
Showing posts with the label winter

On the Hunt for Icicles

Any excuse to be outside, right?

Hiking in the Cold

It's wonderful living in such a beautiful area!

Nandina Berries on a Snowy Day

This gorgeous plant was a gift from my husband's adopted mother.

Downy Woodpecker in Winter

More photos from a snowy day.

Bird Houses in the Snow

 A winter storm recently blanketed our area in God's glitter.  As excited as any child, I zipped outside with my camera first thing in the morning!

Let It Snow DIY Frame

This was a fun project made just for my little snowman collection!

January's Fitness Update

On my Master Plan for 2024 ,  there are two health related items listed.  In the interest of documenting my success, and being accountable for my goals, I am working on creating a calendar.  This one seems pretty cool.

January Harvest

In this wonderfully mild winter so far, my little vegetable patch keeps on producing!  What a treat!  Will you check out the size of those radishes?!

Breakfast for Hens

These two beauties are out of their coop at first light, foraging for tasty snacks.

Sleepy Greenhouse

This time of year, my greenhouse is resting and mostly empty.

Winter Starts Today

I really enjoy cold weather for about two days.

Robins on a Gloomy Day

An experiment in silhouettes. 

Southern Magnolia Seed Pods

Magnolia Grandiflora AKA Bull Bay One of the wonderful things about life in an old rock farmhouse is the mature trees that came with our property.  We have a Magnolia Grandiflora that is estimated to be over 100 years old.  It is spectacular! Wellknown for waxy, dark green leaves and huge, fragrant, white blooms in late Spring thru early Summer, Southern Magnolia trees can add interest all year.  Let us not forget the quiet beauty of their seed pods in Autumn.