Papers by Grazyna Czubinska
Zeszyty Naukowe PUNO, 2013
Personel i Zarządzanie, 2007
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Apr 23, 2022
The monograph "Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information and Technology of Images" focuses... more The monograph "Urban Visuality, Mobility, Information and Technology of Images" focuses on contemporary problems of the architectural and urbanist environment from the point of view of social environmental psychology and theory. Authors of the subsequent chapter come from various countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Kenya) and together they present multiple evidences for the need of transcultural visual literacy in symbolic interactions in the urban sphere. The multidimensional presentation of urban visual and technological environment found in the book is certainly a valuable scientific publication within social and cultural sciences, inspiring the readers sensibility for the quality of visual solutions in architectural spaces for deep research in contemporary urban visual culture.
The first monograph published within project "Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art ... more The first monograph published within project "Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art and Social Sciences" (TICASS), edited by Aleksandra Lukaszewicz Alcaraz and Michael Fleming, presents the early results of an ongoing collaborative research project funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020. The book advances understanding of the functioning of visual space in different places and cultures and indicates how different visual literacies shape communication within and between communities. Contributors to this volume work in a range of disciplines in the social sciences, in the humanities, as well as in art and business. The book should be of interest to scholars working on visual culture, aesthetics, art., communication, education, and interculture studies, as it makes a valuable contribution to the historical and cultural understanding of visual communication.
The book contains the partial effects of the research realized within the project 'Technologi... more The book contains the partial effects of the research realized within the project 'Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art and Social Sciences' (TICASS). It presents the material gathered and analysed referring to visual messages in urban public spaces in Kenya, on the case study of the Kilifi county, on the coast of the Indian Ocean. These investigations and analyses, based on Paul Martin Lester model of visual communication analysis, are important because all contemporary societies in Europe, Africa and the rest of the world have at stake solving the problems of communication in their urban public spaces saturated with images which may be diversely (accurately, incorrectly, falsely) read by individuals in the city whether by residents, tourists, visitors, or researchers. The urban text has a polyphonic character in its diversity of contents and forms, but also is full of contradictions, and sometimes absurdities, paradoxes, and palimpsest, what requires specific comp...
European Journal of Public Health, 2014
International Journal of Epidemiology, 2015
Codzienność Polaków przebywających poza granicami Polski, niezależnie od elementów, jakie się na ... more Codzienność Polaków przebywających poza granicami Polski, niezależnie od elementów, jakie się na nią składają, jest w ścisłym związku z tradycją kraju swojego pochodzenia. W zachowaniu więzi z narodem oraz z etosem polskiego dziedzictwa narodowego ważną rolę odgrywa edukacja i nauka. W artykule podejmujemy się opisania warunków realizacji kształcenia akademickiego Polaków na uchodźstwie i emigracji, zwracając uwagę na znaczenie aktywności Polskiego Uniwersytetu na Uchodźstwie dla tradycji kultury polskiej, edukacji i nauki. Podjęliśmy także próbę wskazania Misji i Wizji kształcenia akademickiego w Polskiej Uczelni Wyższej poza granicami ojczyzny, w czasach teraźniejszych i kierunków rozwoju w przyszłości.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017
Objective: To assess the correlates of the high risk sexual behaviors of Polish migrants in the U... more Objective: To assess the correlates of the high risk sexual behaviors of Polish migrants in the United Kingdom (UK) after 2004, and to compare such behaviors before/after immigration. Methods: In 2013, a cross-sectional study was conducted through the use of a Computer-assisted web interviewing surveying technique with the use of a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Among 408 respondents (56.9% women), with a median age of 32 years, significantly more admitted to having unprotected sexual contact with a casual partner while in the UK (p < 0.0001) than while in Poland; more were engaged in sex after the use of recreational drugs and alcohol (p < 0.0001 and p = 0.001 respectively). Being a male was associated with greater odds of unprotected sex, sex after the use of alcohol, and having multiple partners. Being single and having only been a resident for a short time in the UK, presenting a lower self-esteem, were predictors of unprotected sex. A total of 19.6% of the respondents admitted to having been tested while in Poland, a lower (p < 0.0001) frequency than while in the UK (49.5%); this referred to both genders; 1.2% (95% CI: 0.79%-2.83%) reported that they were HIV positive. Conclusions: Migration can create a vulnerability to STIs, especially for single male migrants with low self-esteem, staying in the UK for less than two years. The results point to strengthening strategies which help reduce high risk sexual behavior among Polish migrants, and to introduce interventions to promote an awareness of HIV sero-status.
Zoon Politikon, 2018
Artykuł dotyczy skutków brytyjskiej decyzji o odłączeniu się od UE. Temat ujęto z punktu widzenia... more Artykuł dotyczy skutków brytyjskiej decyzji o odłączeniu się od UE. Temat ujęto z punktu widzenia psychologii międzykulturowej, opisując Brexit w kontekście wiedzy na temat mechanizmów psychologicznych, stojących za tak ekstremalnym przypadkiem swoistej strategii "budowania" stosunków międzykulturowych. Celem opracowania jest wskazanie na ważny moment ewolucji procesów akulturacyjnych we współczesnej Europie. Analizujemy przyczyny wyboru podjętego w Wlk. Brytanii oraz czynniki kolejnego wyboru: między odejściem a pozostaniem Polskich emigrantów i rodzin emigracyjnych w Wielkiej Brytanii. Tekst ma formę przeglądową, z odwołaniem do badań własnych.
Papers by Grazyna Czubinska