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2 answers

What was the Rabin's offer to Mubarak regarding Gaza?

Shafiq Al-Hout in My Life in the PLO: The Inside Story of the Palestinian Struggle describes the following episode: Our meetings had become more like social get-togethers than serious political ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
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3 answers

Why does Egypt want Israel to withdraw from the Gazan side of the Rafah crossing?

Delegations from the United States and Israel end a meeting in Cairo aimed at discussing the reopening of the Rafah Crossing between Gaza and Egypt, according to Egypt’s al Qahera News TV. The network,...
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By which routes does humanitarian aid arrive to Gaza?

What are the main routes by which Humanitarian aid arrives to Gaza? Who is taking care of transportation (gouvernements, non-government organizations, private contractors)? What proportion of the aid ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
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4 answers

How is the international community compensating for the May, 2024 Egyptian withdrawal of cooperation regarding aid to Gaza?

An Egyptian official has been quoted by the WSJ (on May 14) saying that as long as Israeli forces remain at Rafah crossing, Egypt will not send a single truck to Rafah. And apparently those were not ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
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Have any Hamas officials ever opined in regard to Gaza-Sinai State (aka "Greater Gaza") proposal?

According to Al-Jazeera in 2017 Israel and the Trump administration worked on a deal that would see an establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and parts of Northern Sinai (possibly exceeding the ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
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Is Hala travel company acting on behalf of the Egyptian government?

Hala travel company, belonging to Ibrahim al-Argany, is taking care of transporting Palestinians from Gaza, charging rather exorbitant fees: Abu Muhammad, a Palestinian travel agent who works with ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
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6 answers

Why did Egypt bring tanks to Rafah?

According to Reuters: CAIRO, Feb 9 (Reuters) - Egypt has sent about 40 tanks and armoured personnel carriers to northeastern Sinai within the past two weeks as part of a series of measures to bolster ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
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Indigeneous Palestinian population in Sinai

In 1982 the town of Rafah was split in two by the Israel-Egypt peace treaty: When Israel withdrew from the Sinai in 1982, Rafah was split into a Gazan part and an Egyptian part, dividing families, ...
Wag the mainstream media dog's user avatar
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Aside the fear of a large number of Palestinians fleeing into Egypt, is there any other reason why it is against Israel occupying the southern border?

Egypt on Monday warned Israel that any attempt to reinstitute security control of the strip of land that separates the Gaza Strip and Egypt will result in a “serious threat” to relations between the ...
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Did Hamas & PIJ manage to smuggle in substantial numbers of fully assembled rockets after 2014?

In 2014, the IDF gave a breakdown of their estimates of the Hamas rocket arsenal. Interestingly, in the 45km range rockets, the whole-piece smuggled ones dominated, but in the 75km range, it was ...
264 champagne bottles on ice's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why don't/can't Israel unilaterally return Gaza to Egypt?

Why don't/can't Israel unilaterally return Gaza to Egypt? Egypt would have very strong incentives to pacify Gaza since any rockets sent from Gaza would then be seen as act of war by Egypt and motivate ...
d-b's user avatar
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Why is the border between Gaza and Egypt closed? [closed]

Israel strategy of besieging Gaza would obviously not work if this 10km border was not strictly closed
sayanel's user avatar
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Why doesn't Gaza become Egypt? [duplicate]

It seems to me as feasible for Gaza to become part of Egypt as they share the same language, culture, and religion. In turn, Egypt would assume responsibility to control tendencies to attack Israel ...
amphibient's user avatar
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Why did Egypt start the blockade of the Gaza Strip?

I would think that Egypt had more in common with the Palestinian people than Israel, since both Egypt and Palestinians are mostly Sunni Muslims. Why did Egypt start the blockade of the Gaza Strip, ...
landigio's user avatar
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Does it make sense for Jordan & Egypt to annex Gaza and the West Bank?

This might be a dumb question, but is it a viable solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict for Jordan and Egypt to respectively annex the West Bank and Gaza Strip as they did in '48?
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