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Independent Components of the Riemann Curvature Tensor

I am struggling to understand a general method to calculate the independent components of the Riemann Curvature Tensor (RCT). Firstly, as far as I am aware the number of independent components of the ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Verifying whether the vanishing term in the Quasi-minkowskian metric is indeed a tensor

In Weinberg's Gravitation and Cosmology, on page 165 he notes that $h_{\mu \nu}$ is lowered and raised with the $\eta$'s since unlike $R_{\mu\kappa}$ it is not a true tensor (or at least implies it). ...
King Essa's user avatar
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Is the Bianchi-identity conformally invariant?

I am trying to show that for a conformal transformation $\tilde{g}_{ab} = \Omega^2 g_{ab}$ the divergence of the non-physical Einstein-tensor $\tilde{G}_{ab}$ (i.e. the Einstein tensor corresponding ...
Beleth_the_wise's user avatar
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Why does the Weyl tensor not show up in the Einstein field equations?

In the Einstein field equations, the only tensor that shows up is the Ricci tensor and the metric tensor, together with the Ricci scalar. The Weyl tensor though is a tensor that is a part of the ...
Il Guercio's user avatar
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Calculating the Ricci tensor

I am currently working through an exercise to calculate the component $R_{22}$ of the Ricci tensor for the line element $ds^2=a^2dt^2 -a^2dx^2 - \frac{a^2e^{2x}}{2}dy^2 +2a^2e^xdydt -a^2dz^2$. The ...
jore1's user avatar
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Can you get $g_{\mu\nu}$ from $R^\lambda_{\alpha\beta\gamma}$?

From the Christoffel symbols it is easy (although cumbersome) to get the Riemann tensor $R^\lambda_{\alpha\beta\gamma}$ from the metric tensor $g_{\mu\nu}$. But is it possible to reverse the procedure?...
Antoniou's user avatar
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Difference between $R^{a}_{bcd}$ and $R_{abcd}$ Riemann tensor types

What is the intuitive, geometrical meaning regarding the usual mixed Riemann tensor $R^{a}{}_{bcd}$ with respect to its purely covariant counterpart $R_{abcd}$?
Antoniou's user avatar
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Physical meaning of the Riemann curvature tensor with all 4 lower indexes

Since Riemann with 1 upper and 3 lower index mean the changes of a vector after being parallel transported around a closed loop, does Riemann with all 4 lower indexes mean the changes of a co-vector ...
Nayeem1's user avatar
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What is the connection between the Ricci tensor and the metric flatness?

Actually, this question was answered by Lawrence B. Crowell, but I would like to explore this topic further. Can anyone give me please references on where I can find it?
Margherita's user avatar
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Confusion regarding Riemann Tensor and Ricci Tensor

Ricci Tensor is the contraction of the Riemann Tensor. Even if all the components of the Ricci Tensor is zero, that doesn't mean that the spacetime is flat. If all the components of the Riemann Tensor ...
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Is there are relationship between the Ricci scalar and the determinant?

On the one hand the determinant (technically the absolute value of the determinant) represents the "volume distortion" experienced by a region after being transformed. On the other hand the ...
Anon21's user avatar
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Torsion-free and compatible connection for non-symmetric non-degenerate $(0,2)$ tensor field?

In order to find a manifestly unique expression for the connection coefficients in terms of a given (possibly non-symmetric) tensor $g_{ab}$ usually two additional properties are assumed: Torsion-...
Bernd's user avatar
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Computing the components of the Ricci scalar

After contracting the Riemann tensor to the Ricci tensor, I have a 2 times covariant tensor. Thus, before contracting this to the Ricci scalar, I need to use the metric tensor to transform it into a $(...
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Section 5.1 of Wald's *General Relativity* - part II

I am asking this in continuation of this question. From the answer of that link and from section[5.1] of 'Homogeneity and Isotropy' from General Relativity by Robert M. Wald (pages 91-92, edition 1984)...
PoreyS's user avatar
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How to compute the scalar $^{(4)}R_{\mu\nu} \; ^{(4)}R^{\mu\nu}$ in the ADM formalism in General Relativity?

In the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner (ADM) formalism in General Relativity, the line element takes the form $$ ds^2 = - N^2 dt^2 + \gamma_{ij} ( N^i dt + dx^i) (N^j dt + dx^j) \ , $$ where $\gamma^{ij}$ is ...
QuantumEyedea's user avatar
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Issue calculating the scalar curvature for static, spherically symmetric spacetime

I was trying to follow the Cartan method to find the curvature as outlined here, in the case of a static, spherically symmetric spacetime. It all seemed to work fine, and for a metric of $$ds^2 = -a^...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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Riemann curvature tensor is the only tensor that you can write down that has two derivatives of the metric tensor

Is the statement in the main question correct? Can someone send me a proof (link, pdf file etc.)
Quasar Supernova's user avatar
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Intuition for the indices of the Riemann tensor

I have some trivial questions about the Riemann tensor. $R_{\alpha\beta\mu\nu}$, is the first two indices reserved for the components of the geometric object and the last two for the path it travels ...
sachin shajil's user avatar
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Carroll's GR: The Schwarzschild Metric

On page 195 of Sean M Carroll's An Introduction to Special Relativity: Spacetime and Geometry, he calculates the Christoffels and Riemann tensors for a generic metric that is static and has spherical ...
DentPanic42's user avatar
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What can be derived from the metric tensor? [closed]

I am working on a computational project about General Relativity. In this process, I want to code 'the stuff' that can be derivable from the metric tensor. So far, I have coded Riemann Tensor, Weyl ...
seVenVo1d's user avatar
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Two Definitions of the Weyl Tensor

I'm reading "Textbook in Tensor Calculus and Differential Geometry" by Prasun Kumar Nayak and came across the Weyl tensor/projective curvature tensor $C_{kijl}$. The book states that $$C_{...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Different Ricci tensors for the same metric?

Today I was reading Carrol's book on General Relativity and got a bit confused. In the book, we are given the following metric $$ds^2 = - e^{-2 U(t,r)} dt^2 + e^{2 V(t,r)} dr^2 + r^2 d\Omega^2$$ from ...
RKerr's user avatar
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Einstein field equation in vacuum : why $G_{\mu\nu} = 0 \implies R_{\mu\nu} = 0$

Starting from the Einstein field equation (without the cosmological constant), $$ \underbrace{R_{\mu\nu} - \frac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu} R}_{G_{\mu\nu}} = \underbrace{\frac{8\pi G}{c^4}}_{\kappa} T_{\mu\nu} $$...
Mathieu Rousseau's user avatar
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Proof that the Einstein Tensor is the Contraction of the Double Dual of Riemann

How can one prove that the Einstein tensor (as it is usually defined in the field equations) is the contraction of the double of the Riemann curvature tensor? Specifically, I want to show $$ R^\mu_\nu-...
user3131222's user avatar
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Riemann tensor in linearized gravity

Assuming that $g_{\mu \nu}(x) = η_{\mu \nu} + h_{\mu \nu}(x)$, determine the first-order form of $R_{\lambda \mu \nu}^{\rho}$ in $h_{\mu \nu}$. The resulting theory is known as linearized gravity. ...
Angel Octavio Parada Flores's user avatar
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Proving $R^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}=\cfrac{48G^2M^2}{r^6}$

Show that in the case of the Schwarzschild metric: $R^{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}R_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}=\cfrac{48G^2M^2}{r^6}$ I am currently studying Relativity on my own. But in my book I found that this ...
OscarR's user avatar
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Is it possible to write the Hilbert Action as a product of two identical tensors?

We know the Maxwell action can be written as the tensor product of the tensor $F^{ab}$ with itself. $F^{ab}F_{ab}$ [Edit: This bit I forgot to mention in the original quesiton] Using the product rule ...
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Covariant Differentiation on a Riemann Tensor

Working on an assignment I came across the following problem: Show explicitly the Bianchi identity: $$ R^{a}_{b[cd;e]} = 0 $$ where ; denotes covariant differentiation $$ R^{a}_{bcd} = \frac{1}{2}g^{...
STOI's user avatar
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What is the implication if the Kretschmann scalar for two metrics are same? [closed]

Does it mean that they are describing the same spacetime?
jay121's user avatar
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How to interprete this singularity? [closed]

I am calculating the Kretschmann scalar for the Schwartzchild metric. This is the graphic I get: Where $R$ is the radial coordinate and $x=\cos(\theta)$. So, there is the singularity at $R=0$ as it ...
mattiav27's user avatar
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Do the Christoffel symbols $\Gamma_{rn}^w\partial_sV_w = \Gamma_{sn}^w\partial_rV_w$?

In lecture 3 (about 97 min into the lecture) of Leonard Susskind's general relativity course, he suggests finding the Riemann curvature tensor in terms of the Christoffel symbols as an exercise. I ...
Mark Eichenlaub's user avatar
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Ricci Curvature Tensor in a static gravitational field (non-relativistic)

Pg 171 of "Tensors, Relativity and Cosmology" The non-relativistic limit of the metric in a static gravitational field is defined as $$ds^2=\left(1+\frac{2 \phi}{c^2}\right)(dx^0)^2+g_{\alpha \beta}...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Lowering index of Riemann tensor

I'm trying to undertand the lowering of index of Riemann curvature tensor, but I'm not sure what I have to do. I know that $R_{ebcd} = g_{ea}{R^a}_{bcd}$. But let's say I have the coordinates ($t,r,\...
Elismar Lösch's user avatar
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Proof of Schur's Theorem

On Pg. 123 of Schaum's Tensor Calculus: At an isotropic point of $R^n$ the Riemannian curvature is given by $$K=\frac{R_{abcd}}{g_{ac}g_{bd}-g_{ad}g_{bc}}=\frac{R_{abcd}}{G_{abcd}}$$ for any ...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Proof of first Bianchi identity

The proof is often simplified by using the following theorem: "If the metric tensor $(g_{ij})$ is positive definite, then, at the origin of a Riemannian coordinate system $(y^i)$, all $\partial g_{...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Indices of the Riemann Tensor of the first kind

When establishing the identity $V^i_{,kl}-V^i_{,lk}=-R^i_{tkl}V^t$ (, denotes covariant differentiation), one of the steps involves raising one of the indices of the Riemann Tensor of the first kind . ...
Chern-Simons's user avatar
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Proof that the scalar curvature of a two-dimensional space can be expressed by only one component of the Riemann tensor

So I'm working on a question that asks for a proof that in two-dimensional space, the scalar curvature is given by: $$R = \frac{2R^1{}_{212}}{{g}_{22}}$$ Now, I've been playing around with the ...
ajd138's user avatar
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A question about the expression of Riemann tensor in Landau & Lifshitz

I was reading Landau & Lifshitz "The Classical Theory of Fields" and there is a expression at the beginning of section 92-Properties of the curvature tensor I don't understand. The author ...
Zhenyuan Wu's user avatar
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Doubt about the vacua equations of General Relativity

I'm facing a quite annoying conceptual problem concerning the Einstein Field Equations (EFE) in so called "vacuum". This problem is both physical and mathematical. So, in a elementary point of view, ...
M.N.Raia's user avatar
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Why is Minkowski spacetime in polar coordinates treated in texts as flat spacetime?

Taking 3-D Minkowski spacetime line element in General Relativity: $$ds^2=-c^2dt^2+dx^2+dy^2+dz^2, $$ when considering a change into spherical coordinates leads to: $$ds^2=-c^2dt^2+dr^2+r^2\left(d\...
omivela17's user avatar
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Einstein notation and conventions when raising/lowering indices with the metric

I was trying to find components of the Riemann tensor and it occurred to me that there could be an issue with my notation. For example, if one particular component of the tensor is $$ R^{\...
stressed1767's user avatar
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On the uniqueness of the Riemann-Christoffel tensor

According to Section 6.2, Gravitation and Cosmology by Weinberg, the Riemann-Christoffel tensor is the only tensor that can be constructed out of the second (or lower) order derivatives of the metric ...
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Flat 3D space described with spherical coordinates VS curved space being the surface of a sphere

I would like to ask if there is a way to know how to find out if a space is flat or curved given a metric that could describe a flat space in curvilinear coordinates or just curved space. For ...
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What exactly does the Kretschmann scalar implies and how does it work?

From the General Relativity class lectures I understood that this particular invariant, the Kretschmann scalar namely $$R_{\mu\nu\lambda\rho} R^{\mu\nu\lambda\rho}$$ is really important because, ...
Les Adieux's user avatar
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Show that $R_{\mu\nu}=C g_{\mu\nu}$ from the vacuum Einstein equation with a nonzero $\Lambda$ [closed]

If I begin with the vacuum field equation with a nonzero cosmological constant: $$R_{\mu\nu}-\dfrac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu}R+g_{\mu\nu}\Lambda=0$$ How can I show that $$R_{\mu\nu}= \frac{\Lambda}{\frac{D}{...
dragoon's user avatar
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Weyl scalar calculation

I'm trying to compute Weyl scalars, but don't really understand the formulae for them, in the sense I don't understand how to compute them. Let's take $\Psi_{2}=C_{1342}=C_{pqrs}l^{p}m^{q}\bar{m}^{r}...
user46446's user avatar
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Metric tensor in General Relativity or otherwise [closed]

What is the metric tensor? How can this be a covariant and contravariant tensor, or a mixed tensor, by raising and lowering indices? How it relates to distance function (metric) and angles? How does ...
narayanadash's user avatar
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What are the local covariant tensors one can form from the metric?

Normally in differential geometry, we assume that the only way to produce a tensorial quantity by differentiation is to (1) start with a tensor, and then (2) apply a covariant derivative (not a plain ...
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