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Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kids. Show all posts

Nov 25, 2010

It's My Birthday.....

Happy Thanksgiving everyone and Happy Birthday to me. I'm 2 years old today.  GoGo fed me one of my favorite foods last night...green beans........love em!  Have a great holiday everyone from GoGo and me!

Aug 5, 2008

Belated Birthday

Saturday Armando called me in a panic. You see, he had forgotten my birthday. He and Angie have moved back locally and were busy getting moved in their new home. Now, mind you, I wasn't the least bit worried or offended that he hadn't called or dropped a card in the mail but he was really torn up about it. So he sang the Happy Birthday song to me over the phone and we scheduled at time when I'd be home so they could come over and visit......You all know how busy I am these days learning my new embroidery machine and that wonderful EQ6..~@%#^$#*(@&!~......LOL.....Anyway they came over yesterday with this. Armando baked me a cake. He doesn't want anyone to know that he can do this little thing. He swore me to secrecy. Please don't think that Angie had anything to do with it. She doesn't like to even think about cake right now.......her pregnancy has done crazy things to her appetite and she didn't talk him through the process. I am very proud of him for making the effort and the cake was very good..... two flavors...lemon and strawberry.....YUMMY!


Don't count the days, make the days count!


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