Papers by Colin Guthrie King

Argumentation , 2023
Argumentation as the public exchange of reasons is widely thought to enhance deliberative interac... more Argumentation as the public exchange of reasons is widely thought to enhance deliberative interactions that generate and justify reasonable public policies. Adopting an argumentation-theoretic perspective, we survey the norms that should govern public argumentation and address some of the complexities that scholarly treatments have identified. Our focus is on norms associated with the ideals of correctness and participation as sources of a politically legitimate deliberative outcome. In principle, both ideals are mutually coherent. If the information needed for a correct deliberative outcome is distributed among agents, then maximising participation increases information diversity. But both ideals can also be in tension. If participants lack competence or are prone to biases, a correct deliberative outcome requires limiting participation. The central question for public argumentation, therefore, is how to strike a balance between both ideals. Rather than advocating a preferred normative framework, our main purpose is to illustrate the complexity of this theme.

Topoi, 2021
In this paper I provide support for the view that at least some forms of adversariality in argume... more In this paper I provide support for the view that at least some forms of adversariality in argumentation are legitimate. The support comes from Aristotle’s theory of illegitimate adversarial argumentation in dialectical contexts: his theory of eristic in his work On Sophistical Refutations. Here Aristotle develops non-epistemic standards for evaluating the legitimacy of dialectical procedures, standards which I propose can be understood in terms of the pragmatic notion of context as common ground. Put briefly, Aristotle makes the answerer’s meaning in giving assent in dialectical contexts the basis for further moves in the game of dialectic. Moves which subvert the answerer’s meaning or do not solicit the answerer’s consent are marked as eristic, i.e. adversarial in a problematic sense. I conclude with remarks on what Aristotle’s theory may teach us about how semantic features relate to the normative evaluation of argumentation.

Studia Philosophica, 2021
The discussion of the Principle of Non-Contradiction (PNC) in Aristotle's Metaphysics Γ is usuall... more The discussion of the Principle of Non-Contradiction (PNC) in Aristotle's Metaphysics Γ is usually taken to include three 'versions' of the principle: an ontological, psychological, and logical one. In this article I develop an interpretation of Metaphysics Γ3 and a parallel text, De interpretatione 14, in order to show that these texts are concerned with two related but different principles: a version of the Principle of Identity, and a corollary to this, which concerns the ability to accept two 'opposite' items at the same time. I argue that these principles must be considered separately in order to properly understand Aristotle's remarks about PNC in Metaphysics Γ, and in order to defend his approach in these remarks against certain objections raised against the discussion in Metaphysics Γ by Jan Łukasiewicz in his seminal study Über den Satz des Widerspruchs bei Aristoteles. The main result of my interpretation is to distinguish in the discussion of PNC in Metaphysics Γ three principles: one concerning linguistic items (words and statements), one concerning thoughts (δόξαι), and one concerning objects or states of affairs.

Encounters with Aristotelian Philosophy of Mind
научное учреждение «Институт механики металлополимерных систем имени В. А. Белого Национальной ак... more научное учреждение «Институт механики металлополимерных систем имени В. А. Белого Национальной академии наук Беларуси» 3 Белорусский государственный технологический университет ВЛИЯНИЕ ВОЛОКНИСТЫХ НАПОЛНИТЕЛЕЙ НА СВОЙСТВА ШИННЫХ ЭЛАСТОМЕРНЫХ КОМПОЗИЦИЙ Изучена возможность применения коротких целлюлозных волокон типа Santoweb DX в составе протекторных резин с целью улучшения их эксплуатационных характеристик. Проведена оценка влияния содержания коротковолокнистых наполнителей на механические свойства протекторных резин в условиях статического и динамического нагружения. В резиновые смеси целлюлозные волокна вводили в виде предварительно полученного методом соэкструзии 50%-ного концентрата волокон в натуральном каучуке в дозировках от 1,5 до 15,0 мас. ч. на 100,0 мас. ч. каучука. Установлено, что введение волокнистых наполнителей позволяет повысить твердость и модули протекторных резин при сравнительно малых значениях деформации при сохранении прочностных и эластических характеристик на уровне серийной резины. Определены приемлемые дозировки концентратов целлюлозных волокон, обеспечивающие оптимальное сочетание показателей эксплуатационных характеристик протекторных резин. Введение концентратов волокон в дозировках 4,5 и 6,0 мас. ч. улучшает сцепные характеристики резин, снижает их сопротивление качению.
Heat, pneuma, and soul in ancient philosophy and science, 2020

Aristotelian Studies in 19th Century Philosophy
The 19th century witnessed aprocess of institutionalization in European philosophywhich was to ha... more The 19th century witnessed aprocess of institutionalization in European philosophywhich was to have unforeseen consequences continuingright into the present day.¹ With the changingo ft he shape and scope of faculties at the universities, the role of philosophyshifted ever more to akind of introduction to science. At the sametime, another process took place. Under the guiding influenceofphilosophy, the program of "education through science" would develop together with an ew orientation of the sciences on the model of research.² The gradual establishment at the universities of the seminar (Wolf in Halle, Boeckh in Berlin) led to aprofessionalization of teachingand the creation of new forms of research organization. Through cooperation between the universities and the academies, new researchp rojects emergedw hich would servea sm odels until the very end of the 19th century.Before the rise of the natural sciences and engineering, these projects were mostlyw ithin the realm of Altertumswissenschaften and Classical philology.³ The transformation of science and research emergedfrom the reform movement of New Humanism with which Fichte, Humboldt and Schleiermacher wereassociated, and which would take institutionalform at the beginning of the 19th century with the founding of the Friedrich-Wilhelms University(currently Humboldt-Universität) in Berlin (1809-10).⁴ IA ristotelian Studies of the 19th Century Aristotelian studies in the 19th century are part and parcel of these processes in the transformation of institutional forms and disciplinary boundaries, processes which in turn wroughtchanges in techniques and methodsofresearch in the individual departments of scientific and academic research.⁵ The historiographyof philosophyi nt he 18th century,f rom JohannJ akob Brucker to Wilhelm Gottlieb Tennemann and Wilhelm Traugott Krug, did little to nothing for the history of
Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy
In this response I consider the implications of Jan Szaif’s suggestion that there is a tight “con... more In this response I consider the implications of Jan Szaif’s suggestion that there is a tight “conceptual affinity” between Books I and X of the Nicomachean Ethics (EN). I argue against one view which could claim such a thesis as an ally: the view which maintains that the Nicomachean Ethics is based upon the kind of conceptual cohesion supplied by a supposed metaphysical foundation for claims about happiness.
Oxford Handbooks Online
The chapter explores the ancient Greek and Roman literature on wonders, “paradoxical” objects and... more The chapter explores the ancient Greek and Roman literature on wonders, “paradoxical” objects and events in the natural (and human) worlds, things that are strange but true. The main source for this literature was not observation or experience, but other literature. The chapter describes the genesis and development of the genre and defines its common characteristics; introduces its main authors; and explains its importance for the history of ancient science. Paradoxographical texts have been characterized variously as: (1) lists of facts which are considered wondrous, or (2) a sensationalist and consumer-oriented type of writing, or (3) the second-rate extracts from proper historical and scientific authors. Paradoxography was a thriving literary field from Early Hellenistic times, throughout the Greco-Roman era, and into Byzantine times.
Aristotelian Studies in 19th Century Philosophy, 2018
This chapter explores interpretive debates about Aristotle's Categories in the 19 th century.T he... more This chapter explores interpretive debates about Aristotle's Categories in the 19 th century.T he interpretationo ft his text became the locus to pursue the further philosophical aim of defending logic against an epistemological re-calibration of concepts such as that found in the transcendental and metaphysical deductions of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. As Colin Guthrie King argues, this was the ultimatephilosophical ambition of Friedrich Adolf Trendelenburg's interpretation of Aristotle'sd octrine of categories, but perhaps more important than this project itself wereits derivatives: amodel for the proper philosophical interpretation of an ancient philosophical text,and an exemplary model of how to defend such at ext against an influential anachronistic interpretation.
In this paper I examine the contemporary philosophical motivations for interpreting Aristotle's d... more In this paper I examine the contemporary philosophical motivations for interpreting Aristotle's dialectical method as a central component of his "methodology", and examine the consequences this view has for theories of Aristotle's development. The paper also includes a critical reflection on several interpretations of the concept of ἔνδοξα.

Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, 2013
Aristotle determines eristic argument as argument which either operates upon the basis of accepta... more Aristotle determines eristic argument as argument which either operates upon the basis of acceptable premisses (Índoxa) and merely give the impression of being deductive, or argument which truly is deductive but operates upon the basis of premisses which seem to be acceptable, but are not (or, again, argument which uses both of these mechanisms). I attempt to understand what Aristotle has in mind when he says that someone is deceived into accepting premisses which seem to be acceptable but which are really not, and how this disqualifies such arguments from being dialectical. In the first section of the paper I interpret Aristotle's notion of Índoxa in terms of a relational concept of acceptability. Real Índoxa are propositions which are accepted by a qualified group or individual. False Índoxa may also be accepted by someone or some group, and may even be true, but they are used to serve the purposes of eristical argumentation, which departs from certain standards of dialectical argumentation articulated in the notion of Índoxa as a norm for premiss-acceptance. In particular, eristic arguments may even be valid in the sense of a sullogismÏc while still failing to be proper dialectical arguments. In the second part of the paper I consider how this can be, in examining certain types of fallacies in the Sophistical Refutations and the relationship between fallacious argumentation and false Índoxa.
August Boeckh: Philologie, Hermeneutik, Wissenschaftspolitik, 2013
This paper examines a passage of Plato's Timaeus and a famous dispute in the history of its inter... more This paper examines a passage of Plato's Timaeus and a famous dispute in the history of its interpretation: the passage regarding the earth in Timaeus 40b–c.
Hartmut Böhme und Georg Toepfer (eds.), Transformationen der Wissenschaften in der Antike, 2010
In this paper I contrast two very different attitudes to social authority and testimony in ancien... more In this paper I contrast two very different attitudes to social authority and testimony in ancient philosophy: the recalcitrant and defiant attitude of Socrates as we find him in the Gorgias, who considers social authority irrelevant for the admission of premisses in dialectical procedures, and the attitude of Aristotle in the Topics and Rhetoric, who seems much more open to using social authority for rational persuasion, also in dialectical contexts.
Tucker/A Companion to the Philosophy of History and Historiography, 2008
Edited volumes by Colin Guthrie King

The following volume is the product of many productive conversations among scholars of ancient ph... more The following volume is the product of many productive conversations among scholars of ancient philosophy and medicine, which began at a conference, "Aristotle and his predecessors on heat, pneuma and soul," held on June 12-14, 2014 at Charles University in Prague, sponsored by the Czech Science Foundation (project no. 13-00800S) and the August Boeckh Centre for Ancient Studies of the Humboldt University of Berlin. As organizers of that conference, we took it upon ourselves afterward to unite some contributions from it, together with further solicited papers, in a volume which would bring together studies of the ancient Greek material on heat, pneuma, and soul in ancient philosophy, medicine, and science of the Classical Era, as few existing publications have. We were encouraged in this by our four special guests, who facilitated an extraordinarily productive conversation among the participants while commenting on their papers: Geoffrey Lloyd, István Bodnár, Philip van der Eijk, and Anna Marmodoro. Though none of them authored contributions to this volume, their critique and encouragement of the work which led to it was in many ways seminal and put the project as a whole on a good path. We are very grateful to them, and also to our authors for their forbearance in the long gestation of this publication, as well as to two anonymous reviewers for Cambridge University Press, who made valuable and specific recommendations for the improvement of the volume. Miguel Regalado assisted in compiling the final bibliography; our thanks also to him. Finally, and not least, we should also like to thank Michael Sharp for his diligent and patient encouragement of this volume in stages both hot and cold.
Aristotelian Studies in the 19th Century, Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter 2019 , 2019
to whom more than anyone else the world owes the insight that only the individual exists".-On the... more to whom more than anyone else the world owes the insight that only the individual exists".-On the driving force of Aristotelian notions in the later Schelling 57 Gerald Hartung What are Logical Investigations? Aristotelian Research in Trendelenburg and Husserl 77 Christian Pfeiffer Negation and Judgment in Joseph Geyser Aristotelian Research in the 19th Century 97 Paul Ziche "Aristoteles und Mephistopheles"-Debates about the Formation of Scientific Concepts in the 19th Century 131
WernerJ aegersK onzeptev on Wissenschaft und Bildung als Ausdruckd es Zeitgeistes 5 Wolfgang Rösl... more WernerJ aegersK onzeptev on Wissenschaft und Bildung als Ausdruckd es Zeitgeistes 5 Wolfgang Rösler WernerJ aeger undd er Nationalsozialismus 51 Stefan Kipf Paideia undd ie Folgen-Die Bedeutung des Dritten Humanismus fürd en altsprachlichen Unterricht nach 1945 83 GiuseppeC ambiano WernerJ aeger and the Presocratics 111 DorotheaF rede JaegersP laton 139 Mirjam E. Kotwick The Entwicklungsgeschichte of aT ext: On Werner Jaeger'se dition of Aristotle's Metaphysics 171 Roberto Lo Presti und Philipv an der Eijk WernerJ aeger undd ie antike Medizin 209 Christoph Markschies WernerJ aegersB licke auf das antike Christentum 245 Sachregister 259 Namenregister 263

Die inhaltliche und methodische Herausbildung einer modernen Altertumswissenschaft ist mit dem Be... more Die inhaltliche und methodische Herausbildung einer modernen Altertumswissenschaft ist mit dem Berlin des 19. Jahrhunderts in besonderem Maße verbunden. So stand die Gründung der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität (1810) unter dem Zeichen einer kulturpolitisch motivierten Idealisierung der Antike, die in den entstehenden Disziplinen der Klassischen Philologie, der Alten Geschichte, der Ägyptologie, der Rechtsgeschichte sowie der Allgemeinen Historischen Linguistik auf unterschiedliche Weise ihren Niederschlag fand.Der Band enthält Beiträge von führenden Altertumswissenschaftlern zu diesem Abschnitt der Geschichte ihrer Fächer. Im ersten Teil des Bandes wird die Ausdifferenzierung der altertumswissenschaftlichen Disziplinen aus einer allgemeinen, alle antiken Kulturzeugnisse betrachtenden Wissenschaft anhand der Leistungen und Wirkung ihrer Gründerväter an der Berliner Universität verfolgt. Im zweiten Teil wird die weitere Entwicklung altertumswissenschaftlicher Forschung im 19. Jahrhundert unter dem Einfluss von langfristigen, als Großbetrieb organisierten Forschungsprojekten an der Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften aufgezeigt.
Reviews by Colin Guthrie King
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2020

DIALOGOI. Ancient Philosophy Today, 2020
well-reasoned views to agree or disagree with in follow-up discussions. Judson not only sheds lig... more well-reasoned views to agree or disagree with in follow-up discussions. Judson not only sheds light on Λ but illuminates many other notoriously difficult discussions from the Metaphysics, Physics and De Anima. Judson's book has so much more to offer worthy of a longer discussion than I can provide here but I hope I have given a representative peek into this insightful and challenging study, a welcome guide to the complex and demanding Metaphysics Λ. It also serves as a well-rounded introduction into Aristotle's metaphysical thoughts overall. It will help graduate students and experienced scholars alike to better grasp not only the central themes but also the intricate details of the sometimes so very obscure arguments in Λ. Judson has done an excellent job at bringing Λ back into a spotlight it deserves. The commentary has set the bar very high for any future publications in the series.
Papers by Colin Guthrie King
Edited volumes by Colin Guthrie King
Reviews by Colin Guthrie King
Contributors consider the reception of the Organon in old logic and chart the appearance of formal approaches to logic beginning with Boole. This in-depth study of Aristotelianism also covers logic in Kant and Hegel, alongside the problems and projects of interpreting Aristotle in the new logic after Boole and Frege. The background of modern debates concerning induction and abduction provides further insight into Aristotelian logic during the period. By filling gaps in our understanding of Aristotelian logic, this book provides a fundamental missing link in 21st century studies of the history of Aristotelianism. It brings together scholars of both ancient and modern logic to understand the interpretation of ancient logic before and after the development of the modern, algebraic approach to logic.