Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2020. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

[Funga • 2020] Pseudosperma citrinostipes (Agaricomycetes: Inocybaceae) • A New Species associated with Keteleeria from southwestern China


Pseudosperma citrinostipes  Y.G. Fan & W.J. Yu,

Yu, Chang, Qin, Zeng, Wang et Fan, 2020. 

Pseudosperma citrinostipes sp. nov. from southwestern China is described and illustrated based on morphological, ecological, and molecular data. The new species is characterized by a medium-sized slender habit, straw yellow to golden yellow pileus, crowded lamellae without olive tinges, an equal stipe with lemon yellow to golden fibrils, large ellipsoid to subphaseoliform basidiospores, subfusiform to lageniform cheilocystidia, and the presence of caulocystidia at the stipe apex. Phylogenetically, P. citrinostipes is placed in the P. rimosum complex and is sister to the rest of the taxa of the species complex.

Keywords: Agaricomycetes, cryptic species, taxonomy, Yunnan province

Basidiomata of Pseudosperma citrinostipes.
 a-b. FCAS3504. c., e. and h. FHMU3150 (holotype). d., f. and g. FCAS3503.
bars = 10 mm. photos by Y.G. Fan.

Pseudosperma citrinostipes sp. nov. 

Wen-Jie YU, Cheng CHANG, Li-Wu QIN, Nian-Kai ZENG, Shao-Xian WANG and Yu-Guang FAN. 2020. Pseudosperma citrinostipes (Inocybaceae), A New Species associated with Keteleeria from southwestern China. Phytotaxa. 450(1); 8-16. DOI:  

[Botany • 2020] Primulina spiradiclioides (Gesneriaceae) • A New Species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China

Primulina spiradiclioides Z.B. Xin & F. Wen,

in Xin, Huang, Fu, Li, Wang et Wen, 2020. 

Primulina spiradiclioides Z.B. Xin & F. Wen (Gesneriaceae), a new species from limestone areas in Guangxi, China, is described and illustrated. It resembles P. curvituba, but can be easily distinguished from it by several characters, especially by its straight corolla tube. We found only one population with fewer than 200 mature individuals at the type locality.

Primulina spiradiclioides Z.B. Xin & F. Wen

Zi-Bing Xin, Zhang-Jie Huang, Long-Fei Fu, Shu Li, Bing-Mou Wang and Fang Wen. 2020. Primulina spiradiclioides (Gesneriaceae), a New Species from Limestone Areas in Guangxi, China.  Annales Botanici Fennici. 57(4-6); 245-248. DOI: [28 October 2020]

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

[Botany • 2020] Dichorisandra striatula (Commelinaceae) • A New Species with speckled leaves from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

Dichorisandra striatula Q.Moraes & M.Pell., 

in Moraes, Pellegrini et Alves‐Araújo, 2020. 

A new species of Dichorisandra from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest is herein described, illustrated, and compared to morphologically similar species. Dichorisandra striatula is characterized by leaf blades with small and discontinuous white stripes on the adaxial surface, hirsutulous indumentum on both surfaces, obovate to broadly obovate petals, and ellipsoid fruits. Information on phenology, habitat, conservation status, and a geographical distribution map are also provided.

Keywords: Atlantic Forest; Commelinales; Dichorisandrinae; Tradescantieae

Dichorisandra striatula Q.Moraes & M.Pell., sp. nov.  

Quélita S. Moraes, Marco O. O. Pellegrini and Anderson Alves‐Araújo. 2020. A New Species of Dichorisandra (Commelinaceae) with speckled leaves from Brazil. Systematic Botany. 44(4); DOI: 

[Botany • 2020] Dichorisandra forzzae (Commelinaceae) • A New Species from Espírito Santo State, Brazil, with notes on the Dichorisandra acaulis group

 Dichorisandra forzzae M.Pell. & Q.Moraes, 

in Moraes, Pellegrini et Alves‐Araújo, 2020. 
The Dichorisandra acaulis group has its circumscription broadened to include two additional species, viz. D. oxypetala and the herein newly described D. forzzae. Dichorisandra oxypetala has previously not been included in this morphological group due to its deviant vegetative morphology. However, its reproductive morphology is congruent with the D. acaulis group and, thus, it is here included as a member of the later. Dichorisandra forzzae is here described to accommodate the specimens with anthers dehiscent through one apical pore, erroneously identified as D. acaulis in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. We provide illustrations, taxonomic comments and an updated identification key for the species of the D. acaulis morphological group. Furthermore, a table of comparison among the morphologically similar species of the Dichorisandra acaulis group is presented.

Keywords: Commelinales, Commelinoideae, Dichorisandrinae, Neotropics, Tradescantieae

 Dichorisandra forzzae M.Pell. & Q.Moraes:
 (A) Habit, showing spirally alternate leaves, and terminal inflorescence. (B) Detail of the petiole. (C) Young leaves. (D) Leaf with rounded base. (E) Leaf with cuneate base. (F) Inflorescence. (G) Floral bud. (H) Front view of a bisexual flower. (I) Detail of androecium and gynoecium, showing anthers with sole apical pore. (J) Immature capsules.
photos: (A)-(C), (E), (F), (H) and (I) by M.O.O. Pellegrini; (D), (G) and (J) by J. Freitas. 
Vouchers: (A)-(C), (E), (F), (H) and (I) from M.O.O. Pelegrini 465 (RB); (D), (G) and (J) from R.G. Barbosa-Silva 1041 (HUEFS).

 Dichorisandra forzzae M.Pell. & Q.Moraes:
(A) Habit. (B) Leaf base and petiole showing indumentum. (C) Inflorescence sessile showing the cincinni. (D) Front view of a bisexual flower. (E) Detail of the androecium showing orientation of the stamens. (F) Gynoecium. (G) Immature capsule.
Scale bars: (A) = 8 cm; (B) = 9 mm; (C) = 2 cm; (D) = 1.3 cm; (E) = 6.5 mm; (F) = 4.5 mm; (G) = 1.5 cm. 
Line drawing by J. Freitas. 
Vouchers: (A) from M.O.O. Pellegrini 465 (RB); (B)-(F) from Q.S.Moraes 303 (RB); (G) from R.G. Barbosa-Silva 1041 (HUEFS).

Dichorisandra forzzae M.Pell. & Q.Moraes, sp. nov.

Quélita S. Moraes, Marco O. O. Pellegrini and Anderson Alves‐Araújo. 2020. Dichorisandra forzzae sp. nov. (Commelinaceae) from Espírito Santo State, Brazil, with notes on the Dichorisandra acaulis group. Nordic J. Botany. DOI:

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

[Botany • 2020] Philodendron guadarramanum (Araceae) • A New Species from Tabasco, Mexico

Philodendron guadarramanum Díaz Jim., Croat & Aguilar-Rodr., 

in Díaz Jiménez, Aguilar-Rodríguez, Croat, Cedeño-Fonseca, Montano, Yovel et Macswiney G. 2020.  . Phytotaxa. 

We describe and illustrate Philodendron guadarramanum, a new species of Araceae from Tabasco, Mexico. This species grows in montane cloud forest and evergreen tropical rainforest at elevations between 700 and 1100 m. It is similar to Philodendron purulhense, but differs from that species by having petioles broadly and sharply sulcate adaxially, with an acute medial rib, leaf blades with more basal veins and more primary lateral veins per side, and inflorescences more numerous per axil.

Araceae, endemic, Mexico, Philodendron, Tabasco, Monocots

Philodendron guadarramanum Díaz Jim., Croat & Aguilar-Rodr., sp. nov. 
A. Stem with old remains of cataphylls, closed inflorescences, a partial portion of the petiole, and the partial adaxial surface of a new blade; B. Stem covered with old cataphylls degrading and persisting as fiber masses; C. Inflorescence in post-anthesis with a longitudinal cut of the spathe showing the reddish purple inner surface of the spathe tube, and (from bottom-up) pistillate, sterile, and staminate portions of the spadix; D. Partial portion of the spadix showing pistillate portion (bottom) with the styles rounded at the apex, and the portion sterile (up) broader than pistillate portion; E. Partial view of leaves, showing the adaxial surface of a petiole (note the acute medial rib) and adaxial and partial abaxial surfaces of leaf blades.
Scale bars: A = 10 cm; B = 3 cm; C = 5 cm; D = 1.5 cm.

Philodendron guadarramanum Díaz Jim., Croat & Aguilar-Rodr., sp. nov.

Eponymy:—The species is named in honor of the Mexican botanist, M.C. María de los Ángeles Guadarrama Olivera, who for many years directed and supported the study of the flora of Tabasco. María de los Ángeles is an expert in Commelinaceae. She was a professor and director of the herbarium (UJAT) of the Universidad Juarez Autónoma de Tabasco and is now retired. 

Pedro Díaz Jiménez, Pedro A. Aguilar-Rodríguez, Thomas B. Croat, Marco Cedeño-Fonseca, Martin Alarcón Montano, Yossi Yovel and M. Cristina Macswiney G. 2020. Philodendron guadarramanum (Araceae), A New Species from Tabasco, Mexico. Phytotaxa. 468(3); 296-300. DOI:  

Friday, January 10, 2025

[Botany • 2020] Dendrobium yongjiaense (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) • Morphological and Molecular Evidence for A New Species from China


Dendrobium yongjiaense Z.Zhou & S.R.Lan, 

in Zhou, Zhang, Yang, Ma et Lan, 2020.
永嘉石斛  ||  DOI: 

A new orchid species, Dendrobium yongjiaense, from Zhejiang, China, is described and illustrated here. Detailed morphological study indicates that D. yongjiaense is similar to D. monticola and D. strongylanthum, but it differs in the shape and size of leaf, flower size, and a mid-lobe of the lip with densly distinct crystalline papillae and wrinkled 3–5 crest lines in middle. Molecular phylogeny analyses based on the nrITS and plastid DNA (matK and trnL-F) reveal that D. yongjiaense is a member of sect. Stachyobium, and genetically similar to D. monticola.

Keywords: Chinese orchid, Dendrobiinae, Epidedroideae, phylogeny of Dendrobium, Monocots

Dendrobium yongjiaense Z.Zhou & S.R.Lan, sp. nov. 

Zhuang ZHOU, Sai ZHANG, Yan-Ping YANG, Liang MA and Si-Ren LAN. 2020. Morphological and Molecular Evidence for A New Species from China: Dendrobium yongjiaense (Orchidaceae: Malaxideae). Phytotaxa. 441(2); 203–210.  DOI:

[Botany • 2020] Dendrobium jinghuanum (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) • A New orchid Species from Yunnan, China: evidence from both morphology and DNA

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang, 

in Zheng, Zou, Wan et Wang, 2020. 
A new orchid species, Dendrobium jinghuanum (Epidendroideae, Orchidaceae), from Yunnan Province, China, is described and illustrated based on morphological and molecular data. Morphological investigations indicated this new orchid is similar to D. bensoniae, D. crystallinum, and D. wardianum, but it can be differentiated easily from them by associated characteristics: 7-veined sepals, 9-veined petals, a chestnut blotch on either side of lip disk, an anther cap with distinct crystalline papillae, and stems without swollen nodes. Molecular phylogeny analyses showed that D. jinghuanum is a member of section Dendrobium s.l. and sister to D. bensoniae but not D. crystallinum or D. wardianum.

Chinese orchid flora, Dendrobium sect. Dendrobium, orchid phylogenetics, Yunnan, orchids, Monocots

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang.
A. Flowering plant. B. Flower, dorsal view. C. Decomposition of a flower. D. Column with an anther cap, side view. E. Anther cap adhered to a column, dorsal view. F. Pollinarium. G. Anther cap, front view (left), dorsal view (middle), and side view (right).
Photographs by Bao-Qiang Zheng & Long-Hai Zou.

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang.
A. Ramets with vegetative and flowering stems. B. Flower, front view. C. Flower, dorsal view. D. Decomposition of a flower. E. Floral buds. F. Column with an anther cap. G. Pollinarium.
 Illustration based on the holotype, Zheng 001, by Jialin Shan.

Dendrobium jinghuanum B.Q.Zheng & Y.Wang, sp. nov.

Bao-Qiang ZHENG, Long-Hai ZOU, Xiao WAN and Yan WANG. 2020. Dendrobium jinghuanum, A New orchid Species from Yunnan, China: evidence from both morphology and DNA. Phytotaxa. 428(1); 30–42. DOI: 

Friday, December 27, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Paepalanthus fabianeae (Eriocaulaceae) • A New Microendemic Species from a Morphologically Coherent Clade


Paepalanthus fabianeae  Andrino & Sano, 

in Andrino, Simon, Quintino Faria, Moreira et Sano, 2020.

We describe and illustrate Paepalanthus fabianeae , a new species of Eriocaulaceae from the central portion of the Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Previous phylogenetic evidence based on analyses of nuclear (ITS and ETS) and plastid (trnL-trnF and psba-trnH) sequences revealed P. fabianeae as belonging to a strongly supported and morphologically coherent clade containing five other species, all of them microendemic, restricted to the Espinhaço range. Due to the infrageneric classification of Paepalanthus being highly artificial, we preferred not assigning P. fabianeae to any infrageneric group. Paepalanthus fabianeae is known from two populations growing in campos rupestres (highland rocky fields) in the meridional Espinhaço Range. The species is characterized by pseudodichotomously branched stems, small, linear, recurved, and reflexed leaves, urceolate capitula, and bifid stigmas. Illustrations, photos, the phylogenetic position, and a detailed description, as well as comments on habitat, morphology, and affinities with similar species are provided. The restricted area of occurrence allied with threats to the quality of the habitat, mainly due to quartzite mining, justifies the preliminary classification of the new species in the Critically Endangered (CR) category using the guidelines and criteria of the IUCN Red List.

Keywords: Campos rupestres; Poales; taxonomy

Paepalanthus fabianeae.
A, B. Habit. C, D. Involucral bracts, abaxial surface. C. External layers. D. Internal layers. E. Staminate flower. F. Staminate flower with sepals removed and the corolla margin rolled inwards G. Complete pistillate flower. H. Complete pistillate flower with detail of the gynoecium. (Faria, J. 8090, UB). 

Paepalanthus fabianeae.
 A. Flowering branch B. and C. Inflorescence detail. (Faria, J. 8090)
Paepalanthus fabianeae Andrino & Sano, sp. nov.

  Andrino, Caroline Oliveira; Simon, Marcelo Fragomeni; Quintino Faria, Jair Eustáquio; Luiz da Costa Moreira, André and Sano, Paulo Takeo. 2020. Paepalanthus fabianeae (Eriocaulaceae): A New Microendemic Species from a Morphologically Coherent Clade.  Systematic Botany. 45(4); 794-801. DOI:

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Alocasia yunqiana (Araceae) • A New Species from Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province [Taxonomic Notes on the Alocasia-Colocasia Clade in China I]

Alocasia yunqiana Z.X.Ma, Y.F.Li & J.T.Yin,

in Ma, Li, Dao, Yang, Liu et Yin, 2020. 

A new Alocasia species, Alocasia yunqiana, is described and compared with its morphologically related taxa. The novelty is characterized by an oblong-naviculiform-shaped spathe-limb that is strongly hooded and slightly glaucous to glossy during its entire anthesis, a spadix with a sterile interstice and an appendix that are much shorter and thinner than the staminate zone, as well as the dimorphic synandroidia. Detailed information containing description, colored plates and illustration are provided herein.

Keywords: Aroideae, Pistia clade, Colocasia-Alocasia clade, flora of China, plant taxonomy, Monocots

Alocasia yunqiana Z.X.Ma, Y.F.Li & J.T.Yin, sp. nov.

Zhengxu MA, Yifan LI, Baohui DAO, Wanliu YANG, Bing LIU and Jian-Tao YIN. 2020. Taxonomic Notes on the Alocasia-Colocasia Clade (Araceae) in China I: Alocasia yunqiana, A New Species from Tongbiguan Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province.  Phytotaxa. 460(4); 277–284. DOI: 


Wednesday, December 18, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Allium schisticola (Amaryllidaceae) • A New Species of Allium sect. Melanocrommyum from West Azarbaijan (Iran), with peculiar morphological characters and an unexpected phylogenetic position


 Allium schisticola R.M. Fritsch, Moazzeni & Dolatyari, 

in DolatyariMoazzeniHosseiniBlattner et Fritsch, 2020. 

Allium schisticola is described from West Azarbaijan (Iran) as a new species. It is closely related to A. sabalense and A. sahandicum in having a similar flower color but differs by leaf, filament, and tepal characters. We investigated the phylogenetic relationship of the new species based on sequences of the chloroplast trnL-trnF and nuclear ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions in A. subg. Melanocrommyum compared with 109 accessions of this subgenus. Our results confirm its placement in A. subg. Melanocrommyum. However, the ITS tree showed that the new species should belong to A. sect. Melanocrommyum despite the fact that it represents many morphological characters of A. sect. Acanthoprason. Most peculiar for the new species are obtuse tepals broadest near the tip (vs. very narrowly lanceolate up to triangular tepals in A. sect. Acanthoprason), with adaxially inconspicuous median vein (vs. conspicuous median vein in sect. Acanthoprason). The new species is diploid with a chromosome number of 2n = 2x = 16. Karyotype features and meiotic chromosomes behavior are presented for the new taxon. A detailed morphological description, illustrations, and a distribution map of the new species are given.

Keywords: Allium sabalense, Allium sahandicum, Iran, phylogeny, section Acanthoprason, subg. Melanocrommyum, Monocots

 Allium schisticola
A-C: Cultivated plant at anthesis. D-F: Plants in their natural habitat; D: Plant in the fruiting stage; E: Close-up of fruits; F: Bulb; G: Seeds (Millimeter paper as background).
All photos by Hamid Moazzeni.

Allium schisticola R.M. Fritsch, Moazzeni & Dolatyari, sp. nov.

Alireza DOLATYARI, Hamid MOAZZENI, Saeide HOSSEINI, Frank R. BLATTNER and Reinhard M. FRITSCH. 2020. Allium schisticola, A New Species with peculiar morphological characters and an unexpected phylogenetic position. Phytotaxa. 450(3):246-256. DOI: 

Sunday, December 15, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Ophiorrhiza meenachilarensis (Rubiaceae) • A New Species from southern Western Ghats, India


Ophiorrhiza meenachilarensis Robi & Balan, 

in Balan, Robi et Joseph, 2020. 

A new species of Ophiorriza (Rubiaceae) from southern Western Ghats, India is here described and illustrated. Ophiorriza meenachilarensis is similar to O. eriantha, from which it differs in its herbaceous habit (vs. shrubby habit), densely villous-hirsute stem (vs. pubescent-glabrous stem), entire stipule (vs. bifid stipule), short-peduncled cymes (vs. comparatively long-peduncled cymes), unscented flowers (vs. scented flowers) and corolla tube with a ring of hairs at the middle of the tube (vs. corolla tube without a ring of hairs). A detailed description, illustrations, ecological observations, and geographic distribution are provided.

 Keywords: Ophiorrhizeae, Camptothecin, Kerala, Rubioideae, Vagamon hills

Ophiorrhiza meenachilarensis Robi & Balan, sp. nov.

Anoop Puthuparampil Balan, Aloor Jose Robi and Ginu Joseph. 2020. Ophiorrhiza meenachilarensis, A New Species of Rubiaceae from southern Western Ghats, India.  Webbia. 75(2), 231–236. DOI:  

Thursday, December 12, 2024

[Botany • 2020] The non-monophyly of Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum (Annonaceae) revealed by a plastid DNA phylogeny, with Dasymaschalon halabalanum sp. nov. from Thailand and D. argenteum comb. nov.

Dasymaschalon halabalanum  Jongsook & Chaowasku,

in Jongsook, Samerpitak, Damthongdee et Chaowasku, 2020.  
บุหรงฮาลาบาลา  ||  DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.3.5 

An extended molecular phylogeny of the genus Dasymaschalon (Annonaceae) has been reconstructed using up to six plastid DNA regions (matK, ndhF, rbcL exons; trnL intron; psbA-trnH, trnL-trnF intergenic spacers). The results unraveled the non-monophyly of a widely distributed D. dasymaschalum. A lineage of D. dasymaschalum native to Java and cultivated at Bogor Botanical Garden represents the true D. dasymaschalum, whereas the name Pelticalyx argentea is applicable to a distantly related clade of D. dasymaschalum from mainland Asia. Dasymaschalon argenteum comb. nov. is accordingly made. Additionally, the true D. dasymaschalum has been retrieved as the sister group of D. halabalanum, a new species from Narathiwat Province, southern Thailand herein described. Pedicel length, petal size and color, and the number of stamens per flower principally distinguish the new species from its sister group.

Keywords: molecular phylogenetics, morphology, new combination, systematics, taxonomy, Magnoliids

Hathaichanok Jongsook, Kittipan Samerpitak, Anissara Damthongdee and Tanawat Chaowasku. 2020. The non-monophyly of Dasymaschalon dasymaschalum (Annonaceae) revealed by a plastid DNA phylogeny, with D. halabalanum sp. nov. from Thailand and D. argenteum comb. nov. Phytotaxa. 449(3); 265–278. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.449.3.5

 บุหรงธรรมดา ได้ชื่อวิทยาศาสตร์ใหม่  Dasymaschalon argenteum (Griff.) Jongsook & Chaowasku
และ  บุหรงฮาลาบาลา Dasymaschalon halabalanum  Jongsook & Chaowasku เป็นพืชชนิดใหม่ของโลก  

นักวิจัยวิทย์ มช. พบ กระดังงา 5 ชนิดใหม่ของโลก สวยงาม หายาก และใกล้สูญพันธุ์

Sunday, November 17, 2024

[Botany • 2020] Arisaema kayahense (Araceae) • A New Species from Kayah State [Contributions to the Flora of Myanmar VI]


Arisaema kayahense  J. Murata, 

in Murata, Aung et Tanaka, 2020. 
A new species Arisaema kayahense J. Murata is described from Kayah State, eastern Myanmar. This species was growing sideway from crevices of steep limestone rock under evergreen forests at about 1400 m elevation.

Arisaema kayahense.
 A, B. Staminate inflorescence at early stage of anthesis, habit (A) and cut opened (B). C, D. Staminate inflorescence at later stage of anthesis than A, habit (C) and flattened (D). E, F. Manually opened pistillate inflorescence showing spadix appendix, pistils and neuter projections. G. Pistillate inflorescence with withered spathe. Scale bars: 2 cm.

Arisaema kayahense, habitat in Myanmar (Kayah State, Mt. Shin Phy Taung, Phruso Township, Loikaw District, 12 June 2019).
A. Staminate individuals in three different flowering stages. B. Pistillate individuals at early fruiting stage.

During field exploration to Kayah State, eastern Myanmar, in the early rainy season (June) in 2019, a strange Arisaema (Araceae) growing sideway from crevices of steep limestone rock was discovered. The species is characterized by having a leaf with verticillate leaflets with margins strongly revolute when opening and an inflorescence with a widely triangular ovate spathe blade and a small spadix appendix. Since it did not match any known species of the genus, it is here described as a new species Arisaema kayahense J. Murata. The leaf with verticillate leaflets and the spilodistichous leaf arrangement suggest that this species belongs to sect. Sinarisaema Nakai (Ohi-Toma et al. 2016, Murata et al. 2018).

Arisaema kayahense J. Murata, sp. nov.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the name of the state in eastern Myanmar where this species were discovered. Kayah State had been closed for a long time due to its local political situation, and opened only recently to outsiders including foreign nationals.

Jin Murata, Mu Mu Aung, Nobuyuki Tanaka. 2020. Contributions to the Flora of Myanmar VI: Arisaema kayahense (Araceae), A New Species from Kayah State. The Journal of Japanese Botany. 95(2); 85-88. DOI:  

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

[Mollusca • 2020] Diplommatina fusiformis, D. burapha, ... • A Review of Diplommatina Species (Gastropoda: Diplommatinidae) in eastern Thailand with the Descriptions of Five New Species

[A] Diplommatina fusiformis spec. nov. หอยกระสวยจิ๋ว,  
[B-E] D. khwantongae spec. nov. หอยกระสวยจิ๋วคณิตา, 
D. crispata khaochamaoensis Panha et al., 1998, 
  หอยกระสวยจิ๋วบูรพา D. burapha sp. n.,   
หอยกระสวยจิ๋วชฎาทอง D. chadathongae Kamtuptim, Dumrongrojwattana & Wongkamhaeng sp. nov.  
หอยกระสวยจิ๋วจันทบุรี  D. chantaburiensis sp. n. 

 in Dumrongrojwattana, Kamtuptim & Wongkamhaeng, 2020

Background: Microsnails in the genus Diplommatina Benson, 1849 from eastern Thailand are revised, based on the collection of the Zoological Research Collection, Burapha University, Chonburi Province, Thailand and on recently-collected materials.

New information: Five new species, Diplommatina burapha sp. n., D. chadathongae sp. n., D. chantaburiensis sp. n., D. fusiformis sp. n. and D. khwantongae sp. n., are described as new to science. The geographic distribution of these eastern species is presented.

Keywords: Diplommatina, Diplommatinidae, taxonomy, Thailand

Four Diplommatina species from eastern Thailand. 
A) Diplommatina crispata khaochamaoensis Panha et al., 1998, B) D. burapha sp. n.,
C) D. chadathongae sp. nov. and D) D. chantaburiensis sp. n. 
Each species shows a frontal view, lateral view, dorsal view and the number of ribs per 0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl and body whorl, respectively.

Two Diplommatina species from eastern Thailand.
A) D. fusiformis spec. nov., B-E) D. khwantongae spec. nov.,
B) Holotype, C-D) Living snail. (Photos by Ms. Rattanawadee Tekavong).
Each species shows a frontal view, lateral view, dorsal view and the number of ribs per 0.5 mm on the penultimate whorl and body whorl, respectively.


 Pongrat Dumrongrojwattana, Chanakarn Kamtuptim and Koraon Wongkamhaeng. 2020. A Review of Diplommatina Species in eastern Thailand with the Descriptions of Five New Species. Biodiversity Data Journal. 8: e57689. DOI: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e57689

 สด ๆ ร้อน ๆ หอยกระสวยจิ๋วชนิดใหม่ของโลก 5 ชนิด จากภาคตะวันออก ได้แก่ 
1. หอยกระสวยจิ๋วบูรพา (Diplommatina burapha Dumrongrojwattana, Kamtuptim & Wongkamhaeng, 2020) จากจังหวัดสระแก้ว ตั้งตามภูมิภาคที่พบ คือ ภาคตะวันออกและสอดคล้องกับชื่อมหาวิทยาลัย "บูรพา"
2. หอยกระสวยจิ๋วชฎาทอง (Diplommatina chadathongae Kamtuptim et al., 2020 in Dumrongrojwattana et al., 2020) หอยชนิดนี้ตั้งชื่อเพื่อเป็นเกียรติและระลึกถึงคุณแม่ของนางสาวชนากานต์ ขำทับทิม นิสิตชั้นปีที่ 4 ภาควิชาชีววิทยา หนึ่งในผู้ร่วมงานวิจัยชิ้นนี้
3. หอยกระสวยจิ๋วจันทบุรี (Diplommatina chantaburiensis Dumrongrojwattana et al., 2020) ตั้งชื่อตามจังหวัดจันทบุรี ที่ซึ่งพบหอยกระสวยจิ๋วชนิดนี้เป็นครั้งแรก
4. หอยกระสวยจิ๋ว (Diplommatina fusiformis Dumrongrojwattana et al., 2020) ตั้งชื่อตามรูปทรงเปลือกหอยที่เป็นทรงกระสวย
5. หอยกระสวยจิ๋วคณิตา (Diplommatina khwantongae Dumrongrojwattana et al., 2020) ตั้งชื่อให้เป็นเกียรติและแสดงความระลึกถึง นางสาวคณิตา ขวานทอง หรือ พะลอย ของอาจารย์และเพื่อน ๆ ร่วมรุ่น นิสิตผู้ทำการศึกษาและค้นพบหอยกระสวยจิ๋วชนิดนี้ ผู้จากไปก่อนวัยอันควร
ผลการศึกษาครั้งนี้ ทำให้จำนวนชนิดของหอยกระสวยจิ๋วในภาคตะวันออก เพิ่มขึ้นจากเดิมที่รายงานไว้เพียง 1 ชนิด คือ หอยกระสวยจิ๋วเขาชะเมา (Diplommatina crispata khaochamaoensis) เพิ่มขึ้นเป็น 6 ชนิด