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Which paper introduced the concept of the "Bloch sphere"?

Everyone loves Bloch sphere, but which paper of Bloch was it introduced? The Wikipedia article on Bloch sphere (here), as of 17/May/2021 links to this paper of Bloch “Nuclear Induction” but it doesn’t ...
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When was Electromagnetically Induced Transparency first introduced?

The oldest paper I know regarding this topic was published in 1997 by Stephen E. Harris. But I am not sure if he is the first to introduce this idea. Could you tell me when and by who did introduce ...
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Why does the BB84 paper "Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing" have a 'withdrawn' status?

The original paper proposing quantum key distribution protocol (now known as BB84): Charles H. Bennett, Gilles Brassard, Quantum cryptography: Public key distribution and coin tossing seems to have <...
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