try to sleep and not to.
~F. Scott Fitzgerald

Now, I do not consider myself a princess...perhaps a queen? Just kidding! However, I do require and expect certain, a roof over my head, clothing....SLEEP!
Why does it elude me night after night?
I've bought the finest high-thread count sheets,
down comforters, featherbeds,
a pillow-top mattress...$$$,
but do I catch any Z's? NO!
I will admit that I stay up too late into the night, but, if I were to slip into bed at a decent hour, I would just lie there, my mind churning over the day's activities and anticipating what will be tomorrow. In the morn, my back aches from tossing and turning, my blue eyes are red-tinged and swollen. Perhaps my love snores? No matter, my ears are oblivious to the sawing - I wear earplugs to bed. So what could the problem be? I cannot shut my mind off once the moon shows it's light. I count sheep - yes, I have done that
and I've counted back from one hundred.
Could I be a creature of the night, coming to life while the world around me slumbers? I think so and I think cat-napping while the sun shines could be my lot in life. But, who can do that?!
No answers - just an endless chase for one perfect night's sleep.
A flock of sheep that leisurely pass by
One after one; the sound of rain, and bees
Murmuring; the fall of rivers, winds and seas,
Smooth fields, white sheets of water,
and pure sky -
I've thought of all by turns,
and still I lie
~William Wordsworth, "To Sleep"

low thread-count sheets.
~Leah Stussy