10 Nissan 5782
The kever of Yosef HaTzaddik in Shechem has been vandalized twice over the past three days and in between those two attacks on the kever, there was an attack on two Jews who were trying to reach it for prayer. They were shot and are now in hospital with serious, but non-life-threatening, injuries.
Frustrated by their failure to significantly increase the body count in this newest wave of terror, they strike out in rage at what lies unprotected and in easy reach - our father Yosef's resting place.
Here, just days before Pesach, it brings to mind the kindness Moshe Rabbeinu did for Yosef HaTzaddik in remembering the promise to bring up his bones out of Mitzrayim and transport them to Eretz Yisrael when HKB"H would fulfill His word to Avraham Avinu to bring the nation up from there and settle them in His holy land.
Perhaps we of this generation are too poor in mitzvot to arouse the kind of mercy we require at this time. But, in attacking Yosef HaTzaddik, not once but twice, and then shooting two Jews exhibiting such mesirut nefesh, the Yishmaelite enemy has no doubt caused a storm to erupt in Shamayim. And especially at Pesach, the time of year that Yosef HaTzaddik's bones were brought up to accompany the nation out of Mitzrayim. These Yishmaelim have no idea the damage they have done to themselves as a consequence.
May Yosef HaTzaddik and Moshe Rabbeinu combine their voices and influence in Shamayim, along with all our holy mothers and fathers, to stir HKB"H's mercy towards deliverance and salvation once again to equal, or even exceed, that of Yetziat Mitzrayim.
"In Nissan they were redeemed, in Nissan they will be redeemed."
"Ana, Hashem, hoshia na, Ana Hashem hatzlichah na."
"Hashem, Hu HaElokim! Ayn od milvado!"
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RELATED: The Hotspot to watch is Jenin. If you are on Twitter, look for Jenin under trending.