Present Continuous

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Present Continuous Gerndio (afirmativo)

O Present Continuous utilizado para expressar aes no presente, as quais

acontecem no momento em que se fala, para indicar eventos futuros que tenham sido
planejados e confirmados ou ainda para expressar certeza de que algo ir acontecer.
Em portugus, o gerndio tem a seguinte terminao ndo, como por exemplo: Eu
estou caminhando agora. No ingls, forma-se com a conjugao do verbo to be (am/is/are) +
o verbo principal com a terminao ing. Ele geralmente acompanha advrbios de tempo:
now (agora), at present (no presente), at the moment (no momento) e etc.
Observe o verbo to speak:
Pronome Verbo to be Verbo no gerndio
I am Speaking
You are

He is







O verbo to be pode ser abreviado. As abreviaes so utilizadas na fala, visto que informal
fazer abreviaes. Na escrita, dispensam-se abreviaes. Observe:
Pronome Verbo to be
I 'm
You 're
He 's





Para transformar um verbo em Present Continuous, a adio do ing, h que se observar
algumas regras:
VERBOS TERMINADOS EM E: retira-se o e e acrescenta-se ing
Change (mudar):changing live (viver): living
Be (ser, estar): being lie (mentir): lying
Ex.: I am having dinner now. (Eu estou jantando agora.)
You are lying. (Voc est mentindo.)
ltima letra e acrescenta-se ing
run (correr): running stop (parar): stopping
Ex.: Sarah is running very fast. (Sarah est correndo muito rpido.)
He is stopping at the corner. (Ele est parando na esquina.)

EXCEO: No se dobram as consoantes w e x:
Snow (nevar): snowing fix (arrumar): fixing

MAS CASO A SLABA TNICA SEJA A PRIMEIRA: somente acrescenta-se ing
open (abrir): opening happen (acontecer): happening

VERBOS TERMINADOS EM Y: acrescenta-se ing
play (jogar): playing say (dizer): saying

Ex.: Wait! I am playing video game. (Espere! Eu estou jogando videogame.)
Look! He is saying something. (Olhe! Ele est dizendo alguma coisa.)

try (tentar): trying cry (chorar): crying

Ex.: This exercise is difficult. Im trying to do it. (Esse exerccio difcil. Eu estou
tentando faz-lo.)
Oh my God, she is crying. ( meu Deus, ela est chorando.)

VERBOS TERMINADOS EM IE: troca-se o ie por y e acrescenta-se ing
lie (mentir): lying die (morrer): dying
Ex.: She is lying to me. (Ela est mentindo para mim.)
Im dying. (Eu estou morrendo.)

Frases Negativas e interrogativas

Formamos as frases negativas, acrescentando "not" aps o verbo to be.

Exemplos: He is not looking at me. (Ele no est a olhar para mim).

Formamos as frases interrogativas, colocando o verbo to be antes do sujeito.

Exemplos: Are you making a phone call? (Voc est fazendo uma chamada?)
Is she to school? (Ela est indo para escola?)


1 Para formar o gerndio em ingls, acrescenta-se a terminao ING no final dos verbos,
porm h algumas regras e excees. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na
forma correta do gerndio.

a) to play playing / to love loving / to stop stopping / to agree agreeing
b) to play plaing / to love loveing / to stop stoping / to agree agreeing
c) to play plaing / to love loving / to stop stopping / to agree agreing
d) to play playing / to love loving / to stop stoping / to agree agring

2 Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma correta de
uma frase nesse tempo verbal:

a) Paul is work in the garden at this moment.
b) Paul is working in the garden at this moment.
c) Paul working in the garden at this moment.
d) Paul are working in the garden at this moment.

3 Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir no Present continuous:

I The woman ________ (to wear) black clothes.
II Those boys ____________ (to look) at you.
a) wearing / looking
b) is wear / are look
c) are wearing / is looking
d) is wearing / are looking

4 Qual a forma negativa da frase Our children are facing serious problems?
a) Not our children are facing serious problems.
b) Our children not are facing serious problems.
c) Our children are not facing serious problems.
d) Our children arent are facing serious problems.

5 Qual a forma interrogativa da frase The cat is running around the table?
a) Running the cat is around the table?
b) Is the cat running around the table?
c) The is cat running around the table?
d) The cat is running around the table?

6 A frase My sisters work so much no Present Continuous seria:
a) My sisters are work so much.
b) My sisters working so much.
c) My sisters is working so much.
d) My sisters are working so much.

7) Complete as sentenas com o Present Continuous Tense.

a) I ______________________ a letter to my friend. (to write)

b) Peter and Robert _________________ tennis at the club. (to play)

c) Mrs. Taylor _____________________ her house today. (to clean)

d) My teacher _____________________ my composition. (to correct)

e) I ____________________ my black pencils. (count - contar)

f) Joe ___________________ to school now. (go - ir)

g) Mary ____________________ to Brenda now. (talk - conversar)

h) The teachers __________________ at their students. (look at - olhar)

i) I ____________________ some milk right now. (drink - beber)

j) They ____________________ delicious sandwiches at the moment. (eat - comer)

8 Faa frases afirmativas e interrogativas utilizando os itens abaixo:
1) (we / to the cinema later) to go

2) (they / now) - to work

3) (you / now) - to walk

4) (they / new things) to learn

5) ( he / tomorrow) - to travel

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