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Questions tagged [quantum-optics]

A research field within general optical physics concerned with light and its material interaction: where light is modelled by full quantum mechanical description.

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Lindblad operator in an Input-Output formalism in superconducting quantum circuit

I would like to understand the relationship between the Quantum Langevin Equations, Input-Output formalism, and Master Equation. I already read these questions: Lindblad and Input-Output Formalism in ...
Frostman's user avatar
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How do the entangled photons from an SPDC source behave?

As I understand SPDC sources emit entangled photons, but always in the same polarisation. If this source always outputs this certain polarisation are the photons then still in superposition of each ...
Johnny's user avatar
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The coherence length is much longer than the manufacturer claims and has an oscillating visibility

The problem is that the coherence length of a laser I am experimentally measuring is much longer than the manufacturer claims and has an oscillating visibility. Let me explain the situation: I have an ...
gvgpg66's user avatar
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3 answers

Anti-Hermitian Hamiltonians in Quantum Mechanics and Open Systems

The Schrodinger equation (SE) with a Hermitian operator $H$ generates unitary evolution, and it is well-known that plenty of quantum processes can be described by SE and appropriately chosen $H$. That ...
MonteNero's user avatar
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Invariance of creation and annihilation operators under mode transformation

In exercise1.4 of "Introduction to Optical Quantum Information Processing", the commutation relations for the mode operators is preserved under mode function transformation.Where,$\hat{b}_{\...
irumachi's user avatar
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Decomposing density matrix on non-orthogonal and incomplete set of states

I've recently come across the following conclusion in a quantum optics paper. The paper studies the dissipative dynamics of a two-qubit system and presents the following approximation for the steady-...
Phil's user avatar
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The response of a linear quantum amplifier to broadband signals

I have been studying related knowledge of quantum linear amplifier noise limit recently, and the main reference material is Caves' literature. In this paper, the author uses equations (4.5, 4.40a, 4....
hello world's user avatar
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Extending pairwise beam splitters operators to an overall transformation

Let $\bar x_s, \sigma_s$ be the vector of first moments and the covariance matrix of an $N$-mode Gaussian state $\rho_s$. If $\rho_s$ is paired with an empty environment of similar dimension, the ...
Phil K.'s user avatar
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How to Numerically Solve the Steady State of a Lindblad Equation with Parity Symmetry?

I am trying to reproduce some figures from this paper. like below: The effective Hamiltonian of the system is \begin{align} H_{\text{eff}} = \frac{3g_x^2}{\omega} |e\rangle \langle e| + \frac{2g_x^...
gang liu's user avatar
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Squeezing degredation via photon loss

Consider a partially reflecting beamsplitter with two input modes $\hat{a}_{in}$ and $\hat{b}_{in}$. It has a transmission coefficient of $\eta$. If the photon in mode $\hat{b}_{in}$ is in the vacuum ...
Anthony K.'s user avatar
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Beam Splitter acting as unitary time evolution

I have a problem understanding a really important fact about quantum mechanical beam splitters and how to evaluate their action on two incoming modes. Suppose we have a beam splitter that transforms ...
Takitoli's user avatar
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How can I find the unitaries for the Bloch-Messiah decomposition?

I'm currently trying to understand the Bloch-Messiah decomposition in quantum optics, which basically states that every second-order nonlinear quantum optical circuit can be decomposed into a ...
Luca Bianchi's user avatar
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How do light rays know what the surface of an object is shaped like?

In school we learn about optics and how rays of light reflect off of surfaces and travel through lenses. These trajectories depend 100% on the shape of the surface (convex, concave, angle of incidence,...
Vilx-'s user avatar
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Precise form of two-mode squeezed state

Starting with the two-mode squeezing operator $ S_2(\xi) = \exp \left( \xi^* a_1 a_2 - \xi a_1^\dagger a_2^\dagger \right)$, we can factor it into [1] $$ S_2(\xi) = \frac{1}{\cosh r} \exp\left( -a_1^\...
lionelbrits's user avatar
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Heterodyne measurement gives us complex measurement result?

Quantum mechanics tell us that the measurement result can possess real values. However, in quantum optics, there's a kind of measurement called heterodyne measurement which can be described ...
narip's user avatar
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Simulation of photon correlation measurements for entangled photons generated in SPDC

I am trying to simulate the measurement that one would have corresponding to type-I spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC), for the case when we have say a single-photon -sensitive time-stamping ...
A Khan's user avatar
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How to transform collapse operators in rotating frame?

I want to simulate the evolution of a transmon qubit driven by a classical voltage using qutip. The problem is that the qubit (and the drive) have a frequency of around 5GHz and I typically run ...
Nicolas Schmid's user avatar
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Is dipole approximation valid for ground - Rydberg transition?

I was curious following the dynamic equations of atom-light interaction (e.g., Ch. 5 of Quantum Optics from Scully), that we assume dipole approximation where size of the atom, $r$, is very small ...
Kenny Kim's user avatar
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In atomic ionization via laser, the process is more efficient using a wavelength only slightly bluer than the threshold rather farther detuned. Why?

I have seen this phenomena referenced in several instances; however, I have been unsuccesful in finding a clear explanation for where this enhancement comes from or the term to describe this process. ...
atoms are fake's user avatar
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Units of electric field in quantum optics

Similarly, the expectation value for number operator in mode 4 is the same for a 50/50 beam splitter. This simply implies that the average number of photons in either one of the output ports is $50\%$,...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
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Are Gaussian states equivalently defined as "ground and thermal states of quadratic Hamiltonians?"

There are several definitions of a (bosonic) gaussian state (related question). One of them is given in the paper "Gaussian quantum channels" by J. Eisert and M.M. Wolf on page 3, equation 4....
Alina Kuznetsova's user avatar
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Tensor Inverse for Gaussian Quantum Fisher Information

I'm trying to calculate the Quantum Fisher Information (QFI) of a Gaussian state. In this case, I'm following the prescription outlined in this paper, which was ...
ModeQuanta's user avatar
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$(t-s)$ substitution in the derivation of Lindblad master equation

In the derivation of the Lindblad equation from first principles, on reaching the Redfield equation, for example Eq. 505 in D. Lidar's notes: $$\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t} \tilde{\rho}(t) = - \text{...
phy_std's user avatar
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Fock State Generation in Trapped Ions

I am trying to understand the fock generation protocol explained here: What I am confused about is what experimental ...
A. Radek Martinez's user avatar
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Resources with treatment of Quantum Optics as an application of Quantum Field Theory?

I am looking for resources which deal with Quantum Optics, with some rigor, as an application of Quantum Field Theory. PS:I have read Introductory Quantum Optics by Gerry and Knight. So that is my ...
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1 answer

Where did the time dependence go in the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian?

In most references the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian is always given as the following form $$H_{JC} = \omega_0 a^\dagger a + \omega \sigma_z - g(a^\dagger + a)(\sigma_+ + \sigma_-)$$ I notice that the ...
cliu's user avatar
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Explicit Expression of $S_2(\zeta)$ on a general Fock State?

I would like to know the explicit expression of the two-mode squeezing operator $\hat{S}_2(\zeta)$ acting on a general Fock state $|p,q\rangle$, without including any additional operators in the ...
Xuemei's user avatar
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Two-Photon Interference But Different Global Phases

If two identical photons enter a beam splitter at the same time, they will always exit the beam splitter togheter (the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect), however small changes in timing can make them leave by ...
Vinicius Araujo Ritzmann's user avatar
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Quantised electromagnetic field in quantum optics for an infinite quantiation volume

The electromagnetic field can be quantised by considering the allowed modes in a cube based on the periodic boundary conditions and then quantising those modes. Doing so, we find that the hamiltonian ...
Adrien Amour's user avatar
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Why is PDC radiation someties emitted as a hollow cone and sometimes appears as a 2D gaussian?

Common depictions of PDC radiation depict it as a hollow cone being emitted. In the imaging plane, this then appears as a circle. See for example the following picture from this arXiv upload: On the ...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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Is Hadamard gate considered a valid beam splitter when dealing with multiple beam splitters?

I have read that Hadamard gate can be a valid 50:50 beam splitter when dealing with one beam splitter , however when dealing with more than one beam splitter the hadamard gate is no longer valid and ...
firas's user avatar
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Probability distribution map for a diffraction experiment

Assume a single-photon propagates along $z$ in a glass fiber that terminates, creating an interface glass-vacuum. I'm interested in the diffraction pattern created after the fiber at a distance $z_s$. ...
Ang's user avatar
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What are examples of (non-thermal) states with non-singular $P$ function?

We know that the $P$ function of (displaced) thermal states is smooth and positive. Indeed, as shown e.g. here, a thermal state $\rho_{\rm th}(x)\equiv (1-x)x^{a^\dagger a}$, $x\equiv e^{-\beta}$, has ...
glS's user avatar
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Using classical $g^{(1)}$ to calculate quantum $g^{(1)}$

Imagine a free space optical switch with several inputs and outputs. My question is: can we use the first order cross correlation between the complex amplitudes of two classical beams of light at the ...
ebit157's user avatar
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Phase of a coherent state in Quantum Mechanics

In the following image from Section II of the paper Mesoscopic Superposition of States with Sub-Planck Structures in Phase Space, the second state is designated by $\left|e^{i\theta}\alpha\right>$ ...
SCh's user avatar
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Classical vs quantum field in beam-splitter [closed]

John F. Clauser's 1974 paper (, disproves the classical field theory model for light. In the experiment, a short burst of light from an excited Hg source passes ...
Elijah's user avatar
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How to find two-point correlators of field strength in Maxwell theory?

I know $\langle A_\mu \rangle=0$ by Lorentz symmetry. Here the expectation values $\langle . \rangle$ are taken w.r.t. the vacuum. Taking derivatives we have $\langle F_{\mu \nu} \rangle=0$. This ...
Nairit Sahoo's user avatar
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Exploiting Creation Operator Commutation Relation in HOM Interference Calculation

In this paper where the authors derive the formula for coincidence probability in a Hong-Ou Mandel (HOM) interference effect as a function of time delay $\tau$, they arrive at an equation (15) with ...
Cody Payne's user avatar
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Fiber Beam Splitter for Quantum Optics

I am conducting an experiment involving HOM interference. I cannot find a definitive answer as to whether a free-space beam splitter will behave identically to a 50:50 fiber coupler, such as this one ...
Bruno Nowak's user avatar
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Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) effect - question on math of indistinguishability of photons

I’m working on the transformations of multi-photon states through a beam splitter, and I encountered confusion in some normalization factors . Using beam splitter transformations: $$ \hat{a}^\dagger \...
Kobamschitzo's user avatar
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What is the difference between electro-optic sidebands and parametric down conversion sidebands?

I am trying to understand the difference between the modes generated via electro-optic modulation (EOM) and parametric down conversion (PDC) in the context of quantum optics. Throughout the literature,...
Bidon's user avatar
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Average field intensity in quantum optics [closed]

When we transform the electric field into operators $\mathbf{\hat{E}^{(+)}}$ and $\mathbf{\hat{E}^{(-)}}$ for the positive and negative frequency components, respectively, what is the correct ...
photonica's user avatar
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Density matrix equations

I am studying a paper ( in which the Hamiltonian is: $$H = \sum_{i}\epsilon_{i}\sigma_{ii} - \hbar\omega_{p}\hat{a}_{p}\hat{\sigma}^{\dagger}_{ba}e^{-\...
MB1's user avatar
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Relation Between Diagonal and Off-Diagonal Damping Elements

I was reading the 4th edition of "Nonlinear Optics" by Robert W. Boyd, more specifically chapter 3.3 - "Density Matrix Formulation of Quantum Mechanics". There, the author says ...
Rich Hard Fine Man's user avatar
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Laser interference fringes fading in and out of view

I'm working in a lab this summer doing quantum optics, and my team is working on a Mach-Zehnder interferometer setup. We got it well aligned and interference fringes appeared as expected. However, ...
Madison Stewart's user avatar
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Parametric down-conversion - QFT necessary?

In quantum optics, one ususally starts by quantizing the free electric field and obtains an expression for the electric field operators: $$ E(\vec{r},t) = \sum_{\vec{k},p} C_{\vec{k}} \vec{e}_{\vec{k},...
sqrt6's user avatar
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Dipole term in light-matter interaction

I have a question regarding the description of the term “dipole” in light-matter interactions. If I understand it correctly, there are 3 different things that one can declare as a dipole during light-...
Python_Coder's user avatar
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What is the relation between the Faraday effect and the Zeeman effect?

The Faraday Effect basically says that certain materials under a magnetic field have different indexes of refraction for right and circular polarized light. Linear light which is a superposition of ...
Aravind Karthigeyan's user avatar
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Scattering into an edge state

In the optical context, a photon can excite an electron from the valence band to the conduction band if the photon energy is higher than the gap. I would like to know is it possible to photoexcite an ...
H. Khani's user avatar
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Quantum Optics - Output field of Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC)

Following Ultrabright backward-wave biphoton source by Chih-Sung Chuu and S. E. Harris: The output of a backward wave Spontaneous Parametric Down-Conversion (SPDC) is described by $$ a_s(t, z) = b_s(t)...
Yoni Berkovitch's user avatar

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