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-2 votes
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Origin of this equation attributed to Einstein

I came across this image of an equation that is apparently attributable to Einstein (his field equations). Does someone know where I can find the original equation? I'd like to dig a bit more into ...
-4 votes
2 answers

Did Einstein himself ever follow up on his theory that light travels with infinite velocity? [closed]

In reading the freely available English translation of "On the electrodynamics of moving bodies" I find on page 10 Einstein himself conducts a critical evaluation of the domain of validity ...
Aswan Korula's user avatar
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About electron radiation frequency in Heisenberg's 1925 paper

In Heisenberg's 1925 article Quantum Theoretical Interpretation of Kinematic and Mechanical Relations, one of the first things he establishes are the form of the frequency functions in (what I assume ...
1 vote
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Matter density estimates in the 1980s

Liddle (2015, p.67) writes: "From the crude estimates that a typical galaxy weighs about $10^{11}M\odot$ and that galaxies are typically about a megaparsec apart, we know that the Universe cannot ...
1 vote
0 answers

First depiction of Einstein's "Train and Embankment" thought experiment with relevant 3 "train constituents" shown individually labelled (A', M', B') [closed]

The principal source of the widely known "Train and Embankment" thought experiment is -- by all appearances as well as by expert judgement -- Albert Einstein's booklett "On the Special ...
user12262's user avatar
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Who was the first to publish the term 'spacetime'? [closed]

I'm looking for the earliest references to the word spacetime (in the modern sense), in any language. The first references would likely be in German, as Raum-zeit or Raumzeit. Of course, H. Minkowski ...
1 vote
0 answers

Original paper of Christiaan Huygens discussing moment of inertia

As far as I know, it was Christiaan Huygens who first proposed the concept of the $\text{moment of inertia}^1$. Where can I find that paper/book where he first mentioned it? It is not mentioned in the ...
1 vote
0 answers

The Copenhagen Interpretation

What are the actual papers in which Bohr, Born, and others proposed the Copenhagen interpretation? I know that Bohr himself didn't use the term, but I assume that he outlined the way of understanding ...
5 votes
1 answer

In what paper did Einstein posit the cosmological constant?

Einstein's seminal papers On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies and Explanation of the perihelion movement of Mercury from general relativity were fundamental in the descriptions of Special and ...
Jim421616's user avatar
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Which paper introduced the concept of the "Bloch sphere"?

Everyone loves Bloch sphere, but which paper of Bloch was it introduced? The Wikipedia article on Bloch sphere (here), as of 17/May/2021 links to this paper of Bloch “Nuclear Induction” but it doesn’t ...
Yuji's user avatar
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Reference of the 1st derivation of elastic relativistic collision in one dimension

I am researching in the relativistic collisions. Do you know what is the first paper or book derived the final velocities in terms of initial velocities in one dimension? I found the derivation on ...
Ahmed Kamal Kassem's user avatar
2 votes
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Who introduced the idea of Hilbert Spaces in physics?

I'm looking for the foundational paper / book that connected Quantum Mechanics and Hilbert spaces. EDIT: I've just read the first chapter of Neumann's "Mathematical Foundations Of Quantum ...
4 votes
0 answers

In which of Einstein's papers did he first propose interpreting square of light wave amplitude as probability of detecting photon? [closed]

In Max Born's Nobel lecture, he alludes to Einstein's proposed interpretation of EM wave amplitude (squared) as being the probability of detecting a photon: "Again an idea of Einstein’s gave me the ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the publication through which Zinn-Justin published what has come to be known as the "Zinn-Justin equation"?

does anybody know which publication contains the introduction of what has come to known as the Zinn-Justin equation?
kristina's user avatar
2 votes
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Lorentz' Derivation of Lorentz force

I have one simple question: Can someone point me to the paper where H.A. Lorentz published Lorentz force? I was digging through the usual literature in electromagnetics (Jackson, Griffiths, Thide, ...
3 votes
2 answers

Original Derivations of Euler Equations or Navier-Stokes Equations

I've seen the derivations for both viscous and inviscid momentum balance in fluid flow in courses, but I'm curious as to where the original derivation for the equations now referred to Euler equations ...
1 vote
1 answer

Pauli's first paper about the spin

Wikipedia states, that the spin degree of freedom was first formulated by Pauli in 1924: In 1924 Wolfgang Pauli introduced what he called a "two-valued quantum degree of freedom" associated with ...
thyme's user avatar
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Reference for first paper using light clocks

I am trying to find the first historical paper that uses light clocks for special relativity arguments (the famous photon bouncing off mirrors). It seems to me that actually Einstein wasn't the first ...
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Where do Feynman Diagrams Appear for the first time?

Do they formally appear in any book? Or his Lectures?
Carlos's user avatar
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Origin of the replica trick

The replica trick consists of the formula: $$\overline{\log Z}=\lim_{n\rightarrow0}\frac{1}{n}\log\overline{Z^{n}} \tag{1}$$ where $Z$ is the partition function of a system and the overbar denotes ...
a06e's user avatar
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Original derivation of Stokes' Law for the drag force on a sphere [closed]

Where can I find the original derivation of the Stokes' law derived by Stokes himself? Can it be shown without using dimensional analysis? I would appreciate if someone provides the complete ...
Jyotishraj Thoudam's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why are Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) named after Bose and Einstein?

Why are Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) named after Bose and Einstein? What did Einstein contribute to BECs? What were the relevant papers by Bose and Einstein?
Geremia's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Where can i get an online version of original works of Aristotlean physics (for free)? [closed]

I am trying to search for original works of Aristotle in physics. Pls refer an online version and kindle version is very much appreciated.
9 votes
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Bohr on wholeness?

I vaguely remember that it was Bohr who insisted that in a quantum experiment the whole experimental situation (but excluding the classical preparation and detection devices) must be considered as a ...
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
5 votes
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What are the original papers on the hydrogen spectral lines?

I am trying to find original sources for experiments that had observed spectral lines from hydrogen or other gases. I am looking into experiments that motivated Niels Bohr to write his ideas on the ...
TheStrangeQuark's user avatar
1 vote
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Reference for Kirchhoff's Circuit Laws

Does anyone know the reference where Gustav Kirchhoff published his famous circuit laws?
okj's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Has Dirac ever co-authored a paper? [closed]

Just curious. Not counting PhD theses, books, and review papers, but regular research papers with original ideas.
1 vote
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When was Electromagnetically Induced Transparency first introduced?

The oldest paper I know regarding this topic was published in 1997 by Stephen E. Harris. But I am not sure if he is the first to introduce this idea. Could you tell me when and by who did introduce ...
TBBT's user avatar
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Engravings in "Wandering the Immeasurable" sculpture outside the CERN globe? [closed]

Does anyone have a PDF or a file that shows all of the engravings on the "Wandering the Immeasurable" sculpture by Gayle Hermick outside of the CERN globe of science and initiative?
Tweej's user avatar
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Where does either Bohr or Heisenberg mention the idea of the wave function collapsing?

Could someone reference a paragraph written either by Heisenberg or Bohr where they mention the idea of the wave function collapsing?
Larry Harson's user avatar
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Why does the BB84 paper "Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing" have a 'withdrawn' status?

The original paper proposing quantum key distribution protocol (now known as BB84): Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard, Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing seems to have <...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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Is there is a specific original source where the "quantum operator ordering issue" is stated?

During my research, when the quantum operator ordering ambiguity is mentioned is deemed usually in the likes of "the well-known problem of ordering in quantum mechanics". However, could anybody point ...
magtovi's user avatar
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Dingle vs. Bondi: Twin Paradox Debate on BBC radio?

Herbert Dingle and H. Bondi debated the twin paradox on BBC radio before 1971. Does anyone have a link to the audio of this debate? thanks
Geremia's user avatar
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Helmholtz's "Ueber die Bewegungsgleichungen der Elektricität für ruhende leitende Körper" in English?

Is Helmholtz's 1870 paper "Ueber die Bewegungsgleichungen der Elektricität für ruhende leitende Körper," Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 72:57-129 translated into English anywhere? ...
Geremia's user avatar
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Lorentz's Amsterdam Proceedings 12:986 (1904) paper?

I am looking for this paper by H. A. Lorentz: Amsterdam Proceedings 12 (1904) 986. (See also Arch. Neér. Sciences Exactes et Naturelles 25 (1882) 363.) I have also seen it cited using the journal ...
Geremia's user avatar
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James Joule's Conservation of Energy

Is there a manifest or documentation of the original Conservation of Energy as stated by James Joule word for word? Edit 1.1: I found Joule's Memoir on google, skimming through to find any conclusive ...
xlharambe's user avatar
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What is the origin of the kinetic theory of temperature?

Count Rumford's experiments with canon barrels are often cited here, but the kinetic theory certainly precedes them. Another candidate is Daniel Bernoulli, who, in his 1738 book Hydrodynamica showed ...
user1604015's user avatar
1 vote
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Availability of the Larkin's paper: Application of superconductivity theory methods to the problem of the masses of elementary particles (1961)

Discussing with colleagues (mostly condensed matter ones), we were astonished there is no mention about the work by Larkin in the announcement of the Nobel Prize committee this year. The title of the ...
FraSchelle's user avatar
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31 votes
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Origin of Ladder Operator methods

Ladder operators are found in various contexts (such as calculating the spectra of the harmonic oscillator and angular momentum) in almost all introductory Quantum Mechanics textbooks. And every book ...
Comp_Warrior's user avatar
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English translation of Helmholtz' paper: “On the Physical Significance of the Principle of Least Action”

I am asking about an English translation of a Helmholtz paper: Ueber die physikalische Bedeutung des Princips der kleinsten Wirkung. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelle's ...
Tarek's user avatar
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Where did Karl Schwarzschild derived his solution?

Does anyone know more about circumstances of Karl Schwarzschild at the Russian front in 1915 where he allegedly derived his famous solution of the Einstein equations (describing a black hole)? Sources ...
Leos Ondra's user avatar
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"Dear radioactive ladies and gentlemen" - Letter by Wolfgang Pauli

In 1930, Wolfgang Pauli wrote a letter to Lise Meitner for a convention in Tübingen, considering the problem of beta decay. Does anybody know, where to find the original letter online ?
mate64's user avatar
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Is there a good Modern English translation of Newton's "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica" available for free viewing or download?

I have found several nice versions available for purchase, but all of the free ones are either Latin, old English, or pixellated. I searched google and was only able to locate the free ones linked to ...
Dale's user avatar
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Evolution in the interpretation of the Dirac equation

As I understand, Dirac equation was first interpreted as a wave equation following the ideas of non relativistic quantum mechanics, but this lead to different problems. The equation was then ...
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