Papers by Amund B Haave
18 November 2015
Workshop at the University of Oslo, 18-19 November 2015
“The Role of Lingua Fran... more 18 November 2015
Workshop at the University of Oslo, 18-19 November 2015
“The Role of Lingua Franca in Cultural Encounters in the Mediterranean and Beyond”
K. Jakobsen, red., Verdensborgerskapets idehistorie. 1 Den vestlige tradisjonen, 2010
Landey – Afghanske vers, 2020
«Landey» er en svært utbredt afghansk diktform som har oppnådd stor anerkjennelse til tross for s... more «Landey» er en svært utbredt afghansk diktform som har oppnådd stor anerkjennelse til tross for sin enkle form og folkelige appell. Dette skyldes nok i særlig grad de sjarmerende situasjonsbeskrivelsene og de skarpe betraktningene som sjangeren får frem. Det er «den afghanske diktningens perle» (la perle de la poésie afghane), for å sitere en av de første europeiske studiene av diktformen. En noe mer presis karakteristikk ga Georg Morgenstierne, som kalte dem «friske engblomster» (frische Feldblümchen). Selve ordet «landey» er hunkjønnsformen av et adjektiv som betyr «kort». Diktene er meget korte, har alltid to verselinjer med henholdsvis 9 og 13 stavelser og kan minne om japanske haiku-dikt både i sin knappe form og i sitt fyndige uttrykk. Den andre verselinjen må ha -ina, -una, -əna eller -əma i utlyd, noe som sannsynligvis har sitt opphav i at dette er typiske eller emblematiske grammatiske former i pashto.
Paper presented at the conference «Einblicke in die graeco-arabistische Philologie und Lexikograp... more Paper presented at the conference «Einblicke in die graeco-arabistische Philologie und Lexikographie», Erlangen, 9 February 2023
Reading Slowly: A Festschrift for Jens E. Braarvig, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018
In this essay I present some rather straightforward, but nevertheless potentially quite consequen... more In this essay I present some rather straightforward, but nevertheless potentially quite consequential, emendations and new interpretations of the Qurʾānic text. Keywords: jāhiliyya and rahbāniyya. Spoiler: None of these words are "abstract nouns". Both are collective plural nouns. The essay in honour of Prof. Jens Braarvig is also intended to highlight simple truths about the vast field we still proudly and sometimes defiantly call "philology".
Please send your critical comments to: [email protected]
Books by Amund B Haave
New edition of "Arabische Chrestomathie aus Prosaschriftstellern", by Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow and Au... more New edition of "Arabische Chrestomathie aus Prosaschriftstellern", by Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow and August Fischer. Co-edited with Lutz Edzard.
New edition of "Arabische Chrestomathie aus Prosaschriftstellern", by Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow and Au... more New edition of "Arabische Chrestomathie aus Prosaschriftstellern", by Rudolf-Ernst Brünnow and August Fischer. Co-edited with Lutz Edzard.
New critical edition of a classical grammar of Old Arabic /al-Arabiyya (kalām al-ʿarab), al-Uṣūl ... more New critical edition of a classical grammar of Old Arabic /al-Arabiyya (kalām al-ʿarab), al-Uṣūl fī l-Naḥw by Ibn al-Sarrāǧ/Ibn al-Sarrāj (d. 316/929).
I have collated the five extant manuscripts (T, R, B, S and Q in my sigla) and prepared a new critical edition of the entire text (which contains approximately 230.000 words), and based my study of the text on parts of this new edition. My research has established the history and manuscript transmission of the text itself, the life and immediate environment of the author, and countless minutiae of grammatical analysis in the Uṣūl which now enable us to define more precisely the role of this work in the development of Arabic grammar. From my study, the Uṣūl also emerges as one of the very first works in the "traditional" Islamic sciences (among which grammar enjoyed a particularly prominent status) to incorporate the new scientific ideals of the time on a large scale. The Uṣūl must therefore be regarded as a key text for any attempt at defining this transitional period itself.
A collection of 144 catalogue entries (+ 2 catalogued as "Varia"), containing manuscript codices ... more A collection of 144 catalogue entries (+ 2 catalogued as "Varia"), containing manuscript codices and documents from the Islamic world, mainly in Arabic, Persian and Ottoman Turkish (approximately 91 Arabic, 23 Persian and 20 Turkish MSS, but many of these contain texts or notes in more than one of "the three languages" of Islam). In addition, the collection contains books and documents in Urdu (MS 95), Malay (MS 75), Hebrew (MS 143), Pashto (MS 94 and 125, the latter is a Persian grammar of Pashto), Armenian (MS 35, which also contains a parallel text in Persian), and Mongolian (MS 130, a few words on a piece of paper). Many catalogue items contain more than one text, either bound in one volume (Sammelhandschrift, majmu'a) or unbound but given the same catalogue number for various reasons (prior to the present survey, 2013, A.B.). The earliest codex is dated 1167 (MS 109), and the latest 1888 (MS 100).
Manuscript based on unpublished MA Thesis, on the treatment of the iḍāfa ‘annexation’ constructio... more Manuscript based on unpublished MA Thesis, on the treatment of the iḍāfa ‘annexation’ construction in a selection of Arabiyya Grammarians
Book Reviews by Amund B Haave
Tidsskriftet Babylon Nr. 2, 2010
Arr: Idéhistorisk tidsskrift nr. 4, 2011
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 161.2, 2011
Papers by Amund B Haave
Workshop at the University of Oslo, 18-19 November 2015
“The Role of Lingua Franca in Cultural Encounters in the Mediterranean and Beyond”
Please send your critical comments to: [email protected]
Books by Amund B Haave
I have collated the five extant manuscripts (T, R, B, S and Q in my sigla) and prepared a new critical edition of the entire text (which contains approximately 230.000 words), and based my study of the text on parts of this new edition. My research has established the history and manuscript transmission of the text itself, the life and immediate environment of the author, and countless minutiae of grammatical analysis in the Uṣūl which now enable us to define more precisely the role of this work in the development of Arabic grammar. From my study, the Uṣūl also emerges as one of the very first works in the "traditional" Islamic sciences (among which grammar enjoyed a particularly prominent status) to incorporate the new scientific ideals of the time on a large scale. The Uṣūl must therefore be regarded as a key text for any attempt at defining this transitional period itself.
Book Reviews by Amund B Haave
Workshop at the University of Oslo, 18-19 November 2015
“The Role of Lingua Franca in Cultural Encounters in the Mediterranean and Beyond”
Please send your critical comments to: [email protected]
I have collated the five extant manuscripts (T, R, B, S and Q in my sigla) and prepared a new critical edition of the entire text (which contains approximately 230.000 words), and based my study of the text on parts of this new edition. My research has established the history and manuscript transmission of the text itself, the life and immediate environment of the author, and countless minutiae of grammatical analysis in the Uṣūl which now enable us to define more precisely the role of this work in the development of Arabic grammar. From my study, the Uṣūl also emerges as one of the very first works in the "traditional" Islamic sciences (among which grammar enjoyed a particularly prominent status) to incorporate the new scientific ideals of the time on a large scale. The Uṣūl must therefore be regarded as a key text for any attempt at defining this transitional period itself.
Uppsala, Sweden
Biennial Conference of the World Philology Union 2024
18 June 2019
K. Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts, M. Alexidze str. 1/3