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Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos

Brazilian Journal of Water Resources
Versão On-line ISSN 2318-0331
RBRH, Porto Alegre, v. 27, e19, 2022
Scientific/Technical Article

Hydrological risk of dam failure under climate change

Risco hidrológico de falha da barragem sob mudanças climáticas

Brenda Lara Duarte Souza Carneiro1 , Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho1 , Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho1  &
João Batista Sousa Raulino1 

Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, CE, Brasil


E-mails: [email protected] (BLDSC), [email protected] (FASF), [email protected] (TMNC), [email protected] (JBSR)

Received: March 04, 2022 - Revised: May 25, 2022 - Accepted: June 29, 2022


Most water infrastructure was designed for climate conditions and demands that have been rapidly changing. In this study, we investigate
flood magnitude and dam safety under climate change, using an ensemble of CMIP6 climate models, coupled to a hydrological model.
We compare historical and future climate conditions of a watershed in Ceará, Northeast Brazil. Climate models revealed a wide range
of risk levels of flood and hydrological failure. Half of the climate scenarios indicated a reduction in the flood return period. A flood
associated with a 1000-year storm had an occurrence probability about 12 times higher when comparing the SSP5 8.5 scenario with
historical conditions. In one more critical scenario, the water depth exceeded the height of the dam’s crest. When considering a flood
associated with a decamillennial storm, dam collapse risk was increased. Climate change might increase the risk of water infrastructure
failure, which needs to be adapted to ensure the safety of the water system stakeholders.

Keywords: Climate change; Extreme events; Intensity-duration-frequency; Risk assessment; Dam safety.


A maior parte das infraestruturas hídricas foram projetadas para condições climáticas e demandas que estão mudando rapidamente.
Neste estudo, foi investigada a magnitude das inundações e a segurança de barragens em cenários de mudanças climáticas, utilizando
um conjunto de modelos climáticos do CMIP6, acoplados a um modelo hidrológico. Foram comparadas as condições climáticas
históricas e futuras de uma bacia hidrográfica do Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil. Os modelos revelaram uma ampla gama de níveis de
risco de inundação e falha hidrológica. Metade dos cenários climáticos indicaram uma redução no período de retorno das cheias. Uma
inundação associada a uma chuva de 1000 anos teve sua probabilidade de ocorrência cerca de 12 vezes maior, quando comparado o
cenário SSP5 8.5 com as condições históricas. No cenário mais críticos, a lâmina d’água ultrapassou a altura da crista da barragem. Ao
considerar a cheia associada a uma chuva decamilenar, o risco de colapso da barragem foi aumentado. As mudanças climáticas podem
aumentar o risco de falha da infraestrutura hidráulica, que precisa ser adaptada para garantir a segurança das partes interessadas do
sistema hídrico.

Palavras-chave: Mudanças climáticas; Eventos extremos; Intensidade-duração-frequência; Avaliação do risco; Segurança de


This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution,
and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Hydrological risk of dam failure under climate change

INTRODUCTION a hydrological model. We assess the risk of hydrological failure of

the dam by comparing the average recurrence time for historical
The warming of the climate system, highly associated with
global changes in the magnitude and frequency of precipitation and projected floods. This approach is advantageous because it
events (Kuo & Gan, 2015; Orlowsky & Seneviratne, 2012) can can be easily replicated to analyze the risks associated with future
have serious impacts on water resources management. Although climate in other regions of the world. As the uncertainties associated
the response of flood magnitudes to precipitation extremes is not with the effects of climate extremes can be site-specific, such a
entirely clear and climate models have high uncertainties associated reproducible methodology can be very informative and useful for
with them (Brunner et al., 2021), several studies have indicated an water resources planning.
increasing trend of vulnerability to floods in urban systems and
reservoirs (Kuo & Gan, 2015; Lin et al., 2021; Maurer et al., 2018).
Globally, most of the existing dams were built with less DATA AND METHODS
restrictive design criteria than today’s (Tofiq & Güven; 2015),
and now require a reexamination of flood planning strategies. The methodological strategy adopted in this study can
There has been an increasing interest in analyzing the impact of be summarized as follows (Figure 1): (i) obtain historical (rain-
climate changes in dam flood design, mostly by comparing future gauge stations) and future (projected with GCMs) maximum daily
projections with historical data (Kuo & Gan, 2015; Maurer et al., rainfall data; (ii) adjust the data for future climate scenarios using
2018; Tofiq & Güven, 2015). statistical downscaling with the equidistance quantile matching
In low-latitude regions, such as the Brazilian northeast, total method (EQMM) (Srivastav et al., 2014); (iii) generate the IDFs
rainfall events tend to decrease in volume and increase in intensity for the baseline and future climate scenarios; (iv) simulate extreme
in the next century (Medeiros de Saboia et al., 2020). The semiarid, rainfall events using hydrological modeling with the HEC-HMS
which accounts for about 60% of the region, has a unique river
model and calculate the overflow of the hydraulic structures; (v)
regime and is frequently affected by droughts. In Ceará, several
calculate the average recurrence interval of the extreme rainfall
surface reservoirs have been built to guarantee water supply, especially
during the “hydraulic phase” (1877-1950), when public policies event and the probabilities of structure collapse for each scenario.
mainly focused on building hydraulic infrastructure (Campos,
2015). Currently, 155 reservoirs are considered strategic for the
state, as these account for most of the pluriannual storage capacity
(18.63 billion m3) and are spread over its 12 hydrographic basins.
Although national committees and guidelines on dam
inspection have been created in the 1930s, it was not until the 2010s
that a national policy for dam security was implemented in Brazil.
In Ceará, an ordinance law establishing the requirements for dam
inspection was published in 2017. As most of the strategic dams
were dimensioned for historical climate conditions, climate change
can have severe consequences for dam security and increase their
risk of failure (Ho et al., 2017; Lee & You, 2013; Mallakpour et al.,
2019). Hence, climate risk must be considered when elaborating
safety plans so that stakeholders can take proactive efforts to
prevent dam failure and facilitate response actions.
Many researchers have addressed the impact of future
climate on dam safety in the United States (Ho  et  al., 2017;
Lin et al., 2021; Mallakpour et al., 2019; Maurer et al., 2018), Europe
(Brunner et al., 2021; Willems, 2013), and Asia (Lee & You, 2013;
Tofiq & Güven, 2015), but little effort has been put to analyze the
effects of climate change on flood magnitude in the Global South
or in semiarid regions. To date, few studies have combined IDF
curve ensembles of CMPI6 models with hydrological modeling to
obtain the risk of hydrological failure of dams. This approach can
be useful for risk assessment and for informing decision-makers
on dam protection. The update of IDF curves (commonly used
for infrastructure design (Ragno et al., 2018)) can also be crucial
for analyzing climate change effects on water infrastructure and
supply (Simonovic et al., 2017).
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the safety
of a strategic dam of Ceará, Brazil for historical (1948-2019) and
future climate scenarios (2020-2100). The IDFs of the basin were
updated for an ensemble of climate models and were coupled to Figure 1. Flowchart of the methodology applied in the study.

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Carneiro et al.

Study area data. The models from CMPI6 should form the basis of climate
projections in the IPCC’s sixth assessment report. The emissions
The Araras reservoir is located in the Acaraú basin, in Ceará, scenarios SSP2 4.5 and SSP5 8.5 are similar to RCPs 4.5 and
Brazil (Figure 2). The reservoir is the fourth largest in the state, 8.5 (Hausfather & Peters, 2020), but with different emissions
with a capacity of 891 hm3 and a catchment area of 3517 km2. paths and mixes of CO2 and non-CO2. While in SSP2 4.5 it is
The dam was built in 1958 to control the floods of the Acaraú assumed that the carbon dioxide emission levels will be maintained,
River and mitigate the flood risk in the downstream community; SSP5 8.5 is a pessimistic scenario, in which carbon dioxide emission
currently, it supplies five municipalities of the region and is also levels are assumed to increase drastically.
used for irrigation and hydropower generation (Companhia de Many models are available from CMIP6, leading to divergent
Gestão dos Recursos Hídricos, 2010). The Acaraú basin is a low- climate projections and a certain degree of uncertainty in risk
latitude region, with a warm, semi-arid tropical climate, an elevation analysis. We chose four of these models to represent the variability
of 115 to 1,124 m above sea level, and an average annual rainfall among them. The climate models we selected for this study were
of 878 mm. The basin is divided into five subbasins (Table 1). based on a previous study on water availability uncertainty under
climate change, which analyzed some of the CMIP6 models for
Precipitation data Ceará (Estácio, 2020). We must emphasize that this can be a
significant source of uncertainty in climate risk assessment, as
Historical precipitation data (1948-2019) was obtained from
five rain-gauge stations (Figure 2). Future precipitation data (2020-
2100) from four GCMs models (Table 2) and emission scenarios
SSP2 4.5 and SSP5 8.5 were obtained from the Coupled Model
Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6) (Eyring et al., 2016).
Figure  3 presents the distribution of the GCMs precipitation

Figure 3. Distribution of the maximum annual daily precipitation

data extracted from the GCMs ACCESS-ESMI1-5, BCC-CSM2-
MR, CanESM5, and MIROC-ES2L, for the scenarios SSP2 4.5
(245) and SSP5 8.5 (585).

Table 2. GCMs used in this study.

Model Research Spatial Nominal
CMIP6 Center Resolution Resolution
ACCESS- Centre for Australia 1.9°x1.3° 250km
ESMI1-5 Australian
and Climate
Figure 2. Location of the Araras Reservoir in the State of Ceará, Research
Brazil. BCC- Beijing China 1.1°x1.1° 100 km
CSM2-MR Climate
Table 1. Characteristics of the subbasins of the Araras reservoir CanESM5 Canadian Canada 2.8°x2.8° 500km
basin. Centre for
Time of
River Length Modelling
Subbasin Area (km2) concentration and Analysis
(min) Japan
Araras 546.49 20.28 541.90 Agency for
Ipu 679.52 42.84 509.47 MIROC- Marine-
Hidrolândia 796.54 29.54 636.75 Japan 2.8°x2.8° 500km
ES2L Earth
Nova Russas 622.97 31.95 863.46 Science and
Tamboril 842.48 82.33 511.20 Technology

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Hydrological risk of dam failure under climate change

these models make different assumptions on the global climate IDF curves estimation
system. However, they still provide a range of the risk associated
with climate change and the magnitude of future precipitation As the region lacks a pluviograph, the Isozones method
events. Model choice could be biased (if the selection includes (Torrico, 1974) was used to disaggregate daily rainfall data into
only a certain trend in precipitation change), hence one must be sub-daily data and estimate the IDF curves. This method correlates
careful when analyzing the results of climate assessment. data from pluviometric and pluviographic stations to extract the
relationship between the 1h/6 min and 24h rainfall for homologous
areas (isozones), which is constant for the same average recurrence
Statistical downscaling and spatial data interpolation interval (ARI) and does not depend on the precipitation level.
Hence, each isozone is associated to disaggregation coefficients
GCMs provide climate information for a coarse spatial for different ARIs (Torrico, 1974).
resolution that usually needs to be transformed to a smaller scale, For each rain-gauge station, the annual maximum daily
so the data can be used to assess regional climate conditions. precipitation (AMDP) series were fitted to a probabilistic distribution.
The AMDP data are fitted using extreme value distributions like
Downscaling approaches can be broadly classified as either dynamic
Gumbel, Generalized Extreme Value (GEV), Log-Pearson, Log-
or statistical. Statistical downscaling procedures are based on
Normal, among others (Silva & Simonovic, 2020). The maximum
transfer functions which relate the GCM models with the local daily precipitation was obtained for ARIs of 1000 and 10000 years.
historical data (Srivastav et al., 2014). Then, the precipitation of 24h was disaggregated into 6-, 60-, and
In this study, downscaling was performed using EQMM 1440-min intervals using the coefficients of the corresponding
(Srivastav et al., 2014), to correct the statistical bias present in isozone, which were used to estimate the IDF curves.
the samples generated by the GCMs (Saboia et al., 2020). In this
method, the quantiles cover the distribution of the data and the Hydrological modeling
coefficients of the linear quantile function to capture the biases
(distance or error) between the GCM output and historical observed Hydrological modeling of the basin was performed using
data (Schardong et al., 2021). the HEC-HMS software, where it is possible to simulate rainfall-
The EQMM methodology combines two processes: (i) runoff processes in catchments, which can be composed by a
spatial downscaling; relating the maximum annual precipitation group of interconnected subbasins (Campos, 2009).
values and the precipitation observed in the baseline period; Nine scenarios were simulated: one scenario corresponding
(ii) temporal downscaling; relating the historical and future to the historical precipitation data (baseline) and eight scenarios
annual maximum rainfall outputs from GCMs (bias correction) corresponding to the combination of the four GCMs and two
(Srivastav et al., 2014). SSPs. Design rainfall was calculated with the updated IDF
equations, considering ARIs of 1000 and 10000 years, which are
It is necessary to investigate non-stationarity in historic data,
usually recommended for dimensioning dam spillways (Chow,
the methodology adopted for the development of non-stationary
2010; Franco, 2014; Villela & Mattos, 1975). The extreme rainfall
IDFs includes: (i) Statistical analysis for fitting Generalized Extreme duration was calculated using the Kirpich equation, according to
Value (GEV) distribution using the Maximum Likelihood method; the time of concentration of each subbasin. The hyetograph for
(ii) Statistical analysis (corrected Akaike Information Criteria each scenario was calculated using the alternating block method
- AICc) for identifying non-stationarity and defining the most (Chow, 2010).
suitable model; and assessing the statistical significance of the Finally, hydrographs for each scenario were obtained using
non-stationary model in comparison to the stationary model; and the Curve Number (CN) method of the Soil Conservation Service
(iii) IDF updating algorithms to address the impacts of climate (SCS). The SCS method requires basin parameters (such as area,
change for gauged locations (Silva & Simonovic, 2020). Statistical perimeter, length, and slope of the basin), precipitation data, and
the CN value, that depends on the soil and land cover conditions
significance was checked using the Likelihood ratio test, through
of the basin (United States Department of Agriculture, 1986).
which the negative log-likelihood of two models is compared to
The CN values for the Araras reservoir basin were estimated as
test the null hypothesis that there is no trend in a parameter.Then, recommended by Luna (2000).
a statistical relationship was established between the maximum
annual precipitation data for 1934-2014 extracted from the GCMs
Risk assessment
and rain-gauge stations. A probabilistic adjustment was established
between the future forecasts and the climate model’s base period.
To assess the risk of failure associated with climate change,
GCM data must be spatially interpolated to the rain-
two criteria were determined: (i) the probability of occurrence of
gauge station coordinates to assimilate the variations in the flood events, and (ii) the impact of the risk (severity). One should
distribution between these models and the observed historical note that a 1000-year (10000-year) storm is not the same as a
series (Schardong et al., 2021). Precipitation data were interpolated 1000-year (10000-year) flood. Here, we analyze the effect of future
using the inverse square distance weighting method, which was changes in precipitation intensity on flood risk. We defined the
applied with the IDF CC tool (Schardong et al., 2021). risk of collapse as the occurrence of a flood with a peak flow

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Carneiro et al.

greater than the system’s capacity, which we assumed to be the CSM2-MR and ACCESS-ESMI1 models provide the most significant
peak flow obtained for the baseline scenario (Qobs). Hence, the changes in the relationship between precipitation and time of
risk of failure is the exceedance probability of Qi > Qobs, as follows: concentration in all basins analyzed here. The CanESM5 and
MIROC-ES2L models resulted in little variation in the IDF curves;
C P[Qi > Qobs ] (1)
these two have the lowest spatial resolutions of the analyzed
where Qi is the peak flow obtained for future climate scenarios. models (approximately 2.8°x2.8°).
The severity of the events for which the baseline peak flow was We have also analyzed the percent variation of the total
exceeded was addressed with the risk of overtopping. Overtopping precipitation in the basins for a future climate in comparison to
is mainly caused by insufficient flood storage or inadequate spillway the baseline (historical climate) scenario. Total precipitation was
capacity and can be identified when the water level is above the calculated using the IDFs previously calculated and the time of
dam crest after a flood has been regulated (Lee & You, 2013). concentration calculated for each subbasin (Table 3).
Here, we assume the dam has failed when the water elevation ACCESS-ESMI1, with a spatial resolution of about 1.9°x1.3°,
exceeds the dam crest elevation (156.4 m). had the highest percent variation among the models (132%).
The model indicated the most intense precipitation events of the
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION scenario SSP5 8.5, with an average percent variation of 71.5% and
the had high variance among the variation in precipitations, with
Updated IDF curves values ranging between -5.5% (SSP2 4.5) and 132% (SSP5 8.5).
The BCC-CSM2-MR model, which has the best spatial
Figure 4 presents the updated IDF curves for all climate resolution (approximately 1.1°x1.1°), indicated a possible increase in
models and scenarios, for the five subbasins analyzed in this study. precipitation for both emission scenarios. Interestingly, SSP5 8.5 was
These curves were calculated for an ARI of 1000 years. The BCC- the one with the largest increase (about 16.4%).

Figure 4. Updated precipitation curves (ARI = 1000 years) for all subbasins and the eight scenarios of climate change, i.e., the
combination of four GCMs and the two scenarios SSP2 4.5 (245) and SSP5 8.5 (585).

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Hydrological risk of dam failure under climate change

The CanESM5 model presented high variance among of 1000 years (Figure 5) and 10000 years (Figure 6). For each
the percent variation of precipitation in the basins, indicating, simulation, we extracted the values of the peak effluent flow and
on average, reduced precipitation for the scenario SSP2 4.5 and the water depth on the spillway. Then, we compared the effects
almost no change for scenario SSP5 8.5. The MIROC-ES2L of the millenary and the floods associated with decamillennial
model also had high reduced precipitation for both scenarios, storms to the baseline scenario by evaluating the percent variation
SSP2 4.5 (about -18.3%) and SSP5 8.5 (about -42.8%), indicating between each of these variables.
driest future scenarios. The flood associated with a millenary storm was overcome
in half of the scenarios, with the most extreme percent variation
Hydrological modeling under climate change for the scenario ACCESS/SSP5 8.5, which had an increase in
peak flow of about 109.4%.
Hydrological simulations of an extreme rainfall event were We assumed that dam overtopping happens when the water
performed for each climate change scenario, considering an ARI elevation in the spillway is higher than the elevation of the dam

Table 3. Average variation of the total precipitation in the subbasins for each climate change scenario in comparison to the baseline
scenario. The highest percentage variations for each scenario are highlighted in bold.
Model Scenario Mean
Araras Ipú Hidrolândia Nova Russas Tamboril
ACCESS SSP2 4.5 67.7% -5.5% 16.7% 7.1% 25.3% 22.3%
SSP5 8.5 74.2% 72.1% 42.7% 132% 36.4% 71.5%
BCC SSP2 4.5 39.2% 33.5% -11.2% -20.8% -15.8% 5.0%
SSP5 8.5 60.3% 51.1% -5.7% -13.5% -10.2% 16.4%
CanESM5 SSP2 4.5 -9.0% 4.2% -7.4% -26.4% -30.9% 13.9%
SSP5 8.5 13.6% 34.6% -24.8% -13.7% -15.8% -1.2%
MIROC SSP2 4.5 13.4% 16.1% -25.5% -32.8% -30.6% 18.3%
SSP5 8.5 31.0% 38.8% -44.6% -50.9% -48.6% 42.8%

Figure 5. Peak flow and water depth values for each climate change model and emission scenario, for an ARI of 1000 years. The solid
black line represents the value for the baseline (historical) scenario. The vertical solid lines at the right side of the bars represent the
percent variation between the baseline and the corresponding scenario; this line was included only for the models which presented
values of peak flow and water depth higher than the baseline.

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Figure 6. Peak flow and water depth values for each climate change model and emission scenario, for an ARI of 10000 years. The
solid black line represents the value for the baseline (historical) scenario. The vertical solid lines at the right side of the bars represent
the percent variation between the baseline and the corresponding scenario; this line was included only for the models which presented
values of peak flow and water depth higher than the baseline.

crest (156.4 m). This situation, which might result in the collapse of Frequency of extreme events
the structure, happened in one scenarios: the ACCESS/SSP5 8.5.
When considering a rarer extreme rainfall event, i.e., an ARI After simulating the rainfall event with an ARI for 1000 years
of 10000 years, flood magnitudes were increased in comparison to using hydrological modeling, we calculated the new ARIs for each
the millennial event. The flood magnitude of the baseline scenario
scenario (Table 4). This approach recalls the concept of “recurrence
was exceeded in half of the scenarios. Overtopping was also
reduction”, which was used in previous studies on flood risk
observed in four scenarios. The CanESM5 and MIROC models
indicated a decrease in peak flows for both extreme events/ARIs assessment (Bartiko et al., 2017; Vogel et al., 2011). Recurrence
considered. reduction is the reduction in the ARI of future floods associated
Other studies show the effects of climate change on with a flood in some reference year (Vogel et al., 2011). Although
extreme flood events, Kuo & Gan (2015) analyzed the risks the actual ARI of reference floods is not necessarily the same as
of exceeding an intensive storm in the face of climate changes the one of projected storms, we use the new ARIs as proxies of
in an urban drainage system and found an increasing trend of flood risk associated with changes in precipitation.
vulnerability to floods. A project previously dimensioned with For the most critical scenario, ACCESS SSP5 8.5, the
a 50-year project life would have your risk increased by 9% and 1000-year average recurrence interval has been shortened to
1-hour storms duration, then a 50-year storm event has become 82 years, a 12-fold increase in occurrence probability. For the
more recurrent, like a 29-year event. BCC SSP5 8.5 scenario, the 1000-year average recurrence interval
Maurer et al. (2018) estimated the frequency of future peak
was reduced to 114 years, increasing the occurrence probability
flows for the western United States. Based on climate projections
of the event by about 8.77 times. CanESM52 4.5 and MIROC
for 421 sites throughout the study area, flood recurrence times
were estimated for the current scenario and future projection SSP5 8.5 were the periods with the lowest precipitation; These
scenarios. Using the most critical gas emission scenario, an increase models overestimated the ARIs, exceeding 10000 years.
in peak flows was observed, reaching up to 43% of the increase The empirical cumulative distribution of the exceedance
in expected flows by the end of the 21st century. In terms of the probabilities was calculated for the climate change scenarios
flood return period, extreme events of 40 years, had 2.5 more analysed in this study. Figure 7 shows that the flood associated
chances of occurring. with a millenary storm has a 63.8% chance of being overcome.

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Hydrological risk of dam failure under climate change

Table 4. Updated ARI of the extreme precipitation event for can have a significant impact on flood risk and dam safety. Future
each climate scenario. studies on dam safety could include such effects by modelling the
Scenario Model ARI (years) CN of the basins.
SSP2 4.5 ACCESS 204
BCC 523
MIROC 7252
SSP5 8.5 ACCESS 82
The GCM data of CMIP6 were extracted from the Earth
BCC 114 System Grid Federation (ESDF) website (https://esgf-node.llnl.
CanESM5 1260 gov/projects/cmip6/). The rain-gauge measured rainfall series
MIROC - were obtained from the database of the National Water Agency

The first author thanks the master’s degree scholarship from
the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological
Development (CNPq)
The third author thanks the doctor’s scholarship from
the National Council for the Improvement of Higher Education
The fourth author thanks the doctor’s degree scholarship
from the National Council for the Improvement of Higher
Education (CAPES)
Figure 7. Current flood exceedance probabilities in a climate
change scenario, for an ARI of 1000 years.
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RBRH, Porto Alegre, v. 27, e19, 2022 9/10

Hydrological risk of dam failure under climate change

Authors contributions João Batista Sousa Raulino: Formal analysis, methodology,

Brenda Lara Duarte Souza Carneiro: Methodology, Software, Formal
analysis, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Visualization.

Francisco de Assis de Souza Filho: Methodology, Conceptualization, Editor-in-Chief: Adilson Pinheiro

writing – review & editing, supervision, project administration.

Taís Maria Nunes Carvalho: Formal analysis, writing – review &

editing, supervision. Associated Editor: Carlos Henrique Ribeiro Lima

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