:
Participant : 300 Euro Audience: 200 Euro
If a participant would like to present more paper, 50 Euro shuold pay for each extra paper!
1. SSCI & ERIC– Selected papers after blind review!
5. Conference Book- indexed in ISI WEB of SCIENCE !
Abstract Deadline: June 30, 2017!
Full Paper : July 30, 2017!
SOCIAL EVENTS---(September 12, 2017)
1.Opening Concert
2. Conference Lunches (3 day lunches) and Dinner
3. Portuquese Cultural Night
4. International Music Concert
Note: Meals will be selected based on Islamic rules
for Muslim participants
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
We will be happy to see you in PORTO between September 12 – 14, 2017 ! :)
This year's conference is organized with the collaboration of Sakarya University, Liepaja University and Liepaja Municipality; and, will be held at Liepaja university in Latvia between July 21st and July 24th, 2016 .
ICLEL Conferences includes not only an academic but also social and cultural learning activities about Lifelong Education!!!
The main aim of the conference this annual conference is to bring scholars, researchers, educators, students, professionals and other groups interested in education to present their works on the developments in educational sciences especially lifelong learning, business, economics and leadership in organizations. Lifelong education is gaining ground nowadays as the most important paradigm in education and has been influencing almost all academic fields. International Conference on Lifelong Education and Leadership for All-ICLEL -16 provides an opportunity for academicians and professionals from various educational fields to share their theoretical knowledge, research findings and educational practices with their colleagues and academic community from multidisciplinary percepectives. For more information about ICLEL Conference, 2016. Please check our website:
If you have any inquiries please kindly send us an e-mail to [email protected]; [email protected]