Papers by Sergei Korchevoi
The article is worth reading. First, it attempts to tackle an enigmatic problem of what one means... more The article is worth reading. First, it attempts to tackle an enigmatic problem of what one means by saying that she has met God. It takes courage for a researcher to try to bridge the gap between the scientific and theological views on the issue at stake. Second, the article leaves the reader puzzled by having many methodological and epistemological gaps. Yet, even those shortcomings have a value in demonstrating different facets of the problem. Below I note some of the unclear moments in the research.
The article aims to develop an ethics-mathematics analogy. In particular, it considers an objecti... more The article aims to develop an ethics-mathematics analogy. In particular, it considers an objection that while mathematical pluralism works for practical tasks, ethical pluralism does not. Yet, epistemology cannot ignore the way of thinking of a person who tries to obtain knowledge. Taking into account a very basic structure of mathematical thinking, the article presents an argumentation in favor of ethical pluralism, especially in cases of practical decision-making.

International Journal of Arts and Humanities
In the first part, this article deals with the idea of supporting Moral Intuitionism by drawing a... more In the first part, this article deals with the idea of supporting Moral Intuitionism by drawing an analogy with conceptual mathematical knowledge. The analysis shows that arguments of pro and contra to the above idea are rather aimed toward assumptions and expectations of moral epistemologists; the arguments miss the essence of mathematical conceptual thinking. The image of mathematical thinking exemplified in the epistemological discussion is probably afflicted by implicit biases. The second part of the article applies a very tentative model of mathematical thinking to several cases, or thought experiments, that have been bothering analytical philosophers, practical philosophers, and moral epistemologists. As a result, one can find that the considered thought experiments look very undefined even from a point of view of an imaginary applied mathematician.
In the first part, this article deals with the idea of supporting Moral Intuitionism by drawing a... more In the first part, this article deals with the idea of supporting Moral Intuitionism by drawing an analogy with conceptual mathematical knowledge. The analysis shows that arguments of pro and contra to the above idea are rather aimed toward assumptions and expectations of moral epistemologists; the arguments miss the essence of mathematical conceptual thinking. The image of mathematical thinking exemplified in the epistemological discussion is probably afflicted by implicit biases. The second part of the article applies a very tentative model of mathematical thinking to several cases, or thought experiments, that have been bothering analytical philosophers, practical philosophers, and moral epistemologists. As a result, one can find that the considered thought experiments look very undefined even from a point of view of an imaginary applied mathematician.
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health
Despite more than the 80-year history of the AA movement, there is a gap in academic knowledge ab... more Despite more than the 80-year history of the AA movement, there is a gap in academic knowledge about the essence of AA spiritual concepts. One particularly important lacuna about AA practice is weakness of theoretical frame for the often used measuring tools of spiritual variables in quantitative studies. The article argues that theological analysis of AA practice can be a very useful part of the empirical studies, if the researcher’s theological commitments favor studying non-confessional groups. A promising possible vein for future research is proposed.

There is a worldwide wicked problem of addiction. It is getting worse because of the growing numb... more There is a worldwide wicked problem of addiction. It is getting worse because of the growing number of substances that can be abused. Church leaders inevitably face the aftermath of addiction. For more than 80 years, AA and other self-help groups have demonstrated a reliable approach to cure addiction. Nevertheless, there are many concerns about the theological ground of so-called AA spirituality. This study aims to disclose AA members' lived experience and perception of such concepts as God, Higher Power, spiritual awakening, etc., using phenomenological approach. Also, the study investigates perceptions of Christian symbols and concepts by AA members. It discusses the above perceptions in the light of Christian tradition. Thus, it deepens our understanding of how far AA spirituality is not in contradiction with Christian tradition. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used for scrutinizing the interview data. Theological implications were discussed and recommendations for church leaders were made.
Several recent works dedicated to the challenge of the “Skeptical” argument also propose an inter... more Several recent works dedicated to the challenge of the “Skeptical” argument also propose an interesting development in religious epistemology. Those works explore Wittgenstein’s “anti-skepticism” proposal based on the concept of fundamental epistemological commitments, or “hinge commitments”. However, the purpose of this article is not to critique the proposal aimed at the debate over an “epistemic deceiving demon” but to explore a new perspective that the above hinge commitments give us in the field of religious epistemology.
This research aims to shed some light on one of the facets of how the information flow including ... more This research aims to shed some light on one of the facets of how the information flow including that in the media relates to one’s real vaccine hesitancy. Specifically, we are interested in the possible input of medical experts’ opinions on formation of people’s attitude towards vaccine hesitancy. Phenomenology was chosen as the methodological and epistemological base for the study. The obtained description of the experience and attitudes of medical workers who feel vaccine hesitancy can contribute to further studies of challenges spawned not only by the current COVID-19 pandemic but can also provide hints in other situations of social turmoil.

Academia Letters, 2021
The situation with COVID-19 is still a challenge for the world. It afflicts almost all areas of h... more The situation with COVID-19 is still a challenge for the world. It afflicts almost all areas of human wellbeing-political, social, psychological, etc. This makes it a problem far wider than a medical one. Yet, the role of medicine is crucial in the projective resolution of the crisis, especially when vaccination has become available. This article aims to present a preliminary analysis of the context of a more extensive study in progress now. The main objective of the bigger study is to shed some light on the problem with vaccination hesitancy in Russia. For now, we may call the vaccination campaign a failure-the official website dedicated to Sputnik V vaccine informs us that by July 7, 2021, only 12,58 % of the population of Russia has been vaccinated (Gam Kovid Vak, 2021). The Russian government tries to improve the situation by implementing an equivocal policy. On one hand, the vaccination is voluntary, on the other-one could be deprived of some of her rights if not vaccinated (Consultant, 2021). The causes of the above difficulties are diverse. We are interested in the contribution of the medical workers to the dissemination of reliable knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccines among the population. A profane view tells us that a doctor knows better. The patient's epistemological state is rather neglected due to the said patient's objectification through medical language (Foucault, 1963). Thus, doctors claim the right to judge; their responsibility should follow. We expect the most reliable knowledge to be provided by medical workers. We expect that they are able to tackle 'an infodemic due to rampant spread of misinformation and rumor about COVID-19 across various online media' (Subedi et al., 2020: 56). However, several quantitative studies show that this may not be the case. For example, Subedi et al. (2020) assumed that 'intern doctors as young medical trainees should have scientific knowledge of disease and not be mis

Academia Letters, 2021
The aim of this text is two-folded. First, it presents an analysis of interesting data that was o... more The aim of this text is two-folded. First, it presents an analysis of interesting data that was omitted in the previous research (Korchevoi, 2018). There, several themes regarding perceptions of God shared by Alcoholics Anonymous members were explicated. Through the previous purposeful sampling (Korchevoi, 2018), participants with Christian or Communiststyle non-Christian background were chosen. However, a participant with Muslim family background was also interviewed. Unfortunately, his narrative must be excluded from the discussion because of the sampling criteria used, i.e. participants of previous study were to have obtained a higher education. This research can be interesting for the developing of a comparative study of the influence of one's religious background on one's beneficial spiritual development, e.g. participation in Alcoholics Anonymous. The second aim of this text is to contribute to the dispute of epistemological inevitability of religious relativism. The recent development of the problem of the "Skeptical" argument shows interesting implications for religious epistemology (Pritchard, 2016; Pritchard, no date; Pritchard, forthcoming). The development is spawned by Wittgenstein's "anti-skepticism" proposal based on the concept of fundamental epistemological commitments, or "hinge commitments", that 'are neither acquired via rational processes nor directly responsive to rational considerations in the way that normal beliefs are' (Pritchard, 2016: 10). However, it seems that Wittgenstein's "anti-skepticism" brings us to the epistemological religious relativism when it is 'impossible to solve disagreement between epistemic agents with radically
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, 2021
This brief essay raises several questions about cross cultural usage of and connections between l... more This brief essay raises several questions about cross cultural usage of and connections between language and logic. It highlights some problems with attitude of teaching logic outside of the English speaking discourse.
This essay takes logic and ethics in broad senses: logic as the science of evidence; ethics as th... more This essay takes logic and ethics in broad senses: logic as the science of evidence; ethics as the science of justice. One of its main conclusions is that neither science can be fruitfully pursued without the virtues fostered by the other: logic is pointless without fairness and compassion; ethics is pointless without rigor and objectivity. The logician’s advice to be dispassionate is in resonance and harmony with the ethicist’s advice us to be compassionate.
Russian translation by Sergei Korchevoi.
Philosophy of Mathematics Education Journal, ISSN 1465-2978 , 2016
The article discusses the issue of certainty of mathematics through the lens of two epistemologic... more The article discusses the issue of certainty of mathematics through the lens of two epistemological problems: the skeptical argument and Gettier cases. Regarding practical or applied mathematics mathematical knowledge is vulnerable to both: the skeptical hypothesis and the Gettier problem, therefore, the pure absolutist view seems to be irrelevant. Nevertheless, the former problem does not afflict pure mathematics under the light of anti-lick epistemology. Thus, a common intuition that pure mathematical knowledge exhibits a degree of certainty that exceeds analogous parameters of other scientific activity is plausible.
Drafts by Sergei Korchevoi
The article aims to develop an ethics-mathematics analogy. In particular, it considers an objecti... more The article aims to develop an ethics-mathematics analogy. In particular, it considers an objection that while mathematical pluralism works for practical tasks, ethical pluralism does not. Yet, epistemology cannot ignore the way of thinking of a person who tries to obtain knowledge. Taking into account a very basic structure of mathematical thinking, the article presents an argumentation in favor of ethical pluralism, especially in cases of practical decision-making.
In the first part, this article deals with the idea of supporting Moral Intuitionism by drawing a... more In the first part, this article deals with the idea of supporting Moral Intuitionism by drawing an analogy with conceptual mathematical knowledge. The analysis shows that arguments of pro and contra to the above idea are rather aimed toward assumptions and expectations of moral epistemologists; the arguments miss the essence of mathematical conceptual thinking. The image of mathematical thinking exemplified in the epistemological discussion is probably afflicted by implicit biases. The second part of the article applies a very tentative model of mathematical thinking to several cases, or thought experiments, that have been bothering analytical philosophers, practical philosophers, and moral epistemologists. As a result, one can find that the considered thought experiments look very undefined even from a point of view of an imaginary applied mathematician.
This research aims to shed some light on one of the facets of how the information flow including ... more This research aims to shed some light on one of the facets of how the information flow including that in the media relates to one's real vaccine hesitancy. Specifically, we are interested in the possible input of medical experts' opinions on formation of people's attitude towards vaccine hesitancy. Phenomenology was chosen as the methodological and epistemological base for the study. The obtained description of the experience and attitudes of medical workers who feel vaccine hesitancy can contribute to further studies of challenges spawned not only by the current COVID-19 pandemic but can also provide hints in other situations of social turmoil.
Quasi-fideism: is religious relativism inevitable?, 2021
Several recent works dedicated to the challenge of the “Skeptical” argument also propose an inter... more Several recent works dedicated to the challenge of the “Skeptical” argument also propose an interesting development in religious epistemology. Those works explore Wittgenstein’s “anti-skepticism” proposal based on the concept of fundamental epistemological commitments, or “hinge commitments”. However, the purpose of this article is not to critique the proposal aimed at the debate over an “epistemic deceiving demon” but to explore a new perspective that the above hinge commitments give us in the field of religious epistemology.
Papers by Sergei Korchevoi
Russian translation by Sergei Korchevoi.
Drafts by Sergei Korchevoi
Russian translation by Sergei Korchevoi.
Theoretical underpinnings are discuss in the 1989 essay “Argumentations and logic”.
The exerpt below is from page 20.
The result of a successful application of either method is an argumentation that settles a hypothesis; in one case a proof that the hypothesis is true, i.e. a proof of the hypothesis; in the other case a proof that the hypothesis is false, i.e. a disproof of the hypothesis. Such results are clearly within the realm of justification, apodictics, as opposed to the realm of discovery, heuristics. Neither the deductive method nor the hypothetico-deductive method is a method for discovering hypotheses in the first place. Neither method is a method for discovering chains of reasoning. There are various heuristics for discovering hypotheses - perhaps the most familiar is the method of analogy. There are various heuristics for discovering chains of reasoning. Perhaps the most familiar is the so-called method of analysis which involves imagining that the desired chain of reasoning has already been constructed. 20
Charting a method for trying to determine the validity or invalidity of a given argument not known to be valid and not known to be invalid.
METHOD OF DEDUCTION: An argument is valid iff its conclusion follows from its premise-set. Not every valid argument is known to be valid. To determine of a given valid argument not now known by you to be valid, you need a method that produces knowledge of validity. One method in use before Aristotle is to deduce the conclusion from the premises-set.
METHOD OF COUNTERARGUMENTATION: An argument is invalid iff its conclusion does not follow from its premise-set. Not every invalid argument is known to be invalid. To determine of a given invalid argument not now known by you to be invalid, you need a method that produces knowledge of invalidity. One method, perhaps not in use before Aristotle, is to produce a known counterargument: an argument known to be in the same form, known to have a falsehood as its conclusion, and known to have all truths in its premises-set.
PRACTICE: Attempts to deduce a conclusion from given premises are often motivated by a hunch or guess that the conclusion follows. Unsuccessful attempts can lead to loss of confidence and reversal of hunch. Attempts to find a counterargument are often motivated by a hunch or guess that the conclusion doesn’t follow. Unsuccessful attempts can lead to loss of confidence and reversal of hunch. Although unsuccessful attempts do not produce knowledge of validity or invalidity, sometimes they produce a deeper understanding of the argument.
Sometimes success comes after repeatedly changing hunches. Sometimes success never comes and the argument, though valid or invalid, is not known to be valid and not known to be invalid
Charting a method for trying to determine the validity or invalidity of a given argument not known to be valid and not known to be invalid
METHOD OF DEDUCTION: An argument is valid iff its conclusion follows from its premise-set. Not every valid argument is known to be valid. To determine of a given valid argument not now known by you to be valid, you need a method that produces knowledge of validity. One method in use before Aristotle is to deduce the conclusion from the premises-set.
METHOD OF COUNTERARGUMENTATION: An argument is invalid iff its conclusion does not follow from its premise-set. Not every invalid argument is known to be invalid. To determine of a given invalid argument not now known by you to be valid, you need a method that produces knowledge of invalidity. One method, perhaps not in use before Aristotle, is to produce a known counterargument: an argument known to be in the same form, known to have a falsehood as its conclusion, and known to have all truths in its premises-set.
if one tries to grasp its theoretical challenge, she is likely to encounter a set of
somewhat bizarre thought experiments, e.g. “brain-in-a-vat”, “epistemological evil
demon”, and the like (Pritchard, 2009). The pressure of skeptical argument remains
mostly abstract for lay people. Unfortunately, in the area of Moral epistemology, the
situation seems to be different. A moral skeptic has at her disposal a very
reasonable hypothesis asserting that there is no moral knowledge: the evolutionary
explanation of the genealogy of our moral beliefs (Lutz, 2015; Kappel, 2002). Thus,
all our moral beliefs are mere rationalizations of our best surviving strategies. This
hypothesis is elegant, simple, and explanatory. Thus, one who is uncomfortable
adopting moral skepticism should propose at least a similarly reasonable non-
skeptical explanation. One candidate for such an explanation is an analogy
between mathematical knowledge and moral knowledge (Korchevoi, 2023a). At first
glance, this analogy may seem to steer us too far from the real ground of common
sense; it is too abstract. Yet, it is easy to see that this analogy stubbornly occurs in
ethical thinking (Ross, 1930; Audi, 2004, 2008; Lutz, 2015; Clarke-Doane, 2019).
This dissertation aims to develop and refine arguments refuting the hold of Skeptical
argument in Moral epistemology using explanatory power of the concept of “self-
evident” propositions. The main thread of argumentation will borrow the epistemic
ground from the several approaches to the philosophy of mathematics, in particular
Platonism, Logicism, and mathematical Intuitionism. Thus, it is unlikely that a
proponent of strong fallibilism in mathematics will be convinced by our arguments.
Yet, we hope to show that if one believes in a solid epistemological ground of several
mathematical propositions, she should believe in the existence of similar
epistemological ground for some propositions in Moral epistemology.
Translated by Sergei Korchevoi.
Джон Коркоран, Что такое силлогизмы: три взгляда, восемь столетий.
Философия, Университет Буффало, Буффало, Нью-Йорк 14260-4150, США
E-mail: [email protected]
Рассматриваемым здесь вопросом является природа “силлогизмов”, указанных в Prior Analytics [1] (Первая Аналитика). Столетия, начиная с 1200 года, доминирующий взгляд был установлен средневековым мнемоническим правилом “Barbara-Celarent” [2]: силлогизмы это определенные валидные аргументы, содержащие предпосылки и заключение, которые зачастую неверно обозначались как “выводы”. В середине ХХ века много современных логиков приняли иной взгляд, высказанный Jan Łukasiewicz [3] (Ян Лукасевич): силлогизмы суть определенные универсальные пропозиции, неформально называемые “импликации”. Продуктивные двусторонние дебаты дали свидетельства, ослабляющие кейс Лукасевича.