Papers by Petra Beran-Cimbůrková
Anthropologia Integra, Dec 30, 2010
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, 2022
St. Nicholas of Tolentino and the church of St. Wenceslas, it is possible to locate the vanished ... more St. Nicholas of Tolentino and the church of St. Wenceslas, it is possible to locate the vanished Gothic church partially further to the south and east from where the current Baroque building stands. Despite the limited extent of the test excavation, it is quite obvious that the Baroque adaptation tried to make use of the original Gothic masonry at the maximum possible extent – it served as foundations for the new church and it was also integrated into the new above-ground Baroque masonry. The Gothic church was surrounded by a cemetery which was most probably located mainly on its eastern side. The cemetery could have been used by the monks from the mid-14th century to the mid-17th century at the latest – the monastery was then partially renewed by builder Binag.
Human remains recovered through excavation are represented by mixed skeletal material (almost 80 bones and bone fragments), originating predominantly from adult individuals. When it comes to anatomical varieties, fossa costoclavicularis (Fig. 21) and crista solei were documented. Pathological finds include degenerative-productive processes and forms of arthritis in the back bone: DISH (Fig. 22), spondylosis deformans.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, 2022
V říjnu 2019 započaly v Horoměřicích (okr. Praha-západ) zemní práce pro stavbu autodílny. Projekt... more V říjnu 2019 započaly v Horoměřicích (okr. Praha-západ) zemní práce pro stavbu autodílny. Projekt počítal s navýšením terénu, neprováděla se tudíž skrývka zeminy v ploše a sledovány byly jen výkopy pro základové pasy. V severním základovém pasu byl zachycen hrob kultury se šňůrovou keramikou, který je předmětem tohoto příspěvku. Lokalita se nachází severovýchodně od obce na stavební parcele č. 1719 mezi ulicemi Únětická, Za Halami a Komerční (obr. 1 a 2). 1 Objekt ležel v nadmořské výšce 293 m, na rovině nad mírným jižním svahem sklánějícím se k Horoměřickému potoku vzdálenému 300 m. Ten se po dvou kilometrech vlévá do Únětického potoka, který po dalších 3,5 kilometrech ústí v Roztokách u Prahy do Vltavy. Podloží zde tvoří sprašové hlíny s pokryvem hnědých půd a hnědozemí (Tomášek a kol. 1995). NÁLEZOVÉ OKOLNOSTI A POPIS NÁLEZŮ Objekt byl zachycen na severním profilu severního základového pasu. Jáma o délce 155 cm a max. hloubce 35 cm (od úrovně podorničí) byla v jižní části narušena bagrem, šířka od hrany profilu k severu činila 65 cm (obr. 3 a 4). Výplň tvořila šedohnědá kyprá hlína. Na dně jámy ležela kostra ženy na levém boku hlavou k východu a obličejem k jihu. Ruce měla ohnuty v lokti a složeny přes břicho v poloze typu C (Buchvaldek 1986, 33, obr. 16). Dolní končetiny byly středně skrčeny a lýtka silně přitažena k pánvi.
Anthropologie 60, 2: 351-378, 2022
ABSTRACT: The aim of the paper is to evaluate selected dental
characteristics during the Middl... more ABSTRACT: The aim of the paper is to evaluate selected dental
characteristics during the Middle and Late Neolithic in the area of today's Czech Republic and extending into Lower Austria. Dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, dental wear and periodontal disease provided us with valuable information about dental health. With the help of dental microwear analysis, we were able to evaluate complementary evidence to reconstruct dietary patterns and gain insights into diet evolution of established farmers and herders. The analysed sample was divided into two newly proposed long chronological phases which are derived from frequency occurrence of C14 data as a population proxy: Neolithic B (4900–4000 BC) and Neolithic C (3800–3400 BC). The obtained data were compared with LBK (Neolithic A) and Final Neolithic samples to provide the actual picture of dental characteristics in Neolithic. As observed, the incidence of tooth decay tended to decrease during the Neolithic period in the studied area, while the ratio of the meat component in the diet tended to increase. However, the changes during the post-LBK period did not have a uniform character, as it might seem at first glance; there was high variability in the studied area caused not only by socio-economic changes in society, but these changes seem to reflect the approach to the food consumed. This variability was probably influenced by the chronological and geographical context as well.
Necropolis in Mladá Boleslav in the context of the 10th to 12th century burial rite, 2011
In the year 2010 a rescue archaeological research took place in the entire area of Staroměstské n... more In the year 2010 a rescue archaeological research took place in the entire area of Staroměstské náměstí in Mladá Boleslav. A necropolis of 48 graves with 50 individuals (8 adults and 42 juveniles) was uncovered during this research on the Předhradí and in front of No. 13. An interesting finding was two graves with tombstones and a different orientation (S–N, SSW–NNE) of 11 of the graves. Traces of coffins and boards under bodies were taken from grave inventories and also two temple rings with a diameter of 13 and 15 mm were found in the grave of juvenile individuals (female, 5±2 years).
Basic anthropological characteristics (determination of sex, estimation of age and stature), morphological and metric evaluation of skulls and of selected postcranial bones were determined on the skeletal material. Stature of men and women was mostly rated as high. Anatomical variations and pathological manifestations were also evaluated. Anatomical variations were present in a broad spectrum of types and were quite frequent. From the traces of bone diseases various traumas, tumors, degenerative productive diseases, aseptic inflammation of bones, traces of non–specific disease burden and dental diseases, or congenital abnormalities of the skeleton were found.
This work also provides an insight into the burial rite of late hillfort period and represents the region of Mladá Boleslav in historical context. In addition to it, the research also provides an overview of archaeological excavations in the historical center of Mladá Boleslav since 1945. The finding of 17 skeletons coming from graves from late hillfort period of the research of J. Prostředník, in 1992–1993 on Staroměstské náměstí at No. 100–101 and 3 graves in the Železná Street No. 31, were also anthropologically evaluated by the autor for comparison with individuals found in 2010. By comparing them some similarities were detected especially in female skulls (in both sets there were significantly less number of measurable male skulls present) and a stature was rated as high in both cases.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, 2018
Materiál-velice dobře zachovalá pravá dolní končetina dospělého jedince-pochází z laténského sídl... more Materiál-velice dobře zachovalá pravá dolní končetina dospělého jedince-pochází z laténského sídlištního objektu 293 (spodní část polozemnice?) odkrytého při záchranném archeologickém výzkumu vedeném Milošem Vávrou v Nebovidech v roce 2010 (podrobně Vávra-Šťastný 2018, 90-92). Nálezová situace zahrnovala i zvířecí kosti v anatomické poloze ležící pod lidskými (antropologem určeny jako kosti koně-pravá zadní noha). Materiál byl vyzvednut M. Vávrou, antropologický posudek (č. 12) je uložen v archivu ÚAPPSČ pod číslem 4011/2012.
Cílem tohoto příspěvku je navázat na předešlý text autorů (Militká-Beneš-Šámal 2018), který zhodn... more Cílem tohoto příspěvku je navázat na předešlý text autorů (Militká-Beneš-Šámal 2018), který zhodnotil nálezy zjištěné povrchovou prospekcí z let 2016 a 2017, ale zabýval se rovněž objevy staršího data a archivními prameny. Povrchové prospekce na katastrech obcí Lipany a Vitice (okr. Kolín; obr. 1a) probíhají v rámci projektu, jehož cílem je hledání hmotných pozůstatků spojených s významným vojenským střetem známým jako "bitva u Lipan". Projekt v teoretické části vychází z kritické analýzy historických pramenů a studia postupné proměny a vývoje historické krajiny, v praktické části se pak opírá o povrchové sběry a zejména o systematickou prospekci pomocí detektorů kovů. Povrchové prospekce autorů v letech 2018 a 2019 přinesly objevy nové, které jsou zhodnoceny v předloženém příspěvku. 1 Částečně tento text vychází rovněž z diplomové práce Z. Šámala, obhájené na Ústavu pro archeologii FF UK v roce 2020 (Šámal 2020). Specifickou kapitolou tohoto příspěvku je však také vyhodnocení povrchových prospekcí z počátku 80. let 20. století, které mají mimořádný význam především pro tamní osídlení z období staršího pravěku.
Archaeologica Pragensia, 2020
Kosterní materiál byl získán při záchranném archeologickém výzkumu, který proběhl v roce 1987 v P... more Kosterní materiál byl získán při záchranném archeologickém výzkumu, který proběhl v roce 1987 v Praze-Ďáblicích (blíže Turek 2020). V lokalitě byly nalezeny dva hroby datované do období kultury se zvoncovitými poháry. Kosterní materiál byl vyzvednut archeologem. Zachovalost kostí byla výborná až středně dobrá (stupeň 0-3), ale díky způsobu vyzvedávání velmi mnoho zlomků chybělo.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách 24, s. 235-241, 2020
Bones of four individuals were discovered in three features at the site. In feature 5, there was ... more Bones of four individuals were discovered in three features at the site. In feature 5, there was a man (aged 24–30 years, his average body height was 169.8 cm, muscle insertions in general were well developed on all bones, anatomical varieties: incisura supratrochlearis, ossiculum suturae lambdoideae, interruption groove, fovea articularis superior atlantis bipartita, foramen processus transversi partitum, foramen olecrani, crista solei, facies articularis talaris anterior et media communis, pathologies: caries, tartar, healed rib fracture with a bone neoplasm – false joint). In feature 8, there was found just a fragment of the body of a femur, most probably belonging to an adult woman. In feature 9/11, two adult individuals were found – non-anatomically placed skeleton 2 (adult man, average body height of 177.0 cm, muscle insertions in general well developed on all bones, anatomical varieties: crista solei) and under it, there was anatomically placed skeleton 3 (woman, aged 40-50, body height more than 157.5 cm, muscle insertions in general well developed on all bones, anatomical varieties: sulcus frontalis, incisura supratrochlearis, foramen frontale, foramen supratrochleare, bifucated
canal for the nervus hypoglossus, patologies: caries, mild tartar, arthrosis corresponding to the given age).
Archeologie ve středních Čechách 21, s. 245–248, 2017
In feature 99, there was buried a man (aged 35-40 at death, adultus II). His body height was ca. ... more In feature 99, there was buried a man (aged 35-40 at death, adultus II). His body height was ca. 186.2 cm (very tall). The man had medium robust bones with noticeable muscular ligaments. When it comes to anatomical varieties, a supraorbital foramen was found on the frontal bone and patological displays were represented by horizontal linear hypoplasia of dentin on the first incisors and thin tartar on front teeth of the lower jaw.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách 20, s. 275–276, 2016
The analysed skeletal material represents a heavily disturbed cremation burial which was placed i... more The analysed skeletal material represents a heavily disturbed cremation burial which was placed in a ceramic vessel dating from the Late Bronze Age (for more details see Stolz – Stolzová 2016). The material contained small charred human bones (the largest fragment of a long bone of the forearm measured 3.9cm). No teeth, articular surfaces or small parts of the phalanges of the hand or foot were found. The weight of the bones does not support the theoretical possibility that more cremated individuals were buried together in one grave. Most of the preserved fragments fit into the category of very small fragments (up to 15mm), and the volume was also relatively low (100 to 499ml). The cremation temperature reached more than 750 °C and the bones show parabolically shaped cracks. The total degree of cremation is complete to chalky (IV–V), with a milky white colour. The discovered bone fragments point to an adult individual.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, 20, s. 133–142, 2016
Pečky. Six inhumation graves in total were found at this site. Four graves belonged to women and ... more Pečky. Six inhumation graves in total were found at this site. Four graves belonged to women and two to men. The ages of the deceased were in the following categories: juvenis–adultus I, adultus I, adultus II, 2× maturus I–II. The age of one skeleton could not be determined, it was just classified as an adult. Generally speaking, all the individuals are relatively gracile in comparison with other cultures, but sexual dimorphism is clearly visible. The body height was about 155 cm for women and 169 cm for men. The anatomical varieties included sutura metopica (grave 2), ossa suturalia (grave 4), canalis condylaris (grave 4), fossa teres (grave 6), and the interruption groove (graves 1, 4 and 6). The material also contained the following pathologies: dental caries (graves 1 and 3), periodontal disease (graves 2 and 3) and horizontal linear hypoplasia of the enamel (graves 4 and 6). Worth mentioning is especially an identical feature – the interruption groove on the lingual surface of the second upper incisor tooth (I2) in individuals from graves nos. 1, 4 and 6. Unfortunately, there were no incisor teeth in graves of the other individuals (or they were too strongly abraded), so this variety might have been present there as well. This would indicate some kind of a family bond between all people in the group. We are currently able to confirm some kind of link between the individuals buried in graves no. 1 (woman, 45–55 years), no. 4 (man, 14–21 years), and no. 6 (man, 24–30 years).
Sány. An adult man was buried in a recently disturbed grave (with regard to the absence of degenerative diseases, his age was probably in the range of 20 to 40 years). The body height was indeterminable, but judging from the preserved length of femur fragments, he was not very tall. The bones were medium robust, with medium distinct muscle insertions.
Kolín. The grave belonged to a woman deceased at the age of 45–55 years. The bones were rather gracile, but muscle insertions were strong. The pathological traces on the skeleton included small crown and cervical caries on the teeth and horizontal linear hypoplasia of the enamel.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, 20, s. 1001–1002, 2016
The analyzed skeletal material was found during a rescue excavation in Velim, Kolín District (Váv... more The analyzed skeletal material was found during a rescue excavation in Velim, Kolín District (Vávra – Šťastný 2016). It was an inhumation grave which is dated to the time of the Linear pottery culture, based on accompanying pottery finds. The degree of preservation of the bones is very low, however, the teeth are preserved quite well, just their surfaces are damaged by root etching. It was not possible to determined the sex. The juvenile individual died at the age of 9–12, i.e. the infans III category. With regard to the fact that the teeth and bone fragments originated from the left side of the body, it is quite likely that this was a standard burial and not relocated parts of a skeleton.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách 19, 2015, s. 659–666, 2015
The analyzed anthropological material consists of two non-ritual inhumation burials of the Knovíz... more The analyzed anthropological material consists of two non-ritual inhumation burials of the Knovíz culture which were found during a rescue excavation associated with the construction of a water line at Svrkyně, Prague-West District (Mattiello – Slabina 2015). The burials were deposited in waste pits. In feature no. 57, there was buried a man older than 55 years (maturus II–senilis), who was about 157.7 cm tall.
Regarding the anatomical varieties, the following irregularities were observed: distinctly undulated alveolas of the upper jaw, sacralisation of L5 to the sacrum, foramen processus transversi partitum was present in C4 and C5 on the right
side, and both thigh bones showed strong muscular ligaments and trochanter tertius. All the teeth were strongly and asymmetrically abraded and the upper left first and second molar (I1 and I2) showed signs of intravital injuries. Furthermore, spondylarthrosis of intervertebral joints and osteophytes (deformation spondylosis) were observed. In feature 61, there was buried a woman who died at the age of 10–12 years (infans III). In the lambdoid suture, there were double-sided small inserted bones. The lambdoid suture also had an interesting undulated course. On the incisors, there was observed horizontal linear hypoplasis of the dentin.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, č. 20. s. 661-675, 2016
The analyzed skeletal material was recovered during a rescue excavation in Kolín-Štáralka in 2008... more The analyzed skeletal material was recovered during a rescue excavation in Kolín-Štáralka in 2008 (for more details see Vávra – Zápotocký 2016). A total of 15 graves with 16 deceased individuals were unearthed at the site (grave 12 contained an adult and an immature individual). Fourteen graves in total were dated to the Funnel Beaker culture and one grave (no. 3, feature 60, man, 4–6 years) was dated to the Corded Ware culture. The following overview only lists Funnel Beaker culture graves.
According to the state of preservation of the skeletal material, 7 graves have survived relatively well, 4 poorly and 3 very poorly. All individuals were crouched – 11 of them on their left side, and in three graves, it was not possible to determine the position. Thirteen bodies were oriented NW-SE and in one case the feature (without any possibility to determine the orientation of the body) was oriented SW-NE with its long axis. The individual from grave no. 1 (juvenis–adultus; 18–24 years) is considered as an adult in the following overview. There were 6 (40 %) adults and 9 (60 %) adolescens. It was possible to determine the sex of 3 adults (1 man and 2 women) and 4 adolescents (2 men, 2 women). The highest mortality rate was recorded in the juvenis category (14–19 years) for the immature individuals and in the maturus I–II category (40–60 years) for adults, for more details see Table 4. When it comes to the robusticity of the bones, obvious sexual dimorphism was observed. The body height could be determined for one adult man (grave no. 14) – 175.7 cm and for one woman only (grave no. 2) – 163.2 cm. Anatomical variations were detected in one immature (grave no. 10) and one adult individual (grave no. 2). It was foramen olecrani in the case of grave no. 2 and ossiculum suturae lambdoideae, forked root of the canine tooth and foramen olecrani in grave no. 10. The occurrence of the anatomical variation foramen olecrani in the individuals in grave no. 2 (woman, 45–55 years) and no. 10 (man 14–16 years) may be indicative of a certain level of kinship, however, this assumption must be confirmed by genetic analysis. Pathological manifestations were found in skeletons of 4 immature and 4 adult individuals. These were diseases, such as horizontal linear hypoplasia of the dentin. Apart from it, porotic hyperostosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, arthrosis deformans, osteoporosis, and cribra orbitalia of the porotic type occurred as well. The woman in grave no. 2 (45–55 years) was worst affected – she suffered from porotic hyperostosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and arthrosis deformans. Regarding dental disorders, light and medium calculus and disturbances in the development of teeth, such as crooked alignment of erupting teeth or a persisting temporary lower M2 were observed. This surviving molar (in both cases on the right side – the left side was not available for evaluation) was discovered in individuals from grave no. 6 (woman, 14–18 years) and no. 10 (man, 14–16 years). It is possible that these individuals were related to one another, however, this assumption must be confirmed by genetic analysis. The man (45–55) in grave no. 14 showed gnaw marks on his right femur which had been caused by a predatory mammal, most probably by a fox.
Centenary of Jaroslav Palliardi's Neolithic and Aeneolithic Relative Chronology (1914-2014), 2016
The older finds from the funeral context from Kolín region were obtained by MUDr. F. Dvořák, the ... more The older finds from the funeral context from Kolín region were obtained by MUDr. F. Dvořák, the finds from Poděbrady region were collected by J. Hellich. The findings were thoroughly evaluated by M. Zápotocká in her work, which is focused on the Neolithic burials in Bohemia. Recent development-led excavation undertaken by the Institute for Archaeological Heritage of Middle Bohemia detected part of the necropolis in Pečky with six inhumation graves and brought new evidence of the grave finds from Kolín and Sány from the Lower Cidlina region. The recent discovery of non-decorated vessels from the grave goods (funeral context) points to the Late Lengyel Culture. Between the years 2007–2011, a number of archaeological excavations were realized on the building area of the family cottages, at the Kandie site in Pečky, Kolín region. The town is located on the plateau above a shallow and wide valley. The building ground was 220×160 m in size and was situated on a slight slope inclining towards the floodplain of the river Výrovka (altitude 194–197 m). The oldest Neolithic settlement came from the present day north Pečky suburb (Nymburská street, 2008; Linear Pottery Culture). The settlement finds of the Stroke Pottery Culture are presented from the Pečky cadastral community. In 2007 three skeletal graves were found between the settlement objects of the Únětická culture and the Tumulus culture, on the building ground of the Kandie site in the west part of the road B. In 2008, another two graves were disturbed by earthworks in order to build an underground cable trench. The last of six graves were detected in 2011 during a house-building project (parcel 1468/97).
Archeologie ve středních Čechách 18, s. 767–771, 2014
The paper presents the results of anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from five La Tène ... more The paper presents the results of anthropological analysis of skeletal remains from five La Tène graves (for more details
on the excavation see Pecinovská – Baloun – Sankot 2014). All identified individuals were adult. The condition of the skeletons does not enable any demographic analysis or comparison, the identified pathological changes in the dentition and vertebrae are attributable to aging.
The Dolní Věstonice Studies, vol. 20 - Mikulov Anthropology Meeting 2014, 2014
Skeletal material was obtained during rescue archeological research (construction of a house in a... more Skeletal material was obtained during rescue archeological research (construction of a house in a Slunečná street) that took place in 2011 in Drahelčice (Central Bohemia).More burials of the period of the Knovíz (six individuals) and Únětice Culture (three graves with 11 individuals) have been found in recent years, but this analysis focuses on one particularly interesting grave dated to the period of the Únětice Culture.
Minimally five adult individuals and two subadult individuals
were buried in the grave at feature number 458. Ages at death were: 18 to 22 years (juvenis – adultus I), 20 to 24 years
(adultus I), 24 to 30 years (adultus I), two individuals 30 to 35
years (adultus II), 4 ± 1 years (infans II), 3 to 5 years (infans
II; female).
Detailed analysis showed that the non-anatomical arrangement of fragments of long bones in feature number 458 was caused by the subsequent handling of the bones after the loosening of joint connections. After determination of the laterality of identifiable fragments the locations of bones were reconstructed and also right and left bones belonging together were matched. Traumatic, consolidated, spiral fracture of the body was also found on the right humerus. The funeral customs of people of the Únětice Culture included from time to time burying several individuals together, and manipulation of bones after loosening the joints. These phenomena are a source of knowledge for anthropologists, but much more careful work in the field is required to prevent loss of taphonomical information.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, č. 17/2. s. 527-529., 2013
The analysed material comes from two graves of the Únětice culture which were found during a resc... more The analysed material comes from two graves of the Únětice culture which were found during a rescue excavation in the
village of Svrkyně (Prague-West District). The graves were lined with stones and oriented north to south. To the west
of them, there was identified a third grave, which was not endangered by construction. The discovered bones were preserved poorly to badly. In the grave in feature 50, there was buried a woman, age at death 45–55 years (maturus I–
II), body height 162.16 ± 4.15 cm. In the grave in feature 51, there was discovered a man, age at death 30–35 years
(adultus II). His body height was indeterminable (according to a 38.5 cm long fragment of the left femur, he was taller
than 150 cm). No anatomical varieties or pathological manifestations were observed. The skeleton found in the grave in feature 51 was much worse preserved than the skeleton from the grave in feature 50. A possible explanation may be the fact that the bottom of the grave in feature 51 was reinforced with stones (in the case of the other grave, only the walls were lined) which probably resulted in different conditions during the taphonomic processes associated with decomposing bodies.
Archeologie ve středních Čechách, č. 17/1. s. 57-65., 2013
The skeletal material was obtained during a rescue excavation (construction of a family house) wh... more The skeletal material was obtained during a rescue excavation (construction of a family house) which took place at Drahelčice in 2011 (Stolz – Smejtek 2013). This analysis deals with three graves dated to the period of the Únětice culture. In feature 458, bones of at least four adult individuals (deceased at the age of 18–35 years) were found in a nonanatomical position. Two incomplete skeletons of immature individuals were deposited there in an anatomical position (S–N orientation; age at death of 3–5 years). A detailed analysis demonstrated that the non-anatomical distribution of fragments of long bones in feature 458 was caused by subsequent manipulation with bones, following the disintegration of ligaments. A woman was deceased
in feature 518 (deceased at the age of 30–35 years). The grave was oriented S-N and the body was crouched, on its right
side, and, on the edge of the grave pit, there was a child's burial in a shallower pit. Its age at death was 5–7 years and it
lay on its right side (S–N orientation). Feature 519 contained the burial of a man lying crouched on his right side (S–N orientation, age at death of 35–40 years). Another poorly preserved and rather gracile individual deceased at the age 40–50 years was buried in the same position underneath. While processing the material, standard morphoscopic and morphometric methods were used.
Papers by Petra Beran-Cimbůrková
Human remains recovered through excavation are represented by mixed skeletal material (almost 80 bones and bone fragments), originating predominantly from adult individuals. When it comes to anatomical varieties, fossa costoclavicularis (Fig. 21) and crista solei were documented. Pathological finds include degenerative-productive processes and forms of arthritis in the back bone: DISH (Fig. 22), spondylosis deformans.
characteristics during the Middle and Late Neolithic in the area of today's Czech Republic and extending into Lower Austria. Dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, dental wear and periodontal disease provided us with valuable information about dental health. With the help of dental microwear analysis, we were able to evaluate complementary evidence to reconstruct dietary patterns and gain insights into diet evolution of established farmers and herders. The analysed sample was divided into two newly proposed long chronological phases which are derived from frequency occurrence of C14 data as a population proxy: Neolithic B (4900–4000 BC) and Neolithic C (3800–3400 BC). The obtained data were compared with LBK (Neolithic A) and Final Neolithic samples to provide the actual picture of dental characteristics in Neolithic. As observed, the incidence of tooth decay tended to decrease during the Neolithic period in the studied area, while the ratio of the meat component in the diet tended to increase. However, the changes during the post-LBK period did not have a uniform character, as it might seem at first glance; there was high variability in the studied area caused not only by socio-economic changes in society, but these changes seem to reflect the approach to the food consumed. This variability was probably influenced by the chronological and geographical context as well.
Basic anthropological characteristics (determination of sex, estimation of age and stature), morphological and metric evaluation of skulls and of selected postcranial bones were determined on the skeletal material. Stature of men and women was mostly rated as high. Anatomical variations and pathological manifestations were also evaluated. Anatomical variations were present in a broad spectrum of types and were quite frequent. From the traces of bone diseases various traumas, tumors, degenerative productive diseases, aseptic inflammation of bones, traces of non–specific disease burden and dental diseases, or congenital abnormalities of the skeleton were found.
This work also provides an insight into the burial rite of late hillfort period and represents the region of Mladá Boleslav in historical context. In addition to it, the research also provides an overview of archaeological excavations in the historical center of Mladá Boleslav since 1945. The finding of 17 skeletons coming from graves from late hillfort period of the research of J. Prostředník, in 1992–1993 on Staroměstské náměstí at No. 100–101 and 3 graves in the Železná Street No. 31, were also anthropologically evaluated by the autor for comparison with individuals found in 2010. By comparing them some similarities were detected especially in female skulls (in both sets there were significantly less number of measurable male skulls present) and a stature was rated as high in both cases.
canal for the nervus hypoglossus, patologies: caries, mild tartar, arthrosis corresponding to the given age).
Sány. An adult man was buried in a recently disturbed grave (with regard to the absence of degenerative diseases, his age was probably in the range of 20 to 40 years). The body height was indeterminable, but judging from the preserved length of femur fragments, he was not very tall. The bones were medium robust, with medium distinct muscle insertions.
Kolín. The grave belonged to a woman deceased at the age of 45–55 years. The bones were rather gracile, but muscle insertions were strong. The pathological traces on the skeleton included small crown and cervical caries on the teeth and horizontal linear hypoplasia of the enamel.
Regarding the anatomical varieties, the following irregularities were observed: distinctly undulated alveolas of the upper jaw, sacralisation of L5 to the sacrum, foramen processus transversi partitum was present in C4 and C5 on the right
side, and both thigh bones showed strong muscular ligaments and trochanter tertius. All the teeth were strongly and asymmetrically abraded and the upper left first and second molar (I1 and I2) showed signs of intravital injuries. Furthermore, spondylarthrosis of intervertebral joints and osteophytes (deformation spondylosis) were observed. In feature 61, there was buried a woman who died at the age of 10–12 years (infans III). In the lambdoid suture, there were double-sided small inserted bones. The lambdoid suture also had an interesting undulated course. On the incisors, there was observed horizontal linear hypoplasis of the dentin.
According to the state of preservation of the skeletal material, 7 graves have survived relatively well, 4 poorly and 3 very poorly. All individuals were crouched – 11 of them on their left side, and in three graves, it was not possible to determine the position. Thirteen bodies were oriented NW-SE and in one case the feature (without any possibility to determine the orientation of the body) was oriented SW-NE with its long axis. The individual from grave no. 1 (juvenis–adultus; 18–24 years) is considered as an adult in the following overview. There were 6 (40 %) adults and 9 (60 %) adolescens. It was possible to determine the sex of 3 adults (1 man and 2 women) and 4 adolescents (2 men, 2 women). The highest mortality rate was recorded in the juvenis category (14–19 years) for the immature individuals and in the maturus I–II category (40–60 years) for adults, for more details see Table 4. When it comes to the robusticity of the bones, obvious sexual dimorphism was observed. The body height could be determined for one adult man (grave no. 14) – 175.7 cm and for one woman only (grave no. 2) – 163.2 cm. Anatomical variations were detected in one immature (grave no. 10) and one adult individual (grave no. 2). It was foramen olecrani in the case of grave no. 2 and ossiculum suturae lambdoideae, forked root of the canine tooth and foramen olecrani in grave no. 10. The occurrence of the anatomical variation foramen olecrani in the individuals in grave no. 2 (woman, 45–55 years) and no. 10 (man 14–16 years) may be indicative of a certain level of kinship, however, this assumption must be confirmed by genetic analysis. Pathological manifestations were found in skeletons of 4 immature and 4 adult individuals. These were diseases, such as horizontal linear hypoplasia of the dentin. Apart from it, porotic hyperostosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, arthrosis deformans, osteoporosis, and cribra orbitalia of the porotic type occurred as well. The woman in grave no. 2 (45–55 years) was worst affected – she suffered from porotic hyperostosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and arthrosis deformans. Regarding dental disorders, light and medium calculus and disturbances in the development of teeth, such as crooked alignment of erupting teeth or a persisting temporary lower M2 were observed. This surviving molar (in both cases on the right side – the left side was not available for evaluation) was discovered in individuals from grave no. 6 (woman, 14–18 years) and no. 10 (man, 14–16 years). It is possible that these individuals were related to one another, however, this assumption must be confirmed by genetic analysis. The man (45–55) in grave no. 14 showed gnaw marks on his right femur which had been caused by a predatory mammal, most probably by a fox.
on the excavation see Pecinovská – Baloun – Sankot 2014). All identified individuals were adult. The condition of the skeletons does not enable any demographic analysis or comparison, the identified pathological changes in the dentition and vertebrae are attributable to aging.
Minimally five adult individuals and two subadult individuals
were buried in the grave at feature number 458. Ages at death were: 18 to 22 years (juvenis – adultus I), 20 to 24 years
(adultus I), 24 to 30 years (adultus I), two individuals 30 to 35
years (adultus II), 4 ± 1 years (infans II), 3 to 5 years (infans
II; female).
Detailed analysis showed that the non-anatomical arrangement of fragments of long bones in feature number 458 was caused by the subsequent handling of the bones after the loosening of joint connections. After determination of the laterality of identifiable fragments the locations of bones were reconstructed and also right and left bones belonging together were matched. Traumatic, consolidated, spiral fracture of the body was also found on the right humerus. The funeral customs of people of the Únětice Culture included from time to time burying several individuals together, and manipulation of bones after loosening the joints. These phenomena are a source of knowledge for anthropologists, but much more careful work in the field is required to prevent loss of taphonomical information.
village of Svrkyně (Prague-West District). The graves were lined with stones and oriented north to south. To the west
of them, there was identified a third grave, which was not endangered by construction. The discovered bones were preserved poorly to badly. In the grave in feature 50, there was buried a woman, age at death 45–55 years (maturus I–
II), body height 162.16 ± 4.15 cm. In the grave in feature 51, there was discovered a man, age at death 30–35 years
(adultus II). His body height was indeterminable (according to a 38.5 cm long fragment of the left femur, he was taller
than 150 cm). No anatomical varieties or pathological manifestations were observed. The skeleton found in the grave in feature 51 was much worse preserved than the skeleton from the grave in feature 50. A possible explanation may be the fact that the bottom of the grave in feature 51 was reinforced with stones (in the case of the other grave, only the walls were lined) which probably resulted in different conditions during the taphonomic processes associated with decomposing bodies.
in feature 518 (deceased at the age of 30–35 years). The grave was oriented S-N and the body was crouched, on its right
side, and, on the edge of the grave pit, there was a child's burial in a shallower pit. Its age at death was 5–7 years and it
lay on its right side (S–N orientation). Feature 519 contained the burial of a man lying crouched on his right side (S–N orientation, age at death of 35–40 years). Another poorly preserved and rather gracile individual deceased at the age 40–50 years was buried in the same position underneath. While processing the material, standard morphoscopic and morphometric methods were used.
Human remains recovered through excavation are represented by mixed skeletal material (almost 80 bones and bone fragments), originating predominantly from adult individuals. When it comes to anatomical varieties, fossa costoclavicularis (Fig. 21) and crista solei were documented. Pathological finds include degenerative-productive processes and forms of arthritis in the back bone: DISH (Fig. 22), spondylosis deformans.
characteristics during the Middle and Late Neolithic in the area of today's Czech Republic and extending into Lower Austria. Dental caries, antemortem tooth loss, dental wear and periodontal disease provided us with valuable information about dental health. With the help of dental microwear analysis, we were able to evaluate complementary evidence to reconstruct dietary patterns and gain insights into diet evolution of established farmers and herders. The analysed sample was divided into two newly proposed long chronological phases which are derived from frequency occurrence of C14 data as a population proxy: Neolithic B (4900–4000 BC) and Neolithic C (3800–3400 BC). The obtained data were compared with LBK (Neolithic A) and Final Neolithic samples to provide the actual picture of dental characteristics in Neolithic. As observed, the incidence of tooth decay tended to decrease during the Neolithic period in the studied area, while the ratio of the meat component in the diet tended to increase. However, the changes during the post-LBK period did not have a uniform character, as it might seem at first glance; there was high variability in the studied area caused not only by socio-economic changes in society, but these changes seem to reflect the approach to the food consumed. This variability was probably influenced by the chronological and geographical context as well.
Basic anthropological characteristics (determination of sex, estimation of age and stature), morphological and metric evaluation of skulls and of selected postcranial bones were determined on the skeletal material. Stature of men and women was mostly rated as high. Anatomical variations and pathological manifestations were also evaluated. Anatomical variations were present in a broad spectrum of types and were quite frequent. From the traces of bone diseases various traumas, tumors, degenerative productive diseases, aseptic inflammation of bones, traces of non–specific disease burden and dental diseases, or congenital abnormalities of the skeleton were found.
This work also provides an insight into the burial rite of late hillfort period and represents the region of Mladá Boleslav in historical context. In addition to it, the research also provides an overview of archaeological excavations in the historical center of Mladá Boleslav since 1945. The finding of 17 skeletons coming from graves from late hillfort period of the research of J. Prostředník, in 1992–1993 on Staroměstské náměstí at No. 100–101 and 3 graves in the Železná Street No. 31, were also anthropologically evaluated by the autor for comparison with individuals found in 2010. By comparing them some similarities were detected especially in female skulls (in both sets there were significantly less number of measurable male skulls present) and a stature was rated as high in both cases.
canal for the nervus hypoglossus, patologies: caries, mild tartar, arthrosis corresponding to the given age).
Sány. An adult man was buried in a recently disturbed grave (with regard to the absence of degenerative diseases, his age was probably in the range of 20 to 40 years). The body height was indeterminable, but judging from the preserved length of femur fragments, he was not very tall. The bones were medium robust, with medium distinct muscle insertions.
Kolín. The grave belonged to a woman deceased at the age of 45–55 years. The bones were rather gracile, but muscle insertions were strong. The pathological traces on the skeleton included small crown and cervical caries on the teeth and horizontal linear hypoplasia of the enamel.
Regarding the anatomical varieties, the following irregularities were observed: distinctly undulated alveolas of the upper jaw, sacralisation of L5 to the sacrum, foramen processus transversi partitum was present in C4 and C5 on the right
side, and both thigh bones showed strong muscular ligaments and trochanter tertius. All the teeth were strongly and asymmetrically abraded and the upper left first and second molar (I1 and I2) showed signs of intravital injuries. Furthermore, spondylarthrosis of intervertebral joints and osteophytes (deformation spondylosis) were observed. In feature 61, there was buried a woman who died at the age of 10–12 years (infans III). In the lambdoid suture, there were double-sided small inserted bones. The lambdoid suture also had an interesting undulated course. On the incisors, there was observed horizontal linear hypoplasis of the dentin.
According to the state of preservation of the skeletal material, 7 graves have survived relatively well, 4 poorly and 3 very poorly. All individuals were crouched – 11 of them on their left side, and in three graves, it was not possible to determine the position. Thirteen bodies were oriented NW-SE and in one case the feature (without any possibility to determine the orientation of the body) was oriented SW-NE with its long axis. The individual from grave no. 1 (juvenis–adultus; 18–24 years) is considered as an adult in the following overview. There were 6 (40 %) adults and 9 (60 %) adolescens. It was possible to determine the sex of 3 adults (1 man and 2 women) and 4 adolescents (2 men, 2 women). The highest mortality rate was recorded in the juvenis category (14–19 years) for the immature individuals and in the maturus I–II category (40–60 years) for adults, for more details see Table 4. When it comes to the robusticity of the bones, obvious sexual dimorphism was observed. The body height could be determined for one adult man (grave no. 14) – 175.7 cm and for one woman only (grave no. 2) – 163.2 cm. Anatomical variations were detected in one immature (grave no. 10) and one adult individual (grave no. 2). It was foramen olecrani in the case of grave no. 2 and ossiculum suturae lambdoideae, forked root of the canine tooth and foramen olecrani in grave no. 10. The occurrence of the anatomical variation foramen olecrani in the individuals in grave no. 2 (woman, 45–55 years) and no. 10 (man 14–16 years) may be indicative of a certain level of kinship, however, this assumption must be confirmed by genetic analysis. Pathological manifestations were found in skeletons of 4 immature and 4 adult individuals. These were diseases, such as horizontal linear hypoplasia of the dentin. Apart from it, porotic hyperostosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, arthrosis deformans, osteoporosis, and cribra orbitalia of the porotic type occurred as well. The woman in grave no. 2 (45–55 years) was worst affected – she suffered from porotic hyperostosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis and arthrosis deformans. Regarding dental disorders, light and medium calculus and disturbances in the development of teeth, such as crooked alignment of erupting teeth or a persisting temporary lower M2 were observed. This surviving molar (in both cases on the right side – the left side was not available for evaluation) was discovered in individuals from grave no. 6 (woman, 14–18 years) and no. 10 (man, 14–16 years). It is possible that these individuals were related to one another, however, this assumption must be confirmed by genetic analysis. The man (45–55) in grave no. 14 showed gnaw marks on his right femur which had been caused by a predatory mammal, most probably by a fox.
on the excavation see Pecinovská – Baloun – Sankot 2014). All identified individuals were adult. The condition of the skeletons does not enable any demographic analysis or comparison, the identified pathological changes in the dentition and vertebrae are attributable to aging.
Minimally five adult individuals and two subadult individuals
were buried in the grave at feature number 458. Ages at death were: 18 to 22 years (juvenis – adultus I), 20 to 24 years
(adultus I), 24 to 30 years (adultus I), two individuals 30 to 35
years (adultus II), 4 ± 1 years (infans II), 3 to 5 years (infans
II; female).
Detailed analysis showed that the non-anatomical arrangement of fragments of long bones in feature number 458 was caused by the subsequent handling of the bones after the loosening of joint connections. After determination of the laterality of identifiable fragments the locations of bones were reconstructed and also right and left bones belonging together were matched. Traumatic, consolidated, spiral fracture of the body was also found on the right humerus. The funeral customs of people of the Únětice Culture included from time to time burying several individuals together, and manipulation of bones after loosening the joints. These phenomena are a source of knowledge for anthropologists, but much more careful work in the field is required to prevent loss of taphonomical information.
village of Svrkyně (Prague-West District). The graves were lined with stones and oriented north to south. To the west
of them, there was identified a third grave, which was not endangered by construction. The discovered bones were preserved poorly to badly. In the grave in feature 50, there was buried a woman, age at death 45–55 years (maturus I–
II), body height 162.16 ± 4.15 cm. In the grave in feature 51, there was discovered a man, age at death 30–35 years
(adultus II). His body height was indeterminable (according to a 38.5 cm long fragment of the left femur, he was taller
than 150 cm). No anatomical varieties or pathological manifestations were observed. The skeleton found in the grave in feature 51 was much worse preserved than the skeleton from the grave in feature 50. A possible explanation may be the fact that the bottom of the grave in feature 51 was reinforced with stones (in the case of the other grave, only the walls were lined) which probably resulted in different conditions during the taphonomic processes associated with decomposing bodies.
in feature 518 (deceased at the age of 30–35 years). The grave was oriented S-N and the body was crouched, on its right
side, and, on the edge of the grave pit, there was a child's burial in a shallower pit. Its age at death was 5–7 years and it
lay on its right side (S–N orientation). Feature 519 contained the burial of a man lying crouched on his right side (S–N orientation, age at death of 35–40 years). Another poorly preserved and rather gracile individual deceased at the age 40–50 years was buried in the same position underneath. While processing the material, standard morphoscopic and morphometric methods were used.
industries. Beginning with the Bronze Age, the number of bronze finds quickly increased. A large accumulation of bronze rings is especially worth mentioning, as it probably formed part of a scattered hoard dating from the Late to Final Bronze Age. The finds of Roman-provincial origin, which were discovered through metal detector survey in sector D, are remarkable and quite unique in Bohemia. The number of finds dating from the Migration period is also gradually increasing. The discoveries a rough, fragmented pot-shaped vessel and a fragment of a child's skull seem to be supportive of a hypothesis that a late Migration period cemetery was disturbed at location A.
Milí kolegové,
profesor Josef Unger oslaví letos významné jubileum, a proto jsme s institucemi kde pracoval naplánovali jednodenní seminář s tématy, kterými se zabýval.
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