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American politicians with Indian vs. Chinese roots

As of 2019, there were 5,400,000 Chinese-Americans living in the USA. On the other hand, as of 2020, there were 4,397,737 Indian-American living in the USA. In the case of myself, I can name a few ...
user366312's user avatar
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2024 UK election: What connects the regions where Liberal Democrats succeeded?

In terms of systematic differences such as demography, what connects the regions that turned orange and what connects those that turned red, during the 2019-2024 UK election cycle? Looking at the ...
Probably's user avatar
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Why has the number of Germans in Kazakhstan begun to increase?

According to the latest census in Kazakhstan: "The 2021 Census revealed for the first time since the dissolution of the USSR, that the ethnic German population of Kazakhstan had increased to 226,...
Henningsson's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

What "non-white" countries give special privileges to ethnic minorities?

Many white countries (defined as countries where the largest ethnic block is of European descent) have government programs that give special privileges to ethnic minorities. Example 1: the United ...
PunkBoat4034's user avatar
11 votes
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Are millennials and generation Z more politically conscious than previous generations?

When I was growing up, my generation (gen X) was rather apathetic in our youth. Politics was the boring stuff done up there with little bearing on what's happening down here. It was the realm of ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
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Why are a majority of Vietnamese Republican, as opposed to other Asian-American groups in the United States? About half of Vietnamese American registered voters ...
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Indigeneous Palestinian population in Sinai

In 1982 the town of Rafah was split in two by the Israel-Egypt peace treaty: When Israel withdrew from the Sinai in 1982, Rafah was split into a Gazan part and an Egyptian part, dividing families, ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are there countries other than Israel which are regularly described in terms of their ethnic nature? [duplicate]

In Western parlance, and in particular among supporters of Israel, it is common to describe Israel as "the Jewish state." For instance, here is one example from the ADL. "In addition, ...
Stop Gaza Genocide's user avatar
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Which country has the largest number of non-immigrant ethnic groups recognized by the country?

Soon after the establishment of the People's Republic of China, 39 ethnic groups were recognized by the first national census in 1954. This further increased to 54 by the second national census in ...
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-2 votes
2 answers

South Korea's birth rate is the lowest in the world - why aren't they doing anything about it? [closed]

If any other government had the lowest fertility rate in the world, they would feel really scared for the future of their nation and start working hard. But the South Korean government has done ...
ERJAN's user avatar
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Who coined the term "the Lululemon Belt"?

An article at Politico by Jonathan Martin refers to constituency or faction (apparently) made up of white female moderate suburban Republicans in "the Lululemon belt — from Buckhead to Bala ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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Why do the Nordics have a low birth rate despite their government providing all parents with free childcare and parental leave?

Supporters of free childcare, parental leave and other parental perks often claim that the lack of such benefits is the root cause of low fertility rates in the US and other developed nations. And yet,...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Why is there such a large gap between the census and the population estimates when counting the number of Chinese residents in Russia?

Ethnic Chinese in Russia officially numbered 39,483 according to the 2002 census.[2] However, this figure is contested, with the Overseas Community Affairs Council of Taiwan claiming 998,000 in 2004 ...
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-4 votes
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What stereotypes are true when it comes to religion, genders, race, military, and the government? [closed]

Provide accurate information of evidence along with the stereotype that is true base on one or more of the subjects that I listed above.
Priscilla Alvarez's user avatar
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Does the government of South Korea have any plans to address their fertility rate, which is currently the lowest in the world?

South Korea currently has a fertility rate of 0.84, which is the lowest in the world and significantly below the minimum required to sustain their population. Given this strong reduction, does their ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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4 answers

How can a country balance its demographics ethically and morally? [closed]

As a kind of follow-up from this question, I have another question. How can a country balance its demographics ethically and morally? Of course, mass genocide and rapes are some of the ways, but they ...
virolino's user avatar
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What caused a drastic reduction in the population of ethnic Tatars in the Russian Federation?

I compared the Russian census of 2010 to the recently released census of 2020/2021. Ethnic group 2010,#n by pop 2010,population 2021,population 2010..2021,pop change 2010..2021change, % Tatars 2 5,...
Be Brave Be Like Ukraine's user avatar
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How much of Democrats' advantage with young voters is because of race/ethnicity?

Democrats in the United States have done better with young voters than in the past, and that gap appears to be widening. However, data suggests that some (though not all) of that gap is because of ...
Number File's user avatar
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Is China suffering increased crime levels or reduced GDP growth from having 17% more men than women in the 15-24 age bracket?

It’s often claimed (for example in What purpose do anti-Polygamy laws serve?) that young men who can’t find a woman will instead engage in violence and other types of anti social behavior. China ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Why don't countries pay exponentially increasing amounts of money for every new child in the family?

Most fertility-encouraging policies that I've seen pay the same amount of money for the 1st/2nd/3rd/etc child. However it seems like a more efficient policy would pay exponentially larger amounts of ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Has there been any examination of the recent upswing in latino support for Republicans in regards to age?

It's well known that older voters tend to be conservative. It's also known that hispanic immigration to the US really took off in the 1960's, meaning the first big waves of children born to hispanic ...
Ryan_L's user avatar
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How can one distinguish between "Ethnic Russians" and "mostly Russian-speaking Ethnic Ukrainians"?

According to a multi-million-views talk of John Mearsheimer (2015), the "ethno-linguistic map of Ukraine" looked like this. There's no source given in the talk for the map and I've not seen ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
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Is there any correlation between the violent crime rate and race in the USA? I have a feeling that white-dominated states of the USA have lower murder rates. For example, I checked ...
user366312's user avatar
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How Europeans identify Roma among the Ukrainian refugees [closed]

There have been several reports of discrimination in Poland, Czechia or Germany against refugees of the Ukrainian war who happened to also be ethnically Romani. I assume that there are no ID documents ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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What sort of political discussions are US ancestry data used for?

In this question, it came up that the U.S. census, in its community survey, asked people to tell not only about their ethnicity ("race"), but also about the nationality of their ancestors. ...
ccprog's user avatar
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How would I find Ancestry/Ethnicity data by state on

I am trying to find out, on a state-by-state (city/county as well, if possible) basis, what the population makeup is based on ancestry/ethnicity (i.e. Polish). For example, "what percentage of ...
Dave's user avatar
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5 answers

Why aren't (tax exempt) churches allowed to be political, and why not tax all churches?

Politics and religion often intersect in the United States and many other countries. However, churches generally don't support political candidates (though certain religious leaders do because they're ...
Number File's user avatar
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What is the ethnic composition of Russian military forces?

The Russian war in Ukraine has at various points been framed in Russia and in Western media outlets in ethnic terms. Given that Russia is itself a multi-ethnic state, this led me to wonder what ...
kurisen's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Do self identified independents in the United States tilt conservative compared to non independents?

I have read polls that appear to say that those who don't explicitly back either party are more conservative ideologically than those who do. A poll by Gallup shows that independents had a 35% ...
Number File's user avatar
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"Some other race vote" in the United States?

Many polls break national election polling down into White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, and none of those. However Hispanic is treated as an ethnicity on the Census. In order to get data on the "some ...
Number File's user avatar
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What measures has Russia taken to combat the declining population problem in the past 15 years?

In 2006, Russian President Vladimir Putin directed his nation's parliament to develop a plan to revive the country's falling birthrate. In a speech to parliament on May 10, 2006, Putin called the ...
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Do American Hispanics' self described racial identification tend to line up with their political views?

In the 2020 US Census, the percentage of Hispanics identifying as white alone dropped by over half. I'm curious about the differences between those that checked white as their race, "some other ...
Number File's user avatar
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Why is the scale of ethnic conflicts so different in India vs African countries. Does it have to do with democratic institutions?

India and countries of Africa are equally diverse. However almost every African country has been plagued with genocidal level ethnic conflicts and disruptive civil wars. Central African Republic for ...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
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What does the wealth distribution among India's lower caste and upper caste look like?

It is well known that UC Hindus own 41% of assets in India when being about 30% of the population, and, the remaining 59% of assets is distributed among the 70% of the UCs. My question is, how exactly ...
Brian's user avatar
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What is the practical benefit to a country in having multiculturalism?

Multicultural cities in countries of high ethnic diversity celebrate multiculturalism. Institutes, organisations and general mainstream culture push this notion that multiculturalism brings benefits ...
SkyAbove's user avatar
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How can a welfare state with high taxes survive in the face of an aging population?

I'm thinking of countries with economic and social policies like Germany. We can easily observe that in most developed countries, the birth rates are dipping (surprisingly). To my understanding, it is ...
Brian's user avatar
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Why doesn't the US Census consider Hispanic a race?

Since the 1970 Census the US Census has tracked Hispanic population under a separate question titled "Hispanic origin", saying "Hispanics may be of any race". This doesn't make ...
Number File's user avatar
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What explains Trump's gains with Latino voters in the 2020 US presidential election?

In almost every majority Hispanic county and electoral district, president Donald Trump gained against his 2016 presidential performance, though he lost almost all of these areas again, most by wide ...
Number File's user avatar
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What framework is used for the ethnicity categories on the ACA Marketplace?

The standard categories used by USA governmental forms that ask for a voluntary disclosure of race or ethnicity include the following: Black or African American, White or Caucasian, American Indian or ...
Obie 2.0's user avatar
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Ethnicity in the USA [closed]

As a European, I am confused about the use of names for ethnicities in the US. The background of my question is academic (I usually work with quantitative data on ethnicity on other continents, mostly ...
chris's user avatar
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Which countries forbid gathering certain ethnic/demographic data by the government?

France has a law forbidding the collection of sexual, ethnic, political, religuous, citizen information. Are there other nations where it is impossible to conduct a census or know information about ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
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What racial classifications systems are used for affirmative action in the Republic of South Africa?

Affirmative Action, in the context of race, ethnicity, etc. can cover a variety of measures such as simple non-discrimination (depending on definitions this might not be classed as "affirmative ...
Nemo's user avatar
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What is the rationale for the United Kingdom statistics body not allowing black people to identify as having an English ethnicity in its surveys?

Ethnicity The concept of ethnicity has been described by the UK's highest court in this way For a group to constitute an ethnic group... it must, in my opinion, regard itself, and be regarded by ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Do American views on national racial issues fall among party lines when controlling for race?

Polls show that Democrats support "racial justice" ideas like equal prison sentences and slavery reparations at substantially higher rates than Republicans. For example, while reparations is ...
Number File's user avatar
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Why do Republicans do relatively well with Asian Americans despite distinct ideological and non-racial demographic disdvantages?

On many issues from climate change to gun control, Asian Americans are the most likely to take left wing positions. In addition compared with the rest of the population, even when excluding White ...
Number File's user avatar
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Do candidates with Hispanic/Asian sounding surnames get extra Democratic support in low-information non-partisan state/local US elections?

It is well known that there are partisan differences in different racial groups in the United States. There are also smaller differences in how men and women tend to vote. White Americans favor ...
Number File's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why don't more people move to safe seats to run for office in the US?

Three out of eight US voters live in a congressional district represented by the opposite party of who they voted for for president. This figure is true for both Biden and Trump voters. This makes you ...
Number File's user avatar
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19 votes
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Why may Israel request a DNA test during immigration?

When a person claims to be ethnically Jewish and wants to make Aliyah Israel's immigration authorities may request a DNA test. See this and this. However I cannot find the details of what the DNA test ...
pans's user avatar
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How do vaccination rates compare between Israelis vs Palestinians in Israel?

Much has been made of the high and effective levels of vaccination in Israel - which has been seen as a lead country in the battle against Covid. How do these levels vary between Israelis and ...
WS2's user avatar
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Political & electoral fallout from low vaxx rates among Republicans? [closed]

CNN published an article yesterday that outlined how states with the lowest vaccination rates, highest case rates, and (critical to this question), highest death rates are all run by Republican ...
Will's user avatar
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