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CM. The terms applied for structure of the first cervical vertebra are:
Massae lateralеs
Processus accessorius
Fovea dentis
Arcus posterior
Sulcus caroticus.
CM. The specific terms used only for lumbar vertebrae are the:
Processus transversus
Processus accessorius
Processus articulares superiores
Processus articulares inferiores
Processus mamillaris.
CM. How does the anomaly „spina bifida aperta” look like?
Fissure (cleft) of the vertebral body
Fissure (cleft) of the vertebral arch
Fissure (cleft) of the vertebral arch, accompanied by infringement of integrity of soft tissue
Inconcrescence of the arch with vertebral body
Spinal hernia (meningomyelocele).
CM. Чем выражается аномалия “spina bifida aperta”?
А. Расщеплением тела позвонка
В. Расщеплением дуги позвонка
С. Расщеплением дуги позвонка с нарушением целостности мягких тканей
D. Несращением дуги с телом позвонка
Е. Спинальной грыжей (meningomyelocele).
CM. The structures taking part in the formation of the vertebral canal are the:
Articular processes
Transverse processes
Vertebral arch
Vertebral body
Vertebral pedicles.
CM. Which of the following statements relate to the first rib are true:
It is atypic
It is the shortest one, widest and the most curved
It is flattened in the superoinferior (vertical) sense
It has one tubercle and 2 grooves on the inferior surface
Its anterior end is wider and thicker than the posterior one.
CM. Which of the following thoracic vertebrae do not have costal fossae on the transverse
A. T1
B. T11
C. T10
D. T12
E. T2
CM. The bones delimiting which bound the upper thoracic aperture are the:
The I rib
Sternal body
Sternal manubrium
The I thoracic vertebra.
CM. Which of the following statements about the clavicle are is true:
It is the only long bone located horizontally
Its entire length is located subcutaneous
It is the first bone in which ossification starts
Its acromial end ossifies endesmally
It is the only long bone that partly ossifies endesmally
CM. Ключица:
А. Единственная длинная кость, которая расположена горизонтально
В. Расположена подкожно по всей ее длине
С. Первая из костей в которой начинается окостенение
D. Эндесмальное окостенение ее акромиального конца
Е. Единственная длинная кость с частичным эндесмальным окостенением
CM. The structural elements of the shoulder girdle bone palpable on alive person are the:
Sternal end of clavicle
Supraglenoid tubercle
Acromial end of the clavicle
Body of the clavicle.
CM. The structural elements located on the dorsal surface of the scapula are the:
Processus acromialis
Fossa supraspinata
Processus coracoideus
Spina scapulae
Cavitas glenoidalis.
CM. Анатомические образования дорсальной поверхности лопатки:
Processus acromialis
Fossa supraspinata
Processus coracoideus
Spina scapulae
Cavitas glenoidalis.
CM. Which of the following statements about the humerus are true:
The anatomical neck separates the head of the humerus from the greater and lesser tubercles
The surgical neck is located in the middle part of the diaphysis of the humerus
The 2 fossae: coronoid and olecranon, are located proximally to the trochlea of the humerus
The medial epicondyle starts from the capitulum of the humerus, the lateral one – from the
The risk of traumatic injury of the radial and ulnar nerves exists in fractures of the humerus.
CM. Плечевая кость:
А. Анатомическая шейка отделяет головку плечевой кости от большого и малого бугорков
В. Хирургическая шейка расположена на уровне средней части тела плечевой кости
С. Проксимальнее блока плечевой кости находятся две ямки: венечная и локтевая
D. Медильный надмыщелок расположен со стороны головки мыщелка, а латеральный – со
стороны блока плечевой кости
Е. При переломах плечевой кости существует опасность травмирования лучевого и
локтевого нервов.
CM. The elements of the humerus that may be palpated on alive person are the:
Anatomical neck
Medial epicondyle
Coronoid fossa
Lateral epicondyle
Surgical neck.
CM. Which of the following bones form the skeleton of the forearm?
CM. The anatomical structures situated at the proximal end of the ulna are the:
Head of ulna
Ulnar notch
Trochlear notch
Supinator crest.
CM. The anatomical structures located on the distal end of the radius are:
Collum radii
Caput radii
Incisura ulnaris
Processus styloideus
Tuberositas radii.
CM. Which of the following statements about the forearm bones are true:
The lateral surface of the radius continues distally with the styloid process
The posterior border of the radius is seen better in its distal part
The proximal end of the ulna has 2 processes and 2 notches
The posterior border of the ulna is located subcutaneously
The nutritional orifice of the ulna is located on the proximal part of the anterior surface.
CM. Что касается костей предплечья:
А. Латеральная поверхность лучевой кости продолжается шиловидным отростком
В. Задний край лучевой кости хорошо вырисовывается на дистальной его части
С. Проксимальный эпифиз локтевой кости имеет 2 отростка и 2 вырезки
D. Задний край локтевой кости расположен подкожно
Е. Питательное отверстие локтевой кости находится на проксимальной части ее передней
CM.Which of the following statements about the carpal bones are true:
The proximal row is made up of the following bones (named from the thumb): the scaphoid
bone, the lunate bone, the triquetrum bone and the pisiform bone
Each carpal bone carries six articular facets
The proximal row of carpal bones form collectively a vault-like convexity proximally and a
trough-shaped concavity distally
The distal row of carpal bones form a convexity proximally but they are arranged in a straight
line distally
The carpal bones form four prominences providing attachment of muscles and ligaments,
namely: the scaphoid bone, the pisiform bone, the trapezium and the hamate bone.
CM. Кости запястья:
А. В проксимальном ряду (латерально-медиального направления) находятся: ладьевидная,
полулунная, трехгранная и гороховидная кости
В. Все кости запястья имеют 6 суставных поверхностей
С. Проксимальный ряд имеет проксимальную выпуклость и дистальную вогнутость
D. Дистальный ряд имеет одну выпуклую проксимальную поверхность и другую,
дистальную - прямую
Е. На костях запястья имеются 4 выступающих точки для начала и прикрепления мышц: на
ладьевидной, гороховидной, кости трапеция и крючковидной.
92. CM. La oasele metacarpiene distingem:
CM. In the metacarpal bones the following portions are distinguished:
CM. У пястных костей различают:
А. Надмыщелки
В. Основания
С. Тело
D. Шейка
Е. Головка.
93. CM. Care oase formează rândul distal al carpului?
Os trapezoideum
Os lunatum
Os capitatum
Os hamatum
Os naviculare.
CM. Which of the following bones form the distal row of the carpal bones?
Os trapezoideum
Os lunatum
Os capitatum
Os hamatum
Os naviculare.
CM. Какие кости образуют дистальный ряд запястья?
Os trapezoideum
Os lunatum
Os capitatum
Os hamatum
Os naviculare.
94. CM. Cap și col posedă:
CM. The following bones have the head and neck:
CM. Головку и шейку имеют:
А. Лопатка
В. Ключица
С. Плечевая кость
D. Лучевая кость
Е. Локтевая кость.
95. CM.Evidenţiaţi anomaliile membrului superior:
CM. The abnormalities of the upper limb are:
CM. Укажите аномалии развития верхней конечности:
Scheletul membrului inferior (centurii pelviene și membrului inferiorliber).
Explorarea pe viu a oaselor membrului inferior.
96. CS. Care dintre oasele membrului inferior sunt sesamoide?
Cuneiformul medial
CS. Which of the bones of the lower limb are sesamoid bones?
Patella (or knee-cap)
Cuboid bone
Medial cuneiform bone
Navicular bone.
CS. Какие кости нижней конечности являются сесамовидными:
А. Таранная кость
В. Надколенник
С. Кубовидная кость
D. Медиальная клиновидная кость
Е. Ладьевидная кость.
97. CS. Care formaţiune anatomică separă incizurile ischionului?
Tuber ischiadicum
Tuberculum pubicum
Spina iliaca posterior inferior
Spina ischiadica
Tuberositas glutea.
CS. Which of the following anatomical structures separates the sciatic notches?
Tuber ischiadicum
Tuberculum pubicum
Spina iliaca posterior inferior
Spina ischiadica
Tuberositas glutea.
CM. The anatomical structures located on the iliac crest are the:
Tuberositas iliaca
Spina iliaca anterior superior
Spina iliaca posterior inferior
Linea arcuata
Linia intermedia.
CM.The structures of the hip bone palpable on alive person are the:
Iliac crest
Anterior superior iliac spine
Ischial tuberosity
Ischial spine.
CM. The structures of the distal end of the femur are the:
Epicondylus lateralis
Condylus medialis
Facies poplitea
Facies patellaris
Facies lunata.
CM. Structural elements of the femur that can be palpated on alive person are the:
Head of the femur
Medial epicondyle
Lesser trochanter
Greater trochanter
Lateral epicondyle.
CM. The structures of the proximal end of the tibia are the:
Area intercondylaris anterior
Facies articularis fibularis
Incisura fibularis
Eminentia intercondylaris
Epicondylus medialis.
CM. Анатомические образования, расположенные на уровне проксимального эпифиза
большеберцовой кости:
Area intercondylaris anterior
Facies articularis fibularis
Incisura fibularis
Eminentia intercondylaris
Epycondylus medialis.
CM. The structural elements of the distal end of the tibia are the:
Line of the soleus muscle
Malleolar groove
Medial malleolus
Lateral malleolus
Fibular notch.
CM.Образования дистального эпифиза большеберцовой кости:
А. Линия камбаловидной мышцы
В. Лодыжковая борозда
С. Медиальная лодыжка
D. Латеральная лодыжка
Е. Малоберцовая вырезка.
CM. Structural elements of the leg bones palpable on alive person are the:
Intercondilar eminence
Lateral malleolus
Medial malleolus
Tuberosity of the tibia
Head of the fibula.
CM. The bones of the distal row of the tarsus are the:
Talus (talar bone)
Cuboid bone
Medial cuneiform bone
Navicular bone
Lateral cuneiform bone.
CM. The bones forming the hard foundation of the foot are the:
Navicular bone
Astragalus (talus)
Cuneiform bones
Cuboid bone.
CM. Which of the following statements about the plantar arches are true:
They are present in humans and some higher vertebrates
Convexity of the transverse arch is more pronounced at the medial edge of the plant
The toes do not have supporting function
The plantar arches are supported by the dome-shaped foot bones, ligaments, muscles and
The longest and highest longitudinal arch is the third one.
CM.The structures of the lower limb that have the amortization role are:
Synovial fluid
Leg bones
Plantar arches.
Artrosindesmologie generală.
Legăturile oaselor trunchiului.
Coloana vertebrală şi toracele în ansamblu,
explorare pe viu.
CS. What kind of articulation/junction is formed between the first rib and the sternum?
А. Syndesmosis
CS. What kind of articulation/junction is formed between the second rib and sternum?
А. Syndesmosis
B. Synchondrosis
C. Synostosis
E. Symphysis.
CS. The supraspinal ligament in the region of the neck is named the:
Inferior occipital ligament
Posterior supraspinal ligament
Cervical supraspinal ligament
Nuchal ligament
Posterior occipital ligament.
134. CM. Care din tipurile enumerate de uniri ale oaselor se referă la sinartrose?
135. CM. Indicați elementele principale ale unei diartroze (articulații sinoviale):
Discus articularis
Capsula articularis
Cavitas articularis
Labrum articulare
Facies articulares.
136. CM. Indicați elementele auxiliare ale unei diartroze (articulații sinoviale):
А. Ligamentum
Cartilago articularis (disci et menisci articulares)
Capsula articularis
Bursae sinoviales
Labrum articulare.
CM.The auxilliary elements of diarthrosis (synovial joint) are:
А. Ligamentum
Cartilago articularis (disci et menisci articulares)
Capsula articularis
Bursae synoviales
Labrum articulare.
CM. Joints are divided according to the shape of the articular surfaces into:
А. Compound joint
Ball-and-socket joint
Combined joint
Saddle joint
Ellipsoid joint.
CM. По форме их суставных поверхностей, суставы делятся на:
139. CM. În ce grupe se împart articulațiile după numărul axelor în jurul cărora se execută
А. Simple
CM. According to the number of axes on which movements are performed joints are
classified into:
А. Simple joints
Multiaxial joints
Compound joints
Uniaxial joints
Biaxial joints.
CM. В зависимости от количества осей, вокруг которых осуществляются движения,
суставы делятся на:
140. CM. Cum se numesc mișcările executate în jurul axei verticale?
А. Flexio et extensio
Adductio et abductio
Pronatio et supinatio.
CM. How are called movements around the vertical axis?
А. Flexio et extensio
Adductio et abductio
Pronatio et supinatio.
CM. Как называются движения, осуществляемые вокруг вертикальной оси?
Flexio et extensio
Adductio et abductio
Pronatio et supinatio.
141. CM. Care din articulațiile enumerate sunt uniaxiale?
А. Articulatio sellaris
Articulatio cotylica
Articulatio plana
Articulatio trochoidea.
CM. Which of the following joints are uniaxial?
А. Articulatio sellaris
Articulatio cotylica
Articulatio plana
Articulatio trochoidea.
CM. Какие из перечисленных суставов являются одноосными?
Articulatio sellaris
Articulatio cotylica
Articulatio plana
Articulatio trochoidea.
159. CS. În jurul căror axe se pot efectua mișcări în articulatio humeroulnaris?
А. Axis frontalis
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontalis.
CS. What type of junctions is formed between the diaphyses of the forearm bones?
А. Synchondrosis
B. Diarthrosis
D. Symphysis
E. Synsarcosis.
167. CS. În jurul căror axe sunt posibile mișcări în articulationes interphalangeae?
А. Axis frontalis
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontalis.
CM. Which of the following statements about the sternoclavicular joint are true:
Its articular surfaces are congruent
The sternoclavicular joint is complex and combined
Its movements are possible on two axes
The articular cavity is divided into two compartments (chambers)
It is strengthened by the sternoclavicular, interclavicular and costoclavicular ligaments.
CM. Which type of joints does the sternoclavicular joint belong to?
Articulatio simplex
Articulatio synovialis
Articulatio combinata
Articulatio complexa
CM.Articulatio sternoclavicularis является:
Articulatio simplex
Articulatio synovialis
Articulatio combinata
Articulatio complexa
CM.Укажитесвязкиукрепляющиеarticulatio sternoclavicularis:
Ligamentum trapezoideum
Ligamentum sternoclaviculare anterius
Ligamentum costoclaviculare
Ligamentum interclaviculare
Ligamentum sternoclaviculare posterius.
185. CM. În jurul căror axe sunt posibile mișcările în articulatio radiocarpea?
А. Axis transversalis (frontalis)
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontalis.
CM. Which type of joints does the articulatio mediocarpea belong to?
Articulatio simplex
Articulatio composita
Articulatio combinata
Articulatio complexa
Articulatio synovialis.
CM. К какому типу относится articulatio mediocarpeas?
Articulatio simplex
Articulatio composita
Articulatio combinata
Articulatio complexa
Articulatio synovialis.
187. CM. În jurul căror axe sunt posibile mișcări în articulatio carpometacarpea pollicis?
А. Axis transversalis (frontalis)
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontalis.
CM. On which axes are movements in the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb possible?
А. Axis transversalis (frontalis)
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontalis.
CM.Вокруг каких осей возможны движения в articulatio carpometacarpea pollicis?
Axis transversalis (frontalis)
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontali.s
199. CS. În jurul căror axe sunt posibile mișcări în articulatio genus?
А. Axis transversalis et sagittalis
Axis sagittalis et verticalis
Axis verticalis et transversalis
Axis transversalis et obliquus
Axis sagittalis et obliquus.
CS. On which of the following axes are movements of the knee joint possible?
А. Axis transversalis et sagittalis
Axis sagittalis et verticalis
Axis verticalis et transversalis
Axis transversalis et obliquus
Axis sagittalis et obliquus.
CS. What type of joints does the talocrural joint belong to?
Articulatio simplex
Articulatio composita
Articulatio combinata
Articulatio complexa
Articulatio sellaris.
201. CS. În jurul căror axe sunt posibile mișcări în articulatio talocruralis?
А. Axis transversalis
Axis sagittalis
Axis verticalis
Axis obliquus
Axis horizontalis
CM. Which of the following statements about the sacroiliac joint are true:
It is formed by the auricular articular surfaces of the sacrum and of the hip bone
The articular capsule is large (free) and resistant
The articular cartilage of the hip bone is thicker than that of the sacrum
The interosseous sacroiliac ligament is the strongest among all the other sacroiliac ligaments
It is an amphyarthrosis.
CM. Подвздошно-крестцовый сустав:
Образуется ушковидными суставными поверхностями крестца и тазовой кости
Суставная капсула свободная и прочная
Суставной хрящ на ушковидной поверхности тазовой кости толще, чем на крестце
Из крестцово-подвздошных связок самая прочная межкостная связка
Представляет собой амфиартроз.
CM. Which of the following statements about the pubic symphysis are true:
It is a hemiarthrosis (half-a-joint) located between the pubic bones
The interpubic fibrocartilaginous disc is more massive (bigger) in male than in female
The pubic symphysis is higher in females
Movements of the symphysis are possible in females during labour
It is fixed by the superior pubic ligament and the arcuate pubic ligament.
CM. Which of the following statements about the pelvis are true:
It is a bony ring
The greater pelvis forms the inferior part of the abdominal cavity
The greater sciatic foramen is bounded by the greater sciatic notch and by the sacrotuberal
The lesser sciatic foramen is formed by the lesser sciatic notch and sacrospinal ligament
In normal anatomical position the superior pelvic aperture in female forms with the horizontal
plan an angle about (50-550).
CM. Which of the following statements about the talocrural joint are true:
It is formed by the articular surfaces of three bones
The articular capsule is thin, strengthened by strong ligaments
The capsule is inserted to the edges of the articular surfaces
The synovial membrane is loose
The synovial cavity often extends superiorly between the tibiofibular ligaments.
CM. Голеностопный сустав:
Образован суставными поверхностями трех костей
Суставная капсула тонкая, укреплена прочными связками
Суставная капсула фиксируется по краю суставных поверхностей
Синовиальная мембрана слабая
Суставная полость часто поднимается вверх между межберцовыми связками.
CM. Which of the following ligaments strengthen the transverse tarsal joint?
А. Ligamentum tibionaviculare
Ligamentum calcaneonaviculare
Ligamentum calcaneocuboideum
Ligamentum calcaneocuboideum plantare
Ligmentum plantare longum.
CM. Choose the true statements about the tarsometatarsal and intermetatarsal joints:
There are three compound tarsometatarsal joints, isolated from each other
They are strengthened by the dorsal, plantar and interosseous tarsometatarsal ligaments
The lateral interosseous tarsometatarsal ligament is the "key" of the Lisfranc's joint
The intermetatarsal joints are plane
The direction of all the dorsal, plantar and interosseous ligaments is transverse.
CM. Предплюсне-плюсневые и межплюсневые суставы:
Имеются 3 сложных предплюсне-плюсневых сустава, изолированные друг от друга
Укреплены тыльными, подошвенными и межкостными предплюсне-плюсневыми
Латеральная межкостная предплюсне-плюсневая связка является ключом Лисфранкова
Межплюсневые суставы плоские
Все связки (тыльные, подошвенные, межкостные) имеют поперечное направление.
CM. Амфиартрозы:
Крестцово-подвздошный сустав
Тазобедренный сустав
Голеностопный сустав
Подтаранный сустав
Пяточно-кубовидный сустав.
CS. The place of the insertion of the musculus pectoralis major is the:
А. Acromion
Processus coracoideus scapulae
Crista tuberculi majoris humeri
Crista tuberculi minoris humeri
Spina scapulae.
CM. Which of the following statements about retinacula and synovial sheaths of tendons is
Retinaculum is a fibrous thickening of the fascia as a bundle
Retinaculum maintain tendons close to bones
The synovial sheath favors the gliding tendons inside the proper osteofibrous canals
The synovial sheath is to cylindrical tube formed by two layers
The synovial sheaths exist in all muscles.
CM. Диафрагма:
Верхняя выпуклая поверхность образует нижнюю стенку грудной полости, а ее вогнутая
поверхность - верхнюю стенку брюшной полости
Купол диафрагмы имеет углубление для сердца
Справа поднимается до V ребра, а слева – до IV-го
Мышечные пучки располагаются по периферии
Положение диафрагмы варьирует в зависимости от пола, возраста, положения тела и
дыхательных движений.
CM. Choose the true statement about the fascia of the thorax:
Fascia thoracica superficialis is well developed and forms the septa in the mammary gland
The layers of the pectoral fascia enclose the m. pectoralis major
The thicker superior portion of the deep layer of pectoral fascia forms the fascia clavipectoralis
The fascia pectoralis forms the suspensory ligaments of mammary gland
The ribs and intercostal muscles are lined outside by the fascia thoracica propria, but inside –
by fascia endothoracica.
CM. Which of the following statements about the external oblique muscle of the abdomen is
It starts from the external surface of the last 7-8 ribs.
Its posterior bundles are almost in vertical position and are inserted on the internal lip of the
iliac crest.
Its slips interpose with of the m. serratus anterior and m. latissimus dorsi
The inguinal ligament is stretched between inferior iliac spine and pubic tubercle.
Its aponevrosis forms 2 peduncles: superior and inferior at the level of insertion to the pubic
CM. Which of the following statements about the abdominal fasciae is true:
The superficial fascia is developed better in its superior parts
The proper fascia forms 3 layers, the best developed lines the internal oblique muscle
The superficial layer of the fascia propria continues as fascia of m. cremaster
Fascia transversalis is a portion of fascia endoabdominalis.
Fascia transversalis is strengthened in the inferior part of the linia alba by longitudinal fibers
CM.Фасции живота:
Поверхностная фасция больше развита в своих верхних отделах
Собственная фасция образует 3 пластинки, самая развитая из них покрывает внутреннюю
косую мышцу
Поверхностная пластинка собственной фасции продолжается в фасцию m. cremaster
D. Поперечная фасция является частью внутренней фасции живота
E. У нижнего отрезка белой линии поперечная фасция усилена продольными пучками.
273. CM. Locuri slabe ale diafragmului:
Triunghiul lombocostal
Spaţiul dintre fasciculele sternale ale diafragmului
Triunghiul sternocostal
Triunghiul Petit
Fascia transversală dintre ligamentul Henle şi ligamentul interfoveolar.
CM. The weak places of the diaphragm are:
The lumbocostal triangle
The space between the sternal bundles of the diaphragm
The sternocostal triangle
The Petit’s triangle
The fascia transversalis between the ligament of Henle and lig. interfoveolare
CM. Слабые места диафрагмы:
Реберно-поясничный треугольник
Щель между грудинными мышечными пучками диафрагмы
Грудинно-реберный треугольник
Поясничный треугольник (Petit)
Поперечная фасция между lig. Henle и lig. interfoveolare.
274. CM. Locuri slabe ale peretelui abdominal anterior:
Tetragonul Grynfelt
Triunghiul sternocostal
Linia semilunară
Triunghiul Volânski
Linia albă.
CM. The weak places of the anterior abdominal wall are:
The tetragon of Grynfelt
The sternocostal triangle
The semilunar line
The triangle of Volânski (subcostal triangle)
The linia alba
CM. Слабые места передней стенки живота:
Четырехугольник Grynfelt
Грудинно-реберный треугольник
Linia semilunaris
Треугольник Волынского
Белая линия.
275. CM. Locuri slabe ale peretelui abdominal posterior:
Triunghiul lombocostal
Tetragonul Grynfelt
Linia semilunară
Triunghiul Petit
Triunghiul Volânski.
CM. The weak places of the posterior abdominal wall are:
The lumbocostal triangle
The tetragon of Grynfelt
The semilunar line
The triangle of Petit
The linia alba.
CM. Слабые места задней стенки живота:
Пояснично-реберный треугольник
Четырехугольник Grynfelt
С. Полулунная линия
D. Поясничный треугольник (Petit)
E. Треугольник Волынского
287. CM. Indicați mușchii, care formează peretele anterior al cavitas axillaris:
А. Мusculus deltoideus
Мusculus pectoralis minor
Мusculus biceps brachii
Мusculi teretis minor et major
Мusculus pectoralis major
CM. CM. The muscle that made up the anterior wall of the axillary cavity are:
M. deltoideus
M. pectoralis minor
M. biceps brachii
M. teretis minor et major
M. pectoralis major.
290. CM. Orificiul patrulater (văzut din față) este delimitat de:
Tendonul capului lung al mușchiului biceps brahial
Mușchiul infraspinos
Mușchiul subscapular
Mușchiul rotund mare.
CM. The quadrilateral opening (anterior view) is delimited by:
The tendon of long head of biceps brachii
M. infraspinatus
M. subscapularis
M. teres major.
CM. Четырехстороннее отверстие (при осмотре спереди) ограничено:
Сухожилием длинной головки двуглавой мышцы плеча
Плечевой костью С.
Подостной мышцей
D. Подлопаточной мышцей
E. Большой круглой мышцей.
CM. The functions of the posterior group of muscles of the arm are:
Adduction of the arm
Extension in the shoulder joint
Anterior flexion of arm
Extension in the elbow joint
Flexion in the elbow joint.
fasciile şi topografia membrului inferior, explorare pe viu.
304. CS. Prin orificiul sciatic mare trece:
Mușchiul obturator intern
Mușchiul obturator extern
Mușchiul gluteu mic
Mușchiul piriform
Mușchiul iliopsoas.
CS. Which of the following muscles passes through the greater sciatic orifice:
M. obturatorius internus
M. obturatorius externus
M. gluteus minimus
M. piriformis
M. iliopsoas.
CS. Через большое седалищное отверстие проходит:
А. Внутренняя запирательная мышца
Наружная запирательная мышца
Малая ягодичная мышца
Грушевидная мышца
Подвздошно-поясничная мышца.
CS. Which of the following muscles passes through the lesser sciatic orifice:
M. piriformis
M. obturatorius internus
M. obturatorius externus
Mm. gemeli
M. psoas minor.
CS. The vascular lacuna (lacuna vasorum) is separated from the muscular one by:
Lig. lacunare
Lig. inguinale
Lig. reflexum
Iliopectineal arch
Fascia transversalis.
CS. Choose the muscles which take part in abduction of the thigh:
А. Мusculus pectineus
Мusculus gracilis
Мusculus gluteus maximus
Мusculus gluteus mediu.
Мusculus vastus intermedius.
CS. Choose the muscles which take part in the internal rotation of the thigh:
А. Мusculus gluteus maximus
Мusculus gluteus minimus
Мusculus iliopsoas
Мusculus sartorius
Мusculus vastus intermedius.
CM. Choose the muscles which take part in the external rotation of the thigh:
А. Мusculus tensor fasciae latae
Мusculus biceps femoris
Мusculus sartorius
Мusculus pectineus
Мusculus vastus intermedius.
CM. Which of the following statements about the fascia lata is true:
Its posterior part is tendinous
It splits into 2 layers in its antero-superior portion
The deep layer is pierced by saphenous opening
It forms the sheaths for the quadriceps femoris and adductor magnus muscles
Its lateral portion is named iliotibial tract.
CM. Which of the following muscles provides the flexion of the thigh:
А. Мusculus rectus femoris
Мusculus vastus medialis
Мusculus vastus lateralis
Мusculus vastus intermedius
Мusculus sartorius.
CM. Which of the following muscles provide the adduction of the thigh:
А. Мusculus gluteus medius
Мusculus gluteus minimus
Мusculus gracilis
Мusculus pectineus
Мusculus vastus intermedius.
CM. Which of the following muscles provides the internal rotation of the leg:
А. Мusculus rectus femoris
Мusculus biceps femoris
Мusculus sartorius
Мusculus adductor longus
Мusculus semimembranosus.
CM. Вращаютголенькнутри:
А. Мusculus rectus femoris
Мusculus biceps femoris
Мusculus sartorius
Мusculus adductor longus
Мusculus semimembranosus.
CM. Which of the following muscles provides the dorsal flexion of the foot:
А. Мusculus fibularis longus
Мusculus tibialis anterior
Мusculus tibialis posterior
Мusculus triceps surae
Мusculus extensor digitorum longus.
CM. Which of the following muscles provides the internal rotation (pronation or eversion) o
the foot:
А. Мusculus peroneus longus
Мusculus tibialis anterior
Мusculus tibialis posterior
Мusculus triceps surae
Мusculus peroneus brevis.
CM. Which of the following muscles provides the external rotation ( supination or inversion
of the foot:
А. Мusculus fibularis longus
Мusculus extensor digitorum longus
Мusculus extensor hallucis longus
Мusculus tibialis posterior
Мusculus fiexor hallucis longus.