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    The world's best product teams trust MUI to deliver an unrivaled experience for both developers and users.

    Component library

    40+ building block components

    A meticulous implementation of Material Design; every Material UI component meets the highest standards of form and function.


    Text Field




    Much more
    <Button variant="text" startIcon={<ShoppingCartRounded />}>
      Add item
    <Button variant="contained" startIcon={<ShoppingCartRounded />}>
      Add item
    <Button variant="outlined" startIcon={<ShoppingCartRounded />}>
      Add item


    Build your design system just as you want it to be

    Start quickly with Material Design or use the advanced theming feature to easily tailor the components to your needs.

    Custom Theme

    Theming allows you to use your brand's design tokens, easily making the components reflect its look and feel.

    Material Design

    Every component comes with Google's tried and tested design system ready for use.
    Contemplative Reptile album cover

    Contemplative Reptile

    Sounds of Nature
      sx={{  p: 2,
        width: { xs: '100%', sm: 'auto' },
        display: 'flex',
        flexDirection: { xs: 'column', sm: 'row' },
        alignItems: 'center',
        gap: 2,
        alt="Contemplative Reptile album cover"
        sx={{    width: { xs: '100%', sm: 100 },
      <Stack direction="column" alignItems="center" spacing={1} useFlexGap>
          <Typography color="text.primary" fontWeight="semiBold">
            Contemplative Reptile
            sx={{ width: '100%' }}
            Sounds of Nature
        <Stack direction="row" alignItems="center" spacing={1} useFlexGap>
          <IconButton aria-label="Shuffle" disabled size="small">
            <ShuffleRoundedIcon fontSize="small" />
          <IconButton aria-label="Fast rewind" disabled size="small">
            <FastRewindRounded fontSize="small" />
            aria-label={paused ? 'Play music' : 'Pause music'}
            onClick={() => setPaused((val) => !val)}
            sx={{ mx: 1 }}
            {paused ? <PlayArrowRounded /> : <PauseRounded />}
          <IconButton aria-label="Fast forward" disabled size="small">
            <FastForwardRounded fontSize="small" />
          <IconButton aria-label="Loop music" disabled size="small">
            <LoopRoundedIcon fontSize="small" />


    Rapidly add and tweak any styles using CSS utilities

    CSS utilities allow you to move faster and make for a smooth developer experience when styling any component.

    Leverage the tokens from your theme

    Easily use the design tokens defined in your theme for any CSS property out there.

    No context switching

    The styling and component usage are both in the same place, right where you need them.

    Responsive styles right inside system prop

    An elegant API for writing CSS media queries that match your theme breakpoints.
    123 Main St, Phoenix, AZ cover
    123 Main St, Phoenix, AZ, USA

    $280k - $310k

    Score: 85%
      sx={{ p: 2, display: 'flex', flexWrap: 'wrap', zIndex: 1 }}
        alt="123 Main St, Phoenix, AZ cover"
          borderRadius: '6px',
          width: { xs: '100%', sm: 100 },
      <Box sx={{ alignSelf: 'center', ml: 2 }}>
        <Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary" fontWeight="regular">
          123 Main St, Phoenix, AZ, USA
        <Typography fontWeight="bold" noWrap gutterBottom>
          $280k - $310k
          icon={<InfoRounded />}
          label="Confidence score: 85%"
          sx={(theme) => ({
            '.MuiChip-icon': { fontSize: 16, ml: '4px', color: 'success.500' },
            bgcolor: 'success.50',
            borderColor: 'success.100',
            color: 'success.900',
              bgcolor: 'primaryDark.700',
              color: 'success.200',
              borderColor: 'success.900',


    The right template for your
    specific use case

    A carefully curated collection of gorgeous, fully functional templates.


    Landing Pages


    Much more

    Design resources

    Enhance your design workflow

    Reach out for the Figma Design Kit and the Sync plugin to bridge the gap between development and design when using Material UI.

    Design Kit

    Get many Material UI components with states, variations, colors, typography, and icons on your preferred design tool.

    Sync plugin

    Quickly generate a Material UI theme file with token and component customizations done on Figma.
    Material UI Button component variations in the Figma Design Kit.Material UI Alert component variations in the Figma Design Kit.Material UI Slider component variations in the Figma Design Kit.

    Available in:

    Figma logo.Sketch logo.Adobe XD logo.

    We frequently update them to stay up-to-date with the latest release.


    Join our global community

    Material UI wouldn't be possible without our global community of contributors. Join us today to get help when you need it, and lend a hand when you can.

    • Material UI vs. Base UI

      Material UI implements Google's Material Design whereas Base UI features many of the same components, but without the Material Design implementation.

    • Does it support Material Design 3?

      The adoption of Material Design 3 is tentatively planned for Material UI v7. See the the release schedule and follow this GitHub issue for future updates.