pdf by Vasile Lucian Goldan
Law, Society & Organizations, 2020
At the end of the nineteenth century, in Iasi, an open conflict arises between the Metropolitan o... more At the end of the nineteenth century, in Iasi, an open conflict arises between the Metropolitan of Moldova and one of the professors of the Faculty of Law. As the time goes by, the conflict escalates, and supporters are added to both parties, both among the laity and the clergy. For this reason, the conflict enters in a sphere of politicization, the problem becoming a canonical-legal one. In order to win as many supporters as possible, both sides published one diary, „Deșteptarea” «Awakening» and „Revista Teologică” «The theological Review», through which they wanted to show their supremacy and prove the guilt of the other side. „Revista Teologică” appears out of an apologetic necessity, but due to the freedom offered by the Metropolitan Naniescu, to the editors Dragomir Demetrescu and Constantin Erbiceanu, the ecclesial newspaper acquires a cultural-philosophical character.
Teologie și Viață, 2019
The christian mission represents the action of the Gospel proclamation in the world, by the Holy ... more The christian mission represents the action of the Gospel proclamation in the world, by the Holy Apostles and their descendants. The Churchʹs mission is the act of Christianization, of the world`s evangelization, an apostolic work by which the kingdom of God embraces the time and space of the human history. It should be noted that in understanding the concept of mission in Christian and religious context of the contemporary society, it is necessary a biblical, theological, dogmatic, spiritual and historical review of the concept. The Panorthodox vision is the one that emphasizes missionary work of the Orthodox Churches. In this regard, this mission must represent the Ortho-doxy in its canonical, liturgical and dogmatic unity and musn`t bring any adjustments to this unity regardless of the space and time of its development. In this respect, we find an unity of the Orthodox missionary specificity in the diversity of its propagation space, of the attitudes and characteristic specificities of each nation that embraced the Orthodox Christian faith. For the Orthodoxy, mission was identified and continues to do so, with the tradition and the continuity of the Church in time, with the perpetual transmission of the faith from generation to generation. In this way, the objective of the Orthodox mission has been one expressed in an intensive manner, by keeping people in the Orthodox faith and identifying them with this faith over time. To the current geopo-litical situation in Europe marked by the experience of migration, the counsciousness of the Christian missionarism developed and manifested in its various lines of propagation, needs to adress in a direct and democratic way.
Law, Society & Organizations, 2019
The donation or the practice of aid collection, in order to build or rehabilitate a place of wors... more The donation or the practice of aid collection, in order to build or rehabilitate a place of worship, is an old habit in Romania, and during the arch-shepherding of Metropolitan Iosif Naniescu (1875-1902) in Iași, this was one of the most common options. In order to ensure the transparency of this action, the fundraising action had to have the blessing of the bishop of the place. This blessing was called "pantahuză" (gr. πανταχοῦσα), a document issued by the metropolitan or episcopal chancellery, signed by the bishop and given to a community, in response to an initial request. The present paper attempts to present in an objective and systematic manner the main issues of financial aid collection, both in villages and cities, by virtue of the document called "pantahuză".
Teologie și Viață, 2018
The Romanian culture is closely linked to the development of the Orthodox Church in the territory... more The Romanian culture is closely linked to the development of the Orthodox Church in the territory. Christianity have been cultural influenced the Carpatho-Danu-bian-Pontic territory, combining religious ideas and beliefs in the Christian tradition, offering Christian-Orthodox culture to future generations. The Churchʹs contribution to the cultural formation and development of the Romanian countries, and later of Romania, is recognized in history, the Romanian Orthodox Church, gaining this merit through the collective and continuous effort of its clergy and laity. The involvement of the clergy in the cultural development of the country has been achieved from the earliest times to the present day, and this has been achieved in a high percentage especially in the rural area, where specialized teachers later came to arrive. Thus, until the time of union between Cuzaʹs time and later in the period of the kingdom, the priests dealt with the education of the countryʹs sons, the teaching of various subjects, the much-desired textbooks for long-standing liturgical books. The recognized authority of the priest in the territory was to be spoiled during the communist period, and then surprisingly after 1989. Introducere În spațiul românesc, Biserica Ortodoxă a promovat valorile creștine propovăduite de Biserica universală și a stimulat puterea de creație a spiritului românesc, continuând să aibă cel mai important rol 1 , dar, în același timp, cultura populară a constituit su-portul credinței și spiritualității ortodoxe în sufletul și inima românilor. Părintele Dumitru Stăniloae vorbind despre creația 1 Ștefan Lemny, Sensibilitate și istorie în secolul XVIII românesc, Ediția a II-a, Edi-tura Polirom, Iași, 2017, p. 183.
East and West of Europe existed since the farthest century. Between the eastern and the western p... more East and West of Europe existed since the farthest century. Between the eastern and the western parts of the European continent, a long and alive contact have been sustained, in which Orthodoxy was always the one who opposed for the Western, Roman Catholic and Protestant ideas, with its theological principles. The expression of the synodality of Orthodox local churches in the 18 th century was closely linked to the territorial authority of the Ecumenical Patriarchate and to the geopolitical context. From this perspective we can talk about the manifestation of Pan-Orthodox unity in the 18 th century, which was possible due to the active involvement of the Ecumenical Patriarchate in the territory, its role as mediator between the empires and the free circulation in the Orthodox world of ideas, documents and clergy.
Papers by Vasile Lucian Goldan
Law, Society & Organisations, 2020
At the end of the nineteenth century, in Iasi, an open conflict arises between the Metropolitan o... more At the end of the nineteenth century, in Iasi, an open conflict arises between the Metropolitan of Moldova and one of the professors of the Faculty of Law. As the time goes by, the conflict escalates, and supporters are added to both parties, both among the laity and the clergy. For this reason, the conflict enters in a sphere of politicization, the problem becoming a canonical-legal one. In order to win as many supporters as possible, both sides published one diary, "Deșteptarea" «Awakening» and "Revista Teologică" «The theological Review», through which they wanted to show their supremacy and prove the guilt of the other side. "Revista Teologică" appears out of an apologetic necessity, but due to the freedom offered by the Metropolitan Naniescu, to the editors Dragomir Demetrescu and Constantin Erbiceanu, the ecclesial newspaper acquires a cultural-philosophical character.
Law, Society & Organisations, 2019
The donation or the practice of aid collection, in order to build or rehabilitate a place of wors... more The donation or the practice of aid collection, in order to build or rehabilitate a place of worship, is an old habit in Romania, and during the arch-shepherding of Metropolitan Iosif Naniescu (1875-1902) in Iași, this was one of the most common options. In order to ensure the transparency of this action, the fundraising action had to have the blessing of the bishop of the place. This blessing was called "pantahuză" (gr. πανταχοῦσα), a document issued by the metropolitan or episcopal chancellery, signed by the bishop and given to a community, in response to an initial request. The present paper attempts to present in an objective and systematic manner the main issues of financial aid collection, both in villages and cities, by virtue of the document called "pantahuză".
The seminar from Socola, later named "Veniamin Costachi", after the name of the Metropo... more The seminar from Socola, later named "Veniamin Costachi", after the name of the Metropolitan of Moldavia, is one of the oldest schools both in Moldavia and in Romania, being the first seminar in the country. Its activity has unfolded-and is still ongoing-for more than two centuries. Even though the institution itself was functioning in more than one real estate and had some periods of disruption due to the various shortcomings or to the political situation, the seminar continued to remain in the living memory of history as one of Iaşi and later Romania's elite schools. Although the emergence of this school is relatively close to contemporaneity, historiography feels the need for some clarification on the date of foundation and on those who have contributed to the emergence and development of this school.
Management Intercultural, 2020
Ensuring a constant minimum income for all clergy is an old problem of the Romanian Orthodox Chur... more Ensuring a constant minimum income for all clergy is an old problem of the Romanian Orthodox Church. During the royalty, the financial motivation of the lay clergy in Romania was the main concern of the synods, which tried to find support in the Parliament, forming a law project in this regard - one of the initiators being Metropolitan Iosif Naniescu. The precarious financial situation and the dissatisfaction of the lay clergy led the synods to look for new solutions to solve this problem. The chosen solutions would satisfy and displease the lay clergy, the aspirants in theology and the non-clerical staff of the parishes. Among the chosen solutions were the reduction of the number of ordinations and the monopolization of the manufacture and sale of cult candles by creating a production and a distribution network, the resulting profit following to be used to support the salaries of clerical and non- clerical staff of the churches.
Management Intercultural, 2017
Lately we are speaking increasingly more about progress, peace, cooperation, understanding and in... more Lately we are speaking increasingly more about progress, peace, cooperation, understanding and integration in the context of increased efforts to level the inherent differences between individuals or groups of individuals, belonging to different cultural and ideological traditions. But if we do not want all these aspirations to lead to a new Tower of Babel, it must be borne in mind the consideration as a whole and as a particular the real anthropological context of human development, in terms of immanento-transcendental axiology, the two coordinate whose balance determines the progress and the regress of history. From this perspective, the practical approach to an issue so ambitious is obliged to take into account, first the importance both of the spiritual and rational factor understood in its full forming dimension. This paper is intended to be a concise and systematic exposure of the missionary and proselyte thinking and its relationships with the process of secularization in the...
Management Intercultural, 2018
The seminar from Socola, later named „Veniamin Costachi”, after the name of the Metropolitan of M... more The seminar from Socola, later named „Veniamin Costachi”, after the name of the Metropolitan of Moldavia, is one of the oldest schools both in Moldavia and in Romania, being the first seminar in the country. Its activity has unfolded - and is still ongoing - for more than two centuries. Even though the institution itself was functioning in more than one real estate and had some periods of disruption due to the various shortcomings or to the political situation, the seminar continued to remain in the living memory of history as one of Iasi and later Romania's elite schools. Although the emergence of this school is relatively close to contemporaneity, historiography feels the need for some clarification on the date of foundation and on those who have contributed to the emergence and development of this school.
The Archibishop Iosif Naniescu's personality (1875-1902) marked the cultural-missionary activity ... more The Archibishop Iosif Naniescu's personality (1875-1902) marked the cultural-missionary activity developed in Iasi at the end of the nineteenth century. So, this activity was developed and incorporated a wide area, in which the Moldavian bishop was directly involved. In this regard, it should be noted that under the guidance and expense of the bishop, in Iasi was edited, between 25 March 1883 and 18 January 1887, as an ecclesial periodic "the Theological Journal". This typographical activity financially supported by the hierarch, was coordinated by two teachers of the Seminary "Veniamin Costache" from Iasi, Constantin Erbiceanu respectively Demetrescu Dragomir. This paper is intended to be a systematic and objective exposure of the publication "Theological Journal", of its importance and role in cultural-missionary gear of the end of XVIII th century in the Archdiocese of Iaşi. The Archibishop Iosif gave this magazine both educational-scientific and apologetic feature. Although the activity of the bishop was criticized by various groups of agitators, some of them priests, the bishop does not use in its pages sharp assaults, but presents in detail the situation of those who have grievances, by pointing with tangible evidence that the role of these agitators was just to destabilize and divide the church. The activity of this ecclesial periodic ends along with the lack of its funding by the Archibishop Iosif Naniescu.
pdf by Vasile Lucian Goldan
Papers by Vasile Lucian Goldan