a complex by federica deo
Rassegna Storica Salerniitana, 2021
EdA - Esempi di Architettura, 2022
In the 1930s the architectural scene in the USSR changed drastically. The point of transition fro... more In the 1930s the architectural scene in the USSR changed drastically. The point of transition from the avant-garde scene to Socialist Realism is an interesting observation point. Starting with a general examination of the cultural context, we will analyze the themes and elements that characterized the debate in the architectural context during the 1930s.
Keywords: Socialist Realism, Moscow urban planning, Soviet architecture.
Op.Cit. Selezione della Critica d'Arte Contemporanea, 2022
La storia del design industriale, per quanto giovane, è densa e veloce, proprio come il secolo br... more La storia del design industriale, per quanto giovane, è densa e veloce, proprio come il secolo breve di cui è figlia. È una storia il cui percorso è direttamente e saldamente legato ad altre storie: quella economica, quella dell’industria, la storia dell’arte e la storia sociale, tra le altre. Queste interferenze hanno reso difficile il compito di individuare con chiarezza lo statuto identitario del design.
Con questo breve articolo conduciamo una riflessione sugli mondo degli oggetti, ponendo come caso studio l'opera del designer napoletano Mario Pagliaro, a partire dalla teoria di Viktor Sklovskij espressa nell'importante saggio "Arte come procedimento".
Nei primi anni '30 del Novecento l'architettura sovietica cambiò drasticamente. Il period... more Nei primi anni '30 del Novecento l'architettura sovietica cambiò drasticamente. Il periodo che vide il passaggio dalla scena di avanguardia al Realismo Socialista è un interessante momento per comprendere la strategia politica sottesa alla costruzione della nuova capitale sovietica: la Mosca monumentale e imponente di Stalin. Attraverso l'analisi di documenti di archivio relativi ai progetti e alle opere dell'Atelier guidato da Il'ja Golosov al Mossovet e al dibattito architettonico del periodo considerato, questo scritto si propone di individuare le nuove strategie politiche per il controllo delle masse e la centralizzazione del potere attraverso la forma della città.
CRIOS, 2021
La condizione planetaria contemporanea, fortemente segnata dagli effetti della pan¬demia di coron... more La condizione planetaria contemporanea, fortemente segnata dagli effetti della pan¬demia di coronavirus, ci pone con estrema violenza davanti ad un punto di non ritorno: il pianeta Terra sta collassando su sé stesso. Come osservare ed analizzare la realtà attuale? Che relazione sussiste tra il mondo umano e quello non-umano? E soprattutto, è possibile progettarne la coesistenza? Questo breve testo si compone di una introduzione alla figura e al pensiero di Timothy Morton, uno dei pensatori più interessanti nel panorama filosofico-ecologista contemporaneo, e della recensione di due dei suoi libri recentemente tradotti e pubblicati in italiano, Iperoggetti e Noi, esseri ecologici, in cui l'autore ci apre ad insondate e radicali prospettive ecologiche.
This interview with Philip Christou is a discussion on the project for the Brikettfabrik site, a ... more This interview with Philip Christou is a discussion on the project for the Brikettfabrik site, a former open-cast coal mining site in Witznitz, near Borna, in the south region of Leipzig (Germany), designed by Florian Beigel, Philip Christou and the London Architecture Research Unit and winner of the 1996 international landscape design and urban regeneration competition. During a time of great uncertainty about the near future, the two architects designed a project conceived as an open work that would have developed slowly over the following decades, according to the evolution of the needs of the community over time. A waiting project in which the time variable is the fundamental element both in the reading of the places and in the conception and development of the project proposals. The project is based on a careful reinterpretation of the elements present on the site. It aims at defining an architectural space that, through the enhancement of new elements and pre-existing memories, allows the development of human imagination. This process takes place through the discovery of a “second nature” of the existing mining landscape, reinforcing and emphasizing the differences between artificial and natural topography, rather than erasing them and replacing them with a romantic imitation of the “natural”.
The interview aims to highlight several issues. The first concerns the way in which the project related to the socio-economic context and the current situation, in a climate of general uncertainty. The second pertains to the concepts of «specific indeterminacy» and «design for uncertainty», at the basis of the design process. The third concerns the relationship with radical thinkers, with the “open work” and its effects on the future.
Compasses Architecture&Design, 2021
La città Palinsesto, 2020
The All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition inaugurated in Moscow in 1923 was one of the first
signif... more The All-Russian Agricultural Exhibition inaugurated in Moscow in 1923 was one of the first
significant moments after the October Revolution for Soviet architects and town planners to
put new ideas into practice. Although it was an excellent opportunity to test avant-garde
theories, both on an architectural and urban scale, only one building still stands today from
the 1923 Exhibition. This was the start of the regeneration of an urban area that now is a
crucial part of Moscow.
This short paper aims to trace the tangency points between the urban plans of the 1920s for the
city of Moscow, the experiments in the field of architecture and the project for the 1923 Exhibition.
La Città Palinsesto, 2020
Contributi e saggi pubblicati in questo volume sono stati valutati preventivamente secondo il cri... more Contributi e saggi pubblicati in questo volume sono stati valutati preventivamente secondo il criterio internazionale della Double-blind Peer Review. I diritti di traduzione, riproduzione e adattamento totale o parziale e con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm e le copie fotostatiche) sono riservati per tutti i Paesi. L'editore è a disposizione degli aventi diritto per eventuali riproduzioni tratte da fonti non identificate.
La Città Altra, 2018
Andrej Zvjagincev, regista, sceneggiatore e intellettuale russo ha immortalato nella sua filmogra... more Andrej Zvjagincev, regista, sceneggiatore e intellettuale russo ha immortalato nella sua filmografia un’immagine e un’analisi della società quanto mai visceralmente legata all’architettura urbana. Attraverso l’analisi della sua opera cercheremo di ricostruire quelle che secondo il cineasta sono le dinamiche che intercorrono tra l’odierna struttura sociale russa e l’architettura della città e, attraverso un breve confronto con le voci maggiori della cinematografia russa degli ultimi decenni – Andrej Tarkovskij e Aleksander Sokurov – analizzeremo il cambio di prospettiva.
Andrej Zvjagincev’s filmography conducts an analysis of Russian society through a representation of the social context inextricably linked to places and urban architecture. Through the analysis of his work we will try to recreate the dynamics between today's Russian social structure and the architecture of the city. Through the cinema of Tarkovskij and Sokurov we will also analyze the changes in the relations between society and architecture in the last decades.
a complex by federica deo
Keywords: Socialist Realism, Moscow urban planning, Soviet architecture.
Con questo breve articolo conduciamo una riflessione sugli mondo degli oggetti, ponendo come caso studio l'opera del designer napoletano Mario Pagliaro, a partire dalla teoria di Viktor Sklovskij espressa nell'importante saggio "Arte come procedimento".
The interview aims to highlight several issues. The first concerns the way in which the project related to the socio-economic context and the current situation, in a climate of general uncertainty. The second pertains to the concepts of «specific indeterminacy» and «design for uncertainty», at the basis of the design process. The third concerns the relationship with radical thinkers, with the “open work” and its effects on the future.
significant moments after the October Revolution for Soviet architects and town planners to
put new ideas into practice. Although it was an excellent opportunity to test avant-garde
theories, both on an architectural and urban scale, only one building still stands today from
the 1923 Exhibition. This was the start of the regeneration of an urban area that now is a
crucial part of Moscow.
This short paper aims to trace the tangency points between the urban plans of the 1920s for the
city of Moscow, the experiments in the field of architecture and the project for the 1923 Exhibition.
Andrej Zvjagincev’s filmography conducts an analysis of Russian society through a representation of the social context inextricably linked to places and urban architecture. Through the analysis of his work we will try to recreate the dynamics between today's Russian social structure and the architecture of the city. Through the cinema of Tarkovskij and Sokurov we will also analyze the changes in the relations between society and architecture in the last decades.
Keywords: Socialist Realism, Moscow urban planning, Soviet architecture.
Con questo breve articolo conduciamo una riflessione sugli mondo degli oggetti, ponendo come caso studio l'opera del designer napoletano Mario Pagliaro, a partire dalla teoria di Viktor Sklovskij espressa nell'importante saggio "Arte come procedimento".
The interview aims to highlight several issues. The first concerns the way in which the project related to the socio-economic context and the current situation, in a climate of general uncertainty. The second pertains to the concepts of «specific indeterminacy» and «design for uncertainty», at the basis of the design process. The third concerns the relationship with radical thinkers, with the “open work” and its effects on the future.
significant moments after the October Revolution for Soviet architects and town planners to
put new ideas into practice. Although it was an excellent opportunity to test avant-garde
theories, both on an architectural and urban scale, only one building still stands today from
the 1923 Exhibition. This was the start of the regeneration of an urban area that now is a
crucial part of Moscow.
This short paper aims to trace the tangency points between the urban plans of the 1920s for the
city of Moscow, the experiments in the field of architecture and the project for the 1923 Exhibition.
Andrej Zvjagincev’s filmography conducts an analysis of Russian society through a representation of the social context inextricably linked to places and urban architecture. Through the analysis of his work we will try to recreate the dynamics between today's Russian social structure and the architecture of the city. Through the cinema of Tarkovskij and Sokurov we will also analyze the changes in the relations between society and architecture in the last decades.
The valuable studies conducted so far on this topic have mainly focused on the biographical aspects of the individuals involved in these processes and their production, interpreted in a rather narrative sense. Architecture offers new keys for understanding and interpreting the complex phenomenon of ’exile’, taking into account its heterogeneous nature.
Through the engagement of scholars whose research has focused on the examined themes from different disciplinary perspectives, the international conference Architects in Exile. Stories of New Spatial Experiences seeks to open new perspectives on the relationship between Exile and Architecture.
The conference gathered the contributions of 48 scholars who proposed declinations and interpretations of the phenomena of exiles and exoduses, both collective and individual, imposed and voluntary, defining a new historical atlas for this complex phenomenon. Such topics will be discussed in 10 thematic panels. The opening day of the conference, inaugurated by a lecture by Caroline Maniaque, includes the following sessions: Architecture in Exile: Models and Typologies; Architecture in Exile: Before and in the Era of Nations; Architecture in Exile: the in-Between; Pre-Exile, Exile, Post-Exile, Nomadism. The second day, opened by Alexis Nouss’ talk, discusses the following topics: Exilic Trajectories of the BBPR; Exilic Ramifications of the Bauhaus; Exile and Architectural Hybridations; Exile and Cultural Transfers; Exile and Homeland; Exile and Utopia.