Papers by Giuseppe Pulcinelli
Influsso di Paolo in Marco?, 2023
Il rapporto di dipendenza di Marco-inteso come autore del vangelo, che la critica attuale conside... more Il rapporto di dipendenza di Marco-inteso come autore del vangelo, che la critica attuale considera il primo in ordine cronologico-da Paolo, autore dei primi scritti cristiani, era una questione dibattuta già nel XIX secolo nel mondo tedesco, e che cento anni fa con la pubblicazione dell'approfondito studio di Martin Werner-in cui si negava ogni possibilità-sembrava definitivamente chiusa. Fino a circa trent'anni fa questo punto di vista prevaleva nel mondo dei neotestamentaristi, finché cioè alcuni studiosi hanno iniziato a riprendere in mano la questione da varie prospettive; ma fu soprattutto il saggio di Joel Marcus che diede un nuovo impulso agli studi, riconsiderando le obiezioni di Werner e fornendo delle basi più solide ed equilibrate alle argomentazioni a favore del possibile influsso di Paolo su Marco.
Lateranum, 2017
The present study enquires if and how the major scholars of the parables have tackled the questio... more The present study enquires if and how the major scholars of the parables have tackled the question of their authenticity and so into the contribution which the parables can make to the reconstruction of the «Historical Jesus», and, in particular, of his teaching. The study starts with the pioneering work of Jülicher (1886-1889) and ends up with the recent publication of J.P. Meier, the fifth volume of his A Marginal Jew (2016). The latter is devoted precisely to assessing whether the individual parables can be attributed to the earthly Jesus. It poses incisive criticism at the belief that the parables are the most reliable material for getting near to the preaching of Jesus. It thus represents a turning point in the history of interpretation. In this contribution, we pay due attention to the evolution of the so-called «criteria of historicity» and to the use made of them by individual authors as well as to comparison with the rabbinic parables. The final part takes a position with regard to Meier’s work with critical observations and candid questions.
Rivista Biblica, 2018
The present study enquires if and how the major scholars of the parables have tackled the questio... more The present study enquires if and how the major scholars of the parables have tackled the question of their authenticity and so into the contribution which the parables can make to the reconstruction of the «Historical Jesus», and, in particular, of his teaching. The study starts with the pioneering work of Jülicher (1886-1889) and ends up with the recent publication of J.P. Meier, the fifth volume of his A Marginal Jew (2016). The latter is devoted precisely to assessing whether the individual parables can be attributed to the earthly Jesus. It poses incisive criticism at the belief that the parables are the most reliable material for getting near to the preaching of Jesus. It thus represents a turning point in the history of interpretation. In this contribution, we pay due attention to the evolution of the so-called «criteria of historicity» and to the use made of them by individual authors as well as to comparison with the rabbinic parables. The final part takes a position with regard to Meier’s work with critical observations and candid questions.
The present study enquires if and how the major scholars of the parables have tackled the questio... more The present study enquires if and how the major scholars of the parables have tackled the question of their authenticity and so into the contribution which the parables can make to the reconstruction of the «Historical Jesus», and, in particular, of his teaching. The study starts with the pioneering work of Jülicher (1886-1889) and ends up with the recent publication of J.P. Meier, the fifth volume of his A Marginal Jew (2016). The latter is devoted precisely to assessing whether the individual parables can be attributed to the earthly Jesus. It poses incisive criticism at the belief that the parables are the most reliable material for getting near to the preaching of Jesus. It thus represents a turning point in the history of interpretation. In this contribution, we pay due attention to the evolution of the so-called «criteria of historicity» and to the use made of them by individual authors as well as to comparison with the rabbinic parables. The final part takes a position with regard to Meier’s work with critical observations and candid questions.
Conference Presentations by Giuseppe Pulcinelli
"Le metafore del divino" e "I volti di Israele nel primo cristianesimo (I-II sec. d.C.)"
Papers by Giuseppe Pulcinelli
Conference Presentations by Giuseppe Pulcinelli