Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wedding. Show all posts

Beautiful Bride


MR and MRS!

First Dance

the MR and me....

Best Man and his Girl! 
my younger son

Rehearsal Dinner

Great venue, outstanding food.

My Mom, Dad and Sister
The 'Scott's'


a small glimpse...fabulous weekend


Treading Water

I have been a bad friend and blogger lately....the final countdown to the wedding is here and the details are starting to keep me awake.  I can't imagine how the mother of the bride is feeling....she must not be sleeping at all.
I want desperately to catch up with my favorite reads 
and I will.

Have any of you been out shopping for a 'Mother of the Bride/Groom' dress lately?  

Have I told any of you how picky I am?

Beautiful, no?  Perfect for Mardi Gras.

Pretty design....don't relish the idea of robbing a bank anytime soon.

I don't like shiny or grandma, 

matronly, or anything typical.

I would like to be age-appropriate.

After coming home in literal tears, suggestions were made to have one made. A sweet friend of mine who I've come to realize is a couture dressmaker said she would be delighted to make my dress.  

I went to a fabric store here in Atlanta where I'm told the owners go to New York to the garment district to buy fabric.

I wanted to see what was 'out there' in clothing fabrics.

I am one of these that likes organization and order.

Can you feel what I am feeling?
I don't do well at big store sales...too much disorder.
I was a mess....totally distracted...
couldn't do it, had to leave.
I understood grouping fabrics in come organized by color couldn't be incorporated?

After much searching the pattern books which in my opinion stink, I was struck by this.  




will be hemmed mid-calf

I went back to the mess of the fabric store and asked where the taffeta was.
All along I wanted 'eggplant'. 

God is good, all the time.


right on top...perfect.

Found this for the rehearsal dinner.
Plus a new 'do'.
Still working on accessories...heading for the jewelry mart this week.

Here's a sneak peak into a bit of table design.

practiced for a dinner party at my girlfriend's home...martini's anyone?

Do you need help making your house a home?
Contact me here for an online or personal consultation.


Do You Remember?

young love

butterflies of anticipation

planning for a future

will kick off the festivities for the special day

for dinner after the rehearsal

fall colours

inspiration ideas gathering

for the perfect setting

in rustic chic decor

we are delighted to be adding a daughter to our family

images from the Knot
