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Questions tagged [gaza]

The Gaza Strip is a small piece of land in southern Israel, bordered by Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, where Palestinians live. It is currently governed by Hamas, which many countries consider a terrorist organization. Use with the [israel] and [hamas] tags as needed.

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-6 votes
0 answers

How does Gaza/Palestine have money?

What do they trade for to acquire goods? Why do these people have capacity of trade to acquire food and fuel and to what do they exchange that seeing how trade is among what is able to be produced, ...
max's user avatar
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-5 votes
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What kind of money do people in Gaza have to buy food? [closed]

Food in Gaza is getting sold to the people for exorbitant prices (with diverging claims as to who is benefiting and who is to blame). The market fluctuates, but before the war a sack of flour cost 40 ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

After banning UNRWA from operating in Gaza, what is the Israeli plan for education in the strip?

AP, October 29, 2024 One of the bills passed Monday evening bans all UNRWA activities and services on Israeli soil and is set to take effect in three months. The second bill severs all ties between ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Have any countries pledged to accept refugees/exiles from Gaza?

Gaza, in its present state after a year of war, does not have the infrastructure or resources to support its pre-October 7, 2023 population. Have any countries pledged to accept people from Gaza, ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Why does the Gaza Strip use Israeli currency?

Why does the Gaza Strip, along with the West Bank, use Israeli currency? The Wikipedia article Protocol on Economic Relations says that Palestinian territories have to accept that currency and can't ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

Why does Lebanon apparently lack aerial defenses?

In the recent bombings of Beirut neighborhoods by Israeli aircraft ( as of September 2024), one thing that seems odd is that apparently the Israeli aircraft don't face any sort of anti-aircraft guns ...
ksousa's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

What was the Rabin's offer to Mubarak regarding Gaza?

Shafiq Al-Hout in My Life in the PLO: The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle describes the following episode: Our meetings had become more like social get-togethers than serious political ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Has Israel commented on the halt on medical evacuations from Gaza in May 2024?

As of April 9 2024, a brief article in the medical journal The Lancet reported: Israel is approving medical evacuation lists from Gaza. Once permission is granted, patients and accompanying people ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Why does Egypt want Israel to withdraw from the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing?

Delegations from the United States and Israel end a meeting in Cairo aimed at discussing the reopening of the Rafah Crossing between Gaza and Egypt, according to Egypt’s al Qahera News TV. The network,...
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-1 votes
1 answer

By which routes does humanitarian aid arrive to Gaza?

What are the main routes by which Humanitarian aid arrives to Gaza? Who is taking care of transportation (gouvernements, non-government organizations, private contractors)? What proportion of the aid ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Does recognizing the State of Palestine facilitate doing business with it?

Is it easier for the countries that have officially recognized the State of Palestine to do business with it? I don't mean favoritism or political payback for recognition, but purely formal/legal ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

Why are Israeli activists/vigilantes who are blocking aid from reaching Gaza not being stopped by police?

According to the BBC, Israeli activists/vigilantes (as worded in the article) are attacking aid lorries, questioning and attacking unrelated road users, clashing with pro-aid activists, and operating ...
Ahmed Tawfik's user avatar
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15 votes
6 answers

Which Palestinian government is getting recognized?

Norway, Spain and Ireland have moved to formally recognize Palestine as a state. There was a discussion about what Spain specifically was recognizing, but the answers focused heavily on the land ...
Machavity's user avatar
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How is the international community compensating for the May, 2024 Egyptian withdrawal of cooperation regarding aid to Gaza?

An Egyptian official has been quoted by the WSJ (on May 14) saying that as long as Israeli forces remain at Rafah crossing, Egypt will not send a single truck to Rafah. And apparently those were not ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Why is Israel allowing the mistreatment of Palestinian prisoners in its hospitals?

According to whistleblowers speaking to the BBC, and a report published by Physicians for Human Rights in Israel, among many other descriptions: Patients at the Sde Teiman hospital are kept ...
Ahmed Tawfik's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

(Is it known) what, if anything, sparked the Columbia pro-Palestinian university encampment protest in mid-April specifically?

On April 17, 2024, the Columbia University pro-Palestinian campus protest began, shortly spreading to other universities in the United States. More recently they have spread abroad - where I am in the ...
Robin's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Why did Israel invade the Gaza strip from the north and not the south?

Given Israel's stated goal in the war is destruction of Hamas, why did they attack the Gaza strip from the North instead of from the South? The latter seems more sensible since taking Rafah first ...
Allure's user avatar
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-9 votes
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Are campus protesters anti war or pro war protesters? [closed]

Watching the college protests about the war in Gaza has me wondering why some refer to them as anti war protesters. While they do sometime call for a ceasefire, the rest of their slogans clearly ...
Schmerel's user avatar
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10 votes
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Has Trump changed his political views on Israel's war in Gaza?

Trump is a strong supporter of US ally Israel. On April 14, 2024, Washington Post reported - Trump supporters echo pro-Palestinian ‘genocide Joe’ chant: “Genocide Joe” is a phrase used by pro-...
sfxedit's user avatar
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Has famine been officially declared in (parts of) Gaza?

The discussions of famine in Gaza seem to be largely based on the March 18 IPC report, which projects famine top happen in two governorates of Gaza in March-May: The IPC acute food insecurity ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
3 votes
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Did any UN agency estimate, before the war/October, the number of food trucks that were entering Gaza per day?

In relation to competing claims (by COGAT vs IPC) about the number of food trucks that were entering Gaza before the war (i.e. leaving aside here that they also disagree about the number during the ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
-12 votes
3 answers

Have any western media/politicians expressed *mea culpa* about accusing Israel of starving Gaza? [closed]

Note that the emphasis of the question is not on whether there's famine in Gaza, but on the accusations made against Israel of deliberately causing it Throughout March multiple western media have ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How much food is currently available in Gaza?

Ever since the blockade of Gaza started there’s been talks of mass starvation in Gaza. But upon checking the Wiki article on the war I was surprised to find out only 32,000 people have died on the ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Are there any indications what the stance of a future Trump administration would be towards Gaza?

The title says it all. Are there statements from Trump or his inner circle indicating what the stance of a future Trump administration would be towards the ongoing Israeli aggression against Gaza (...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Why isn't hunger in Gaza interpreted as "Israel needs to win quickly"? [closed]

As I write this question, there's a famine going on in Gaza as a result of the Israel vs. Hamas 2023-2024 war. As far as I'm aware, Israel has surrounded Hamas, but has not launched a final offensive ...
Allure's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are any countries claiming that their humanitarian aid for Gaza is being declined by Israel?

Preface: According to AIPAC, the Israeli military isn't preventing any aid to Gaza if it belongs to one of 4 catagories "Food, water, medical supplies and shelters". Instead AIPAC claims ...
Jacob3's user avatar
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What is the state of domestic Israeli opposition to the - alleged - Israeli interference to aid supply in Gaza?

We've recently - March 2024 - seen numerous Western government leaders, normally pro-Israel, express alarm at the food situation in Gaza. The World Bank (no, not one of those mistrusted-by-Israel UN ...
Italian Philosopher's user avatar
0 votes
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Is it a war crime to use starvation as a weapon? [duplicate]

Multiple UN officials and experts have accused Israel of using starvation as a weapon of war against Palestinian civilians (see also statement by Volker Turk). There is mounting evidence that these ...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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What statements have Israeli and Western leaders made on the pictures and videos posted by IDF soldiers during the 2023 war?

During the Israel–Hamas war, numerous videos and images were taken and posted to social media by IDF soldiers, capturing their own questionable behavior. Some examples include soldiers posing with the ...
hb20007's user avatar
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What is the most accurate estimate for the total number of Palestinian deaths due to ongoing conflict?

When reporting on Palestinian deaths, many organisations are quoting a figure of roughly 30,000 with around 20,000 being women and children. See for example here or here. However, as I understand it, ...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Why has the U.S. airdrop of supplies to Gaza been criticized as hypocritical?

On March 2 2024 the U.S. Central Command stated that it had begun airdropping living supplies to the Gaza Strip. On March 3, some people criticized the matter on social media and claimed that these ...
Jack_here's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

What reasons has Israel given for limiting food supplies to Gaza?

According to the UN special rapporteur on the right to food Michael Fakhri: Israel is intentionally starving Palestinians and should be held accountable for war crimes – and genocide, according to ...
Erwan's user avatar
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Have any Hamas officials ever opined in regard to Gaza-Sinai State (aka "Greater Gaza") proposal?

According to Al-Jazeera in 2017 Israel and the Trump administration worked on a deal that would see an establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and parts of Northern Sinai (possibly exceeding the ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
20 votes
5 answers

Could Israel's PM Netanyahu be served with an arrest warrant from the ICC for war crimes, like Putin was because of Ukraine?

The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant against Vladimir Putin for "unlawful deportation and transfer of Ukrainian children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian ...
Abdel Aleem's user avatar
3 votes
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Is Hala travel company acting on behalf of the Egyptian government?

Hala travel company, belonging to Ibrahim al-Argany, is taking care of transporting Palestinians from Gaza, charging rather exorbitant fees: Abu Muhammad, a Palestinian travel agent who works with ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Why did Egypt bring tanks to Rafah?

According to Reuters: CAIRO, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Egypt has sent about 40 tanks and armoured personnel carriers to northeastern Sinai within the past two weeks as part of a series of measures to bolster ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
-6 votes
3 answers

Are there any pro-Israel/anti-Palestinian conspiracy theories?

Palestinians and self-proclaimed "Palestinian supporters" routinely engage in conspiracy theories about Israel or downplaying/denying the actions by terrorist groups like Hamas (e.g., the ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

How commonplace was treatment of Gazans in Israeli hospitals prior to October 7?

Family members of Hamas leaders (and perhaps also other Gazans) are systematically treated in Israeli hospitals: Haniyeh's relatives who do not live in Israel or hold Israeli citizenship have also ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
3 votes
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Were the UNRWA cuts accompanied with some other form of financial commitment to other aid organizations or other policies to help Gazans?

As aid organizations, we are deeply concerned and outraged that some of the largest donors have united to suspend funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), the main aid provider ...
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4 votes
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How much food aid for Gaza was ran though UNRWA vs other organizations, and what has been the impact on food aid of the UNRWA funding suspension?

There have been some doomsday reports that Gaza food aid might be severely impacted as a result of UNRWA funding suspension. E.g.: Philippe Lazzarini, said Saturday the organization’s program inside ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Stéphane Séjourné said that the Jewish state should not be accused of genocide. Is there any legal basis or support from politicians? [closed]

Last week, French politician Stéphane Séjourné responded to a question from Danièle Obono, a member of France's lower house of parliament, and replied that "To accuse the Jewish state of genocide ...
yamakaze's user avatar
13 votes
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Are these survey results about the approval ratings of the October 7 attacks by Hamas reliable?

In a news article published by AP news the following statements are made. Despite the devastation, 57% of respondents in Gaza and 82% in the West Bank believe Hamas was correct in launching the ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
7 votes
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Indigeneous Palestinian population in Sinai

In 1982 the town of Rafah was split in two by the Israel-Egypt peace treaty: When Israel withdrew from the Sinai in 1982, Rafah was split into a Gazan part and an Egyptian part, dividing families, ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
5 votes
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Aside the fear of a large number of Palestinians fleeing into Egypt, is there any other reason why it is against Israel occupying the southern border?

Egypt on Monday warned Israel that any attempt to reinstitute security control of the strip of land that separates the Gaza Strip and Egypt will result in a “serious threat” to relations between the ...
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30 votes
5 answers

Why is it that South Africa specifically is taking Israel to the ICJ on claims of genocide?

As per recent news, South Africa has brought to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) a claim that Israel has genocidal intent in its 2023 war in Gaza: South Africa seeks to prove that the ...
Ahmed Tawfik's user avatar
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17 votes
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How did Arab media report the events of the Hamas attack on Israel?

The Wiki article in Arabic about October 7th (linked is a Google translation) is notable for portraying the attack as a purely military operation and avoids any discussions of the crimes against ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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13 votes
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How can an International Court of Justice order to stop the war in Gaza be enforced?

In the expected upcoming case, where South Africa accuses Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza, if South Africa wins and the court rules to stop the war, how can such an order be ...
Mocas's user avatar
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Can the loss of support for Israel due to the war in Gaza be objectively measured?

Lots of political commentators speculate that Israel will eventually lose foreign support for the war in Gaza or that such support has already been lost. But are there any objective metrics beyond ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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What are some proposals for a post-war Gaza that doesn't involve the expansion of Israel security buffer zone? On Tuesday, during a conference held in the Knesset to examine possibilities for postwar ...
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6 votes
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Independent confirmations of the Israeli project for resettlement of Gazans

The Times of Israel reports in Israel in talks with Congo and other countries on Gaza ‘voluntary migration’ plan that members of the Israeli government are arguing for resettlement of Gazans in ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar