
In Einstein Gravity by Zee chapter I.6, he discussed the local flatness of the metric. There are two steps in what he did. First, he showed that the metric at a point can always be written as a flat metric. Second, he showed that in general, a metric can be expanded around the flat metric and that the first order expansion vanishes.

The first part, consider a point $P$ in coordinates $x^\mu$ with metric $g_{\mu\nu}(x)$, if we go to a new coordinate $x'^\mu$, the new metric $g'_{\mu\nu}(x')$ transforms as,

\begin{equation} g'_{\lambda\sigma}(x') = g_{\mu\nu}(x) \frac{\partial x^\mu}{\partial x'^\lambda} \frac{\partial x^\nu}{\partial x'^\sigma} \end{equation}

We can always shift our coordinates so that $P$ is labeled by $x = 0$. Expand the metric around $P$ out to second order,

\begin{equation} g_{\mu\nu}(x) = g_{\mu\nu}(0) + A_{\mu\nu,\rho} x^\rho + B_{\mu\nu,\rho \gamma} x^\rho x^\gamma + \ldots \end{equation}

where the commas in the subscripts carried by $A$ and $B$ are purely for notational clarity to separate two sets of indices. Now, we change coordinates $$x^\mu = K^\mu_{\; \nu} x'^\nu + L^\mu_{\; \nu \lambda} x'^\nu x'^\lambda + \ldots. $$ At $P$, the new metric up to linear in $x'^\nu$ is then,

\begin{equation} g'_{\lambda\sigma}(0) = g_{\mu\nu}(0) K^\mu_{\; \lambda} K^\nu_{\; \sigma} \quad \rightarrow \quad g' = K^T g K \end{equation}

Since $g_{\mu\nu}(0)$ is symmetric and real there always exists a $K$ that diagonalizes it. After $g_{\mu\nu}(0)$ becomes diagonal we could scale each coordinate by an appropriate factor, $x^\mu \rightarrow x^\mu/\sqrt{g_{\mu\mu}(0)}$ (no sum over repeated indices), so that the diagonal elements become 1. So, $g_{\mu\nu}(0) = \delta_{\mu \nu}$. Since $g_{\mu\nu}(0)$ had $\frac{1}{2} D(D + 1)$ arbitrary elements to begin with, we had to use this many elements in $K^\mu_{\; \nu}$ to adjust these to $\delta_{\mu \nu}$. Hence, $K^\mu_{\; \nu}$ has $D^2 − \frac{1}{2}D(D + 1) = \frac{1}{2} D(D − 1)$ elements left over.

I don't understand the last statement "we had to use this many elements in $K^\mu_{\; \nu}$ to adjust these to $\delta_{\mu \nu}$", what elements in $K^\mu_{\; \nu}$?

As I understood, suppose $g_{\mu\nu}(0) \rightarrow (g_{xx},g_{yy},g_{xy},g_{yx})$ is a non-diagonal metric. There should be a $K^\mu_{\; \lambda}$ say, $(K^x_{\; \theta},K^y_{\; \theta}, \ldots)$ for some coordinate transformation $x^\mu (x') = (x(\theta,\phi),y(\theta,\phi))$, which makes the metric diagonal. Suppose the diagonal metric has the form $$ds^2 = g_{\theta \theta} d\theta^2 + g_{\phi \phi} d\phi^2.$$ Then, we can rescale $\theta \rightarrow \theta/\sqrt{g_{\theta \theta}}$, $\phi \rightarrow \phi/\sqrt{g_{\phi \phi}}$, which gives $ds^2 = d\theta^2 + d\phi^2$. This is just the flat metric which we can rewrite as $ds^2 = dX^2 + dY^2$.

The second part, the metric for some arbitrary point can be expanded such that $g_{\mu\nu} (x) = \delta_{\mu\nu} + A_{\mu\nu,\rho} x^\rho + \ldots$. The linear term $A_{\mu\nu,\rho} x^\rho$ can be removed by a suitable choice of $L^\mu_{\nu \lambda}$ in $$x^\mu = x'^\mu + L^\mu_{\nu \lambda} x'^\nu x'^\lambda + \ldots.$$ Evidently, $A_{\mu\nu,\rho}$ and $L^\mu_{\nu \lambda}$ have been modified already by what we have done thus far, but we do not want to introduce more letters.

What happened to $K^\mu_{\; \nu}$ in $$x^\mu = K^\mu_{\; \nu} x'^\nu + L^\mu_{\; \nu \lambda} x'^\nu x'^\lambda + \ldots~?$$ It seems like $K^\mu_{\; \nu}$ was set to $\delta^\mu_{\; \nu}$.

Suppose I take it to be correct, then expanding the metric transformation to linear in $x'$,

\begin{align} g'_{\lambda\sigma}(x') & = (\delta_{\mu\nu} + A_{\mu\nu,\rho} x'^\rho) (\delta^\mu_\lambda + L^\mu_{\; \alpha \lambda} x'^\alpha) (\delta^\nu_\sigma + L^\nu_{\; \beta \sigma} x'^\beta)\\ & = \delta_{\lambda\sigma} + \delta_{\mu \sigma} L^\mu_{\; \alpha \lambda} x'^\alpha + \delta_{\lambda \nu} L^\nu_{\; \beta \sigma} x'^\beta + A_{\lambda\sigma,\rho} x'^\rho \end{align}

I think what he meant is that $\delta_{\mu \sigma} L^\mu_{\; \alpha \lambda} x'^\alpha + \delta_{\lambda \nu} L^\nu_{\; \beta \sigma} x'^\beta + A_{\lambda\sigma,\rho} x'^\rho = 0$ after some relabelling of indices.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated.


1 Answer 1


For the first question, because $K$ is a general matrix with $D^2$ elements but $g$ has only $\frac{1}{2}D(D+1)$ independent elements, in order to diagonalize $g$ you only need $\frac{1}{2}D(D+1)$ elements from $K$.

In other words $K^{T}gK = \delta$ is a system of $\frac{1}{2}D(D+1)$ equations for $D^2$ variables. So after the diagonalization you are left with $D^2 - \frac{1}{2}D(D+1) = \frac{1}{2}D(D-1)$ independent elements in $K$.

For the second part, suppose to keep $K^{\mu}_{\,\,\nu}$ obtaining \begin{align} g'_{\lambda \sigma}(x') &= (\delta_{\mu\nu} + A_{\mu\nu,\rho}x'^{\rho})(K^{\mu}_{\,\,\lambda} + L^{\mu}_{\,\,\alpha\lambda}x'^{\alpha})(K^{\nu}_{\,\,\sigma} + L^{\nu}_{\,\,\beta\sigma}x'^{\beta})\\ &= (\delta_{\mu\nu} + A_{\mu\nu,\rho}x'^{\rho})\left(K^{\mu}_{\,\,\lambda} K^{\nu}_{\,\,\sigma}+K^{\mu}_{\,\,\lambda}L^{\nu}_{\,\,\beta\sigma}x'^{\beta} +K^{\nu}_{\,\,\sigma}L^{\mu}_{\,\,\alpha\lambda}x'^{\alpha} \right)\\ &= \delta_{\lambda\sigma} + \tilde{L}_{\lambda\beta\sigma}x'^{\beta} +\tilde{L}_{\sigma\alpha\lambda}x'^{\alpha} + K^{\mu}_{\,\,\lambda}K^{\nu}_{\,\,\sigma}A_{\mu\nu,\rho}x'^{\rho}\\ &= \delta_{\lambda\sigma} + (\tilde{L}_{\lambda\alpha\sigma} +\tilde{L}_{\sigma\alpha\lambda} + K^{\mu}_{\,\,\lambda}K^{\nu}_{\,\,\sigma}A_{\mu\nu,\alpha})\,x'^{\alpha}\\ &= \delta_{\lambda\sigma} + (\tilde{L}_{\lambda\alpha\sigma} +\tilde{L}_{\sigma\alpha\lambda} + \tilde{A}_{\lambda\sigma,\alpha})\,x'^{\alpha} \\ &=\delta_{\lambda\sigma} + (\tilde{L}_{\lambda\sigma\alpha} +\tilde{L}_{\sigma\lambda\alpha} + \tilde{A}_{\lambda\sigma,\alpha})\,x'^{\alpha} \\ &\equiv \delta_{\lambda\sigma} + (L_{\lambda\sigma\alpha} +L_{\sigma\lambda\alpha} + A_{\lambda\sigma,\alpha})\,x'^{\alpha} \end{align} where only linear terms in $x'$ have been kept. In the third row the $L$ objects has been changed by $K$ and renamed $\tilde{L}$. In the fourth row the muted indices has been renamed to factor out $x'^{\alpha}$. In the fifth $A$ has been changed by $K$ and renamed $\tilde{A}$. In the sixth one notices that $L$ should be symmetric in the last two indices, indeed $L^{\mu}_{\,\, \nu \lambda}x'^{\nu}x'^{\lambda} =L^{\mu}_{\,\, \lambda \nu}x'^{\lambda}x'^{\nu} = L^{\mu}_{\,\, \lambda \nu}x'^{\nu}x'^{\lambda} $. Finally in the last row one simply forget about the tilde, as stated on the book: "Evidently, $A_{\mu\nu,\rho}$ and $L^{\mu}_{\,\, \nu \lambda}$ have been modified already by what we have done thus far".

So, your final comment is correct, we can choose the components of $L$ such that \begin{equation} L_{\lambda\sigma\alpha} +L_{\sigma\lambda\alpha} + A_{\lambda\sigma,\alpha} = 0. \end{equation}

  • $\begingroup$ Nice response! So, what do you think happened to $K^\mu_{\; \nu} $ in $x^\mu = x'^\mu + L^\mu_{\nu \lambda} x'^\nu x'^\lambda + \ldots. $ as written by Zee? $\endgroup$
    – mathemania
    Commented Oct 23 at 7:21
  • $\begingroup$ Exactly what I wrote in the reply, that is, the change of variables you reported is actually a new change of variables in which Zee to make the notation lighter again calls $x^\mu$,$x'^\mu$ merely saying that $A$ and $L$ have already been changed. $\endgroup$
    – Pipe
    Commented Oct 23 at 18:21

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