Trabalho de ENGLISH - Manuel

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Catholic University of Mozambique

Distance Learning Center

Exercise resolution

Course: Licenciatura em Ensino de


Subject: English I

1º Ano

Teacher: Dr.

Quelimane, August of 2023

Folha de feedback
Categorias Indicadores Padrões Classificação
Pontuaç Nota Subt
ão do otal
máxima tutor
 Capa 0.5
Estrutura  Índice 0.5

 Introdução 0.5

 Discussão 0.5

 Conclusão 0.5

 Bibliografia 0.5

 Contextualização 1.0
(indicação clara do problema).
 Descrição dos 1.0
 Metodologia adequada 2.0
ao objecto do trabalho.
Conteúdo Analise e discussão  Articulação e domínio 2.0
do discurso académico
(expressão escrita cuidada,
coerência/coesão textual).
 Revisão bibliográfica 2.0
nacional e internacionais
relevantes na área de estudo.
 Exploração de dados 2.0
Conclusão  Contributos teóricos 2.0
Aspectos Formatação  Paginação, tipo e 1.0
gerais tamanho de letra, paragrafo,
espaçamento entre linhas.
Referências Normas APA 6ª  Rigor e coerência das
bibliográfic edição em citações e citações/referências
as bibliografia 4.0

Recomendações de melhoria


1 Introduction...................................................................................................................3

1.1 Objectives.....................................................................................................................3

1.1.1 General..........................................................................................................................3

1.1.2 Specifics........................................................................................................................3

1.2 Methodology.................................................................................................................3

2 Theoretical foundation..................................................................................................5

2.1 Present simple and present continuous forms...............................................................5

2.2 Past simple and present perfect forms..........................................................................6

2.3 Future forms..................................................................................................................6

2.4 Plurals...........................................................................................................................6

2.5 Adjectives.....................................................................................................................7

3 Conclusion....................................................................................................................8

4 Bibliographic references...............................................................................................9
1 Introduction

Language is a remarkable tool that allows us to express a wide range of thoughts,

experiences and ideas. The different tenses and forms of adjectives provide the framework for
conveying the nuances of time, comparison, and sustained action in our communications. In
this study, we discuss fundamental aspects of grammar that affect the use of our language:
present simple, past simple, present continuous, present perfect, future forms, and
comparative/superlative forms of adjectives. Each of these elements plays a specific role in
how we convey information and add depth to expression.

1.1 Objectives

1.1.1 General

Study about present simple, present continuous, past simple, future forms and adjectuves.

1.1.2 Specifics

 Solve exercises about present simple and future forms.

 Solve exercises about past simple and past continuous.

1.2 Methodology

According to Marconi and Lakatos (2004, p. 44), “method is the path by which a certain
result is reached, even if this path has not been fixed in advance in a reflected and deliberate

In this research, bibliographic research will be applied in order to guarantee scientific

support through the comment or studies that were previously developed by several authors
around the topic under study. Likewise, the bibliographic research will be applied in order to
help in the triangulation of the data that are collected during the research and, observed by the
author of the work during the course of it.

2 Theoretical foundation

2.1 Present simple and present continuous forms

A: Complete these sentences using present simple forms. (10 Marks)

Use am, is, are, am not, isn’t, aren’t.

1. Beira is in Sofala Province.

2. A mango and an orange are fruits.
3. You are a student. You are doctor.
4. Mozambique isn’t in Europe. It is in Africa.
5. I am Mozambican. I am not Japanese.
6. Are you Mozambican?
7. Is she Malawian?

B: Complete these sentences using present simple forms of verbs in brackets.

1. Tania speaks four languages. (speak). I only speak one language

2. She is a vegetarian. She __doesn’t eat__ meat (not/eat). She __eats___ vegetables (eat).

3. Thomas goes to town every Monday (go). I go alone. (go).

4. We watch TV (watch). My mother __doesn’t watch__ TV. (not/watch)

5. Do you go to church? (go) No, I ____don’t go____ to church (not/go).
6. Does she sing well? (sing). Yes, she sings well. (sing).

C: Complete these sentences using present continuous forms of verbs in brackets.

1. You are studying English Language (study).

2. Jane is reading a book (read). I am sleeping (sleep).
3. He ____is playing__________ tennis (play). We _______are witching _____________ (watch).
4. It is raining now (rain). I am closing the windows (close).
5. You are not sleeping (not/sleep).

2.2 Past simple and present perfect forms

D: Complete using past simple forms of the verbs in brackets. (10 Marks)

1. The police stopped our car. (stop). We __did not stop____ (not/stop).

2. Mamba played very well (play). I watched the game (watch).

3. The baby cried last night (cry). The baby was hungry (is).

4. Tatiana cooked her food well. (cook). I enjoyed it (enjoy).

5. I saw an accident last night (see). It was a terrible accident (is).

E: Complete using Present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.

Example: If you (read) you will (pass). If you read, you will pass.

1. If I have passed (pass) my exams I will be (be) happy.

2. If you have come (come) to the party, I will dance (dance) with you.
4. If I have gotten (get) some money I will buy (buy) a new laptop.
5. John will have passed (pass) the test if he has studied (study) hard.

2.3 Future forms

F: Complete using future forms of the verbs in brackets. (5 Marks)

Example: Tania prepare breakfast. Tania will prepare breakfast.

1. I will go (go) to school tomorrow.

2. Mary will cook (cook) dinner tonight.

3. She will pass (pass) her tests.
4. Peter will read (read) his books.
5. I am going to travel (go / travel) tomorrow

2.4 Plurals

G: Write plurals of these nouns.

Example: Boy Boys

1. Bus Buses
2. Knife Knives

3. Body Bodies_________
4. Box _________Boxes____________
5. Cup ____________Cups _________

H: Complete the following sentences using TO/ AT /ON/ IN (10 Marks)

1. Tania is ill. She has gone to the hospital.

2. Is she going to the party on Saturday evening?

3. I talked to some nice people at the party.

4. I was at work this morning. My sister went to the pharmacy.

5. We had a good meal at the party.

6. I went to Tabitha’s house but she wasn’t at home that time.

7. There was no transport, so we walked at home.

8. Susana lives in Maputo.

2.5 Adjectives

I: Complete with the comparatives or superlatives of the adjectives below

Adjectives Comparatives Superlatives

Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful

cold colder Coldest

Hot Hotter Hottest

Small Smaller Smallest

Old Older Oldest

3 Conclusion

In the tapestry of language, the understanding and skillful usage of tenses and adjectives
are essential threads. The present simple anchors us in routine and fact, while the past simple
unveils the stories of yesterday. The present continuous captures the dynamic moments of the
present, and the present perfect bridges past and present, unveiling experiences that shape our
now. The future forms open doors to what lies ahead, while comparatives and superlatives
allow us to highlight differences and magnify qualities.

These grammatical constructs, woven together, enable us to communicate with precision

and artistry, enhancing the vividness and depth of our language. Whether recounting the past,
describing the present, or envisioning the future, these linguistic tools empower us to express
ourselves effectively and engage in meaningful conversations across time and space. As we
master these forms, we unlock a realm of possibilities to craft narratives, share emotions, and
connect with others through the rich tapestry of words.

4 Bibliographic references

Dickie, A. (s/d). English year I. Universidade Católica de Moçambique (UCM)

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