Papers by Sonja Pavlovic Veselinovic
Рад на висини носи одређене ризике по безбедност запослених који све више постају предмет интерес... more Рад на висини носи одређене ризике по безбедност запослених који све више постају предмет интересовања научне и стручне јавности. Последице непримењивања мера безбедности и здравља на раду при раду на висини могу бити вишеструке, и по запосленог, и по послодавца. Из овог разлога, потребно је посебну пажњу обратити на ризике које рад на висини носи, као и на последице које могу наступити услед непримењивања мера за безбедан рад. Од посебног значаја може бити мултидисциплинарани приступ овој проблематици, и то нарочито прави, техничко-технолошки и ергономски аспекти безбедног рада на висини.
Abstract: Work at high altitudes carries certain risks to the safety of employees, which has become increasingly interesting in the scientific and professional world. The consequences of non-application of safety and health measures at work at high altitudes may be multiple, both per employees and employers. For this reason, it is necessary to pay special attention to the risks that the work at high altitudes carries, as well as to the consequences that can occur due to non-application of measures for safe operation. A multidisciplinary approach to this problem can be of
Aбстракт: Ергономија се обично само повезује са резултатима из области безбедности и здравља запо... more Aбстракт: Ергономија се обично само повезује са резултатима из области безбедности и здравља запослених и често се примењује само да би испунила законске обавезе. Oвај рад истиче да ергономију поред наведеног треба повезати и са пословним резултатима предузећа. Како би се учврстио положај ергономије и ергономиста у пословном и менаџерском свету, дискутоваћемо о бенефитима инвестирања у области ергономије и трошковима који се појављују због одлагања или недовољног инвестирања, а који утичу како на запосленог, на његову породицу, организациону јединицу предузећа, на целокупно предузеће, па чак и на друштвену заједницу. Закључили смо да људска добробит и економски циљеви морају да иду заједно.
Abstract: Ergonomics is usually only linked to results in the field of employee's safety and health and is often applied only to fulfill legal obligations. This paper points out that ergonomics besides the above should also be linked to the business results of the company. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we will discuss the benefits of investing in the field of ergonomics and costs that arise due to delay or insufficient investment, which affect the employee, his family, the organizational unit of the enterprise, the entire business, and even the social community. We concluded that human well-being and economic goals must go together.
Postoje brojni i raznoliki faktori rizika koji doprinose nastanku mišićno-skeletnih poremećaja. U... more Postoje brojni i raznoliki faktori rizika koji doprinose nastanku mišićno-skeletnih poremećaja. U radu je prikazan odgovor tela na primenjeno naprezanje kao i postojeće metode za procenu / kvantifikaciju sile kao faktora rizika za nastanak mišićno-skeletnih poremećaja. Predložena je multidimezionalna skala za rangiranje nivoa rizika od primenjene, tj. potrebne sile pri radu, koja može biti od koristi pri proceni rizika radnog mesta.
Introduction: Very few scientists have studied the influence of rehabilitation exercises on reduc... more Introduction: Very few scientists have studied the influence of rehabilitation exercises on reducing the risks of musculo-skeletal disorder incidence (MSD). Therefore, it is necessary to study the influence of these exercise programs on the prevention of and decrease in the risk of MSD development among schoolchildren. A special ergonomic program is based on the education of schoolchildren on ergonomic risks and their prevention by means of specific exercises with a Pilates ball for each recognized MSD, with the assumption that its sixteen-week application will significantly influence the risk of MSD incidence. Methods: The overall sample consisted of 55 students whose chronological age was 11, of both sexes, who were divided into two sub-samples: the experimental group (EG) of 28 students and the control group (CG) of 27 students. The Spinal Mouse and the appropriate program support was used for the evaluation of muscular-skeletal disorders of the spine in the sagittal and frontal parts (kyphosis, lordosis, thoracic scoliosis). Results and Discussion: The results, following the experimental program, have shown significantly lowered values of the kyphotic and thoracic scoliotic curve in the experimental group (EG), whereas the condition of the control group (CG) deteriorated, however, not with any statistical significance. As for lordosis, there were no significant changes in either group during the experimental treatment. A variance analysis showed that exercises with a Pilates ball program had statistically significant effects on decreasing MSDs with kyphotic and thoracic scoliotic curves but with no significant effects on lordosis as
При обављању редовних радних активности у индустрији за прераду меса, а при руковању хоризонтално... more При обављању редовних радних активности у индустрији за прераду меса, а при руковању хоризонталном подизном платформом (теретним лифтом без пратиоца) дошло је до повреде на раду са смртним исходом. Рад представља студију случаја која има следеће задатке: свеобухватни опис стања подизне платформе за вертикални транспорт са свим карактеристикама и одговором на питање да ли је ова платформа у наведеном периоду модификована и у ком погледу, са аспекта заштите на раду и пратећих законских прописа у тој области одговорити потпуно прецизно на питање да ли је и каквих пропуста било који се могу довести у везу са узроком повреде на раду са смртним исходом, утврдити да ли је настрадали био оспособљен за руковање наведеном платформом, у којој мери, а ако није, навести разлоге и неопходно потребне мере које су у том смислу морале бити предузете.
In performing regular work activities in the meat processing industry while handling a horizontal lift (freight elevator without an attendant) there has been a fatal accident at work. The paper presents a case study which has the following tasks: to provide a comprehensive description of the condition of the lifting platform for vertical transport with all the characteristics and the answer to the question whether this platform was modified in the specified period of time and if so in which way, to respond to the question whether there have been any omissions, in terms of health and safety and related legal regulations in this area, and if so whether these could be related to the cause of the fatal accident at work, to determine whether the casualty has been trained to handle the platform and to what extent, and if not, set out the reasons and necessary measures that should have been taken in regard to this.
In the last twenty years, terms such as sustainable development, environmental protection, and su... more In the last twenty years, terms such as sustainable development, environmental protection, and sustainable design have been widely exploited, often without justification. Does ergonomics have a legitimate need or right to use these terms and to be the part of the process to which they refer? This paper discusses the relationship between ergonomics and the concept of sustainable development and its three elements of sustainability (environmental, social and economic), as the steps ergonomists need to take to secure and strengthen the influence in sustainability topics.
BACKGROUND: Assessing physical ergonomic factors within the classroom environment creates new opp... more BACKGROUND: Assessing physical ergonomic factors within the classroom environment creates new opportunities to support designs that promote student well-being. Student-aged anthropometric data helps guide proper desk fit assessment, therefore facilitating scholastic performance through the reduction of distractions such as physical discomfort. OBJECTIVE: This study reports dimensions of fit between student anthropometry and the desk environment (classroom seating conditions), for grade-school aged children in Serbia. Measurements of the children and their desks are compared to subjective reports of discomfort. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty-seven elementary school students, grade 2 (ages 7-8; n = 29) and grade 4 (ages 9-10; n = 28), were enrolled in this study. All participants were from the same elementary school in the city of Nis, Serbia. METHODS: Seventeen anthropometric measurements of students were collected using standard anthropometric instruments. Eight measurements of student work desks and chairs were also collected. Students were evaluated by a physiatrist to assess health issues and completed a novel questionnaire about musculoskeletal discomfort for different body parts. Student fit to the classroom seat and desk was assessed structurally and subjectively. Data analysis included descriptive anthropometric measurements and inferential statistics including Chi square analysis. RESULTS: Results indicated age-related differences in body part discomfort for grade 2 and grade 4 students, arm discomfort reported over 50% of second grade students, and neck/upper back discomfort was reported as the highest of all body parts (32%) for students in the fourth grade. CONCLUSION: Anthropometric variables and preliminary analysis of fit as it relates to reported discomfort are discussed, as are external factors of backpack use and seated video/computer-game use. International comparisons of anthropometric data are discussed and serve to inform new considerations of ergonomics research for school children.
Summary: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) are becoming a major problem in world ec... more Summary: Work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WRMSDs) are becoming a major problem in world economy. There is many and various risk factors that contribute to their development. Repetitive work is one of the most important risk factor. In this paper is described the body's response to repetitive strain, existing methods for evaluation / quantification of repetition as risk factor for musculoskeletal disorders. The author proposes a new multidimensional scale for rating the level of risk of repetitive work, which may be useful in the risk assessment of the workplace.
Key words: ergonomics, work related musculoskeletal disorders, risk assessment
Резиме: Радом узроковани мишићно-скелетни поремећаји (РУМСП) постали су велики проблем у привреди... more Резиме: Радом узроковани мишићно-скелетни поремећаји (РУМСП) постали су велики проблем у привреди широм света. Превенција и откривање РУМСП захтева укључивање већег броја експерата различитих специјалности. Због тога постоји потреба за одређеним алатом који би омогућио идентификовање фактора који би могли довести до развоја РУМСП, откривајући их у њиховој раној фази. У раду је приказан развијен експертски систем и дат пример примене на конкретно радно место. Кључне речи: Ергономија, мишићно-скелетни поремећаји узроковани радом, процена ризика
U poslednjih dvаdesetаk godinа, izrаzi kаo što su održivi rаzvoj, zаš... more ERGONOMIJA I ODRŽIVI RAZVOJ
U poslednjih dvаdesetаk godinа, izrаzi kаo što su održivi rаzvoj, zаštitа životne sredine i održivi dizаjn su široko eksploаtisаni, često bez oprаvdаnjа. Dа li ergonomijа imа legitimnu potrebu i prаvo nа korišćenje ovih terminа i dа li bi trebаlo dа bude deo procesа koji se odnose nа održivost?
Ovаj rаd diskutuje odnose između ergonomije i konceptа održivog rаzvojа, tj. svа tri elementа / stubа održivosti, u cilju podizanja svesti o potencijalnim pozitivnim efektima ukljućivanja ergonomskih principa i saznanja u različite spekte održivosti.
The United States healthcare system is transitioning from paper-based to computer-based systems. ... more The United States healthcare system is transitioning from paper-based to computer-based systems. In this process, it is vitally important to focus on optimizing the role of human factors in systems design. This review examines a wide range of cognitive ergonomics and socio-technical systems issues that impact the successful implementation of healthcare information technologies (HIT).We review evidence on the impact of HIT on medication errors, electronic health records and clinical support, copying clinical exams and notes, computerized-provider order entry and clinical decision support system, and bar-code medication administration systems. We examine research on barriers to successful HIT implementation and also on user workarounds of systems' limitations. The review concludes by summarizing a series of important human factors design considerations that must be considered for successful systems implementation. This information is presented in a manner that should allow HIT system designers and implementers to readily incorporate these principles into their future developments. Relevance to industry: Evidence from a comprehensive review of the impact of HIT on a wide variety of important healthcare issues is presented and a series of human factors design considerations that are critical to successful HIT systems design is summarized.
The United States healthcare system is transitioning from paper-based to computer-based systems. ... more The United States healthcare system is transitioning from paper-based to computer-based systems. In this process, it is vitally important to focus on optimizing the role of human factors in systems design. This review examines a wide range of cognitive ergonomics and socio-technical systems issues that impact the successful implementation of healthcare information technologies (HIT). We review evidence on the impact of HIT on medication errors, electronic health records and clinical support, copying clinical exams and notes, computerized-provider order entry and clinical decision support system, and bar-code medication administration systems. We examine research on barriers to successful HIT implementation and also on user workarounds of systems’ limitations. The review concludes by summarizing a series of important human factors design considerations that must be considered for successful systems implementation. This information is presented in a manner that should allow HIT system designers and implementers to readily incorporate these principles into their future developments.Relevance to industry: Evidence from a comprehensive review of the impact of HIT on a wide variety of important healthcare issues is presented and a series of human factors design considerations that are critical to successful HIT systems design is summarized.
This paper describes a menu-driven ergonomic expert system, SONEX, that is based on knowledge of ... more This paper describes a menu-driven ergonomic expert system, SONEX, that is based on knowledge of work-related musculoskeletal risk factors and expert opinion. The software is easy to use, by experts and layman. Risk factors are divided into two main knowledge bases and four additional bases, and each of them is a separate expert system. The SONEX system has a large and diverse base of around 150 questions and knowledge base that contains over 230 factors, and around 500 possible answers. The SONEX system has been field validated by analyzing different jobs using traditional ergonomic methods and then comparing the outcomes with a SONEX analysis of the same jobs.
Keywords: Expert system, Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, Job evaluation, Ergonomic job design, Risk assessment
Lokalni ekološki akcioni program Opštine Niš je jedan od retkih dokumenata te vrste u kome je pre... more Lokalni ekološki akcioni program Opštine Niš je jedan od retkih dokumenata te vrste u kome je prepoznat problem i potreba humanizacije našeg fizičkog okruženja, kao važnog elementa za postizanje višeg kvaliteta života za sve stanovnike grada Niša.
Books by Sonja Pavlovic Veselinovic
Papers by Sonja Pavlovic Veselinovic
Abstract: Work at high altitudes carries certain risks to the safety of employees, which has become increasingly interesting in the scientific and professional world. The consequences of non-application of safety and health measures at work at high altitudes may be multiple, both per employees and employers. For this reason, it is necessary to pay special attention to the risks that the work at high altitudes carries, as well as to the consequences that can occur due to non-application of measures for safe operation. A multidisciplinary approach to this problem can be of
Abstract: Ergonomics is usually only linked to results in the field of employee's safety and health and is often applied only to fulfill legal obligations. This paper points out that ergonomics besides the above should also be linked to the business results of the company. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we will discuss the benefits of investing in the field of ergonomics and costs that arise due to delay or insufficient investment, which affect the employee, his family, the organizational unit of the enterprise, the entire business, and even the social community. We concluded that human well-being and economic goals must go together.
In performing regular work activities in the meat processing industry while handling a horizontal lift (freight elevator without an attendant) there has been a fatal accident at work. The paper presents a case study which has the following tasks: to provide a comprehensive description of the condition of the lifting platform for vertical transport with all the characteristics and the answer to the question whether this platform was modified in the specified period of time and if so in which way, to respond to the question whether there have been any omissions, in terms of health and safety and related legal regulations in this area, and if so whether these could be related to the cause of the fatal accident at work, to determine whether the casualty has been trained to handle the platform and to what extent, and if not, set out the reasons and necessary measures that should have been taken in regard to this.
Key words: ergonomics, work related musculoskeletal disorders, risk assessment
U poslednjih dvаdesetаk godinа, izrаzi kаo što su održivi rаzvoj, zаštitа životne sredine i održivi dizаjn su široko eksploаtisаni, često bez oprаvdаnjа. Dа li ergonomijа imа legitimnu potrebu i prаvo nа korišćenje ovih terminа i dа li bi trebаlo dа bude deo procesа koji se odnose nа održivost?
Ovаj rаd diskutuje odnose između ergonomije i konceptа održivog rаzvojа, tj. svа tri elementа / stubа održivosti, u cilju podizanja svesti o potencijalnim pozitivnim efektima ukljućivanja ergonomskih principa i saznanja u različite spekte održivosti.
Keywords: Expert system, Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, Job evaluation, Ergonomic job design, Risk assessment
Books by Sonja Pavlovic Veselinovic
Abstract: Work at high altitudes carries certain risks to the safety of employees, which has become increasingly interesting in the scientific and professional world. The consequences of non-application of safety and health measures at work at high altitudes may be multiple, both per employees and employers. For this reason, it is necessary to pay special attention to the risks that the work at high altitudes carries, as well as to the consequences that can occur due to non-application of measures for safe operation. A multidisciplinary approach to this problem can be of
Abstract: Ergonomics is usually only linked to results in the field of employee's safety and health and is often applied only to fulfill legal obligations. This paper points out that ergonomics besides the above should also be linked to the business results of the company. In order to strengthen the position of ergonomics and ergonomists in the business and management world, we will discuss the benefits of investing in the field of ergonomics and costs that arise due to delay or insufficient investment, which affect the employee, his family, the organizational unit of the enterprise, the entire business, and even the social community. We concluded that human well-being and economic goals must go together.
In performing regular work activities in the meat processing industry while handling a horizontal lift (freight elevator without an attendant) there has been a fatal accident at work. The paper presents a case study which has the following tasks: to provide a comprehensive description of the condition of the lifting platform for vertical transport with all the characteristics and the answer to the question whether this platform was modified in the specified period of time and if so in which way, to respond to the question whether there have been any omissions, in terms of health and safety and related legal regulations in this area, and if so whether these could be related to the cause of the fatal accident at work, to determine whether the casualty has been trained to handle the platform and to what extent, and if not, set out the reasons and necessary measures that should have been taken in regard to this.
Key words: ergonomics, work related musculoskeletal disorders, risk assessment
U poslednjih dvаdesetаk godinа, izrаzi kаo što su održivi rаzvoj, zаštitа životne sredine i održivi dizаjn su široko eksploаtisаni, često bez oprаvdаnjа. Dа li ergonomijа imа legitimnu potrebu i prаvo nа korišćenje ovih terminа i dа li bi trebаlo dа bude deo procesа koji se odnose nа održivost?
Ovаj rаd diskutuje odnose između ergonomije i konceptа održivog rаzvojа, tj. svа tri elementа / stubа održivosti, u cilju podizanja svesti o potencijalnim pozitivnim efektima ukljućivanja ergonomskih principa i saznanja u različite spekte održivosti.
Keywords: Expert system, Work-related musculoskeletal disorders, Job evaluation, Ergonomic job design, Risk assessment