
Showing posts with the label harvest

June Harvest

Creating floral arrangements is a favorite hobby of mine!  This one is filled with vibrant pink zinnias and cosmos with a backdrop of California mugwort and a photobombing fly!  All of these are planted in my vegetable garden and are pollinator magnets.  

May Harvest

This time of year is like Christmas for gardeners, so full of hope!

April Harvest

Morel mushrooms grow wild here.  Only available in late March and early April, they feel like a special treat!  It's so much fun to get outside and forage for them.  

Master Plan for 2024, February's Gains

Here is what happened in February. If you would like to join me on this crazy resolution adventure, I'll be happy to encourage and support you via email, Facebook and/or sharing links to your posts (blogging not required).

February Harvest

If you read my  Master Plan for 2024 , you know I set a goal for gardening.  It's actually my resolution listed as #1.

Master Plan for 2024, January's Gains

Here is what was (and wasn't) accomplished in January. If you would like to join me on this crazy resolution adventure, I'll be happy to encourage and support you via email, Facebook and/or sharing links to your posts (blogging not required).

January Harvest

In this wonderfully mild winter so far, my little vegetable patch keeps on producing!  What a treat!  Will you check out the size of those radishes?!

Master Plan for 2024, January

This is being written December 30th, 2023.  Resolutions were not on my radar this year until, after a really tough workout, my fitness trainer mentioned this fun fact: Anyone who writes down their goals is 42% more likely to achieve them . Since New Year's Day is traditionally a time to set new intentions.  Here are mine for 2024. If you would like to join me on this crazy resolution adventure, I'll be happy to encourage and support you via email, Facebook and/or sharing links to your posts (blogging not required, just sayin').