Analyzing Political Tensions Between Ukraine, Russia, and the EU, 2020
The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) was designed in 2004 to create closer ties between the EU ... more The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) was designed in 2004 to create closer ties between the EU and its eastern and southern neighboring countries. In 2009, the Eastern Partnership (EaP), a joint initiative between the 28 EU Member States and 6 Eastern countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), was launched on the same basis of supporting area of prosperity and good neighborliness. To understand how the EU engages its neighboring countries in the southern Mediterranean and northern borders and fulfills the EaP in its requirements of security and stability, a history of the ENP and EaP is provided. The following chapter shall also explore the ENP and EaP framework and challenges linked to consequentialism and appropriateness between 2005 and 2017, including new approaches in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and 2015 migration crisis.
William Gladstone was not only a symbol of the Victorian era, but also a proponent of a philosoph... more William Gladstone was not only a symbol of the Victorian era, but also a proponent of a philosophy that has long reaching effects. Yes, he was a potent symbol of Victorianism, including his contradictory personal life and rather unconventional professional career. However, his impact is more than what his mark on British society is. Regarding the ideas of European nationalism and self-determination, his influence is undeniably felt within not only liberalism and accepted liberal principles, but within recent adaptations of liberalism known as the Third Way. In fact, William Gladstone's ideal of liberalism is felt today in the twenty-first century.
In this short book, learn more about U.S. presidential campaign history and how it has been nasty... more In this short book, learn more about U.S. presidential campaign history and how it has been nasty and scandalous.
aaron schmidt amanda etches Cette collection a pour ambition de donner à lire des résultats de la... more aaron schmidt amanda etches Cette collection a pour ambition de donner à lire des résultats de la recherche, des rélexions professionnelles, dans le domaine du livre, de son histoire et de son économie, de la lecture et de ses usages et des bibliothèques. Cette collection est ouverte aux professionnels, aux chercheurs et aux élèves et étudiants de l'Enssib. Gratuite, La Numérique est proposée exclusivement en ligne.
Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integ... more Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integration with the rest of Europe and strategic partnerships. While Slovakia successfully integrated joining the European Union, the Eurozone, and NATO, Ukraine is still involved in the process. The main research questions the author covers in the article are the relations Ukraine has with the Slovak Republic since 2014 with the annexation of Crimea by Russia, and continued unrest in the Donbas region. What, if any, regional cooperation exists between the two nations? And how may Slovakia aid Ukraine?
The rise of the importance of religious and national parties in Israeli politics mirrors the grow... more The rise of the importance of religious and national parties in Israeli politics mirrors the growth of the electoral importance of social conservatives within the religious-right in the United States. Both have shown their skill at achieving specific goals regarding legislation by their respective political parties (i.e. Likud and Republican). In the State of Israel this indicates a fundamental shift in Israeli politics away from a secular embrace of policy initiatives and issues to policy initiatives that have become increasingly religious-conservative. This fundamental shift impacts policies that have been traditionally accepted as essential for the integration of the peoples living within the borders of Israel. This then offers the following questions for consideration for the state of Israel. Does this political reality reflect accurately the multicultural aspects of Israeli society and culture, and how does it affect the peace process with Palestinians and in general the relati...
Cieľom mojej prace je preskumať zahranicnu politiku USA voci statu Izrael. V ramci tejto temy chc... more Cieľom mojej prace je preskumať zahranicnu politiku USA voci statu Izrael. V ramci tejto temy chcem objasniť kvalitu vzťahov medzi týmito dvoma narodnými statmi, pod vedenim republikanskych a demokratických prezidentov. Okrem toho mam v umysle zacleniť relevantnosť typu týchto vzťahov, buď 'specialne' alebo 'strategicke,' a ideologicke preferencie. Z kategorizacie vzťahov bude pokracovať vysetrovanie, ci osobnosť ľudi vo výkonnej moci ma nejaký vplyv na kvalitu vzťahov, napr. Ronald Reagan mal lepsi vzťah s Izraelom ako Bill Clinton. Zatiaľ co ideologia bude sucasťou mojej analýzy, nebude centralnym determinantom. Namiesto toho, moja hypoteza znie: neoklasicistický realizmus najlepsie vysvetľuje ako republikanske a demokraticke vlady pristupuju k zahranicným vzťahom s Izraelom, ktore su strategicke a specialne.
The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United S... more The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United States has held firm despite the evolution of each branch. Moreover, as the primacy of one branch succumbed to the dominance of the other there remained a constant variable. Partisanship existed since the American founding, however, the importance of Congressional partisanship in the later half of the nineteenth century and rise of the imperial presidency in the twentieth century highlight the formidable challenges of divided government in the United States. The following paper utilizes rational choice theory in political science to explain decision making of American political leaders though inclusion of casual and descriptive examples highlight certain choices within
To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in ... more To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in the area of foreign affairs is significant. Political leaders use public opinion polling to support government position or in attempts to mold policy position(s) in the affirmative. The following article investigates how public opinion affects U.S. presidential foreign policy decisions and to the degree those decisions are the base for political legacy. The theoretical argument is that domestic variables and leaders decisions often act in mutual support of each others in complementary interests and when not the case, it is the leader whose agenda setting or creating a frame impacts public opinion.
The dynamics of political campaigning is as unique as the people and party platforms that inhabit... more The dynamics of political campaigning is as unique as the people and party platforms that inhabit the campaign period. The progress of certain political personalities or of political parties themselves insure a positivity to the political process in contrast to statism. Not all change is welcome surely, but the fact that such activity occurs within pluralist democracy is a sign of vitality in both practice and principle. One such change in recent political campaigns has been the increased popularity of candidates and parties espousing populist platforms and rhetoric. While in the United States, such represented interest is historically based from the late nineteenth century, in Slovakia it is more recent, but no less significant in its historical roots. In the following paper the methodology of a comparative analysis is employed to investigate populism within the United States and Slovakia while utilizing the theoretical context of neoclassical realism that has populism in the natio...
The Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights: Their Political, Geographic, and Security Value, and C... more The Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights: Their Political, Geographic, and Security Value, and Cruciality to Israeli Security
To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in ... more To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in the area of foreign affairs is significant. Political leaders use public opinion polling to support government position or in attempts to mold policy position(s) in the affirmative. The following article investigates how public opinion affects U.S. presidential foreign policy decisions and to the degree those decisions are the base for political legacy. The theoretical argument is that domestic variables and leaders decisions often act in mutual support of each others in complementary interests and when not the case, it is the leader whose agenda setting or creating a frame impacts public opinion. Do tej miery, že verejná mienka , ako domáci premenná , ovplyvňuje vodcovia rozhodovanie v oblasti zahraničných vecí je významná. Politickí vodcovia využívania verejnej mienky k podpore vládnej pozícii, alebo v pokusoch plesní polohy politiky v kladne. Nasledujúci článok skúma, ako verejná mienka ovplyvňuje americkej prezidentskej zahraničné politické rozhodnutia , a do tej miery , tieto rozhodnutia sú základom pre politické dedičstvo. Teoretický argument je , že domáci premenné a ich vodcovia rozhodnutia často konajú vo vzájomnej podpore každé iné v doplnkový záujem a keď nie je tento prípad, je to vodca , ktorého nastavenie alebo vytvorením dopadom na rám verejnú mienku agenda. Kľúčové slová: vodcu, masy, verejná mienka , zahraničná politika , politické dedičstvo
The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United S... more The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United States has held firm despite the evolution of each branch. Moreover, as the primacy of one branch succumbed to the dominance of the other there remained a constant variable. Partisanship existed since the American founding, however, the importance of Congressional partisanship in the later half of the nineteenth century and rise of the imperial presidency in the twentieth century highlight the formidable challenges of divided government in the United States. The following paper utilizes rational choice theory in political science to explain decision making of American political leaders though inclusion of casual and descriptive examples highlight certain choices within.
Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integ... more Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integration with the rest of Europe and strategic partnerships. While Slovakia successfully integrated joining the European Union, the Eurozone, and NATO, Ukraine is still involved in the process. The main research questions the author covers in the article are the relations Ukraine has with the Slovak Republic since 2014 with the annexation of Crimea by Russia, and continued unrest in the Donbas region. What, if any, regional cooperation exists between the two nations? and how may Slovakia aid Ukraine.
Analyzing Political Tensions Between Ukraine, Russia, and the EU, 2020
The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) was designed in 2004 to create closer ties between the EU ... more The European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) was designed in 2004 to create closer ties between the EU and its eastern and southern neighboring countries. In 2009, the Eastern Partnership (EaP), a joint initiative between the 28 EU Member States and 6 Eastern countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), was launched on the same basis of supporting area of prosperity and good neighborliness. To understand how the EU engages its neighboring countries in the southern Mediterranean and northern borders and fulfills the EaP in its requirements of security and stability, a history of the ENP and EaP is provided. The following chapter shall also explore the ENP and EaP framework and challenges linked to consequentialism and appropriateness between 2005 and 2017, including new approaches in the aftermath of the Arab Spring and 2015 migration crisis.
William Gladstone was not only a symbol of the Victorian era, but also a proponent of a philosoph... more William Gladstone was not only a symbol of the Victorian era, but also a proponent of a philosophy that has long reaching effects. Yes, he was a potent symbol of Victorianism, including his contradictory personal life and rather unconventional professional career. However, his impact is more than what his mark on British society is. Regarding the ideas of European nationalism and self-determination, his influence is undeniably felt within not only liberalism and accepted liberal principles, but within recent adaptations of liberalism known as the Third Way. In fact, William Gladstone's ideal of liberalism is felt today in the twenty-first century.
In this short book, learn more about U.S. presidential campaign history and how it has been nasty... more In this short book, learn more about U.S. presidential campaign history and how it has been nasty and scandalous.
aaron schmidt amanda etches Cette collection a pour ambition de donner à lire des résultats de la... more aaron schmidt amanda etches Cette collection a pour ambition de donner à lire des résultats de la recherche, des rélexions professionnelles, dans le domaine du livre, de son histoire et de son économie, de la lecture et de ses usages et des bibliothèques. Cette collection est ouverte aux professionnels, aux chercheurs et aux élèves et étudiants de l'Enssib. Gratuite, La Numérique est proposée exclusivement en ligne.
Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integ... more Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integration with the rest of Europe and strategic partnerships. While Slovakia successfully integrated joining the European Union, the Eurozone, and NATO, Ukraine is still involved in the process. The main research questions the author covers in the article are the relations Ukraine has with the Slovak Republic since 2014 with the annexation of Crimea by Russia, and continued unrest in the Donbas region. What, if any, regional cooperation exists between the two nations? And how may Slovakia aid Ukraine?
The rise of the importance of religious and national parties in Israeli politics mirrors the grow... more The rise of the importance of religious and national parties in Israeli politics mirrors the growth of the electoral importance of social conservatives within the religious-right in the United States. Both have shown their skill at achieving specific goals regarding legislation by their respective political parties (i.e. Likud and Republican). In the State of Israel this indicates a fundamental shift in Israeli politics away from a secular embrace of policy initiatives and issues to policy initiatives that have become increasingly religious-conservative. This fundamental shift impacts policies that have been traditionally accepted as essential for the integration of the peoples living within the borders of Israel. This then offers the following questions for consideration for the state of Israel. Does this political reality reflect accurately the multicultural aspects of Israeli society and culture, and how does it affect the peace process with Palestinians and in general the relati...
Cieľom mojej prace je preskumať zahranicnu politiku USA voci statu Izrael. V ramci tejto temy chc... more Cieľom mojej prace je preskumať zahranicnu politiku USA voci statu Izrael. V ramci tejto temy chcem objasniť kvalitu vzťahov medzi týmito dvoma narodnými statmi, pod vedenim republikanskych a demokratických prezidentov. Okrem toho mam v umysle zacleniť relevantnosť typu týchto vzťahov, buď 'specialne' alebo 'strategicke,' a ideologicke preferencie. Z kategorizacie vzťahov bude pokracovať vysetrovanie, ci osobnosť ľudi vo výkonnej moci ma nejaký vplyv na kvalitu vzťahov, napr. Ronald Reagan mal lepsi vzťah s Izraelom ako Bill Clinton. Zatiaľ co ideologia bude sucasťou mojej analýzy, nebude centralnym determinantom. Namiesto toho, moja hypoteza znie: neoklasicistický realizmus najlepsie vysvetľuje ako republikanske a demokraticke vlady pristupuju k zahranicným vzťahom s Izraelom, ktore su strategicke a specialne.
The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United S... more The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United States has held firm despite the evolution of each branch. Moreover, as the primacy of one branch succumbed to the dominance of the other there remained a constant variable. Partisanship existed since the American founding, however, the importance of Congressional partisanship in the later half of the nineteenth century and rise of the imperial presidency in the twentieth century highlight the formidable challenges of divided government in the United States. The following paper utilizes rational choice theory in political science to explain decision making of American political leaders though inclusion of casual and descriptive examples highlight certain choices within
To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in ... more To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in the area of foreign affairs is significant. Political leaders use public opinion polling to support government position or in attempts to mold policy position(s) in the affirmative. The following article investigates how public opinion affects U.S. presidential foreign policy decisions and to the degree those decisions are the base for political legacy. The theoretical argument is that domestic variables and leaders decisions often act in mutual support of each others in complementary interests and when not the case, it is the leader whose agenda setting or creating a frame impacts public opinion.
The dynamics of political campaigning is as unique as the people and party platforms that inhabit... more The dynamics of political campaigning is as unique as the people and party platforms that inhabit the campaign period. The progress of certain political personalities or of political parties themselves insure a positivity to the political process in contrast to statism. Not all change is welcome surely, but the fact that such activity occurs within pluralist democracy is a sign of vitality in both practice and principle. One such change in recent political campaigns has been the increased popularity of candidates and parties espousing populist platforms and rhetoric. While in the United States, such represented interest is historically based from the late nineteenth century, in Slovakia it is more recent, but no less significant in its historical roots. In the following paper the methodology of a comparative analysis is employed to investigate populism within the United States and Slovakia while utilizing the theoretical context of neoclassical realism that has populism in the natio...
The Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights: Their Political, Geographic, and Security Value, and C... more The Sinai Peninsula and the Golan Heights: Their Political, Geographic, and Security Value, and Cruciality to Israeli Security
To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in ... more To the degree that public opinion, as domestic variable, influences a leaders decision-making in the area of foreign affairs is significant. Political leaders use public opinion polling to support government position or in attempts to mold policy position(s) in the affirmative. The following article investigates how public opinion affects U.S. presidential foreign policy decisions and to the degree those decisions are the base for political legacy. The theoretical argument is that domestic variables and leaders decisions often act in mutual support of each others in complementary interests and when not the case, it is the leader whose agenda setting or creating a frame impacts public opinion. Do tej miery, že verejná mienka , ako domáci premenná , ovplyvňuje vodcovia rozhodovanie v oblasti zahraničných vecí je významná. Politickí vodcovia využívania verejnej mienky k podpore vládnej pozícii, alebo v pokusoch plesní polohy politiky v kladne. Nasledujúci článok skúma, ako verejná mienka ovplyvňuje americkej prezidentskej zahraničné politické rozhodnutia , a do tej miery , tieto rozhodnutia sú základom pre politické dedičstvo. Teoretický argument je , že domáci premenné a ich vodcovia rozhodnutia často konajú vo vzájomnej podpore každé iné v doplnkový záujem a keď nie je tento prípad, je to vodca , ktorého nastavenie alebo vytvorením dopadom na rám verejnú mienku agenda. Kľúčové slová: vodcu, masy, verejná mienka , zahraničná politika , politické dedičstvo
The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United S... more The balance of power between the legislative and executive branches of government in the United States has held firm despite the evolution of each branch. Moreover, as the primacy of one branch succumbed to the dominance of the other there remained a constant variable. Partisanship existed since the American founding, however, the importance of Congressional partisanship in the later half of the nineteenth century and rise of the imperial presidency in the twentieth century highlight the formidable challenges of divided government in the United States. The following paper utilizes rational choice theory in political science to explain decision making of American political leaders though inclusion of casual and descriptive examples highlight certain choices within.
Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integ... more Slovakia and Ukraine are geographic neighbors who each have independently sought a path for integration with the rest of Europe and strategic partnerships. While Slovakia successfully integrated joining the European Union, the Eurozone, and NATO, Ukraine is still involved in the process. The main research questions the author covers in the article are the relations Ukraine has with the Slovak Republic since 2014 with the annexation of Crimea by Russia, and continued unrest in the Donbas region. What, if any, regional cooperation exists between the two nations? and how may Slovakia aid Ukraine.
The scholarly pursuit of U.S.-Israeli foreign relations usually begins with American recognition ... more The scholarly pursuit of U.S.-Israeli foreign relations usually begins with American recognition of the infant Jewish state in 1948. Similarly statements from President John Kennedy and his successors speak to both the special and strategic nature of the foreign affairs between the two nations. Yet, the acceptance of a jewish homeland, as espoused by the World Zionist Conference in 1897, was a sympathetic belief of nineteenth-century American leaders before the creation of the Jewish state. The intent here is one of historical interpretation. The purpose is to explore the foundations of this belief upon a specific American president whose support of early Zionism casts a long shadow on successors. Indeed, in exploring the the public and private statements of President Woodrow Wilson, and his endorsement of the Balfour declaration indicate the level of personal and political support the American president offered. Qualitatively, this is important study for U.S.-Israeli foreign affairs and American history in the nineteenth century as the nascent Jewish nationalist movement was wedded to a yet-to-be declared world power. Moreover, the endorsement of the British policy paved the foundation for what later was enshrined as official U.S. policy, first at the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference under the auspice of national self-determination and later in 1948 recognizing the State of Israel. Therefore, Wilson holds the singular position of being the first American president to endorse a Jewish homeland.
Papers by Aaron Walter