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This article analyzes the existential threat facing by the Armenians of the beleaguered Republic of Artsakh in the context of three phases of mass violence inflicted on Armenians in the modern period: the Hamidian Massacres of 1894-1896, the Adana Massacres of 1909, and the Armenian Genocide (1915-1923). Despite the teleological differences of these phases, there seems to be three key common denominators connecting all of them together: impunity, lack of humanitarian intervention, and international apathy. After dwelling on the history of impunity, the absence of humanitarian intervention, and international apathy, this article will concentrate on the disastrous repercussions of the closing of the Lachin Corridor and the ensuing humanitarian crisis in the fragile Republic of Artsakh. This article will argue that the three important factors that led to disastrous repercussions for the Armenians in the past are present today, thereby raising the red flag for potential ethnic cleansing.
Este es un manual que nos introduce en el framework Javascript AngularJS, un conjunto de librerías de código abierto que nos sirven para hacer aplicaciones web avanzadas del lado del cliente. Es ideal para hacer aplicaciones de negocio y aplicaciones de gestión que se despliegan en una única página.
El desarrollo de los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales ha contribuido a colocar información de todo tipo en las redes sociales. Empero, también se reproducen en las plataformas digitales ataques a las mujeres, bullying cibernético con el objetivo de linchar, discriminar y excluir a ciertos sectores de la sociedad, bajo prejuicios, estereotipos y mecanismos para promover la desigualdad.
GRMS, 2024
Aeschylean actors could be silent and motionless on the stage for a notoriously long time. My paper reconsiders this curious phenomenon from two mutually related angles. First, it enquires into how spectacles of inactivity had to affect the overall musical and movement design of the plays in which they were originally embedded. Building on these findings, the paper then historicises how the iconic scenes quickly entered the theatrical repertoire and also changed with it through the fourth century BC. By the 430s, the actors' displays of inactivity could still look quite identical to their Aeschylean archetypes, but they had been reassigned to minor characters, meaning to the second or third-best soloist. In this and other ways, fourth-century actors reused traditional elements of the repertoire by adapting them to the monodic trends of their day.
Es una enfermedad caracterizada por la disminución de las funciones intelectuales de la persona, con una consecuente pérdida de la memoria y deterioro del pensamiento. El enfermo con Alzheimer sufre un drástico cambio en su personalidad, con tendencia a deprimirse o irritarse. La persona ya no puede seguir instrucciones, sufre confusión y desorientación en el tiempo y el espacio, pudiendo incluso, llegar a perderse en lugares conocidos para él. Además, la persona puede presentar alteraciones del juicio, confundir a sus seres queridos y, en muchos casos, hasta desconocerse a si mismo.
International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (IJFMR), 2024
AI in fraud detection and financial risk management has taken this role of prevention and combating fraud closely related to organizations and the losses they incur a next level. This paper aims to discuss the use of artificial intelligence models in the process of detecting frauds and preventing and reducing financial risks in such markets as banking, insurance, and fintech. Today, through machine learning algorithms, deep learning techniques, and data analysis, the AI improves the speed, accuracy and effectiveness of fraud detection. This paper discusses the current AI models and business use incorporating the success story and the business outcomes which has encountered sometime to have the best result. Furthermore, the paper examines other important issues of AI application management such as data security and liberation, and complete fairness control. Using examples as well as statistical data in this AI for business article, we show how corporations have managed to minimize their risks while lowering their expenses with the use of artificial intelligence technology. This research outlines ideas on how organizations can implement AI into fraud detection systems and what can be done in future to enhance the solutions. This paper adds to the emerging body of knowledge on AI's impact on finance and security, and demonstrates AI's ability to influence the future of the industry.
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Violence Against Women
IAEME, 2019
Educação & Realidade, 2024
The Haskins Society Journal 26, 2015
International Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises, 2019
Actes du Colloque : Plaques photographiques, fabrication et diffusion du Savoir, Strasbourg, 16-18 mars 2016, Strasbourg, 2019
Expert Systems with Applications, 2016
Journal of Libertarian Studies, 2020
Molecular plant pathology, 2017
Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2010
Prehospital and disaster medicine, 2018