Showing posts with label CMUB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CMUB. Show all posts

Thursday, December 12, 2024

[Botany • 2020] The non-monophyly of Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum (Annonaceae) revealed by a plastid DNA phylogeny, with Dasymaschalon halabalanum sp. nov. from Thailand and D. argenteum comb. nov.

Dasymaschalon halabalanum  Jongsook & Chaowasku,

in Jongsook, Samerpitak, Damthongdee et Chaowasku, 2020.  
บุหรงฮาลาบาลา  ||  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.3.5 

An extended molecular phylogeny of the genus Dasymaschalon (Annonaceae) has been reconstructed using up to six plastid DNA regions (matK, ndhF, rbcL exons; trnL intron; psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF intergenic spacers). The results unraveled the non-monophyly of a widely distributed D. dasymaschalum. A lineage of D. dasymaschalum native to Java and cultivated at Bogor Botanical Garden represents the true D. dasymaschalum, whereas the name Pelticalyx argentea is applicable to a distantly related clade of D. dasymaschalum from mainland Asia. Dasymaschalon argenteum comb. nov. is accordingly made. Additionally, the true D. dasymaschalum has been retrieved as the sister group of D. halabalanum, a new species from Narathiwat Province, southern Thailand herein described. Pedicel length, petal size and color, and the number of stamens per flower principally distinguish the new species from its sister group.

Keywords: molecular phylogenetics, morphology, new combination, systematics, taxonomy, Magnoliids

Hathaichanok Jongsook, Kittipan Samerpitak, Anissara Damthongdee and Tanawat Chaowasku. 2020. The non-monophyly of Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum (Annonaceae) revealed by a plastid DNA phylogeny, with D. halabalanum sp. nov. from Thailand and D. argenteum comb. nov. Phytotaxa. 449(3); 265–278. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.3.5

 บุหรงธรรมดา ได้ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ใหม่  Dasymaschalon argenteum (Griff.) Jongsook & Chaowasku
และ  บุหรงฮาลาบาลา Dasymaschalon halabalanum  Jongsook & Chaowasku เป็นพืชชนิดใหม่ของโลก  

นักวิจัยวิทย์ มช. พบ กระดังงา 5 ชนิดใหม่ของโลก สวยงาม หายาก และใกล้สูญพันธุ์

Saturday, October 26, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Drepananthus khaosoi (Annonaceae) • A New Species from southern Thailand, with molecular phylogenetic reconstructions

 Drepananthus khaosoi Damth. & Chaowasku,  

in Damthongdee, Saengpho, Wiya, Baka, Chanthamrong, Ue-Aree et Chaowasku, 2024. 
ดอกข้าวซอย  ||  DOI: 10.3989/ajbm.596
photo by A. Baka

Drepananthus khaosoi sp. nov., a new species from southern Thailand is described and illustrated. It is morphologically most similar to D. ridleyi, especially in the very narrow and elongated petals, but differs in leaf blade size, leaf base, monocarp shape and appearance, monocarp width, length of monocarp stipe, pericarp thickness and seed arrangement. Molecular phylogenetic analyses using chloroplast DNA regions (matK and rbcL exons; trnL intron; atpB-rbcL, psbA-trnH and trnL-trnF intergenic spacers) and including 18 Drepananthus species confirm the monophyly of Drepananthus, but the relationships within the genus are largely unresolved, including a failure to elucidate a sister group of D. khaosoi. The conservation status of the new species is provisionally assessed as Critically Endangered.

Keywords:  Canangeae; systematics; taxonomy; tree; tropical diversity.

 Drepananthus khaosoi Damth. & Chaowasku, sp. nov.:
 a, inflorescences and flowers; b, flower with petal blades removed, bottom view, particularly showing abaxial side of sepals; c, outer petal claw (above): abaxial (left) and adaxial (right) sides; inner petal claw (below): abaxial (left) and adaxial (right) sides; d, flower with petals, one sepal and stamens removed, side view, particularly showing adaxial side of sepals and carpels on torus; e, stamen (middle: adaxial side; right: abaxial side) and carpel (left); f, fruit with monocarps [all, Chanthamrong & Baka 58 (CMUB)];
photos: A. Baka (a, f)].

Drepananthus khaosoi Damth. & Chaowasku, sp. nov. 
Type: Thailand, Narathiwat Province, Sukhirin District, elevation c. 150 m, ...
 (holotype: CMUB [CMUB003998901]; 
isotypes: BK, CMUB, QBG), fl. & fr. 
Diagnosis.––The new species is morphologically most similar to D. ridleyi, but differs from it by having larger leaf blade, cordate to rounded-subcordate (vs. cuneate, occasionally ± obtuse) leaf base, subglobose to ellipsoid (vs. ellipsoid-cylindrical to cylindrical) monocarps which are not constricted between seeds (vs. somewhat constricted between seeds) when dry, wider monocarps, shorter monocarp stipe, thicker pericarp and different seed arrangement (interdigitated vs. uniseriate).

Etymology.—As a noun in apposition, the specific epithet is derived from Khao Soi, a traditional northern Thai noodle soup claimed to be one of the best soups in the world, in allusion to the similar appearance between petals of the new species (Fig. 2a) and Khao Soi noodles.

Anissara Damthongdee, Chanwut Saengpho, Chattida Wiya, Abdulromea Baka, Kithisak Chanthamrong, Phasit Ue-Aree, Tanawat Chaowasku. 2024. Drepananthus khaosoi sp. nov. (Annonaceae) from southern Thailand, with molecular phylogenetic reconstructions. Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid. 81(1); e144. DOI:

Saturday, July 6, 2024

[Botany • 2024] Orophea chalermprakiat (Annonaceae: Malmeoideae) • A New Species from Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, southern Thailand

 Orophea chalermprakiat Damth., Chanthamrong & Chaowasku, 

in Damthongdee, Chanthamrong, Promsiri, Tongsang, Jaisamut, Wiya, Sinbumroong et Chaowasku, 2024.  
“เฉลิมพระเกียรติ” DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.658.3.8

Orophea Blume (1825: 18) (Annonaceae) consists of about 62 species distributed collectively from the Indian subcontinent through mainland Southeast Asia and southern China to the Southeast Asian islands (not further to the east than the Moluccas; Kessler 1988). It is a member of Miliuseae, the largest tribe of Malmeoideae (Chatrou et al. 2012). The genus is primarily characterised by the presence of (1) dissimilar petal whorls, the inner petals being usually longer, clawed toward the base and usually connivent at anthesis, (2) reduced number of stamens and carpels per flower and (3) loosely arranged stamens with a minute connective prolongation not covering the thecae (Damthongdee et al. 2021). Furthermore, most species of Orophea possess varying shapes of glands inside the inner petals (Kessler 1988, Leonardía & Kessler 2001). The genus has been subdivided into two subgenera: Orophea and Sphaerocarpon Kessler (1988: 13). Members of O. subg. Orophea possess generally percurrent tertiary leaf venation and ellipsoid-cylindrical to cylindrical monocarps (± moniliform when multi-seeded), whereas members of O. subg. Sphaerocarpon exhibit generally reticulate tertiary leaf venation and globose (rarely shortly oblongoid) monocarps (Damthongdee et al. 2021). In Thailand, there are eight species, including the recently described O. sichaikhanii Damthongdee, Aongyong & Chaowasku (2021: 308). In this study, we describe a new species of O. subg. Sphaerocarpon from Satun UNESCO Global Geopark, Satun Province, southern Thailand. The indumentum terminology of Hewson (1988) was used. Floral organs were studied and measured from material in spirit.

  Holotype of Orophea chalermprakiat (Chaowasku 219, CMUB).

 Orophea chalermprakiat.
 A. Inflorescence and flower. B. Close-up of (A) in upright position, showing stamens surrounding carpels. C. Inner petal, adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) sides. D. Outer petal, adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) sides. E. Flower with petals and stamens removed, showing adaxial side of sepals and carpels on torus. F. Same as (E) but in bottom view, showing abaxial side of sepals. G. Infructescence and submature monocarps. H. Seed.
 A–F from Chaowasku 219 (CMUB), G–H from Chaowasku 223 (CMUB). C–F from spirit material. Photographs by A. Damthongdee (A, G).

Orophea chalermprakiat Damth., Chanthamrong & Chaowasku, sp. nov. 

 Type:—THAILAND. Satun Prov.: La-ngu Distr., (holotype: CMUB003998801; isotypes: BK, CMUB, PBM, QBG). 

The new species is morphologically most like O. sichaikhanii but differs from it by having pilose-villous young twigs and petioles, shorter petioles, rounded to subcordate (rarely obtuse) leaf bases, shorter flowering pedicels, longer inner petal claws, lower number of carpels per flower and longer monocarp stipes (Table 1).

Distribution:—Endemic to Satun Province, southern Thailand. 

Habitat and phenology:—Evergreen forests in a limestone sink, ca. 25 m. Flowering and fruiting material collected in November.

Etymology:—Derived from a Thai royal term meaning “honour”, the specific epithet honours King Rama X of Thailand [Phra Wachiraklao Chao Yu Hua] on the auspicious occasion of his 72nd (6th cycle) birthday anniversary (28 July 2024). 

Anissara Damthongdee, Kithisak Chanthamrong, Suwannee Promsiri, Banchong Tongsang, Thani Jaisamut, Chattida Wiya, Aroon Sinbumroong and Tanawat Chaowasku. 2024. Orophea chalermprakiat (Annonaceae; Malmeoideae), A New Species from southern Thailand.  Phytotaxa. 658(3); 296-300. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.658.3.8

Monday, February 7, 2022

[Botany • 2022] Miliusa microphylla (Annonaceae) • A New Species from Thailand as evidenced by Morphology and Plastid Phylogeny, with M. glandulifera, A New Record for Thailand

จิงจาบคิ้วเข้ม  Miliusa microphylla Damth. & Chaowasku 

in Damthongdee, Sinbumroong, Rueangruea, ... et Chaowasku, 2022. 

On the basis of expansive molecular phylogenetic analyses of the genus Miliusa (Annonaceae) utilising up to seven plastid DNA regions, four major clades are identified: clades A, B, C and D. Members of clade C possess axillary inflorescences and crescent-shaped to semicircular glandular structures at the base or (slightly) higher inside the inner petals. In this clade, accessions of M. mollis are recovered as a monophyletic group, divided into two major clades. One of them is recognised as a new species, M. microphylla, which differs from the other (M. mollis) in the following characters: pedicel length, as well as glandular structures and indumentum on the inner petals. The new species is endemic to southeastern Thailand, whereas M. mollis has a much wider distribution (central, eastern, northeastern, northern and peninsular Thailand plus Cambodia and Vietnam). In addition, M. glandulifera, a new record for Thailand, is retrieved as the sister group of a clade composed of M. microphylla and M. mollis. The name M. glandulifera is lectotypified and the description of M. glandulifera is emended, with the information on mature monocarps added. The conservation status of M. microphylla and M. glandulifera is provisionally assessed. A revised key to the species in clade C in Thailand is provided. The phylogenetic position of M. nakhonsiana and M. sessilis in clade C, as well as of M. chantaburiana and M. eupoda in clade B is confirmed for the first time.

Keywords: Miliuseae, molecular phylogenetics, systematics, taxonomy, Magnoliids 

Flower of member in clade CM2 (= Miliusa microphylla, sp. nov.), apical view.
 Photograph by T. Chaowasku.

Miliusa microphylla Damth. & Chaowasku 

 Anissara Damthongdee, Aroon Sinbumroong, Sukid Rueangruea, Saksan Kaitongsuk, Phasit Ue-aree, Hathaichanok Jongsook and Tanawat Chaowasku. 2022. Miliusa microphylla (Annonaceae), A New Species from Thailand as evidenced by Morphology and Plastid Phylogeny, with M. glandulifera, A New Record for Thailand. Phytotaxa. 532(3); 259-274. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.532.3.4

สกุลระฆังสยาม (𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘶𝘴𝘢) วงศ์กระดังงา (Annonaceae) 
🌿 "จิงจาบคิ้วเข้ม" (𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘶𝘴𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘭𝘭𝘢 Damth. & Chaowasku) เป็นพืชชนิดใหม่ของโลก 🌏 พบที่จังหวัดจันทบุรีและชลบุรี มีใบขนาดเล็กมาก เป็นหนึ่งในชนิดที่มีใบขนาดเล็กที่สุดในวงศ์ มีต่อมเด่นชัดที่โคนกลีบดอกชั้นใน รูปร่างคล้ายคิ้ว จึงเป็นที่มาของชื่อ
🐘 "หัสดีพิทักษ์" (𝘔𝘪𝘭𝘪𝘶𝘴𝘢 𝘨𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘢 C.E.C.Fisch.) พืชรายงานใหม่ของประเทศไทย 🇹🇭 พบที่จังหวัดประจวบคีรีขันธ์ ใกล้ชายแดนพม่า 
สถานะการอนุรักษ์ของพืชทั้งสองชนิดนี้ คือ "ใกล้สูญพันธุ์" (endangered) ปัจจุบันจำนวนชนิดของพืชสกุลระฆังสยามในประเทศไทยเพิ่มเป็น 23 ชนิด
ขอขอบคุณผู้ร่วมวิจัยจากกรมอุทยานแห่งชาติ สัตว์ป่า และพันธุ์พืชทุกท่าน สำหรับความร่วมมือทางวิชาการ 

Friday, November 12, 2021

[Botany • 2021] The Genus Phaeanthus (Annonaceae: Miliuseae) in Thailand: P. piyae sp. nov. and Resurrection of P. lucidus, with Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses

Inflorescences (with flowers) and infructescences (with fruits) of Phaeanthus spp.
[A–C] เหลืองปิยะรัตน์ Phaeanthus piyae Wiya, Aongyong & Chaowasku,
[D–F] หัวลิง Phaeanthus lucidus Oliv. 

in Wiya, Aongyong, ... et Chaowasku, 2021. Plant Diversity in Thailand 
photos: A–C by Suhaibukree Samae, D–F by Abdulromea Baka.

Phaeanthus piyae, a new species from southern Thailand, is described and illustrated. It is morphologically most similar to P. intermedius, which occurs in Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Riau Islands, and Sumatra. The new species can be distinguished from P. intermedius by the longer peduncles and pedicels; triangular (vs. filiform-narrowly triangular) sepals; and stigmas that are larger and ± elongated club-shaped (vs. ± ellipsoid). The conservation status of P. piyae is provisionally assessed. In addition, molecular phylogenetic analyses using up to seven plastid DNA regions (matK, ndhF, rbcL and ycf1 exons; trnL intron; psbA-trnH and trnL-trnF intergenic spacers) and including, among others, five Phaeanthus accessions are carried out. Phaeanthus piyae is sister to a clade composed of the remaining accessions of Phaeanthus. Furthermore, southern Thailand also harbors a second species of Phaeanthus, which appears to be P. lucidus, a heterotypic synonym of P. splendens. Phaeanthus lucidus is herein reinstated; it differs from the sister species P. splendens by possessing a lower number of stamens and carpels per flower, as well as dissimilar placentation. A key to the two species of Phaeanthus in Thailand is given.

Keyword: Miliuseae, molecular phylogeny, new species, Phaeanthus, resurrection, taxonomy, Thailand


Flower and floral organs of Phaeanthus piyae sp. nov. [= Phaeanthus cf. intermedius].
 A: Flower with one inner petal removed. B: Inner petal, adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) sides. C: Outer petal, adaxial (left) and abaxial (right) sides. D: Flower with inner petals and stamens removed. E: Flower with petals, stamens, and carpels removed, top view, showing torus and adaxial side of sepals. F: Same as (E), but in bottom view, showing abaxial side of sepals. G: Carpel. H: Stamen, abaxial (left) and adaxial (right) sides.
 All from Aongyong & Samae 28 (CMUB).

Inflorescences (with flowers) and infructescences (with fruits) of Phaeanthus spp.
A–C: Phaeanthus piyae sp. nov. [= Phaeanthus cf. intermedius]. A: Inflorescence and flower. B: Flower enlarged. C: Infructescence and fruit (with monocarps).
D–F: Phaeanthus lucidus [= Phaeanthus cf. splendens]. D: Inflorescence and flowers. E: Flower enlarged. F: Infructescence and fruit (with monocarps).
 A–C by Suhaibukree Samae, D–F by Abdulromea Baka.

Phaeanthus piyae Wiya, Aongyong & Chaowasku, sp. nov. 

Diagnosis: Phaeanthus piyae is morphologically most similar to P. intermedius. The new species differs by having longer peduncles and pedicels; triangular (vs. filiform-narrowly triangular) sepals; and stigmas that are larger and ± elongated club-shaped (vs. ± ellipsoid) (Table 1).

Etymology: This species is named in honor of Dr. Piya Chalermglin, whose well-known book of Annonaceae in Thailand (Chalermglin, 2001) has greatly inspired the last author to chase his dream of becoming a systematic botanist. 

Distribution: Southern Thailand (Narathiwat Province).

 Habitat and phenology: Occurs in disturbed patches of evergreen forests among rubber and fruit tree plantations; at an elevation of 80–100 m. Flowering material collected in April–August, November; fruiting material collected in June, July, November. 

Vernacular name: Lueang-Piyarat (เหลืองปิยะรัตน์; Thai).

Resurrection of Phaeanthus lucidus Oliv.
Distribution: Southern Thailand (Narathiwat and Yala Provinces) and Peninsular Malaysia. 

Habitat and phenology: Occurs in disturbed patches of evergreen forests among rubber and fruit tree plantations; at an elevation of ca. 80 m. Flowering material collected in May, July, September; fruiting material collected in July, September. 

Vernacular name: Hua-Ling (หัวลิง; Thai).  

Chattida Wiya, Kithisak Aongyong, Anissara Damthongdee, Abdulromea Baka and Tanawat Chaowasku. 2021. The Genus Phaeanthus (Annonaceae, Miliuseae) in Thailand: P. piyae sp. nov. and Resurrection of P. lucidus, with Molecular Phylogenetic Analyses. Taiwania. 66(4); 509-516. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2021.66.509 

สกุล 𝙋𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙨 Hook.f. & Thomson เป็นสกุลขนาดเล็กในเผ่า Miliuseae วงศ์กระดังงา (Annonaceae) ดอกมีลักษณะคล้ายสกุลระฆังสยาม (𝙈𝙞𝙡𝙞𝙪𝙨𝙖 Lesch. ex A.DC.) กล่าวคือ กลีบดอกชั้นนอกมีขนาดเล็กเท่ากลีบเลี้ยง ในขณะที่กลีบดอกชั้นในมีขนาดใหญ่กว่ามาก แต่ลักษณะของเส้นใบ เกสรเพศผู้ และเรณูต่างจากสกุลระฆังสยาม เมื่อได้ตัวอย่างสกุล 𝙋𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙨 ที่เก็บจากจังหวัดนราธิวาส (พบบริเวณหย่อมป่าดิบชื้นกลางสวนยางและสวนผลไม้) เพื่อศึกษาวิวัฒนาการชาติพันธุ์ (phylogeny) ของเผ่า Miliuseae ให้สมบูรณ์ยิ่งขึ้น กลับพบว่ามีความต่างกับชนิดใกล้เคียง โดยต่างทั้งลักษณะทางสัณฐานวิทยาและลักษณะทางชีวโมเลกุล คณะผู้วิจัยและผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิจากประเทศฝรั่งเศสและประเทศเบลเยี่ยม ซึ่งทำหน้าที่ตรวจสอบบทความ มีความเห็นตรงกันที่จะให้เป็นพืชชนิดใหม่ 1 ชนิด คือ 
𝙋𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙨 𝙥𝙞𝙮𝙖𝙚 Wiya, Aongyong & Chaowasku หรือ เหลืองปิยะรัตน์ ซึ่งตั้งเป็นเกียรติแก่ ดร.ปิยะ เฉลิมกลิ่น ผู้เชี่ยวชาญและบุกเบิกการศึกษาพืชวงศ์กระดังงาในประเทศไทย โดยคาดว่าจะมีความเกี่ยวข้องกับการกำเนิดชนิดใหม่ที่ขอบของการกระจายพันธุ์ (peripatric speciation) 
ส่วนอีกชนิดหนึ่งนั้นได้ถูกยกสถานะจากชื่อพ้องต่างตัวอย่างต้นแบบ  (heterotypic synonym) กลับมาเป็นชนิดอีกครั้ง คือ 𝙋𝙝𝙖𝙚𝙖𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙪𝙨 𝙡𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙪𝙨 Oliv. หรือ หัวลิง