Tyler Turns ONE!!!
Ohhhhhhhh this poor pitiful little blog! It just never sees the light of day anymore! But some things still need documenting... and THIS is one of those occasions!
Our Littlest Man turned ONE on Dec. 29th!
(I know... BAD Nana! It's already mid-January!)
He was not at all sure about this whole cake procedure -
so it was a good thing he has a BIG Sister to help!
After the first little taste...
... he GOT the idea!
And now we KNOW he's NANA's Boy!!!
He eats cake the same way I do!!!
Honestly, he was not AT ALL himself for the first half of his party. There were SO MANY people and some extended family that he really didn't know -- so he was
a little QUITE shy. He was also not really feeling all that great... midway through a series of breathing treatments for severe congestion... AND he had just woken up! LOL! We know how to torture our young!!! But he came around after the cake! (translates: he was on a sugar high!) And even started showing off a little!
He actually showed the whole world
how he CAN take steps!

Then it was time for presents.
Does it look like Christmas... AGAIN?

Pop Pop got him his very own HARLEY!!!

He LIKES his Harley!
But don't let that Giants uniform kid ya!
(his DADDY is a Giants fan...)

BOTH my grandbabies knOw who to
ROOT for!!!

Yea, Baby!!!
Merry Christmas!
We're FINE!
Yes, yes, yes... Hurricane Irene came right through my neighborhood. We lost power for about 4 days and then were still without internet for a couple more days... but other than that, WE faired just GREAT! We have a generator that runs our fridge and the TV for Dennis and Mom -- and it was good. Dennis had remembered to fill the tubs while I was away at Women Of Faith, so we had flushing water. I had several cases of bottled water on hand, so we had plenty to drink and brush teeth with. We even made coffee! We just unplugged the fridge long enough to brew a pot of coffee -- and if we wanted to use the microwave we did the same thing. We had NO property damage at all... not even one tree down. Other's in my neighborhood did not fair as well...

Sadly, this car was not parked. It was being driven, and
carried one passenger.

This was less than a mile from the car.
I went out on Monday to deliver hot coffee and cold sodas to the work crews. If not for that I would have never seen these two areas because the road was CLOSED to the public. Those guys reallllllllly wanted hot coffee and cold sodas! They had already been working for too many hours - and had many more to go.

I know this looks like water behind those bushes - but it's not. It's another house. This tree managed to fall RIGHT inbetween them... causing very LITTLE damage to either! What a BLESSING!

This was actually a rather common sight around the county.
People who could not wait for road crews to show up took it upon
themselves to open their roads one way or another, knowing
the road crew would take care of the rest eventually!

It was just soooo sad to see some of these OLD gorgeous
trees destroyed. This used to be one of my favorite trees
in the county. It was a stately old soldier. :(

THIS is my next door neighbor's house. They lost 12 HUGE trees in their yard - and you can't really tell in this picture - but 2 of them landed on the house. They criss crossed each other
and made it impossible for the first 3 tree removal services to get them off. They were finally able to get ahold of a really large outfit who brought in a grade-all -- which required knocking
down a couple of MORE trees to get it in. So sad. But the family is safe and we are thankful for that! The really AMAZING thing here... those two trees fell KABOOM, KABOOM... and not one window broke in the house! Not ONE! Not EVEN the one right under them!
I've seen a LOT of stuff this week ... and it really is a lesson on what's IMPORTANT in life. It's not our houses or our cars... I can tell you that. Times like this have a way of settin' people's priorities straight! And as bad as this stuff is... it is NOTHING compared to the carnage that has been wrought up north! And Katia seems to be possibly heading in the same direction. If you pray... now would be a real good time to pray for those in up-state New York, Connecticut, Vermont... and maybe send some unused household goods to your local Red Cross... So many of those people have lost everything. EVERY THING. This is OUR country I'm talking about. Ya know?
God bless them... please.
And show them mercy.
Mr. Big Stuff

Who do ya think you are?

Tyler Logan
7.5 months old
Funny that when I post this, today's Bible vs. in the little square to the left was...
People were bringing little children to Jesus to have him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this, he was indignant. He said to them, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."
Thank you, Lord, for this most precious gift!
Tyler's 6 Months Old!
Time flies! He thinks he's a big kid already!

He's upright and MOBILE!

He loves to swing!


And LAUGH!!!

And Swim!
But mostly...

He LOVES to EAT!!!
(cereal IS the favorite - but green beans are a
VERY close 2nd!)
And he's SUCH a good boy...

He even cleans up after himself!
But all that stuff ...

... sure does wear a little guy out!
YES! I'm still alive... and kickin'. VBS is two weeks away
and I'm buried in craft stuff.
NOTHING has changed.
Except the baby.
And Luz MIGHT be taller!
SHE is enjoying...

Tap & Jazz...

Chase The Moon ...
(She says Chase is her BFF!)

Summer in general!!!
I am enjoying ALL of it... every chance I get!
April Foolishness...
I don't know why I used that title... this was all March stuff! LOL! Ohhhh well.
I continue to be BUSY! Below you will see pictures of the room that used to be called Derek's ... and used to looked like this...

.... only it doesn't look like that anymore! NOW it looks like...

When I painted Derek's room it took me 6 coats of RED paint to get it to cover the white walls. When I painted this time, it took me 3 coats of primer to cover the red! BeWARE of red paint. I've said that before... I'm just reiterating the point! Here's two more views of the new room ...

This was my funniest paint job yet... You see the ceiling fan? Yea... well... it used to be white. I knew that I wanted it to be an exact match for the paint. I had much BRIGHTER paint colors picked out... but ... um ... you can't GET spray paint mixed to the color you want! So I had to go find spray paint that sorta almost kinda matched the colors I had picked... and then had my paint mixed to match the spray paints!!! ROFL! Ooooonly ME!
Sooooo.... that is ONE thing that has been holding my interest lately -- oh yes - it's going to have my stationary bike in there too... and also a CRIB, and perhaps something for Luz to sleep on too! Trying to decide what ... day bed? Futon? I'm going to have to see how much room is left once the bike and the crib get in there! This is SUPPOSED to be my workout room! And speaking of working out...
YES! I'm STILL running! I am on week 4 of my Couch 2 5K program and have worked up to running for a whole 2.5 minutes at a time! WHOOO HOO! I know... it doesn't sound like much... but trust me... it's an eternity when a body is as out of shape as this body is! But it's getting in BETTER shape! I have finally lost ALL of the weight that I had regained after I had lost all that weight 3.5 years ago! And I have actually lost a few more pounds... so I am finally on my way to my goal again! YAY me!
Of course, I'm also kept busy by

This was on a "game day" that she held at her house. We played 5 games that day - and inbetween each one we had to do an exercise! The games included bowling, wii pingpong, pictionary, hangman... and I forget what else! And the exercises included running sprints, galloping, CRAZY jumping jacks, running up and down stairs, and hopping on one foot! SHE came up with all this! LOL! It was fun!
We also had a shopping trip... for new SPRING clothes! For Luz, of course... none for me! And we had a trip to the ZOO! Went with my friend Nina and her 3 boys. Her oldest is spending the weekend with me this weekend. I'm fixin to go play darts with him in just a few minutes!
OH! And yesterday I took a day trip to Pennsylvania with a group from church. Dennis took the day off and stayed with his mom. We went up to the Sights & Sounds Theater -- this time to see the story of Joseph and his multi-colored coat. It was FABULOUS! Of course it was! We had lunch at an Amish Inn... the food of course was excellent... and of course I ate too much! But I let myself do these things on occasion and just accept a little gain should it happen. I thought for SURE I would gain after St. Patrick's Day - but I didn't! It was amazing! Perhaps I will be so blessed THIS time too! Tomorrow is weigh day so I will know then.
Luz's soccer season has started and she has two games each weekend, so that is one more thing that I'm involved with. I'm SO blessed that my grandbabies live so close and I CAN be involved in all their doings! And SOON Luz will be starting the horseback riding lessons I got her for Christmas! Oh bOy! We can't WAIT for that!
So you see... while I still LOVE you all dearly I am very busy LIVING it... and have a lot less time to type about it. I will be around sometime over the weekend (i hope) to catch up! Right now... I gotta play darts!
Oh! And one LAST thing...

My littlest heart-throb plays with TOYS now!
What a charmer!
HE doesn't keep me busy at all... no. Unh-unh. Not a bit!
More For Me Than For You...
I don't know where the days are going anymore... they sure do get away fast! February was quite a month! Amanda ended up in the ER with flu one night. I went over to spend the night and take care of the baby - then had to come home in the morning before Mom woke up -- and then took her back over to Amanda's to watch the Day Care kids while Hector took care of Tyler - HARD to do with one arm! But I was there if he needed me. He did really well! Dennis picked Mom up from Amanda's that afternoon (it was a Thursday) and we decided that I would go to my Bible study and weigh-in, but then I would spend the night at Amanda's again. She was still feeling really weak. So I was getting ready to walk out the door to Bible study when I looked up the steps to shout a bye - and Amanda was standing at the top holding the baby and crying -- Hector was laying on the floor in the hallway. He'd had a diabetic crash. I put down my keys and went and took the baby, and Amanda got the emergency sugar shot. She got Hector taken care of, and then went and picked Luz up from Dance, and then I went on ahead to weigh-in anyway. *WHEW!* Crazy. Amanda was feeling better the next morning so I went home and stayed home... got Mom up and got her settled and I went to take a nap. I NEEDED it! This Nana is not used to doing middle of the night feedings OR sleeping on a couch! It's been a loooooong time! So I got a good nap in, and came back down stairs. Mom was fine. I was doing stuff, and I heard her start coughing. Then it sounded like she might be choking a little bit so I got a glass of water to take out to her. When I got to her I knew
SOMETHING WAS WRONG!!! Her eyes were glazed over and red, she was slumped over and couldn't talk. By that time Dennis was home and I RAN down to the garage to get him. He thought Mom had had a stroke and I called 911. We spent the next 8 hours in the ER -- but God is good! It wasn't a stroke. SHE had a diabetic crash. Insane! Her diabetes has been such a non-issue for us. I just make sure she has her pills and life has been good! Well, she had NOT been eating well the last few days and one of her medications made her sugar drop DRASTICALLY because she hadn't eaten. It was SCARY -- but it all turned out okay. Of course, while we were at the hospital they discovered another UTI... what else is new? She always has a UTI. Can't seem to get rid of them for more than a few days no matter HOW much I get her to drink. It's never enough.
So that was a couple of weeks ago. In the meantime I've got a new "hobby"! RUNNING! I didn't think I would ever be able to run -- but I'm ALMOST ready to start a Couch 2 5K program! Yep! I'm not even UP to starting it yet!!! ROFL!!! But I can walk for miles now and that is a good start -- so... our little road, from the main road to the cul-de-sac is .1 mile -- yes! ONE TENTH of one mile! I started out walking up to the stop sign and running back. The first day I was able to do that ONE time!!! LOL! (are ya lovin' this?) I've worked my way up to walking up 4 times and running back 4 times! (are you counting? I'm up to .8 mile now! With .4 RUNNING!) Is this a trip or what??? Of course... I still haven't had my back seen by an orthopedist ... so I'm living on muscle relaxers! My back does NOT like this new hobby! But I'm LOVIN' it!!! Of course... every time I extend myself another lap I get shin splints. So then I have to wait a few days before I can do it again! It's a slooooooow process! But when I can't go out and run, I'm using my gazelle inside -- and I can do a 12 minute mile on the gazelle! WOOT!
Tyler is growing like a weed! Amanda had to put away all his size Birth-3mos. clothes the other day. How SAD! They grow sO fast! Here is his latest little self...

He stays awake for HOURS now and talks and plays! Oh how I LOVE those little baby coo's and gurgles! He's sO expressive! BOY! Does he have stories to tell!
I would LOVE to share a new picture of Luz with you -- but the Little Princess has gotten HORRIBLE about having her pictures taken! Enough to drive a Nana right insane!
That's all the earth-shattering news I can think of right now. I'll try to get around to visit in the next day or two. Right now my back is KILLING me and I need to go to bed. Be blessed!