Showing posts with label Raich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raich. Show all posts

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Hard Drugs

It is rich, but Raich has come back to haunt those hoping for a legal answer to Obama Care. Just as I predicted in Letter to a Friend.

Reason Magazine has the news.

According to a federal judge in Virginia, ObamaCare’s individual mandate to purchase health insurance is constitutional under the Commerce Clause because, under precedents set by previous cases, “Congress has broad power to regulate purely local matters that have substantial economic effects, even where the regulated individuals claim not to participate in interstate commerce.” The ruling, which was released yesterday, dismissed an argument by Liberty University, a Christian school based in the state, that the law should be invalidated because, among other reasons, it unconstitutionally requires individuals to purchase health insurance.

The section of the decision dealing with the mandate leans heavily on the Supreme Court’s ruling in Gonzales v. Raich, a case in which the Court decided that, under the Commerce Clause, Congress could criminalize growing marijuana at home for personal use because failure to do so would upend a legitimate regulatory activity. Yesterday’s ruling by Judge Norman K. Moon quotes Raich to argue that Congress may regulate “purely intrastate activity that is not itself ‘commercial’...if it concludes that failure to regulate that class of activity would undercut the regulation of the interstate market in that commodity."
With the previous understanding the government was merely leasing the taxpayers. It now owns them. But you have to admit the dopers got what was coming to them. And now the rest of us are going to get it. Good and hard.

The Raich case was about pot. So maybe Marijuana is a hard drug after all. Evidently in aggregate it will be hardest on those who don't use it. A very peculiar drug to be sure.

Cross Posted at Classical Values

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Raich Blog Links

I'm going to post some of my favorite Raich decision blog links. If you have more add them to the comments:

Do something









Legal Theory Blog

The Agitator

The Agitator

The Volokh Conspiracy

Vice Squad

Crescat Sententia

Drug War Rants


Knox News

US Marijuana Party

Andrew Sullivan

Balloon Juice

Balloon Juice


Patterico's Pontifications

The Moderate Voice

LA Times


Nobody's Business

Blind Mind’s Eye

Dispatches from the Culture Wars

Musing's musings

Relentless Pursuit of Wisdom and Liberty

Johnathan Adler - NRO

Hootsbuddy's Place

Lockjaw's Lair

Leviathan Slayer

Pro's and Con's

Sir BlogsaLot


Lex Communis

Combs Spouts Off

The Spoonbender

Star Bright

Poli Tech

De Novo

John Lott

Chicago Tribune

Mader Blog

Crime & Federalism

The Daily Brief

Tom Paine