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The issue of transforming the first-kind, singular EFIE into a second-kind regular equation is addressed for a general printed structure via a novel approach, with separation of the integral operator in two parts, and numerically based... more
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      Three DimensionalRegularizationIntegral EquationElectrical And Electronic Engineering
We describe a novel basis of hierarchical, multiscale functions that are linear combinations of standard Rao-Wilton-Glisson (RWG) functions. When the basis is used for discretizing the electric field integral equation (EFIE) for PEC... more
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      AntennasIterative MethodsMesh generationLow Frequency
We present a synthesis of the sparse matrix/adaptive integral method (SM/AIM) and the multiresolution (MR) approach for the analysis of electrically large finite arrays, with planar or 3-D radiating elements; the two methods were... more
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      Numerical MethodConvergence RateSparse MatrixAntenna Array
In this paper, a technique is presented for the accurate analysis of large and/or complex arrays with limited numerical effort is presented. The method combines the Synthetic basis Function eXpansion (SFX) approach and the Dual-IsoScalar... more
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    • Condition number
In this work we present a new Multi-Resolution (MR) basis for the analysis of a generic 3D conductor via the EFIE-MoM. The (possibly curved) conductor is discretized with (planar) triangular cells, and the MR basis is constructed as a... more
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      Electromagnetic CompatibilityMesh generationMethod of MomentsIntegral Equations
Large, finite arrays are often studied in hypothesis of infinite structure, thus allowing the reduction of the numerical effort to that of a single periodic cell. Sometimes this approximation leads to reasonable results in predicting the... more
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      Method of MomentsIntegral EquationsApproximationImpedance
This second part of a two-paper sequence deals with the generalization to three-dimensional (3-D) arrays of the truncated Floquet wave (TFW) diffraction method for the full wave analysis of large arrays. This generalization potentially... more
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      Method of MomentsIntegral EquationsAntenna arraysGeometry
This second part of a two-paper sequence deals with the generalization to three-dimensional (3-D) arrays of the truncated Floquet wave (TFW) diffraction method for the full wave analysis of large arrays. This generalization potentially... more
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      Method of MomentsIntegral EquationsAntenna arraysGeometry
This paper deals with a multiresolution approach to the finite-element solution of the Electric Field Integral Equation (EF IE) formulation of the boundary value problem for Maxwell equations. After defining a multiresolution set of... more
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      Applied MathematicsAntennasIterative MethodsMethod of Moments