Engaging Sources: The Tradition and Future of Collecting History in the Society of Jesus (Proceedings of the Symposium held at Boston College, June 11–13, 2019), 2021
This paper originated from the spring semester I spent as a fellow at Boston College in 2019 and ... more This paper originated from the spring semester I spent as a fellow at Boston College in 2019 and partially accounts for a digitization project that will proceed rather differently from the way it began, even if this will simply confirm the viabil- ity of its starting premises. The project aims to create a digital, open-access, English-language, and researchable database of the Jesuit annual catalogs. But why, in particular, the annual catalogs? The reason is their content and the way they dis- play it: information on the identity, domicile, and activity of each and every member of the Society of Jesus kept almost continuously from the late sixteenth century on, through an accurate and efficient system of accounting.
Read the full article: https://doi.org/10.51238/ISJS.2019.30
Books by Laura Madella
Keywords: Gesture, Cultural History, Renaissance Italy.
Papers by Laura Madella
The landscapes and places and conformation of territories were linked to the habits of the inhabitants, or it was supposed they had the power to awake states of mind, and foster events; often natural landscapes and elements inherently represented positive or negative ideas. We know that interpretations of this kind have remote origins, and complex, sometimes insidious long-lasting influences in the cultural history of ideas; a rich strand of interdisciplinary research is developing around these topics today .
As far as early modern history is concerned, Daniello Bartoli's La Geografia trasportata al morale (The geography morally read) certainly marked a fundamental step in which Catholic and Baroque culture appropriated this trend, filled it with its own contents and reshaped it according to its formal taste (Introduction, p. 111).
See more: https://brill.com/edcollbook/title/68359
What has made this book so renowned, according to scholars, is the
mix of autobiographical narrative, human sympathy and moral rigour,
But I believe that there is also a more specific aspect in the work that catalyses the reader’s attention and distinguishes Cornaro’s Discourse. Such is the issue of the amount of food in relation to the age of man and its moral and symbolic implications, direct and indirect, which the author reiterated and declined in different ways throughout the work.
da immagine – altro non sono che sagaci divertissements. Rientrano in questo orizzonte gli Apologi del napoletano Giulio Cesare Capaccio (1550 1634), pubblicati a Napoli nel 1602, ristampati nel 1607, e di nuovo a Venezia dal Barezzi nel 1619. Si tratta di una raccolta di 94 epigrammi morali sul modello della favola esopica, illustrati da incisore ignoto. Posti cronologicamente al centro della produzione scrittoria di Capaccio, gli Apologi raccolgono aspetti già presenti in altre pubblicazioni: come l’afflato morale, che nella sua declinazione religiosa muove la prosa opulenta delle Prediche quadragesimali (1582-1586); il gusto per il repertorio, ben espresso nella Selva dei concetti scritturali (1594, rist. 1600); la raffigurazione emblematica, su cui Capaccio ragiona nel terzo libro del ponderoso trattato Delle imprese (1592). Ma a differenza di tutte queste opere che precedono, e a differenza del Principe che lo seguirà (1620) e sarà l’ultima composizione di grande respiro scritta dal napoletano prima del Forastiero (1634), gli Apologi non mostrano alcuna ambizione di magnificenza: sono un’operetta snella e diretta, lontana dall’eloquio fluviale caro all’epoca.
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Keywords: Gesture, Cultural History, Renaissance Italy.
The landscapes and places and conformation of territories were linked to the habits of the inhabitants, or it was supposed they had the power to awake states of mind, and foster events; often natural landscapes and elements inherently represented positive or negative ideas. We know that interpretations of this kind have remote origins, and complex, sometimes insidious long-lasting influences in the cultural history of ideas; a rich strand of interdisciplinary research is developing around these topics today .
As far as early modern history is concerned, Daniello Bartoli's La Geografia trasportata al morale (The geography morally read) certainly marked a fundamental step in which Catholic and Baroque culture appropriated this trend, filled it with its own contents and reshaped it according to its formal taste (Introduction, p. 111).
See more: https://brill.com/edcollbook/title/68359
What has made this book so renowned, according to scholars, is the
mix of autobiographical narrative, human sympathy and moral rigour,
But I believe that there is also a more specific aspect in the work that catalyses the reader’s attention and distinguishes Cornaro’s Discourse. Such is the issue of the amount of food in relation to the age of man and its moral and symbolic implications, direct and indirect, which the author reiterated and declined in different ways throughout the work.
da immagine – altro non sono che sagaci divertissements. Rientrano in questo orizzonte gli Apologi del napoletano Giulio Cesare Capaccio (1550 1634), pubblicati a Napoli nel 1602, ristampati nel 1607, e di nuovo a Venezia dal Barezzi nel 1619. Si tratta di una raccolta di 94 epigrammi morali sul modello della favola esopica, illustrati da incisore ignoto. Posti cronologicamente al centro della produzione scrittoria di Capaccio, gli Apologi raccolgono aspetti già presenti in altre pubblicazioni: come l’afflato morale, che nella sua declinazione religiosa muove la prosa opulenta delle Prediche quadragesimali (1582-1586); il gusto per il repertorio, ben espresso nella Selva dei concetti scritturali (1594, rist. 1600); la raffigurazione emblematica, su cui Capaccio ragiona nel terzo libro del ponderoso trattato Delle imprese (1592). Ma a differenza di tutte queste opere che precedono, e a differenza del Principe che lo seguirà (1620) e sarà l’ultima composizione di grande respiro scritta dal napoletano prima del Forastiero (1634), gli Apologi non mostrano alcuna ambizione di magnificenza: sono un’operetta snella e diretta, lontana dall’eloquio fluviale caro all’epoca.
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Read the full article: https://doi.org/10.51238/ISJS.2019.30
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During the spring 1858, the Chamber of Deputies of the Kingdom of Sardin- ia discussed the legislative project concerning the establishment of normal schools for primary schoolteachers, drafted and submitted by Giovanni Lanza. The paper aims to examine the opinions of the deputies participating in the debate, so to enlighten the idea of teacher moral training developed by the prospective Italian ruling class, one year before the enactment of the Casati law on education system.
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Conclusions are provided by Francesco Mattei and Benedetto Vertecchi, with a reflection on how an America "seen from afar" influences today's educational practices, and reasoning on how the Old World educational culture could still give its contribution in this crowded battlefield.
La Relación Hispano-Italiana Moderna I: Libro, Literatura y Cultura, 22-23 de abril de 2021, Universidad de Alicante - Instituto Juan Andrés
Pedagogie dell'Essenziale II. Maestre e Maestri d'Italia: Le storie, i progetti ed i sogni. Università di Messina, 20 aprile-21 maggio 2021.
X Heloise Workshop, L’Europa delle Università: contesti comuni e peculiarità locali attraverso l’esame delle fonti (origini – XX secolo), 29-31 marzo 2021
The Quantification of Bodies. Organism, Health and Representation from Renaissance to Big Data. Universidade de Coimbra - FLUC, 28-29 November 2019
Aurora Egido, filóloga, catedrática y académica, es autora de una importante y larga serie de monografías sobre literatura y cultura del Siglo de Oro [...] El reciente El diálogo de las lenguas y Miguel de Cervantes se aplica a la reconstrucción e interpretación de una de las polémicas de mayor preocupación entre la intelectualidad tanto española como europea como consecuencia de la consolidación de las diversas lenguas vernáculas: la cuestión de la lengua. Cuestión ésta que, por presentar implicaciones identitarias (tanto religiosas como nacionales), animó un intenso y prolongado debate en Europa, debate documentable en la época a través de dos grandes sectores de producción: el de los tratados especulativos o doctrinales y el de las producciones de la literatura artística. Ello pone a prueba la finura de la autora, su virtud del ‘diálogo’ con sentido y la aplicación de la razón hermenéutica.
Read online: https://revistarecension.com/2020/02/02/egido-el-dialogo-de-las-lenguas-y-miguel-de-cervantes/
Kick-Off Meeting of the Italian National Research Project "Diet-Ethics. How Early Modern Ideas Shaped European Food Ethics"