I spend a lot of time on various message boards around the net that discuss SFF books. One rather common discussion/rant is that of authors who are late with their manuscripts. Whether this is the notorious GRRM or relative newcomers like Lynch and Rothfuss, these discussions can get really heated due to justifiably upset fans and equally justifiably steadfast supporters.
I learned years ago to not let these sorts of things bother me – I’ve simply got too many good books on The Stack to worry about it. However, this blog post came up today over at Suvudu, which is the ‘official’ SFF blog of Random House and their SFF imprints (like Del Rey). The blog post itself is rather unremarkable and I think very in complete as a post with the aim of point to series to read while waiting. But I did find it very interesting to see a post like at a publisher’s blog (especially since two out of the three late authors they feature are published by Random House).
I learned years ago to not let these sorts of things bother me – I’ve simply got too many good books on The Stack to worry about it. However, this blog post came up today over at Suvudu, which is the ‘official’ SFF blog of Random House and their SFF imprints (like Del Rey). The blog post itself is rather unremarkable and I think very in complete as a post with the aim of point to series to read while waiting. But I did find it very interesting to see a post like at a publisher’s blog (especially since two out of the three late authors they feature are published by Random House).
That’s it really – am I the only one that finds this an interesting juxtaposition?