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How to do expansion of Lagrangians in terms of parametrized metric

For a parametrized metric $$g_{00}= -e^{2\varphi}, g_{0i}=e^{2\varphi}A_{i}, g_{i0}=e^{2\varphi}A_{j}, g_{ij}=e^{-2\varphi}(\delta_{ij}+\sigma_{ij})-A_{i}A_{j}.$$ How to expand $ \sqrt{-g} R(g_{\mu\nu}...
NovoGrav's user avatar
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Error in Di Francesco et al "Conformal Field theory" Eq 9.119?

In deriving equation 9.119 in their book the authors appear to claim that the metric variation of the Ricci tensor obeys $$ g^{\mu\nu} \delta R_{\mu\nu}= (\frac 12 g_{\mu\nu}\nabla^2- \nabla_\mu\...
mike stone's user avatar
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How do gravitational fields combine together in GR?

When we have 2 massive bodies coming close together say 2 black holes or 2 massive stars, how do their respective metrics/spacetime curvature combine in the space in between them? Do we write $$G_{\mu\...
Tachyon's user avatar
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Green's function in General Relativity: when can we express the Ricci tensor as an operator?

One can express the Riemann tensor acting on a vector field $V^\mu$ as $$R^\sigma_{\mu\rho\nu} V^\mu = \left(\nabla_\rho\nabla_\nu - \nabla_\nu\nabla_\rho\right)V^\sigma,$$ so we must be able to ...
Antoniou's user avatar
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Derivation of metric flatness locally

In Einstein Gravity by Zee chapter I.6, he discussed the local flatness of the metric. There are two steps in what he did. First, he showed that the metric at a point can always be written as a flat ...
mathemania's user avatar
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Max distance in 2d and 3d positively curved space

On a 2d positively curved space (surface of a sphere), using polar coordinates, we have $ds^2 = dr^2 + R^2 sin^2(r/R) d\theta^2$. I understand we can calculate circumference by going around $\theta$ ...
ABC's user avatar
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In a Spatially One-Dimensional Universe, is a Minkowski Space-Time Diagram accurately graphable if we include the effects of "gravity"?

I've been working on studying Special Relativity and General Relativity for the past few years. As I think we all know, GR gets a lot more complicated than SR, and my knowledge is limited. I am very ...
Mr. Green's user avatar
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Why cant I measure proper length on spacetime curvature with the following formula? [closed]

I'm struggling right now from the definition of proper length along spacetime curvature, it is said as I found online the length that object covered on his spacetime rest frame , so why cant I use the ...
sayed's user avatar
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Calculating Ricci tensor given the metric - undergraduate GR [closed]

I’ve been trying to solve the following problem: Consider an $(N + n + 1)$-dimensional spacetime with coordinates $\{t, x^I, y^i\}$, where $I$ goes from 1 to $N$ and $i$ goes from 1 to $n$. Let the ...
p1ndol's user avatar
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Extrinsic Curvature Calculation on the Sphere

Given the following 2+1 dimensional metric: $$ds^{2}=2k\left(dr^{2}+\left(1-\frac{2\sin\left(\chi\right)\sin\left(\chi-\psi\right)}{\Delta}\right)d\theta^{2}\right)-\frac{2\cos\left(\chi\right)\cos\...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
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Homogeneous and Isotropic But not Maximally Symmetric Space

Is this statement correct: "In a homogeneous and Isotropic space the sectional curvature is constant, while in a maximally symmetric space the Riemann Curvature Tensor is covariantly constant in ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Constant curvature on a sphere?

$ds^2 = \frac{1}{1- r^2}dr^2 + r^2d\theta^2$ denotes a 2d spherical surface and it should have a constant curvature. The Riemann curvature tensor components are linear in their all 3 inputs. Since the ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Alternative definition of the Ricci Scalar

I came across this definition of the Ricci Scalar on its Spanish Wikipedia page: $$R=-g^{\mu\nu}\left(\Gamma_{\mu\nu}^{\lambda} \Gamma_{\lambda\sigma}^{\sigma} - \Gamma_{\mu\sigma}^{\lambda}\Gamma_{\...
Stargazer's user avatar
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How to find that there is a conical singularity in the BTZ black hole?

Considering a non-rotating and non-charged 2+1 dimensional black hole, known as the BTZ black hole which obtained by adding a negative cosmological constant $\Lambda=-\frac{1}{l^2},l\ne0$ to the ...
Daniel Vainshtein's user avatar
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How to mathematically describe the process of spacetime curvature?

I guess as a result of the energy-momentum tensor $T_{\mu\nu}$ coupling to a flat Minkowski metric, $\eta_{\mu\nu}$, the flat metric can become that of a curved spacetime, $g_{\mu\nu}$. How can one ...
physics_2015's user avatar
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Independent Components of the Riemann Curvature Tensor

I am struggling to understand a general method to calculate the independent components of the Riemann Curvature Tensor (RCT). Firstly, as far as I am aware the number of independent components of the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How does a proper antichronous transformation change the geodesic equation?

I want to apply a proper antichronous transformation to the geodesic equation in General Relativity and check if it is even or odd.
Independent Physics's user avatar
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Verifying whether the vanishing term in the Quasi-minkowskian metric is indeed a tensor

In Weinberg's Gravitation and Cosmology, on page 165 he notes that $h_{\mu \nu}$ is lowered and raised with the $\eta$'s since unlike $R_{\mu\kappa}$ it is not a true tensor (or at least implies it). ...
King Essa's user avatar
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How is the Ricci scalar the trace of the Ricci tensor?

The Ricci scalar is the uncontracted version of the Ricci tensor $R=R^{\mu}_{\mu}=g^{\mu\nu}R_{\mu\nu}$. Carrol describes the Ricci scalar as being the trace of the Ricci tensor, but I do not ...
Chris G's user avatar
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Can $\mathbb{R}^4$ be globally equipped with a non-trivial non-singular Ricci-flat metric?

I'm self-studying general relativity. I just learned the Schwarzschild metric, which is defined on $\mathbb{R}\times (E^3-O)$. So I got a natural question: does there exist a nontrivial solution (...
Victor 's user avatar
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Can there be black holes in a 1+1D spacetime? [duplicate]

In 2D Einstein tensor is always zero, that means no mass (or cosmological constant or other stress energy tensor component) is allowed. Nevertheless, we can get nonzero Riemann, even nonzero Ricci ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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How to solve nonlinear diff eq for a general Schwarzschild metric?

So I have a general form of a spherically symmetric metric: $$ds^2 = -g(r)_t \, dt^2 + g(r)_r \, dr^2 + g(r)_s (d\theta^2 + \sin^2 \theta \, d\Phi^2)$$ $$ R_{\theta\theta} = \frac{-g'_s g'_t g_r + ...
bigb123's user avatar
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Zero Einstein Tensor in 4D

In 2D the Einstein tensor is always zero, and we can easily get solution with non-zero Ricci tensor but zero Einstein tensor. But is it possible in 4D? Can we get a space-time with zero Einstein ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Is the Bianchi-identity conformally invariant?

I am trying to show that for a conformal transformation $\tilde{g}_{ab} = \Omega^2 g_{ab}$ the divergence of the non-physical Einstein-tensor $\tilde{G}_{ab}$ (i.e. the Einstein tensor corresponding ...
Beleth_the_wise's user avatar
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Disentagling coordinates and curvature?

While trying to understand General Relativity, I'm struggeling with disentangling coordinates and curvature. The metric tensor contains information on both: coordinates as well as curvature. Curvature ...
MartyMcFly's user avatar
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How do you show that Einstein's tensor simplifies to the unitary form in geometric algebra?

In David Hestenes' Gauge Theory Gravity paper (RG), he claims that $$G^\beta = \tfrac{1}{2}(g^\beta \wedge g^\mu \wedge g^\nu) \cdot R(g_\mu \wedge g_\nu)$$ in geometric algebra (specifically, ...
foghorn's user avatar
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Why isn't the curvature scale in Robertson-Walker metric dynamic?

$$ds^2=-c^2dt^2+a(t)^2 \left[ {dr^2\over1-k{r^2\over R_0^2}}+r^2d\Omega^2 \right]$$ This is the FRW metric, here k=0 for flat space, k=1 for spherical space, k=-1 for hyperbolic space. $R_0$ is the ...
Bababeluma's user avatar
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Is it possible to describe every possible spacetime in Cartesian coordinates? [duplicate]

Curvature of space-time (in General Relativity) is described using the metric tensor. The metric tensor, however, relies on the choice of coordinates, which is totally arbitrary. See for example ...
Scibo's user avatar
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Why does the Weyl tensor not show up in the Einstein field equations?

In the Einstein field equations, the only tensor that shows up is the Ricci tensor and the metric tensor, together with the Ricci scalar. The Weyl tensor though is a tensor that is a part of the ...
Il Guercio's user avatar
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How many independent degrees of freedom does the metric tensor have in vacuum (at every point)?

A field of metric tensors fully characterises the curvature of a vacuum space-time. (For example, the spacetime between some single point masses which are themself not part of the manifold) The metric ...
Scibo's user avatar
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Can we use vielbeins on curved space?

My question is: Can we use vielbeins on (let's say ) an anti de-sitter space? This is why I am confused: To couple fermions with gravity in curved space, using vielbeins is a well-known approach. So ...
baba26's user avatar
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Deriving the Ricci tensor on the flat FLRW metric

I am currently with a difficulty in deriving the space-space components of the Ricci tensor in the flat FLRW metric $$ds^2 = -c^2dt^2 + a^2(t)[dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2],$$ to find: $$R_{ij} = \delta_{ij}[2\...
gabriel's user avatar
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How do you relate $\Omega_{k}$, the curvature term in the FLRW metric, to the radius of curvature?

I have assumed, for reasons a bit too detailed to go into here, that if $\Omega_{k}$, the curvature term in the FLRW metric, is equal to 1, then the radius of curvature is equal to 13.8 billion light ...
John Hobson's user avatar
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Indices of $(\text{Riem})^3$?

This question relates to writing higher curvature terms in momentum space with respect to GR as an effective field theory. I know that $R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu} \sim \partial_\beta\partial_\mu h_{\alpha\...
MathZilla's user avatar
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Calculating the Ricci tensor

I am currently working through an exercise to calculate the component $R_{22}$ of the Ricci tensor for the line element $ds^2=a^2dt^2 -a^2dx^2 - \frac{a^2e^{2x}}{2}dy^2 +2a^2e^xdydt -a^2dz^2$. The ...
jore1's user avatar
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Meaning of zeros in the metric tensor

I'm trying to find the $g_{0i}$ components of the metric I mentioned here, but it has turned extremely difficult. My current strategy is to equate Ricci tensor components gotten from the Christoffel ...
Antoniou's user avatar
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Can you get $g_{\mu\nu}$ from $R^\lambda_{\alpha\beta\gamma}$?

From the Christoffel symbols it is easy (although cumbersome) to get the Riemann tensor $R^\lambda_{\alpha\beta\gamma}$ from the metric tensor $g_{\mu\nu}$. But is it possible to reverse the procedure?...
Antoniou's user avatar
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What is Dirac's reasoning when showing the curvature vanishing implies we can choose rectilinear coordinates?

In section 12 of Dirac's book "General Theory of Relativity" he is justifying the name of the curvature tensor, which he has just defined as the difference between taking the covariant ...
Lewis Kirby's user avatar
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Difference between $R^{a}_{bcd}$ and $R_{abcd}$ Riemann tensor types

What is the intuitive, geometrical meaning regarding the usual mixed Riemann tensor $R^{a}{}_{bcd}$ with respect to its purely covariant counterpart $R_{abcd}$?
Antoniou's user avatar
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Simplifying the contraction of the riemannian curvature tensor with a timelike projection matrix

I'm reading this short piece "Physical and Geometric Interpretations of the Riemann Tensor, Ricci Tensor,and Scalar Curvature" (pdf), and I'm having trouble grasping one the simplifications ...
Noah M's user avatar
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Physical meaning of the Riemann curvature tensor with all 4 lower indexes

Since Riemann with 1 upper and 3 lower index mean the changes of a vector after being parallel transported around a closed loop, does Riemann with all 4 lower indexes mean the changes of a co-vector ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Under what conditions would Ricci tensor have the trace values $(+---)$ and rest 0's?

Under what conditions would Ricci tensor have the following values: $R_{\mu\nu} = 0$ where $\mu \not= \nu$ $R_{00} = 1$ $R_{\mu\nu} = -1$ where $\mu = \nu$ (and non-zero)
physics_2015's user avatar
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The importance of metric signature in Ricci scalar

I have read this question Different signatures of the metric in Einstein field equations (and related posts) on the invariance of Einstein field equations under metric signature change. However, there ...
gravitone123's user avatar
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What is the connection between the Ricci tensor and the metric flatness?

Actually, this question was answered by Lawrence B. Crowell, but I would like to explore this topic further. Can anyone give me please references on where I can find it?
Margherita's user avatar
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1+1D simple vacuum EFE solution

Can there be any solutions for simple vacuum Einstein Field Equations in 1+1D (1 space and 1 time dimension) i.e $R_{\mu\nu} = 0$ except for flat space? I tried different combinations of random ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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Confusion regarding Riemann Tensor and Ricci Tensor

Ricci Tensor is the contraction of the Riemann Tensor. Even if all the components of the Ricci Tensor is zero, that doesn't mean that the spacetime is flat. If all the components of the Riemann Tensor ...
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Combining two spacetimes of different curvature

This is based on a question by someone else on this site: Combining metric tensors/curvature tensors They asked: Consider a particle which causes a metric $g_{\mu\nu}$ on an otherwise Minkowski ...
Tachyon's user avatar
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Jump in Extrinsic Curvature

In the thin shell formalism, the components of the surface stress-energy tensor are found using the next equation: \begin{equation} S^{a}_{\, \, \, b} = const\left([K^{a}_{\, \, \, b}] - \delta^{a}_{\,...
RKerr's user avatar
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What's the physical curvature scale $R_0$ in the FLRW metric?

I'm studing the FLRW metric using Daniel Baumann's book, Cosmology (2022), in this book the author derived the FRLW metric using the following equations: $$ dl^2 = \textbf{dx}^2 \pm du^2 $$ and $$ \...
Gustavo Henrique Magro's user avatar
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How do I use the Schwarzschild metric to calculate space curvature and time curvature seperately?

I want to understand the math behind the idea that around Earth time dilation accounts for 99.99% of gravity, while around a black hole it only accounts for 50% of gravity while space curvature ...
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