This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family's environm... more This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family's environment on child character formation, agree with the findings of Urie Bronfenbrenner (1997), SE Oladipo (2009), Emilie Phillips Smith (2003) and Wim Bernasco (2013), Peterson and Westburg (2010) who states that the child character formation not only influenced by some environment on microsystem such as a family and school, even society and peer of the same age also have greater influence. Interdependence between institution (on microsystem) have important role, such as collaboration of proper function to more efisience on child character formation. This study is a quantitative studies. Source of the data on this study consist of primary data from the data which directly obtained on field like questionnaire, observation, and interview with Al-Khasyi'un junior high school's students, teachers, parents of the studen, and society. Secondary data of this research used the data from the ot...
To respond the changing of education paradigm and implement KKNI Curriculum instruction at this t... more To respond the changing of education paradigm and implement KKNI Curriculum instruction at this time, than need to do the study a n d d is c u s s o f c o m p a t ib l e m o d e l s o r m et h o d s t o b e a p p l i ed in learning activities in university. It's also driven by the education problems in university currently, as there are lecturers who apply the conventional learning model, and they don't understand about models that are oriented towards learning outcomes of the course on the KKNI curriculum. The right solution in this case, the Higher Education Curriculum Development Team and Muhammad Fathurrohman have formulated learning models which is based on the KKNI curriculum. These models are believed to accommodate problems and can improve the soft skills and hard skills of students in their fields. Some of these models are: 1) Small Group Discussion, 2) Role-Play dan Simulation, 3) Case Study, 4) Discovery Learning, 5) Self Directed Learning, 6) Coopotative Learning, 7) Collaborative Learning, 8) Contextual Instruction, 9) Project Based Learning (PBL), 10) Problem Based Learning and Inquairy. In the application of these models have been proven to give a real effect, so as to achieve optimal learning objectives. This article takes a descriptive analysis approach by reviewing several sources related to the theme and discussion of the author.
Di dunia akademik, terminologi karakter, akhlak, moral dan etika sering disamakan. Namun, jika di... more Di dunia akademik, terminologi karakter, akhlak, moral dan etika sering disamakan. Namun, jika dikaji lebih mendalam, akan bisa dibedakan. Dalam tulisan ini akan dikaji secara komprehensif baik dari segi asal usul kata, teori, ilmu terkait dan implementasinya dalam dunia pendidikan. Di antara beberapa argumen yang membedakan seperti Althof, Berkowitz dan Victor Battistich membedakan keempat terminologi ini dari segi teori dan implementasinya. Kedua tokoh ini menyatakan jika teori moral dan etika diambil dari teori filsafat. Dan pada implementasinya, pendidikan moral cenderung memiliki cakupan lebih sempit, yaitu hanya pada perkembangan kognitif. Sedangkan pendidikan karakter memiliki cakupan lebih luas dan komprehensif. Sementara Yoke Suryadarma dan Ahmad Hifdzil Haq menyebutkan perbedaan keempat terminologi ini terletak pada barometer dan implementasinya. Argumen dari kedua tokoh ini mengacu kepada pendapat Imam Al-Ghazali, yang menyatakan bahwa akhlak bukan sekedar perbuatan semata, juga bukan kemampuan berbuat dan bukan pula pengetahuan. Akan tetapi, akhlak ialah upaya mengintegrasikan akhlak itu sendiri dengan situasi jiwa yang siap memunculkan perbuatan-perbuatan baik dan buruk, bukan hanya sesaat, namun selamanya. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif yang disandarkan pada analisis semua argumen terkait keempat terminologi tersebut, baik dari segi asal kata, teori, ilmu terkait dan implementasinya. In the academic world, the terminology of character, akhlak, morals and ethics are often equated. However, if studied more deeply, will be differentiated. In this paper will be studied comprehensively both in perspective of the origin/derivation of the words, theory, related science and its implementation in education. Among some differentiate arguments such as Althof, Berkowitz and Victor Battistich differentiate these the fourth terminologies in terms of theory and implementation. Both of these figures state if moral and ethical theory is derived from philosophical theory. And on its implementation, moral education tends to have a narrower scope, ie only on cognitive development while character education has wider and comprehensive scope. While Yoke Suryadarma and Ahmad Hifdzil Haq state the difference of these the fourth terminologies in the barometer and its implementation. The argument of these two figures refers to the opinion of Imam Al-Ghazali, who states that morality is not merely acts, or just the ability to do, not just knowledge also. However, morality is an effort to integrate akhlak with the situation of the soul who are ready to bring up good and bad deeds, not just for a moment but forever. This article exerts a descriptive analysis approach, which is based on analyzing all the fourth related terminology arguments in perspective of the origin/ derivation of the word, theory, related science and its implementation.
This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family’s environment ... more This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family’s environment on child character formation, agree with the findings of Urie Bronfenbrenner (1997), SE Oladipo (2009), Emilie Phillips Smith (2003) and Wim Bernasco (2013), Peterson and Westburg (2010) who states that the child character formation not only influenced by some environment on microsystem such as a family and school, even society and peer of the same age also have greater influence. Interdependence between institution (on microsystem) have important role, such as collaboration of proper function to more efisience on child character formation. This study is a quantitative studies. Source of the data on this study consist of primary data from the data which directly obtained on field like questionnaire, observation, and interview with Al-Khasyi’un junior high school’s students, teachers, parents of the studen, and society. Secondary data of this research used the data from the other researchs that have authoritative and credible besed on character education field to analyze primary data.
Orientalis mengkaji Islam mempunyai motif keagamaan dan politik. Hal itu sudah berlangsung cukup ... more Orientalis mengkaji Islam mempunyai motif keagamaan dan politik. Hal itu sudah berlangsung cukup lama, bahkan fakta sejarah ada yang mengatakan sebelum perang salib, orientalis sudah muncul dan mulai melakukan pengkajian terhadap ketimuran, khususnya Islam. Sebagian peneliti menyatakan bahwa orientalisme mulai ada sejak abad X masehi.
This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family's environm... more This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family's environment on child character formation, agree with the findings of Urie Bronfenbrenner (1997), SE Oladipo (2009), Emilie Phillips Smith (2003) and Wim Bernasco (2013), Peterson and Westburg (2010) who states that the child character formation not only influenced by some environment on microsystem such as a family and school, even society and peer of the same age also have greater influence. Interdependence between institution (on microsystem) have important role, such as collaboration of proper function to more efisience on child character formation. This study is a quantitative studies. Source of the data on this study consist of primary data from the data which directly obtained on field like questionnaire, observation, and interview with Al-Khasyi'un junior high school's students, teachers, parents of the studen, and society. Secondary data of this research used the data from the ot...
To respond the changing of education paradigm and implement KKNI Curriculum instruction at this t... more To respond the changing of education paradigm and implement KKNI Curriculum instruction at this time, than need to do the study a n d d is c u s s o f c o m p a t ib l e m o d e l s o r m et h o d s t o b e a p p l i ed in learning activities in university. It's also driven by the education problems in university currently, as there are lecturers who apply the conventional learning model, and they don't understand about models that are oriented towards learning outcomes of the course on the KKNI curriculum. The right solution in this case, the Higher Education Curriculum Development Team and Muhammad Fathurrohman have formulated learning models which is based on the KKNI curriculum. These models are believed to accommodate problems and can improve the soft skills and hard skills of students in their fields. Some of these models are: 1) Small Group Discussion, 2) Role-Play dan Simulation, 3) Case Study, 4) Discovery Learning, 5) Self Directed Learning, 6) Coopotative Learning, 7) Collaborative Learning, 8) Contextual Instruction, 9) Project Based Learning (PBL), 10) Problem Based Learning and Inquairy. In the application of these models have been proven to give a real effect, so as to achieve optimal learning objectives. This article takes a descriptive analysis approach by reviewing several sources related to the theme and discussion of the author.
Di dunia akademik, terminologi karakter, akhlak, moral dan etika sering disamakan. Namun, jika di... more Di dunia akademik, terminologi karakter, akhlak, moral dan etika sering disamakan. Namun, jika dikaji lebih mendalam, akan bisa dibedakan. Dalam tulisan ini akan dikaji secara komprehensif baik dari segi asal usul kata, teori, ilmu terkait dan implementasinya dalam dunia pendidikan. Di antara beberapa argumen yang membedakan seperti Althof, Berkowitz dan Victor Battistich membedakan keempat terminologi ini dari segi teori dan implementasinya. Kedua tokoh ini menyatakan jika teori moral dan etika diambil dari teori filsafat. Dan pada implementasinya, pendidikan moral cenderung memiliki cakupan lebih sempit, yaitu hanya pada perkembangan kognitif. Sedangkan pendidikan karakter memiliki cakupan lebih luas dan komprehensif. Sementara Yoke Suryadarma dan Ahmad Hifdzil Haq menyebutkan perbedaan keempat terminologi ini terletak pada barometer dan implementasinya. Argumen dari kedua tokoh ini mengacu kepada pendapat Imam Al-Ghazali, yang menyatakan bahwa akhlak bukan sekedar perbuatan semata, juga bukan kemampuan berbuat dan bukan pula pengetahuan. Akan tetapi, akhlak ialah upaya mengintegrasikan akhlak itu sendiri dengan situasi jiwa yang siap memunculkan perbuatan-perbuatan baik dan buruk, bukan hanya sesaat, namun selamanya. Artikel ini menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif yang disandarkan pada analisis semua argumen terkait keempat terminologi tersebut, baik dari segi asal kata, teori, ilmu terkait dan implementasinya. In the academic world, the terminology of character, akhlak, morals and ethics are often equated. However, if studied more deeply, will be differentiated. In this paper will be studied comprehensively both in perspective of the origin/derivation of the words, theory, related science and its implementation in education. Among some differentiate arguments such as Althof, Berkowitz and Victor Battistich differentiate these the fourth terminologies in terms of theory and implementation. Both of these figures state if moral and ethical theory is derived from philosophical theory. And on its implementation, moral education tends to have a narrower scope, ie only on cognitive development while character education has wider and comprehensive scope. While Yoke Suryadarma and Ahmad Hifdzil Haq state the difference of these the fourth terminologies in the barometer and its implementation. The argument of these two figures refers to the opinion of Imam Al-Ghazali, who states that morality is not merely acts, or just the ability to do, not just knowledge also. However, morality is an effort to integrate akhlak with the situation of the soul who are ready to bring up good and bad deeds, not just for a moment but forever. This article exerts a descriptive analysis approach, which is based on analyzing all the fourth related terminology arguments in perspective of the origin/ derivation of the word, theory, related science and its implementation.
This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family’s environment ... more This study concludes that the school and society influence greater than the family’s environment on child character formation, agree with the findings of Urie Bronfenbrenner (1997), SE Oladipo (2009), Emilie Phillips Smith (2003) and Wim Bernasco (2013), Peterson and Westburg (2010) who states that the child character formation not only influenced by some environment on microsystem such as a family and school, even society and peer of the same age also have greater influence. Interdependence between institution (on microsystem) have important role, such as collaboration of proper function to more efisience on child character formation. This study is a quantitative studies. Source of the data on this study consist of primary data from the data which directly obtained on field like questionnaire, observation, and interview with Al-Khasyi’un junior high school’s students, teachers, parents of the studen, and society. Secondary data of this research used the data from the other researchs that have authoritative and credible besed on character education field to analyze primary data.
Orientalis mengkaji Islam mempunyai motif keagamaan dan politik. Hal itu sudah berlangsung cukup ... more Orientalis mengkaji Islam mempunyai motif keagamaan dan politik. Hal itu sudah berlangsung cukup lama, bahkan fakta sejarah ada yang mengatakan sebelum perang salib, orientalis sudah muncul dan mulai melakukan pengkajian terhadap ketimuran, khususnya Islam. Sebagian peneliti menyatakan bahwa orientalisme mulai ada sejak abad X masehi.
Papers by Reksiana Reksi